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  • ZHUPeican, LIUYi'an, ZHOUFangyu, LIUBo
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 159-164. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0487

    This study aims to investigate the physiological and molecular responses of Corbicula fluminea to salt-alkali stress. Corbicula fluminea was subjected to varying concentrations of salt-alkali stress to monitor and analyze survival rates and ATPase activity, thereby assessing its tolerance to sodium chloride-induced salinity, sodium bicarbonate-induced alkalinity, and the combined effects of salt-alkali interaction stress. The findings indicated that the median lethal concentrations (LD50) of sodium chloride at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h were 70.22, 44.86, 22.87, and 9.92 g/L, respectively, with a safe concentration (SC) of 5.5 g/L; the median lethal concentrations (LD50) of sodium bicarbonate alkalinity at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h were 309.56, 188.03, 86.4, 35.97 mmol/L, and SC was 20.81 mmol/L. The interaction of salt-alkali stress exhibited an antagonistic effect on Corbicula fluminea, with the toxicity of the combined stress being less than that of either salinity or alkalinity alone. Following exposure to saline-alkali water at a safe concentration, the activities of Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase and Na+/K+-ATPase in the gills demonstrated a significant increase within the first 12 hours (P<0.05). These activities continued to rise, reaching normal levels after 24 hours and peaking at 72 hours (P<0.05). The study indicates that Corbicula fluminea exhibits a degree of tolerance to saline-alkaline water conditions, indicating its potential for cultivation in environments where salinity does not exceed 5.5 g/L or alkalinity remains below 20.81 mmol/L.

  • LIUYing, GENGDandan, LIULiu, WEIMin, SHIZhiqiang
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 153-158. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0565

    The study aims to investigate the effect of potato starch that is irradiated by γ-ray radiation on the properties of starch film. Starch was irradiated by 60Co-γ-ray radiation with different absorbed doses (0-50 kGy) and the starch films were made. The prepared films were characterized by ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that γ-ray radiation caused the breakage of glucoside bond and the breakdown of starch long chain molecules. The tensile strength and elongation at break of starch film increased and then decreased with increasing absorbed doses, the light transparent of starch film decreased and then increased. When the absorbed dose was 10 kGy, the mechanical properties of the film was the best, the elongation at break and the tensile strength were 62.37% and 3.73 Mpa respectively, however, the light transmission of the film was the worst, with the opacity value of 1.29. The solubility of film increased with the increase of absorbed dose. Insoluble starch granules decreased and the surface of starch films became more and more smoothed with increasing absorbed does. γ-ray radiation could effectively destroy the molecular structure and break starch molecular chain. The mechanical properties, light transmittance, water solubility and film forming properties of starch film could be significantly changed by irradiation.

  • FANHua, CHENGDungong, LIUJianjun, LIUAifeng
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 148-152. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0234

    To explore the effects of mixed planting of different gluten strength wheat varieties on quality characteristics and yield traits, 'Jimai 44' and 'Jimai 23' were used as materials for field mixed sowing. The quality characteristics, food processing quality, and yield-related traits were studied. The results showed that the grain protein content of mixed culture exceeded 15.0% and was significantly higher than that of monoculture of 'Jimai 23' (T23). The wet gluten content, gluten index and dry gluten value were all higher than the lower value of monoculture. The development time, stability time, degree of softening and farinograph quality index were all significantly better than that of T23. The water absorption exceeded 63.0% and was higher than that of monoculture of 'Jimai 44' (T44), both reaching the level of strong gluten. The color, texture and crumb structure of bread core, the increased neck length and total score were not significantly different from T44, but were significantly better than T23. The appearance, hardness, viscoelasticity, smoothness and total score of noodles were not significantly different from those of monoculture, and taste was similar to that of T44, but the color was significantly different from that of T44. The qualities of both bread and noodles reached an excellent level. At the same time, the changes of yield traits such as maximum total number of stems, number of spikes per hectare, heading ratio and grain weight of plot were all higher than those of monoculture. In summary, the reasonable mixed culture of 'Jimai 44' and 'Jimai 23' at a ratio of 60-70 to 40-30 not only improved the quality characteristics and food processing properties but also increased the yield. The results could provide the scientific and technnological support for the production of special end-use flour by reasonable mixed planting.

  • LINGCuiqiong, LIAOHongxin, WENJinrui, NIEHongyan, ZHANGLiyan, WANGWei, DONGXian
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 141-147. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0307

    To investigate the antifungal activity of essential oils (EOs) derived from A. tatarinowii and A. argyi, as well as their principal components, we assessed the antifungal efficacy of both EOs against four pathogenic fungi using the Oxford Cup method. Additionally, EO constituents were analyzed through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Subsequently, the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) were determined through a 96-well plate assay. The results showed that both EOs at a concentration of 50 mg/mL exhibited significant inhibitory effects on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, followed by Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani. GC-MS analysis revealed that A. tatarinowii EO contained 34 compounds, with β-asarone and α-asarone identified as the primary constituents. In contrast, A. argyi EO comprised 98 compounds, among which caryophyllene, β-caryophyllene, eucalyptol, and myrtenal constituted a substantial proportion. Furthermore, the MIC of β-asarone and α-asarone were found to be comparable to that of hymexazol. When utilized in combination with hymexazol, the two EOs demonstrated an additive impact on Fusarium oxysporum in the pairwise combination experiment. Overall, the EOs and their main components from A. tatarinowii and A. argyi exhibited robust antifungal activity against four fungal pathogens, indicating potential for further research.

