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  • WUChenyang, YUANYe, CHENXiaopeng, LINWeikun, LINXiqiang, ZHENGHuaiping, MAHongyu
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 154-164. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0323

    In order to further understand the application of Integrated Multi-Trophic Aquaculture (IMTA) in aquaculture industry, the paper sorted out the development history of IMTA, and outlined the main aquaculture species of IMTA, including fishes, crustaceans, bivalves, echinoderms and algae, et al. It summarized land-based and marine IMTA, and pointed out that freshwater and brackish water IMTA were part of the land-based aquaculture models, while seawater and offshore IMTA belonged to marine IMTA. The article also outlined the advantages of IMTA in terms of aquaculture environment, energy utilization, economic benefits, and reduction of waste discharge. At present, IMTA still has problems in the aspects of technical implementation, ecological impacts and sustainable development. Future research should focus on the interactions among different species components, system optimization, and disease control to promote the sustainable development of aquaculture.

  • WANGAnna, QINJian, ZHAOZhigang, LAIDuo, XIAOWeiqiang, ZHUANGQingli, SHAOXuehua, YANGChengwei, DONGTao
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 145-153. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0304

    In order to comprehensively understand the current research status of avocado preservation, the literature related to avocado preservation included in Web of Science database were taken as the object. The annual number of articles, countries, institutions, authors and keywords were visualized and analyzed by knowledge graph using CiteSpace bibliometric analysis software, and the research trend and hotspot of avocado preservation were summarized. Overall, the research heat of avocado preservation showed an upward trend. The research countries were mainly Mexico and South Africa, and the research institutions were mainly universities. In addition, the institutions and authors communicated more frequently, and formed a good cooperation network. Research hotspots included quality, fruit, Persea americana, Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, chilling injury etc. Keyword clustering revealed that the research on avocado preservation mainly focused on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, heat treatment, pumice, softening and other topics. This paper pointed out that there were some problems of avocado fruit preservation, including cold damage caused by low temperature preservation, high incidence of anthracnose and insufficient research on biological preservation methods. Further research should pay more attention on low temperature preservation conditions, biological preservation methods and control of anthracnose in avocado preservation, in order to provide the new, environmentally friendly and effective postharvest preservation technologies for prolonging the preservation period of avocado fruit.

  • WANGHuanhuan, WANGJingjing, CHENQiling
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 138-144. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0363

    The study aims to investigate and identify feasible mathematical analysis methods to provide a reference for the quality evaluation of gray jujubes in Xinjiang. In this study, gray jujube fruits subjected to a compound treatment with four agents being used as test materials, and 12 fruit quality indicators were comprehensively analyzed using factor analysis, entropy value method and level-gray relation analysis, respectively. The results showed that there were different degrees of variability among the fruit traits, ranging from 1.56% to 37.58%. Among them, the coefficients of variation of single fruit weight and single plant yield were large (>10%), whereas the coefficients of variation of the remaining indicators were relatively small (<10%). The results of factor analysis demonstrated that the 12 quality indicators of the gray jujube were converted into three common factors, each with eigenvalues greater than 1. The cumulative variance contribution rate was 89.974%, which encompassed the majority of the information regarding the participating gray jujube fruit traits. Moreover, the results of the composite scores demonstrated that the comprehensive evaluation of fruit quality was highest after T2 treatment (0.25 mmol/L SA+ 30 mg/L DA-6+ 0.01 g/L BR). The results of the entropy value method indicated that the coefficients of variation for the trait indices exceeded 10% in all cases, with the exception of four indices of longitudinal fruit diameter, fruit shape index, single fruit weight, and organic acid. Among these, the weight of fructose was the highest at 14.83%, followed by vitamin C, while the weight of transverse fruit diameter was the lowest, and the ranking of the scores revealed that the comprehensive quality of gray jujube was best after T1 treatment (0.25 mmol/L SA+ 30 mg/L DA-6). The results of the level-gray relation analysis indicated that single fruit weight and single fruit yield had the highest weights, while organic acid and cellulose exhibited the lowest weights. Furthermore, the scoring results demonstrated that the integrated quality of gray jujube was optimal following the T2 treatment. In evaluating the quality of gray jujube, the extensive data on fruit trait indices will lead the limited variation in key indices. Combined with the production performance of different treatments, the evaluation results of hierarchical-gray correlation degree are more in line with the actual situation.

  • LIUPai, ZHAODongbao, WEIYichang, XIAOLian
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 128-137. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0541

    In order to make full use of irrigation water resources and improve irrigation water production efficiency, this paper proposed a model predictive control irrigation decision-making method considering water sensitivity. This method first used the water sensitivity index of crops in each period and the Jensen model, and used the nonlinear programming method to determine the daily irrigation upper limit of each growth stage of crops. Then the irrigation upper limit was incorporated into the model predictive control (MPC) framework as a limiting condition to construct a MPC irrigation decision-making model considering water sensitivity. Summer corn simulation irrigation experiments were conducted in Yuanyang County, Henan Province by using three methods: conventional MPC decision-making, MPC decision-making in this article, and decision-making based on the Jensen model. The simulation experiment results showed that compared with the conventional MPC irrigation decision-making, although the yield of the MPC irrigation decision-making in this paper was somewhat reduced, it saved more irrigation water and improved irrigation water productivity. Compared with the decision-making based on the Jensen model, the MPC irrigation decision-making in this paper not only saved irrigation water, but also increased yield and significantly improved irrigation water production efficiency. The method in this article can further save water resources, enhance irrigation water production efficiency, and effectively serve smart irrigation of agricultural water.

