Figure/Table detail
Relationship between boll temporal distribution and cotton yield under summer direct seeding
Li Xian’en,Ma Xuefeng,Zhang Zhao,Yang Lirong,Lü Na,Yao Xiaofen,Qiu Shen,Zhang Guifen,Yang Guozheng
Cotton Science, 2022, 34(5): 416-429.   DOI: 10.11963/cs20210074

Boll number /m-2
Boll weight/g
Lint percentage/%
产量 Yield/(kg·hm-2
籽棉 Seed cotton 皮棉 Lint cotton
2019 Z425 73.81 ab 4.28 b 40.31 b 2 409.50 b 970.80 b
Z619 76.48 ab 4.38 b 37.90 c 2 505.60 ab 952.30 b
JH116 68.40 b 4.48 b 42.65 a 2 575.70 ab 1 097.20 ab
ZD2040 82.77 a 3.98 b 39.23 bc 2 348.20 b 915.50 b
HM3097 68.46 b 5.13 a 43.10 a 2 917.10 a 1 257.20 a
2020 Z425 58.32 ab 3.73 ab 37.79 b 1 823.80 a 690.17 a
Z619 62.12 ab 3.86 ab 36.96 b 1 745.80 a 644.25 a
JH116 65.99 a 3.68 b 37.87 b 1 689.10 a 643.12 a
ZD2040 53.86 ab 4.14 a 43.27 a 1 698.50 a 736.72 a
HM3097 48.89 b 3.96 ab 41.93 a 1 711.70 a 700.84 a
变异来源Source of variance
Y * * ns * *
C ns * ** ns ns
Y×C ns ** ** ns *
Table 6 Cotton yield and its components
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