  • MATiantian, WANGNing, YUEMingzhu, TANGYuhao, CHENShufan, PANYilou, PANDeng
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 132-140. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0438

    In order to further understand the herbicide resistance of barnyard grass [Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.] in Jiangsu rice field, the seeds of barnyard grass populations were collected from rice fields in Jiangsu Province from 2019 to 2022, and the resistance of barnyard grass species to metamifop, cyhalofop-butyl, penoxsulam and quinclorac was determined by stem and leaf spray method. The suspected resistant populations of 100 collected barnyard grass populations were screened by differential dose method, and then the resistance index of these suspected resistant populations to the corresponding herbicides was determined by the series concentration of different herbicides. The results showed that there were 10 populations with low resistance, 8 populations with medium resistance and 1 population with high resistance to metamifop; there were 5 populations with low and medium resistance to cyhalofop-butyl; there were 3, 9 and 1 with low, medium and high resistance to penoxsulam, respectively; there were 1, 7 and 1 with low, medium and high resistance to quinclorac, respectively. The tested barnyard grass populations in 13 prefectural level cities in Jiangsu Province, except Changzhou, all have resistant population distribution, and some populations show multiple resistances.

  • FUMei, LIGuihua, LUOWenlong, LUOShanwei, GUOJuxian
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 118-125. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0327

    Taro is a dual-purpose crop for food and vegetables. This study aims to explore the active substances in taro affecting its edible value, in order to provide a reference for improving the quality of taro. Red bud taro and fragrant taro were used as test materials in this study. The metabolite components were determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Combined with the changes in agronomic traits, the key metabolic pathways affecting their active substances were elucidated. Compared with fragrant taro, the Vc contents of red bud taro were increased by 13%, while activities of SOD and CAT were increased by 63.8% and 43.2%, respectively. 244 differential metabolites were identified by metabolomics analysis, including 192 up-regulated and 52 down-regulated metabolites. KEGG analysis showed that the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, ABC transporters, and amino acid biosynthesis pathways were significantly enriched. Among them, the metabolites with the largest up-regulated abundance included 9 flavonoids such as isorhamnetin-3-O-neohesperidin. This study emphasizes that these 9 flavonoids play an important role in improving the quality of red bud taro, and also provides a theoretical basis for the further development of taro products.

  • FENGZhizhen, YANHong, CHENNi, SHENDonghu, SUHaiyan, ZHANGYingjun
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 109-117. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0483

    To investigate the soil nutrient and fertility status of pomegranate orchards with different ages in Lintong District, a total of 28 soil samples were collected from 6 pomegranate orchards in Lintong District in two soil layers of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm, the contents of soil macroelement, medium and microelement were determined, and the soil fertility status of pomegranate orchards were evaluated. The results showed that with the increase of planting years, the pH and nutrient indexes of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm soil layers in pomegranate orchard did not show obvious change patterns; the soil in pomegranate orchard had mean pH>7.5, which was alkaline; most of the nutrient indexes in the lower soil layer of 20-40 cm were lower than those in the surface soil layer of 0-20 cm; the soil organic matter, soil nitrogen and soil alkaline nitrogen were mostly at medium level. Soil effective phosphorus, soil quick-acting potassium, soil effective calcium and soil effective zinc were at high level, and soil effective magnesium, soil effective iron, soil effective manganese and soil effective boron were at medium-low level. It was suggested that pomegranate orchards should increase the application of organic fertilizers, appropriately increase the application of nitrogen fertilizers, and appropriately supplement the trace elements.

  • XUZhihao, JIAKai, XIERongrong, ZHUChenyu, WANGYuemin, ZENGWenlong, LINjianqi, XUChensheng, TANGLina, ZHENGChaoyuan, LIWenqing
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 100-108. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0562

    Soil serves as the primary repository of trace elements required for tobacco growth, making it crucial to investigate the plentiful-lack index and the factors influencing the abundance of these trace-elements in soil used for tobacco cultivation. Therefore, this study utilized the findings from two soil surveys conducted in 2005 and 2018 within Fujian Province’s tobacco-planting soil, employing geostatistical analysis methods to examine the spatial and temporal variability characteristics and the driving factors affecting the trace elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn). The study revealed that over the 14 years period from 2005 to 2018, there was a noticeable fluctuation in the trace element content of soil, yet all remained at either high or extremely high levels. Upon further analysis, it was found that the available iron content in Fujian Province’s tobacco-planting soil in 2018 predominantly ranged from 200-350 mg/kg (83.90%), with distribution mainly influenced by non-structural factors; the available manganese content predominantly fell within the range of 10-25 mg/kg (90.14%), primarily influenced by structural factors; the available copper content was primarily concentrated in the range of 1.5-3 mg/kg (80.44%), influenced by a combination of structural and non-structural factors; the available zinc content predominantly ranged from 1.5-4 mg/kg (91.88%), exhibiting a spatial auto-correlation pattern similar to that of the soil available copper; correlation and stepwise regression analyses revealed that soil pH and organic matter directly influenced the content of soil trace elements, whereas soil exchangeable magnesium had an indirect effect on these elements through its impact on pH. In the tobacco-planting regions of Fujian Province, trace-element deficiency such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn was essentially non-existent, with overall contents being high. Amidst the acidic soil conditions prevalent in Fujian Province, fertilizers such as magnesium hydroxide, magnesium oxide, and calcium magnesium phosphate could be utilized as alternatives to magnesium sulfate for managing soil trace elements.

  • WANGMingjiao, MAORuiqing, KUANGNa, CHENYumei, ZOUDan, ZHANGMing, XIAOFangxi, LIUGui
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 94-99. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0458

    To understand the current status of Cd contamination and regulation in rice, this review comprehensively summarizes the following aspects: the absorption and translocation patterns of Cd in rice, Cd accumulation characteristics in different rice varieties and plant organs, the impacts of Cd on rice yield and quality, the effects on seed germination, as well as the influences on rice growth and physio-biochemical processes. Additionally, mitigation strategies for reducing Cd accumulation are systematically discussed. Based on China's current situation of rice Cd contamination, future research directions are proposed: (1) developing novel in-situ passivation materials, such as nano-adsorbent materials, which should have the characteristics of eco-friendly, cost-effective, high-efficiency, and user-friendly features; (2) creating more scientifically sound soil remediation technologies that can efficiently remove various heavy metals without damaging soil structure and ecological balance; (3) employing novel molecular breeding techniques to cultivate Cd-tolerant and stable ultra-low Cd-accumulating rice varieties, along with developing corresponding cultivation practices. This study aims to provide valuable references for Cd contamination control.