  • WANGYan, LIUXiaoli, ZHANGYi, CHENHonghao
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 121-127. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0507

    Utilizing bibliometric software CiteSpace, a visual exploration was undertaken on 143 relevant publications regarding Arboridia kakogawana in the CNKI database spanning from 1987 to 2024. The analysis encompassed annual publication trends, authorship patterns, institutional affiliations, and prevalent keywords. The objective was to offer insights for future research directions within the A. kakogawana domain. The results indicated that the annual publication of research related to A. kakogawana from 1999 to 2016 was relatively high, with a total of 127 publications and an average of 7 articles per year. There was no widely connected author cooperation network in this field, and most scholars were independent of each other and lack of cooperation and connection. The cooperative relationships among research institutions were not close, presenting an independent distribution status. Over time, the research focus had shifted from the biological characteristics of A. kakogawana to physical control and management. In conclusion, future investigations on A. kakogawana should prioritize interdisciplinary convergence, leverage existing scientific and technological resources, and intensify studies in transcriptomics, predictive habitat suitability assessments, and physicochemical control methodologies.

  • ZHANGHaiting, YEJianrong, XUBingzhi, ZENGShuocheng, FUHuijuan, LIXingyue, LIQiyong, ZHANGHong, YIJun
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 115-120. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0450

    In order to clarify the species, biological characteristics, and the control agents of the pathogen of apple scab in Yuexi County, the pathogen was identified and analyzed based on the molecular biology and morphological characteristics, and the biological characteristics of pathogen were studied in different culture medium, pH, carbon source and nitrogen source. The field control effects of 5 common fungicides were studied. The results showed that the pathogen causing apple scab in Yuexi County was identified as Venturia inaequalis. The optimum culture medium was wheat bran agar medium, the optimum pH was 7-8, the optimum carbon source was glucose, and the optimum nitrogen source was peptone. The field control results showed that the five fungicides could effectively control apple scab, and the control effect of 20% pydiflumetofen was the best, with the control effect was 89.54%. The order of the control effect was 20% pydiflumetofen SC> 20% pydiflumetofen·difenoconazole SC> 40% flusilazole EC> 50% kresoxim-methyl WG> 36% thiophanate-methyl SC. The above results showed that 20% pydiflumetofen, 20% pydiflumetofen·difenoconazole and 40% fluosilazole can be applied as reference pesticides for controlling V. inaequalis in field.

  • LILaping, LIXiaozhen, YANGShuhua, YUEXinli, SUNMengxia, YANGChuncang
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 107-114. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0421

    This study aims to compare and analyze the effect of weed control fabric (weed mat) on the management of daylily production, exploring changes in soil moisture content and temperature, as well as the impact on growth period, growth morphology, and yield formation of daylily after the application of the fabric. The goal is to provide new ideas for daylily cultivation methods and offer scientific guidance and reference for addressing the challenges faced by the daylily industry in Datong City. Two treatment modes were established in the experimental area: weed control fabric coverage and bare soil. The soil moisture content, growth period, and yield characteristics of daylily under each treatment were measured and analyzed. (1) Covering daylily fields with weed control fabric significantly increased soil moisture content across all soil layers, with an average increase of 2.6%. During heavy rainfall, soil moisture content in deeper layers remained relatively stable. In periods of prolonged drought and little rainfall, the fabric helped reduce water evaporation, thus maintaining higher soil moisture content. (2) In early spring, the fabric effectively increased soil temperature and reduced temperature fluctuations, which benefited the sprouting and emergence of daylily. During cold weather, the fabric reduced the cooling rate at the 5 cm and 10 cm soil depths, providing insulation. In summer, the fabric reduced soil temperature at various depths, with average temperature reductions of 1.5℃ at 5 cm, 0.6℃ at 10 cm, and 0.3℃ at 20 cm. (3) The entire developmental period of daylily under the fabric was advanced compared to bare soil, with significantly higher growth rates and yield increases. (4) The fabric suppressed weed growth and reduced costs, thereby enhancing economic efficiency. The findings of this study provide an effective method for developing the daylily industry in Datong City under drought-prone conditions. Additionally, this research offers valuable insights for improving yield, quality, reducing costs, and increasing economic returns in daylily production. The results are suitable for the large-scale cultivation and promotion of daylily.