  • YAOWeige, FANLi, SUNRui, KANGJie, GEJingping
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 88-93. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0397

    Extracellular vesicles (EVs) are small vesicles released into the extracellular matrix by cells and retain a high compositional similarity to the cell membrane. Almost all types of cells are capable of secreting vesicles, and those produced by bacteria are usually referred to as bacterial extracellular vesicles. Vesicles play an important role in agriculture and environmental protection. To gain a deeper insight into the function of vesicles within the realm of environmental protection, a review was conducted on the types and composition of vesicles, extraction methods, production, secretion and regulation mechanisms and their roles in degrading pesticide wastes in soils. Moreover, the importance of vesicles in the relationships among bacteria and between pathogens and crops, as well as their potential applications in the field of environmental protection and agricultural production were discussed in depth. Finally, the future research direction was prospected, and it was believed that the function of vesicles should be deeply understood and the role of vesicles in the ecosystem category should be studied, and the role of vesicles in the ecosystem should be utilized to make more contributions to environmental protection.

  • WANGXiuling, WANGJunzhen, WANGAnhu, LEIWenjing
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 80-87. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0094

    The main objective of this work was to select tartary buckwheat cultivars suitable for sprout production. Twenty-four cultivars were selected from Liangshan Autonomous Prefecture as test materials, those were placed in the climate incubator (25℃, light 16 h/dark 8 h, humidity 75%), and harvested at 10th day, and then their growth indexes (plant length, stem diameter, fresh weight, the rate of sprout fresh weight and seed dry weight) and quality indexes (total flavonoid, total phenol, soluble protein and DPPH radical scavenging abilities) were determined. The results showed that the longest plant length was recorded in ‘Zhaoku No.2’ (12.34 mm); the widest stem diameter was observed in ‘Xiqiao No.6’ (0.13 mm), the heaviest fresh weight was recorded in ‘Yunku No.1’ (0.252 g/plant). The maximum value was estimated in the rate of fresh sprout weight and seed dry weigh of ‘Xiqiao No.2’ (7.07). The highest content of total flavonoid was recorded in ‘Jiujiangkuqiao’ (16.56 mg/g), and the maximum content of soluble protein was ‘Jinkuqiao No.12’ (129.5 mg/g). The maximum value of total phenol content was recorded in ‘Diku No.1’ (2.66 mg/g), the highest value of DPPH radical scavenging abilities was found in ‘Xiqiao No.4’ (77.6%). And then the growth indexes and quality indexes of 24 tartary buckwheat cultivars were evaluated by the subordinate function value method, the maximum subordinate function value was observed in ‘Jiujiangkuqiao’ (0.7436), the minimum subordinate function value was recorded in ‘Chuanqiao No.1’ (0.2219) in the 24 cultivars. The above results indicate that ‘Jiujiangkuqiao’ has a high overall score and the most suitable for the sprout production, but ‘Chuanqiao No.1’ is not suitable for the sprout production in 24 cultivars.

  • HUANGWanli, ZHANGDongmin, FUXixi, CHENXinyi, ZHANGChaokun, ZHENGChengle
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 73-79. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0345

    The paper aims to explore the effects of different strains of guava as grafting rootstocks on the growth, fruit yield and quality of ‘Hongxiang No.1’ guava, and to screen out suitable strains for grafting rootstocks of ‘Hongxiang No.1’ guava. Through field comparative experiments, in the autumn of 2019, the seedlings of ‘Pocket’, ‘Guokeng’, ‘Rainbow’, and ‘Hongxiang No.1’ were used as rootstocks, and the superior plant of ‘Hongxiang No.1’ was used as scions. Grafted seedlings were cultivated and planted in the spring of 2020. From 2021 to 2023, the nutritional growth (stem diameter, plant height, and crown width), fruit yield (single fruit quality and single plant yield), fruit appearance quality (longitudinal diameter, transverse diameter, and fruit type index), and physiological indicators (soluble solids, soluble sugars, reducing sugars, vitamin C, and titratable acid) of ‘Hongxiang No.1’ were continuously observed. In terms of nutritional growth, ‘Rainbow’ rootstock had the largest stem diameter in the early stage and was significantly larger than other treatments. As the growth period extended, there was no significant difference in stem diameter indicators among ‘Rainbow’ rootstock, ‘Guokeng’ rootstock, and ‘Hongxiang No.1’ rootstock. The height of ‘Rainbow’ rootstock was significantly higher than other treatments, while the height of ‘Pocket’ rootstock was the lowest. The crown width of ‘Rainbow’ rootstock was significantly higher than other treatments, while the crown width of ‘Pocket’ rootstock was the lowest and significantly lower than other treatments. Taking into account four batches of fruits over a period of three years, the ‘Rainbow’ rootstock had the highest single fruit quality and single plant yield, both significantly higher than those of other treatments. The ‘Pocket’ rootstock had the lowest single fruit quality and single plant yield. The four rootstocks had a certain impact on the appearance quality and physiological indicators of ‘Hongxiang No.1’ guava. Among the four batches of fruits in three years, ‘Rainbow’ rootstock had the highest vertical and horizontal diameter and fruit shape index, while ‘Pocket’ rootstock had the lowest vertical diameter. There was no significant difference in appearance quality indicators between ‘Guokeng’ rootstock and ‘Hongxiang No.1’ rootstock. The comprehensive performance of physiological indicators such as soluble solids, soluble sugars, reducing sugars, vitamin C, and titratable acid content in ‘Rainbow’ rootstock fruits was better than other treatments. The combination of ‘Rainbow’/‘Hongxiang No.1’ rootstock and panicle showed better nutritional growth, fruit yield, and quality than other treatments. Therefore, ‘Rainbow’ seedling was suitable as grafting rootstocks for ‘Hongxiang No.1’ guava.

  • WANGXinyi, GUOKewei, KANGZhongying, KANGJianhui, ZHANGGuimin, YUANTao
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 65-72. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0181

    Tree peony (Paeonia Sect. Moutan) is a traditional famous flower with a long history of cultivation in China. There are various cultivars of tree peony, which have rich variations in colors and shapes of flower. Itoh hybrid peony (P. Itoh Group) is the intersectional hybrid group crossed by tree peony group (P. Sect. Moutan) and herb peony group (P. Sect. Paeonia) of Paeonia. Multicolor is a special flower color pattern, both tree peony and Itoh hybrid peony are abundant in multicolor cultivars, but the existing floral classification cannot fully describe the floral characteristics of compound color varieties. Based on field investigation and literature analysis, this study classified the flower color of multicolor cultivars of tree peony and Itoh hybrid peony groups into 3 categories, including single plant multicolor, single flower multicolor and multicolored in florescence time, of which single flower multicolor was classified into 6 types. The results indicate that tree peony cultivars are rich in multicolor types, especially there are many multicolor cultivars in Northwest tree peony cultivar group. Itoh hybrid peony has a high proportion of multicolor cultivars, mainly of the gradient color type, and a few cultivars combine multiple types of stripes, spots, and single flower multicolor, etc. In this paper, we propose a new scheme for the classification of multicolor flower of both tree peony and Itoh hybrid peony which can be used as a reference for flower color improvement and DUS test of Paeonia.

  • QINHuawei, CHENLulu, TIANChanggeng, LIUShanggang, ZHANGWen, SUNZhe
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 60-64. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0441

    To investigate the effects of different organic fertilizers on the yield and quality of purple sweet potatoes, a field experiment was conducted in 2023 at the experimental base of Tai’an Academy of Agricultural Sciences using ‘Taizishu 1’ as the test sweet potato variety. Six treatments were designed, including no fertilization, single chemical fertilizer, and 50% reduced chemical fertilizer combined with pig manure, cow manure, sheep manure, and chicken manure. The study analyzed the impacts of these treatments on agronomic traits, dry matter distribution, yield, and quality of purple sweet potatoes. The results showed that the purple sweet potato stem treated with pig manure had the thickest diameter, at 14.95 cm, an increase of 15.71% compared to the single chemical fertilizer treatment; the aboveground dry weight of sheep manure treatment was the heaviest, at 197.62 g, 30.33% higher than the single chemical fertilizer treatment; the proportion of dry matter distribution in the tubers treated with cow manure was the highest, at 71.82%, which increased by 11.47% compared to the single chemical fertilizer treatment; the yield and commodity rate of purple sweet potato tubers treated with pig manure were the highest, which were 48607.95 kg/hm2 and 79.25%, respectively; the soluble sugar content in purple sweet potato tubers treated with pig manure was the highest, at 38.75 mg/g, significantly higher than other treatments. Research has shown that the combination of pig manure and chemical fertilizers can promote the coordinated growth of the aboveground and underground parts of purple sweet potatoes, promote the rational distribution of dry matter, and thereby increase the quantity, rate, weight, yield, and soluble sugar content of commercial sweet potatoes. The effect is superior to the combination of other organic fertilizers and chemical fertilizers. This research provides a theoretical foundation for high-quality and high-yield cultivation techniques of purple sweet potatoes.

  • TIANQinyu, HUHuabing, WANGRonghua, WANGMaoqian
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 53-59. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0044

    The purpose of this experiment is to investigate the effects of different concentrations of L-ascorbic acid treatment on the germination of 'TD802' sugar beet single-seed under salt stress conditions, with the aim of screening for suitable priming agents for sugar beet seeds. In the experiment, a 100 mmol/L NaCl solution was used to simulate a salt stress environment, and three concentrations of L-ascorbic acid solution were selected to treat the sugar beet seeds at three different soaking durations. The effectiveness of each treatment was evaluated by directly measuring indicators such as the germination potential rate of the treated seeds. The results indicated that for the 'TD802' sugar beet seeds treated under salt stress, the seed viability indicators after 8 hours of soaking treatment were generally better than those after 16 hours and 24 hours of soaking. Among them, the effect of soaking with a 300 mg/L L-ascorbic acid solution for 8 hours was the most significant. Compared with the control group (CK), its germination potential rate, germination index, and vigor index increased by 74.33%, 20.33%, 48.6%, and 102.97% respectively, while the electrical conductivity decreased by 113.56%.

  • ZHUYuanjie, TANa, ZHAOWeiguo, ZHANGMengru, LIChengjun, HEMaochang
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 44-52. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0224

    This study investigated the drought resistant of different lines of Brassica napus, which provided germplasm resources for the breeding of drought resistant rapeseed varieties. Eight different genetic background lines of Brassica napus were used as experimental materials to simulate drought stress treatment with different concentrations of polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG-6000). The SOD activity, CAT activity and MDA content were measured by colorimetric method, potassium permanganate titration method, and thiobarbituric acid method, respectively. The germination ratio and plant height of eight rapeseed lines both decreased with the increase of drought stress degree. However, the germination rate of ‘G32-1’ was between 96% and 98%, and it was almost unaffected. The plant height inhibition degree of‘G763-2’was the lightest (29.1%). The SOD activity of ‘G7-1’ showed the most significant decrease, with a decrease of 23.59 U/kg. Overall, the trend of SOD activity in ‘G32-1’ was higher than that in ‘G7-1’. The CAT activity of ‘Qingza No.1’ was relatively higher (1.16-1.48 mg/g), but the CAT activity of ‘G32-1’ was relatively lower (0.88-1.30 mg/g). The MDA content of ‘G7-1’ and ‘G32-1’ was at a relatively low level, which MDA content was 0.55-0.83 μmol/g and 0.47-1.14 μmol/g, respectively. In total, ‘G32-1’ had the strongest drought resistance and could be used as an excellent germplasm resource for cultivating drought resistant varieties of rapeseed.