  • WANGLili, ZHUShijun, LUXiaohong, JINShuquan
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 100-106. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0479

    In order to investigate the impact of Trichoderma-enriched bio-organic fertilizer on the yield, quality and soil nutrient availability in tomatoes cultivated in costal saline soil, the salt tolerance and mycelial morphology of two Trichoderma spp. were examined using plate growth. A field experiment was conducted in Ningbo coastal saline soil, with five treatment groups: no fertilizer (CK), chemical fertilizer at a rate of 2200 kg/hm2 (T1), bio-organic fertilizer at a rate of 9 t/hm2 (T2), bio-organic fertilizer at a rate of 18 t/hm2 (T3), and bio-organic fertilizer combined with chemical fertilizer at rates of 6 t/hm2+1500 kg/hm2 (T4), respectively. The bio-organic fertilizer was prepared using T. asperellum W1 strain. Lab experiment indicated that T. asperellum W1 exhibited superior growth ability compared to Trichoderma LX-132, thus validating its suitability for further testing. Based on phylogenetic tree analysis and mycelial morphology, W1 was provisionally identified as T. asperellum. Field experiment demonstrated that the application of bio-organic fertilizer resulted in higher organic matter content compared to non-bio-organic fertilizer treatments. Specifically, T3 showed an increase in organic matter content by 16.5% and 10.7% when compared with CK and T1, respectively. The bio-organic fertilizer treatment also led to improved quality and higher yields, with T3 having the highest Vc content and sugar-acid ratio. These values increased by 5.39% and 6.18% compared to CK, and by 2.35% and 4.71% compared to T1, respectively. The combination of bio-organic and chemical fertilizer (T4) exhibited the most significant yield-increasing effect, with T4 showing an increase of 117% and 6.26% compared to CK and T1, respectively. The results of this research provide technical support and a theoretical foundation for the development of new bio-organic fertilizers.

  • DENGYixuan, LIZhenshan, HUANGRuiyin, LIULan, LANJun, YANGTianle, DINGXiaodong, FANMiaomiao, WANGJun
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 93-99. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0407

    To investigate the characteristics of decomposition and nutrient release of Vicia sativa under different overturning pressures in the Nanxiong tobacco growing area of Guangdong Province, field decomposition tests were carried out using nylon mesh bags buried in the field for 120 days. The dry matter decomposition rule and nutrient release rate of Vicia sativa under pressure amounts of 20000, 30000 and 40000 kg/hm2 were studied. The results showed that the dissolution rate of Vicia sativa increased rapidly in the early stage and slowly in the later stage. The final dissolution rate of Vicia sativa dry matter was 81.90%-84.95% at 120 days. Carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were released in large quantities in the first 30 days after overturning. By the end of the trial, the cumulative release rates of all nutrients reached 80.45%-83.48%, 85.18%-86.98%, 85.19%-87.55%, and 88.15%-91.33%, respectively. Regression analysis showed that the release rate of the most accessible potassium nutrient showed a decreasing trend with the increase of overturning pressure. While carbon and nitrogen nutrients showed a decreasing trend first and then an increasing trend, and phosphorus nutrient showed a decreasing trend first and then a stable trend. The maximum release rate of all nutrients increased with the increase of the overturning pressure of Vicia sativa. According to prediction analysis, the complete release of carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium required 200-252, 167-189, 144-157 and 126-143 d, respectively. The increase in overturning pressure had no effect on the overall decomposition and nutrient release rule but had a greater impact on the release rate and speed of nutrients. The increase in overturning pressure could improve the nutrient release rate in the early stage of overturning (within 30 days). Most nutrients of Vicia sativa were released in the early stage after increasing the overturning pressure, which could not provide sustained nutrient supply for crops. Therefore, in actual production, the reasonable overturning amount of Vicia sativa should be determined according to the fertilization characteristics of flue-cured tobacco. This study could provide a theoretical basis for the scientific utilization of green manure crops in the Nanxiong tobacco growing area of Guangdong Province.

  • CHENLing, YANGCan, ZHOUYaowu, PENGMiao, WANGTingting, YIChun, JIAYushi, ZHOUTie, LIFeifei
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 84-92. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0353

    This study aims to systematically understand the flowering biological characteristics of 16 citrus rootstock resources, including trifoliate orange and citrange, and to provide references for rootstock germplasm creation and new variety breeding. 16 collected trifoliate orange and citrange resources were used as materials. The phenological stages were observed, and the characteristics of floral organs, including bud color, petal number, petal length and width, anther number, filament number, filament color, and stigma number, were compared. Additionally, pollen quantity, pollen grain size, pollen viability, and pollen germination ability were measured using an optical microscope and in vitro pollen germination method. Finally, a comprehensive evaluation of flowering biological characteristics was conducted using the weighted membership function method. (1) The results showed that trifoliate oranges and most of citrange resources were deciduous trees. Citrange trees exhibited a more erect growth habits and reached phenological stages slightly later than trifoliate oranges. Both trifoliate oranges and citrange primarily exhibited pale purple filaments, with most specimens having 20-24 anthers and filaments. However, the petals of trifoliate oranges were generally smaller than those of citrange. (2) Significant differences existed between trifoliate oranges and citrange in terms of pollen viability, pollen quantity, and pollen grain size. Trifoliate oranges generally exhibited higher pollen staining vitality and pollen germination rates compared to citrange. (3) Utilizing the weighted membership function method, trifoliate oranges such as common small-leaf trifoliate orange, M-3 and citrange Dayong No.3 were identified as rootstocks with superior pollen fertility. These results provide reference for evaluating and utilizing rootstock resources, as well as for interspecific and intraspecific hybridization breeding within the citrus genus to create new citrus rootstock germplasm.

  • SUDan, WANGZicheng, JIAJunying, SUNDezhi, LIZhijun, GUOYuan, ZHUANGDefeng
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 75-83. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0388

    In order to explore the effect of water management on the growth characteristics of roots and crowns of Atractylodes chinensis and the yield and quality of medicinal materials, four-year-old A. chinensis was used as the test material, and the average rainfall from June to September in the Tongliao region 2011-2020 was used as a reference. Under the conditions of a field with a movable rain shelter, five irrigation treatments were set up as 4500 m3/hm2(T1), 4000 m3/hm2(T2), 3500 m3/hm2(T3), 3000 m3/hm2(T4), 2500 m3/hm2(T5), to analyze the growth characteristics, material accumulation and transportation, yield and quality of A. chinensis under water regulation. The results indicated that as the irrigation amount decreased, the plant height, stem diameter, and rhizome volume of A. chinensis all showed a decreasing trend at each stage. Under the T5 treatment during the flowering and fruiting stages, the plant height, stem diameter, and rhizome volume were significantly lower than those of other treatments. The root length, root surface area, and root volume of T3 treatment from flowering to fruiting stage were significantly higher than those of other treatments, and the specific root length and specific surface area were also significantly increased. Different irrigation amounts affected the distribution pattern of dry matter in various organs of A. chinensis. During the fruiting period, the distribution of dry matter in A. chinensis shifted towards the roots and rhizomes. Under T1, T2, and T3 treatments, the accumulation of dry matter in rhizomes significantly increased. The yield of A. chinensis decreased with the decrease of irrigation amount, and the yield of T1 treatment reached 7486.83 kg/hm2. Under T3 and T4 treatment, the content of A. chinensis extract in the rhizomes of atractyloxide was 0.43% and 0.46%, respectively. There was no significant difference between the two and it was much higher than the pharmacopoeia standard. Under T1 treatment, the content of atractyloxide was 0.27%, which did not meet the pharmacopoeia standard. Considering the formation of yield and quality, the suitable water requirement for planting A. chinensis in Horqin Sandy Land from June to September is 3500-4000 kg/hm2.

  • ZHOUBo, TANGJinchi, LIJianlong, CHENYiyong, ZHANGMan, CUIYingying, HUANGXiuxin
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 67-74. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0339

    Drought stress directly affects the growth and survival of tea tree. Therefore, understanding the drought tolerance of different tea plants is essential for soil moisture management in tea plantations. In this paper, five tea plant varieties, ‘Jinxuan’, ‘Qingxin 1’, ‘Yinghong 9’, ‘Huangdan’ and ‘Hongyan 12’, were selected, and four levels of normal water supply (T0), mild drought stress (T1), moderate drought stress (T2) and severe drought stress (T3) were set, and the soil water content was 75%, 55%, 35% and 20% of the water holding capacity in the field, respectively. The physiological response of tea plant varieties with different drought resistance to drought stress was investigated. Two drought-resistant varieties (‘Qingxin1’and ‘Huangdan’) and two drought-sensitive varieties (‘Yinghong 9’and ‘Hongyan 12’) were screened out from five tea tree varieties by comparing the relevant indexes of morphology and photosynthetic capacity under drought stress. It could be seen that under normal water supply conditions, the content of protective enzyme activities, endogenous hormones and osmoregulatory substances of drought-resistant tea tree varieties was not necessarily higher than that of drought-sensitive tea plant varieties. Under drought stress, the protective enzyme activities, endogenous hormones and osmoregulatory substance contents of sensitive varieties would also be elevated to a certain extent, but the magnitude of their elevation was generally smaller than that of drought-resistant varieties, and the maximum increase of drought-sensitive tea trees mostly appeared in mild drought stress, whereas that of drought-resistant tea tree varieties mostly appeared in moderate and severe drought stress. Therefore, the amount and timing of changes in physiological responses such as protective enzyme activities, endogenous hormones and osmoregulatory substance contents of tea plants under drought stress can reflect the actual drought tolerance ability of tea plants to some extent.