  • HUANGZhipeng, TANGXiumei, WUHaining, ZHANGZongji, ZHONGLi, MAOLingli, XUXianfa, MINGRi, HELiangqiong, ZHONGRuichun, HANZhuqiang, TANGRonghua, JIANGJing
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 38-43. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2023-0810

    In order to ascertain the influence of soil selenium content on peanut selenium content, a total of 19 peanut varieties were used as materials. Three discrete treatments of soil selenium content were employed, comprising 0.42 mg/kg (treatment A), 0.73 mg/kg (treatment B) and 1.08 mg/kg (treatment C). The impact of varying soil selenium levels on the selenium content and selenium enrichment coefficient of peanut seed kernels was evaluated. A field trial was conducted using a randomised block design. The results demonstrated considerable variability in the selenium content and selenium enrichment coefficients of the seed kernels of the different varieties in the different treatments, with ranges of 0.102-0.306 mg/kg and 11.32%-40.16%, respectively. The seed kernel selenium content was found to be consistent with the specified limit value for selenium content in selenium-enriched peanuts (0.05-0.5 mg/kg) as outlined in the regional standard of Guangxi (DB45T 1061-2014). The seed kernel selenium content of peanuts was found to be higher under treatment C, while the selenium enrichment coefficient of peanuts was higher under treatment A. Among the participating varieties in diverse treatments, the seed kernel selenium content and selenium enrichment factor of 'Guihuahei 1' were found to be the highest. 'Guihuahei 1' shows efficient and stable selenium enrichment ability in soils with different selenium contents, and is an excellent variety for producing natural selenium-rich peanuts.

  • WANGYangmei, LIUYan, FENGKui, DONGHongping, LIUShaowen, YANGYong, ZHANGRong, HELian
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 29-37. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0312

    To select suitable potato varieties with different maturity periods for cultivation in the Western Sichuan Plateau, this study analyzed 12 yield and quality related traits across 18 potato varieties of different maturity periods, and further comprehensively evaluated their performance of yield and quality by combining multiple linear regression and correlation analysis. Our results showed that in early-maturing varieties, the variation coefficients of the number of tubers per plant, average single tuber weight, and vitamin C content were more than 30%, yield was significantly positively correlated with the number of main stems, and commodity potato rate was significantly positively correlated with average single tuber weight. There was a significant negative correlation between the commodity potato rate and both the number of tubers per plant and vitamin C content. In mid-late-maturing varieties, the variation coefficients of the number of main stems, vitamin C, and reducing sugar content were more than 30%, the commodity potato rate was significantly positively correlated with average single tuber weight, while growth period was significantly negatively correlated with plant height, starch, and reducing sugar content. This study clarified that the yield of early-maturing varieties was related to the number of main stems, number of tubers per plant and commodity potato rate, while the yield of mid--late-maturing varieties waas related to the commodity potato rate and number of tubers per plant. These findings provided a reference for screening and breeding of potato varieties in the Western Sichuan Plateau.

  • LIXianghua, FANCaiying, XUQin, HOUJian, WANGHui, LIUYanyan, WANGHeng, LIUGuangya, HANWei
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 22-28. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0762

    The aim is to study the effects of different planting densities and planting ratios on biomass accumulation, nitrogen absorption, yield and economic benefits, and soil nutrient status of maize and soybean. Based on a field experiment, six treatments, including maize monoculture (M), soybean monoculture (S), maize/soybean 2:4 mode (I1) [60000 maize plants/hm2+135000 soybean plants/hm2 (D1), 67500 maize plants/hm2+135000 soybean plants/hm2 (D2)], and maize/soybean 4:6 mode (I2) [60000 maize plants/hm2+135000 soybean plants/hm2 (D1), 67500 maize plants/hm2+135000 soybean plants/hm2 (D2)], were designed. The results showed that maize/soybean planting pattern significantly decreased crop yield and biomass, compared to M and S, maize yield was decreased by 18.91%-25.45%, biomass was decreased by 12.62%-30.69%, soybean yield was decreased by 50.43%-56.79%, and biomass was decreased by 36.84%-46.61%. The biomass and yield of maize in I1 were lower than that of I2, while soybean showed the opposite trend. Under the same planting ratio, the maize yield of D1 was significantly higher than that of D2, while the soybean yield was not significantly different. Due to the difference of yield and input cost, the economic benefits of different planting patterns are different. Among them, the economic benefits of I1D1 were increased the most compared with M and S, which were 38.61% and 22.25%, respectively. In addition, different maize/soybean planting patterns could improve the soil chemical properties, especially the contents of soil alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and organic matter in maize soil. Compared with M, I1D1 significantly increased the contents of alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and organic matter by 14.17% and 16.61%, respectively. Overall, the maize/soybean 2:4 planting pattern combined with 60000 maize plants/hm2+135000 soybean plants/hm2 is the optimal treatment in terms of improving crop yield and economic benefits of the system and improving soil nutrient status, etc. The research results have certain theoretical value for the application and promotion of maize/soybean combined planting pattern in Shandong Province.