  • WANGXin, ZHANGXinxin, MIMing, LIShuo, LIHaojian, MAHailin, SIDongxia
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 61-66. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0561

    To clarify the effects of one-time application of nitrogen (N) fertilizer on the growth of Paeonia lactiflora, and provide a theoretical basis for its nutrient management, three N levels (0, 1.8, 3 g/plant) were set up to study the response of growth and photosynthetic characteristics of P. lactiflora ‘Heihaibotao’ to the one-time application of N fertilizer in stem-leaf growth period by a pot culture experiment. The results showed that compared with the 0 N application treatment, 1.8 g/plant N application could significantly increase the flower diameter, root length, and root volume, promote the accumulation and distribution ratio of dry matter in the above-ground part, and increase the root-shoot ratio, while the effects of N application on plant height, stem diameter and dry matter accumulation in the above-ground part did not reach a significant level. The growth of above- and under-ground parts was inhibited by one-time N application of 3 g/plant. N application significantly increased the net photosynthetic rate, transpiration rate and stomatal conductance of plants, and decreased the intercellular CO2 concentration. N application had no significant effect on N concentration in above- and under-ground parts and 1.8 g/plant N application significantly increased N uptake in above- and under-ground parts and N distribution ratio in under-ground parts. In conclusion, the one-time application of appropriate N fertilizer during the stem-leaf growth period of P. lactiflora is beneficial to increasing flower diameter, improving the ornamental value, and promoting root growth and development. However, excessive N application inhibits the growth of plants.

  • ZENGDuanxiang, YUNing, DUJuan, ZENGYao, WANGLianying
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 55-60. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0539

    To explore arbuscular mycorrhiza (AM) fungi of mycorrhization process and the impact on its growth and development, with tree peony cultivar ‘Wulong Pengsheng’ for bud-micropropagated vitroplantlets of rooting seedlings and hybrid system ‘Z1-WM’ and ‘Z1-10-3’ embryo culture rooting plantlets as the research objects, different kinds of AMF spores in vitro were inoculated. The results showed that active effects of AMF on the growth of mycorrhizal vitroplantlet were investigated. Inoculation of AMF in vitro could increase the transplanting survival ratio of tree peony effectively. The treatments of inoculation of AMF in vitro heightened sprouting rate epicotyl dormancy of plantlets more than CK, and the highest was 99.50%. The time of breaking epicotyl dormancy was 30 d ahead of inoculation of AMF in vitro than that of the control. There was significant difference among inoculation of AMF in vitro and GA3 treatment, 2-4℃ low temperature and the control. The most significant difference was in ‘Z1-WM’ and ‘Z1-10-3’ inoculated with Gg+Gm. As for ‘Wulong Pengsheng’, after transplantation of 6 months inoculated with Gg, the index was 64.93%, 70.90%, 35.00%, 54.55%, 41.15% respectively. Therefore, AM fungi had a significant effect on the growth and development of mycorrhized vitroplantlets of tree peony and shorten the breeding time.

  • DONGJianmei, HUJiang, LIJing, LIUHongming, FUXiaomeng, LAIXinpu, DUYuxia
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 47-54. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0410

    In order to select ‘Yunning No.1’ rootstock for efficient nutrient utilization, this study measured the content of nine mineral elements in lemon leaves and fruits of different rootstock combinations at the first physiological fruit drop, the second physiological fruit drop, the fruit expansion and fruit ripening stages, respectively. Fruit quality was measured after fruit ripening to compare the differences in mineral nutrient uptake and fruit quality of lemons on different rootstocks. The results showed that with ‘Yunning No.1’ as scion, the N and Zn contents of leaves of both rootstocks C35 and trifoliate orange, and the N, P, Mg, Mn, Zn and Cu contents of fruits were the highest in the physiological fruiting stage. And then the contents gradually decreased as the fruits enlarged and matured. In terms of fruit quality indexes, the longitudinal diameter and titratable acid content of trifoliate orange rootstocks were significantly higher than those of C35 rootstocks, and there was no significant difference in other indexes. Combining the characteristics of efficient nutrient uptake and utilization and fruit quality, trifoliate orange could be considered to use as the rootstock of ‘Yunning No.1’, to achieve efficient nutrient uptake of mineral elements.

  • ZHUJiang, ZHOUJunniu, ZHENGJixiang, MOUHaifei, WEIGuangtan, TANZuxiong, ZHANGYingjun, TIANQinglan, WUYanyan, HUANGWeihua, LIUJieyun
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 40-46. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0681

    In order to get the proper cuttage cultivation scheme of passion fruit, variety ‘Zhuangmi 05’ and ‘Tainong 1’ were used as the scion to observe the formation process of adventitious roots of cuttings from the morphology and anatomical structure, and study the effects of cutting time, air temperature and humidity, rooting agent concentration and branch node position on rooting. The results showed that passion fruit root was formed from latent root primodia. Callus was formed 6-9 days after cutting, white root spots were formed at the base of cuttings from 9-12 days, and adventitious roots grew from 12-15 days. Short time high temperature had little effect on cuttage rooting of passion fruit, and the lower the temperature in the appropriate range, the more conducive to cuttage rooting. The alternate dry and wet environment was conducive to the rooting. ‘Zhuangmi 05’ was suitable for cutting after soaking 300 mg/L rooting powder for 1 h on March 15, and the cuttage rooting effect of the 7th node was the best. ‘Tainong 1’ was suitable for cutting on March 15 and December 15 without treatment or after soaking 100 mg/L rooting powder for 1 h. The rooting effects of the 5th to 10th nodes were better.

  • TANGZhongjian, ZHANGJinzhi, WANGXiaomei, XUWenjie, FUYajie, ZHAOMingyan, WURuyi, FANWenjuan, ZHANGJie
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 34-39. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0369

    According to the characteristics of 'Summer Black' grape, the key technical measures for the management of flowers and fruits were studied. 5 flower thinning lengths of 0(CK), 5, 6, 7, 8 cm were set during the peak fruiting period and two dipping treatments with different concentrations of gibberellin and chlorpyramide were performed. We measured the length of the fruit during the peak flowering period, evaluated the appearance quality by measuring 8 indicators, including ear length, ear width, stem length, stem thickness, grain longitudinal and transverse longitude, fruit shape index, and peel color during the mature stage. Two indicators of ear weight and grain weight were measured to estimate yield, and three indicators of soluble solids, soluble reducing sugars, and titratable acids in fruits were measured to evaluate fruit quality. The results showed that the length, width, and weight of the fruit increased during the peak flowering and mature periods with the increase of the length of the treated panicles, but the weight of the fruit grain and time for flower trimming and dipping were decreased; the content of soluble solids, soluble reducing sugars, and titratable acids in mature fruit increased with the increase of length of the flower spikes. Compared with CK, the ear serial and appearance of the flower ear trimming treatment generally performed better. Based on fruit quality, 7 cm was considered as optimal flower thinning length. The 7 cm flower thinning treatment combining with 25 mg/kg gibberellin, 50 mg/kg gibberellin, and 5 mg/kg chlorpyramide dipping treatments had the best performance on fruit spike and grains, increased fruit quality and appearance, soluble solids content, soluble sugars, and decreased titratable acids. The labor cost of flower trimming can be ignored compared to the benefits brought by the early marketing and quality and yield improvement of ‘Summer Black’ grape.

  • JIWenhao, PANCunde, ZHAOShanchao, FANYongwei, SHIZhiya
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 29-33. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0469

    Effects of preparation methods on seedling regeneration process of direct seeding of Picea schrenkiana var. tianschanica were analyzed in order to explore suitable preparation methods for the direct seeding of P. schrenkiana var. tianschanica. Taking direct seeding of P. schrenkiana var. tianschanica in sparse degraded forest land as the object, one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Fisher’s least significance difference (LSD) method were used to test the difference of seedling emergence rate and seedling establishment rate of P. schrenkiana var. tianschanica in different preparation methods. The survival curve of direct seeding of P. schrenkiana var. tianschanica in different preparation methods was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method, and the difference of seedling survival distribution was compared by the K sample test and the Log-rank test with censored data. The seedling emergence rate was highest when the preparation method exposing soil B layer, followed by topsoil biochar addition, and the seedling emergence rate was lowest at the soil mound accumulation. There were significant differences in emergence rate among the three preparation methods(P=0.000<0.01). The seedling survival rate was significantly higher in the preparation methods that exposing soil B layer and topsoil biochar addition compared to the soil mound accumulation (P=0.000<0.01). There was no significant difference in seedling survival rate between the preparation methods that exposing soil B layer and topsoil biochar addition (P=0.114>0.05). The survival probability of the preparation methods that exposing soil B layer and topsoil biochar addition was significantly higher than that of the soil mound accumulation (P=0.000<0.01), and the survival probability of the preparation method that exposing soil B layer was no significant difference with that of topsoil biochar addition (P=0.268>0.05). Suitable preparation methods can promote the direct seeding of P. schrenkiana var. tianschanica in sparse degraded forest land. Among them, exposing soil B layer is the most suitable preparation method for the direct seeding.

  • LIUJiao, HUXing, HUANGXiaoxia, LIUWenge, HEMingxiong, LUChangyou, LUOYigui
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 22-28. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0408

    In order to study the adaptability of the tobacco varieties ‘Yunyan 116’ and ‘Yunyan 300’ in the Hechi tobacco area of Guangxi, and to clarify the suitable varieties for high-quality flue-cured tobacco cultivation in the Hechi area, two experimental sites in Tianhe Town of Luocheng County, and Liuzhai Town of Nandan County in Hechi City were selected to carry out the experiments. Taking the main variety in Hechi tobacco area ‘K326’ as the control, the adaptability analysis of ‘Yunyan 116’ and ‘Yunan 300’ tobacco varieties was carried out, and the comprehensive investigation and analysis of agronomic traits, economic traits, natural morbidity rate in the field, and chemical composition and sensory and appearance quality evaluation of the flue-cured tobacco were performed. Compared with ‘K326’, the field growth potential, production value, proportion of medium- and top-grade cigarettes, and the sensory and appearance quality of tobacco leaf of ‘Yunyan 116’ in the two experimental sites were better than that of the control, and the rate of field natural morbidity was low; whereas, agronomic and economic traits, and the evaluation of the sensory quality of tobacco leaf of ‘Yunyan 300’ in the Liuzhai site were comparable to that of ‘K326’, but the incidence rates of black tibial disease and green blight in the Tianhe site were significantly higher than that of the control, and the overall performance was slightly worse than that of ‘K326’, showing slightly poorer adaptability; moreover, Mantel analysis showed that climatic spot disease had a significant effect on agronomic traits in both pilot sites. The comprehensive evaluation index showed that ‘Yunyan 116’ had the highest evaluation index, and strong ecological adaptability to the environment, which was a broadly adapted variety for large-scale popularization of planting in Hechi tobacco region.