  • TAOYuan, HEYaling, ZHANGQian, SUNQian, LIUYongliang, LIQianrong
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 10-21. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0634

    In order to clarify the effects of adjusting sowing date on the yield and quality of spring wheat in Ningxia, 20 main spring wheat varieties (lines) in Ningxia irrigation areas were used as the experimental materials. A two-factor split-plot experiment was conducted with sowing date as the main plot and different wheat varieties as the subplot. The differences in wheat yield and quality under different sowing dates were compared and analyzed. The results showed that compared with the normal sowing date, the growth period of the tested varieties was shortened by 8-14 days after the sowing date was delayed by 20 days. The yield, effective panicle number, and thousand-grain weight were significantly reduced by 18.8%, 7.22%, and 3.54% respectively, while the number of grains per panicle did not change significantly; the hardness, wet gluten content, sedimentation value, stability time, and maximum tensile resistance increased significantly by 9.21%, 3.66%, 14.13%, 55.92%, and 160.56%, respectively, while the content of protein decreased significantly by 19.30%. There were no significant changes in bulk density and water absorption. The analysis using the membership function method revealed that under late sowing conditions, the varieties with better comprehensive performance in terms of yield and quality were 'Ningchun 52', 'Ningchun 61', 'Yongliang 15', 'Ningchun 54', 'Ningchun 53', 'Ningchun 48', and 'Ningchun 56'. Among these, 'Ningchun 52' and 'Ningchun 61' had the highest comprehensive evaluation values, which was 0.8. Delayed sowing date had a significant impact on the yield and quality of spring wheat.

  • LINGBo, LIXiangyi, LIANGYingying, WANGHongchao, CHENXiaoling, XIEZhanwen, ZHANGYuting, CHENGZuxin, LINLihui
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 1-9. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2023-0899

    The lodging resistance of rice is a complex character, and the analysis of its genetic effect is valuable for improving the lodging resistance of rice. The genetic patterns and parameters of 16 lodging resistance traits in indica and japonica crossbred progeny were analyzed by using additive and dominant genetic model of plant quantitative traits. The variation of additive variance in the ratio of main effect of 9 traits ranged from 49.9% to 72.1%. The dominant variance in the ratio of dominant effect of 7 traits ranged from 48.2% to 87.1%. The additive and dominant variances of 9 traits accounted for significant or extremely significant phenotypic variances, which were controlled by both additive and dominant effects of genes. The 8 characters, such as basal folding resistance and sheath leaf thickness, were negatively correlated with lodging index, which was conducive to improving basal folding resistance and toppling resistance of rice. Indica japonica intermediate type parents have strong lodging resistance heterosis and high breeding value. Effective use of the genetic characteristics of each character has important guiding significance for breeding lodging resistant indica and japonica hybrid generation.

  • MALing, ZHANGYiyang, LIYajiao, MASiyan, WANGJing, MAYan, WULongguo
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(5): 157-164. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0076

    In order to quickly detect the soil water content and achieve timely monitoring of tomato plant growth, the average spectral reflectance of 304 soil samples was extracted using hyperspectral imaging technology. The original spectra underwent preprocessing and optimization by removing outliers, dividing the sample set, applying three preprocessing methods, successive projections algorithm (SPA), uninformation variable elimination (UVE), iterative retained information variable (IRIV), genetic partial-least-squares algorithm (GAPLS) to extract the feature wavelengths. Following this, a partial-least-squares regression (PLSR) model was established based on the identified feature wavelengths. Utilizing these preferred feature wavelengths, multiple models were then constructed, including the PLSR model, multiple linear regression (MLR) model, principal component regression (PCR) model, and convolutional neural network (CNN) model. The results showed that: the preferred moving average smoothing (MAS) preprocessing of soil water content was applied, and the quantitative prediction model of soil water content, which was established using the characteristic wavelength extracted by the IRIV method, proved to have the best effect (Rc=0.7167, RMSEc=0.0193; Rp=0.6631, RMSEP=0.0272). Additionally, the model of soil water content based on IRIV-CNN also demonstrated good performance (Rc=0.7655, RMSEc=0.0172). This study holds great practical significance and usefulness for the development of water utilization efficiency in the facility vegetable industry, as well as the scientific management of water in tomato crops. It currently provides technical support for online monitoring of tomato plant growth.

  • LIWensheng
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(5): 151-156. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0511

    The aim was to explore the differences in nutritional components of muscle between male and female Opsariichthys bidens, providing theoretical basis for breeding selection and nutritional evaluation of Opsariichthys bidens. Using biochemical analysis methods, nutrient contents in muscle of 2-year-old male and female Opsariichthys bidens with body weights of (32.48±5.78) g and (78.31±8.79) g were determined, and the nutritional value of them was analyzed and compared. The results showed that the content of crude fat in females was significantly higher than that of males (P<0.05); There were no significant difference in moisture, crude protein and crude ash content between the two groups (P>0.05). The mineral content had significant difference. The contents of potassium and iron in the detected minerals were significantly higher in males than those in females (P<0.05), and the contents of other minerals in females were significantly higher than those in males. 16 kinds of amino acids were detected in both female and male fish, and there was no significant difference in the contents of various amino acids; the essential amino acids, total amino acids and flavor amino acids in females were higher than those in males, but there was no significant difference. According to amino acid score (AAS) and chemical score (CS), the first limiting amino acid for both females and males was Met+Cys, and the second limiting amino acid was Val. The essential amino acid index (EAAI) of females (90.15) was higher than that of males (86.10). Total of 24 and 22 fatty acids were detected in female and male. The contents of saturated fatty acids and monounsaturated fatty acids in males were significantly higher than those in females (P<0.05), and the polyunsaturated fatty acids in females were significantly higher than those in males (P<0.05). Among the detected fatty acids, the content of oleic acid (C18:1) was the highest, followed by linoleic acid (C18:2). Erucic acid (C22:1) and tetracosenoic acid (C24:1) were not detected in male fish. During the growth process of male and female Opsariichthys bidens, the composition and content of some nutrients were different. On the whole, the nutrients of female are more abundant than those of male. However, in actual production, due to the rapid growth of male, the breeding cycle is short, the growth rate of male fish is 2-3 times faster than that of female, and the body mass is more than 50% higher than that of female. Therefore, the all-male breeding of fish still has certain significance.