  • ZHAONa, LIGuoqing, LIGuoyu, CONGXinjun, ZHANGJibo, XUHuiyuan
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 15-21. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0516

    To explore the effects of different green manure/millet rotations on millet yield and soil fertility, three kinds of green manure commonly used in the north were selected to rotate with millet, such as Vicia villosa(CV), Brassica napus (CB) and Orychophragmus violaceus(CO), and the winter fallow field was used as the control (CK). The effects of total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, available phosphorus, available potassium, organic matter and pH of topsoil in three different periods of before turning green manure (T1), 30 days after turning green manure (T2) and 60 days after turning green manure (T3) were studied, and the effects of different treatment on agronomic traits and yield of millet were determined. The results showed that the soil total nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, available phosphorus, available potassium and organic matter in the three periods increased first and then decreased, which reached the lowest value in the T3 period, then the pH of each treatment reached the lowest in the T2 period, indicating that the three green manures can fertilize the soil. Compared with CK, the three green manure treatments could increase the plant height, ear length, ear diameter and milling ratio, the effects of different green manures were not the same. In terms of the yield, the three green manure treatments could increase the yield of millet, with an increase range of 22.56% to 65.34%. The comprehensive performance of the three green manures on soil nutrients and the yield of subsequent millet was CB>CV>CO. Therefore, under the experimental conditions, the Brassica napus was more suitable for rotation with millet.

  • LIMenghan, HUWenping, DONGXin, PHURBUSamdrup, ZONGBaji
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 9-14. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0460

    Foodstuff maize is an important part of the modern maize industry in Linzhi City, and its production and application are extremely wide. In order to find out the high yield and high efficiency planting methods, we used three sowing densities (6×104, 9×104 and 12×104 plants/hm2), and set up three harvest times (1/3 milk-line, 2/3 milk-line and milk-line disappeared stages) under the sowing density of 9×104 plants/ hm2, to compare and analyze grain yield, bio-yield and other yield traits of three different maturity maize hybrids (very early maturity, early maturity and medium maturity). The results showed that the fertility period of maize of different maturity was extended when planted in Linzhi City. The yield potential of medium-maturing variety was higher than that of very early and early-maturing varieties. Because of the limited soil fertility in Linzhi City, the planting density should not be too high, and should be controlled within 6×104 plants/hm2 in mid-low yielding lands, and should not exceed 9×104 plants/hm2 in high yielding field. Due to the local temperature influence, the grain filling rate was slow. The grain maize should be harvested at the stage of the milk-line disappearance, while the best harvesting time for silage maize was at the stage of 1/3 milk-line. In Linzhi City habitat, variety maturity had the greatest effect on the yield of foodstuff maize, sowing density should not be too high, and harvesting time differed according to specific uses.

  • MOJunjie, ZHENGJiacheng, CAIJiwei, LIUJiawei, FENGYongcheng
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(7): 1-8. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0413

    Further understanding the genetic regularity of rice harvest index in different segregating generations is beneficial to provide theoretical references for rice breeding based on the rice harvest index. In this research, isolated descendants from four distinct rice hybrid combinations were selected based on their harvest index. And then the coefficient of variation for main agronomic traits and the selection efficiency regarding the harvest index were subsequently compared and analyzed across different generations. The characteristics such as SPAD value at booting stage, plant height, and panicle length exhibited stability among different rice materials. In contrast, there was considerable variability in sword leaf length, thousand-grain weight, seed setting rate, and harvest index among hybrid rice progeny; however, these four traits remained stable in their parental lines. Notably, aboveground biological yield and panicle number per plant displayed significant variation both in hybrid parents and their offspring. The generalized heritability of the harvest index for F3, F3 lines and F4 lines across all tested hybrid combinations exceeded 97%. Furthermore, selection efficiency for the harvest index in F4 lines derived from ‘Hongxin-1S/Yuxiangyouzhan’, ‘Hongxin-1S/FL478’, and ‘Hongxin-1S/HD-YX’ surpassed that observed in their respective F3 and F3 lines; thus indicating a pronounced effect of single-plant selection based on harvest index within these three hybrids. Conversely, single-plant selection among offspring of ‘Hongxin-1S/Guanghong 3’ with high harvest indices did not enhance selection efficiency. It was effective to select individual plant with elevated harvest index for most of the tested rice materials from F2 generation, which could significantly improve the selection efficiency of harvest index.