  • DUANYongqiang, LIUHongyan, WANGMinghua, ZHONGLiqiang, SUChaofan, LIUJu, CHENXiaohui, ZHANGShiyong
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(5): 143-150. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0481

    To investigate the effects of salinity stress on the growth and antioxidant capacity of channel catfish fry, we established six salinity groups (3.0, 3.8, 4.7, 5.9, 7.3, 9.0) and one control group using the equidistant spacing method, the tolerance of each group to different salinity levels was assessed by measuring growth indexes, four physicochemical indexes, and H&E stained sections. The findings demonstrated that the growth performance and survival rates of fish fry at salinities of 3.0, 3.8, and 4.7 did not differ significantly (P>0.05). The growth rate and survival rate of fish fry gradually slowed down with the increase of salinity. The survival rate fell to 71% when the salinity hit 9.0. As salinity increased, the activity of three antioxidant enzymes—superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX)—in liver tissue first increased and then decreased. SOD and CAT activities were considerably increased (P<0.05) at a salinity of 4.7, with values of 1163.918 U/mg prot and 88.039 U/mg prot, respectively. The Hematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stained sections results revealed significant alterations in a variety of tissues under varying salinity settings. These findings suggest that both low and high salt stress can cause damage to fish bodies, with liver tissue being particularly sensitive to salt stress. This research provides a theoretical foundation and essential data for the scientific cultivation of channel catfish fry in coastal mudflats.

  • LIWenzong, XUYifan, CHENJianhua, HUChao, WANGZhen, HUANGYamin
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(5): 135-142. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0471

    This study is dedicated to the development of iron- and zinc-rich high folate maize (Fe ≥ 40 mg/kg, Zn ≥ 40 mg/kg, folate ≥ 150 μg/100 g), to improve the utilization rate of folate, and to prolong the shelf-life of freshly-eaten iron- and zinc-rich high folate maize. Five groups of iron- and zinc-treated groups with different concentrations and one group of clear water control group were set up, and the foliar spraying of iron and zinc mixed micronutrient fertilizer was carried out by unmanned aerial vehicles to obtain iron- and zinc-rich high folate maize. Different processing techniques were adopted to treat the obtained high folate maize to analyze the changes of folate content in the iron- and zinc-rich high folate maize under different processing and storage conditions, and to screen out the optimal processing and storage methods. Foliar spraying of iron and zinc mixed micronutrient fertilizer on high folate maize during the growth period significantly increased the iron and zinc content in the kernels, achieving the effect of iron and zinc nutrient fortification. The rate of folate loss during processing of vacuum-packed fresh maize was 11.97%, and the rate of folate loss during processing of vacuum-packed instant maize was 23.36%. Combined with the loss rate of folic acid in different processes and the changes of folic acid content under different storage conditions, the best effect of vacuum-packed instant maize was achieved by storing it at 4℃ for 60 d.

  • ZHANGWenbo, LIFengxin, CHENShuo, PENGCaiwang, WANGYunsheng
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(5): 130-134. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0422

    The aim of this study was to explore the sensitivity of black soldier fly larvae (Hermetia illucens) to imidacloprid, to understand the impact of pesticide residue on their growth, providing a theoretical basis for the large-scale rearing of black soldier flies. Using bioassay methods, we conducted imidacloprid toxicity tests on 5-day-old and 7-day-old black soldier fly larvae with four treatments of 0.1, 0.5, 1, and 2 mg/kg, and measured mortality rate and larval weight with DMSO and blank controls serving as references. The results showed that for 7-day-old larvae, the mortality rate after 7 days of exposure to concentrations ranging from 0.1 mg/kg to 2 mg/kg was between 3.3% and 17.3%. When the concentration was ≤0.5 mg/kg, imidacloprid significantly promoted the increase in the weight of black soldier flies. Under continuous exposure to feed containing imidacloprid, the treatment at 0.1 mg/kg resulted in a 16.4% increase in individual larval weight compared to the control group. After being switched to regular feed following 3 days of exposure to imidacloprid-containing feed, the individual larval weights in the 0.1 mg/kg and 0.5 mg/kg treatments were 26.2% and 21.4% higher than those in the control group, respectively. Low concentrations of imidacloprid have no obvious adverse effects on the growth of black soldier fly larvae and are able to promote an increase in their body weight, which provides a basis for further research into the stimulatory effects of black soldier flies.

  • BAOXingsheng, LIUPingshan, WANGZhiming, LIUXin, CHEJianmei, ZHENGXuefang, WANGJieping, WURenye, LIUBo
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(5): 119-129. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0077

    The aim of this study is to conduct demonstration and popularization of an integrated production system for Juncao-microbial agriculture, and realize comprehensive and recycling utilization of Juncao resources. In the Juncao farm, 12 hm2 of Ju-Juncao crop was planted and an intelligent greenhouse with a 1.3 hm2 area was built for both planting and breeding. The Ju-Juncao raw materials were processed into the Juncao probiotic agents, the ensilage fermentation feeds, the microbial fermentation bed litters, the substrates for tomato planting and Ganoderma lucidum cultivation, respectively. The core technologies of modern facility agriculture were introduced into the Juncao farm to construct the integrated production system for Juncao-microbial agriculture. The intelligent greenhouse was divided into 4 areas, the Ganoderma lucidum cultivation area (0.021 hm2), the tomato cultivation area equipped with an integration drip irrigation system of water, fertilizers and microbial agents (0.27 hm2), the aquaculture area using beneficial microorganisms in water and feeds (0.30 hm2) and the livestock and poultry breeding area using the microbial fermentation beds (0.79 hm2). The probiotics contained at least 17 species functional microorganisms, including 4 species of bacillus: Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, Bacillus velezensis, Bacillus subtilis and Bacillus altitudinis; 7 species of lactic acid bacteria: Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus reuteri, Lactobacillus crispatus, Lactobacillus murinus, Lactobacillus jensenii, Leuconostoc mesenteroides and Enterococcus faecium; 4 species of other bacteria: Acidovorax wautersii, Herbaspirillum huttiense, Microbacterium testaceum and Rhodococcus erythropolis; 2 species of fungi: Geotrichum candidum and Saccharomyces cerevisia. These probiotic agents were used in tomato cultivation, aquaculture, and livestock and poultry breeding, respectively. Finally, the integrated production system was equipped with the water-fertilizers-bacteria integrated drip irrigation machine, the machine for water and feeds with beneficial microorganisms in aquaculture, probiotics-water dispenser and probiotic sprayer, which were all developed by us. Altogether, the mechanized, automated and intelligent microbial agriculture production system was constructed by using Juncao technology + microbiological technology + modern facility agriculture technology. These would provide a carrier for modern agriculture industrialization in the rural area, an empowerment for rural revitalization, and a helping hand for realizing common prosperity for all.

  • WANGQiujing, MAGuozhong, ZHAIMo, CHUZheng, QUHuihui, JIANGLixia
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(5): 110-118. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2023-0485

    Based on the grain sown area, disaster data, and agro-meteorological disaster data of Heilongjiang Province from 1972 to 2020, this study employed grey correlation analysis and an integrated agro-meteorological disaster loss model to examine the temporal changes in major agro-meteorological disasters over the past five decades. The research also explored the occurrence characteristics and agricultural impacts of different levels of agro-meteorological disasters under the backdrop of climate change. The results indicated that while the total agricultural disaster area exhibited a fluctuating downward trend (P>0.05), the proportion of disaster-affected areas showed a slight upward trend (P>0.05). Among various meteorological disasters, their effects on agriculture were ranked as follows: drought > low temperature c > flood > wind - hail, with drought and low temperature having the most significant impact and causing more severe damage. In Heilongjiang Province, 85% of the years experienced agro-meteorological disasters, with 15% being classified as major or severe disasters. The most severe disaster years were 1976, 2002, and 2003, with comprehensive disaster indices of 5.8173, 5.1791, and 5.3219, respectively. The disaster-affected area was significantly negatively correlated with grain yield (P < 0.05). As the disaster-affected area increased, grain yield decreased. Specifically, for every 100×103 hm2 increase in the disaster-affected area, grain yield per unit area decreased by 26.34 kg. On average, grain yield per unit area decreased by 38.27 kg. However, there was no significant correlation between the affected area and grain yield during mild or minor disaster years. These disaster assessment results align well with historical records of agricultural disasters in Heilongjiang Province and can provide valuable scientific references for mitigating disaster risks and ensuring stable and high grain yields in agricultural production.

  • HUANGMiao, YANGGuotao, DIAOYan, ZHANGLei, YANYu, LIYu, XUWei, YANGLiang
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(5): 103-109. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0509

    To study the environmental pollution of paddy fields in a region of Sichuan, this paper focused on paddy soil and rice as the main research objects. A total of 216 soil and rice samples were collected from the area, and the heavy metal pollutants in soil and rice in the study area were evaluated by testing the content of eight heavy metal elements, namely arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, copper, zinc and nickel in soil, and the content of five heavy metals, namely arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, and mercury in rice, using the single-factor pollutant index method and the Nemero composite pollutant index method, as well as performing the quantitative analysis of the association between various heavy metal elements in soil and rice. The results showed that: (1) the average content of cadmium and mercury in the soil of this study area was 0.47 and 0.98 mg/kg, respectively, which exceeded the standard, and their exceedance rates were 27.78% and 34.26%, respectively. The combined pollution index of Nemero in this study area was 1.11 mg/kg and the pollution level was mild. (2) There were significant correlations between the eight elements in the soil and the pathways of heavy metal accumulation might be the same. The coefficient of variation of soil Hg was 163.20%, which was highly variable, indicating that local pollution sources had a strong influence on heavy metals in soil, and the exceeding of Hg content in soil was mainly anthropogenic. (3) Cadmium, chromium and lead in rice had exceeded the standards, with exceedance rates of 19.44%, 3.70% and 19.44%, respectively. The study shows that the degree of heavy metal enrichment in rice has some correlation with soil heavy metal content and is related to the chemical form of heavy metals. It has certain guiding significance for food safety and heavy metal pollution remediation and treatment.

  • ZHANGMiao, DONGQingjun, XIEChangyan, LIQing, LIChuanzhe, SUNChunmei, ZHANGAnkang, CHENChuan
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(5): 95-102. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0484

    To solve the problem of Euryale ferox pericarp residues and achieve resource recycling of agricultural solid waste, this study used Euryale ferox pericarp residues as the main raw material, plant ash and straw were common additives, while rapeseed meal and mushroom residue were selective additives. The changes of different physicochemical parameters under the selective additives of rapeseed meal and mushroom residue were explored, and the effects of different compost products on the growth of Chinese cabbage were evaluated in a pot experiment. Aerobic composting experiments showed that the addition of rapeseed meal resulted in a better composting effect, and the maximum fermentation temperature of the pile could reach 65℃, and the EC increased significantly. Meanwhile, the total nitrogen, total phosphorus, alkali hydrolyzed nitrogen and available phosphorus nutrient content increased significantly and were higher than those of other composting treatments. The pot experiment showed that the application of rapeseed meal compost (F1) resulted in the highest plant height for Chinese cabbage. The biomass of the F1 treatment showed a significant advantage, the above-ground fresh weight of F1 was 28.75%, 5.93%, 18.53% and 121.86% higher than F2 (apply the compost that with added mushroom residue), F3 (apply the compost that without added selective additives), F4 (apply the commercial cow manure organic fertilizer), and CK (unfertilized control), respectively. The above-ground dry weight of F1 was 36.13%, 14.65%, 11.94% and 87.74% higher than F2, F3, F4 and CK, respectively. The underground dry and fresh weights of F1 were the highest, and there were significant differences with F2, F3, and CK, but there was no significant difference with F4 treatment. In summary, adding rapeseed meal to compost Euryale ferox pericarp residues could result in a good composting process, and the compost product applied to Chinese cabbage can achieve the same or even better effect than commercial cow manure organic fertilizer. This research provides valuable theoretical and technical support for the cyclic utilization of Euryale ferox pericarp residues.