  • ZHUPeican, LIUYi'an, ZHOUFangyu, LIUBo
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 159-164. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0487

    This study aims to investigate the physiological and molecular responses of Corbicula fluminea to salt-alkali stress. Corbicula fluminea was subjected to varying concentrations of salt-alkali stress to monitor and analyze survival rates and ATPase activity, thereby assessing its tolerance to sodium chloride-induced salinity, sodium bicarbonate-induced alkalinity, and the combined effects of salt-alkali interaction stress. The findings indicated that the median lethal concentrations (LD50) of sodium chloride at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h were 70.22, 44.86, 22.87, and 9.92 g/L, respectively, with a safe concentration (SC) of 5.5 g/L; the median lethal concentrations (LD50) of sodium bicarbonate alkalinity at 24, 48, 72, and 96 h were 309.56, 188.03, 86.4, 35.97 mmol/L, and SC was 20.81 mmol/L. The interaction of salt-alkali stress exhibited an antagonistic effect on Corbicula fluminea, with the toxicity of the combined stress being less than that of either salinity or alkalinity alone. Following exposure to saline-alkali water at a safe concentration, the activities of Ca2+-Mg2+-ATPase and Na+/K+-ATPase in the gills demonstrated a significant increase within the first 12 hours (P<0.05). These activities continued to rise, reaching normal levels after 24 hours and peaking at 72 hours (P<0.05). The study indicates that Corbicula fluminea exhibits a degree of tolerance to saline-alkaline water conditions, indicating its potential for cultivation in environments where salinity does not exceed 5.5 g/L or alkalinity remains below 20.81 mmol/L.

  • LIUYing, GENGDandan, LIULiu, WEIMin, SHIZhiqiang
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 153-158. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0565

    The study aims to investigate the effect of potato starch that is irradiated by γ-ray radiation on the properties of starch film. Starch was irradiated by 60Co-γ-ray radiation with different absorbed doses (0-50 kGy) and the starch films were made. The prepared films were characterized by ultraviolet-visible absorption spectroscopy (UV-Vis), Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results showed that γ-ray radiation caused the breakage of glucoside bond and the breakdown of starch long chain molecules. The tensile strength and elongation at break of starch film increased and then decreased with increasing absorbed doses, the light transparent of starch film decreased and then increased. When the absorbed dose was 10 kGy, the mechanical properties of the film was the best, the elongation at break and the tensile strength were 62.37% and 3.73 Mpa respectively, however, the light transmission of the film was the worst, with the opacity value of 1.29. The solubility of film increased with the increase of absorbed dose. Insoluble starch granules decreased and the surface of starch films became more and more smoothed with increasing absorbed does. γ-ray radiation could effectively destroy the molecular structure and break starch molecular chain. The mechanical properties, light transmittance, water solubility and film forming properties of starch film could be significantly changed by irradiation.

  • FANHua, CHENGDungong, LIUJianjun, LIUAifeng
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 148-152. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0234

    To explore the effects of mixed planting of different gluten strength wheat varieties on quality characteristics and yield traits, 'Jimai 44' and 'Jimai 23' were used as materials for field mixed sowing. The quality characteristics, food processing quality, and yield-related traits were studied. The results showed that the grain protein content of mixed culture exceeded 15.0% and was significantly higher than that of monoculture of 'Jimai 23' (T23). The wet gluten content, gluten index and dry gluten value were all higher than the lower value of monoculture. The development time, stability time, degree of softening and farinograph quality index were all significantly better than that of T23. The water absorption exceeded 63.0% and was higher than that of monoculture of 'Jimai 44' (T44), both reaching the level of strong gluten. The color, texture and crumb structure of bread core, the increased neck length and total score were not significantly different from T44, but were significantly better than T23. The appearance, hardness, viscoelasticity, smoothness and total score of noodles were not significantly different from those of monoculture, and taste was similar to that of T44, but the color was significantly different from that of T44. The qualities of both bread and noodles reached an excellent level. At the same time, the changes of yield traits such as maximum total number of stems, number of spikes per hectare, heading ratio and grain weight of plot were all higher than those of monoculture. In summary, the reasonable mixed culture of 'Jimai 44' and 'Jimai 23' at a ratio of 60-70 to 40-30 not only improved the quality characteristics and food processing properties but also increased the yield. The results could provide the scientific and technnological support for the production of special end-use flour by reasonable mixed planting.

  • LINGCuiqiong, LIAOHongxin, WENJinrui, NIEHongyan, ZHANGLiyan, WANGWei, DONGXian
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 141-147. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0307

    To investigate the antifungal activity of essential oils (EOs) derived from A. tatarinowii and A. argyi, as well as their principal components, we assessed the antifungal efficacy of both EOs against four pathogenic fungi using the Oxford Cup method. Additionally, EO constituents were analyzed through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Subsequently, the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC) and fractional inhibitory concentration index (FICI) were determined through a 96-well plate assay. The results showed that both EOs at a concentration of 50 mg/mL exhibited significant inhibitory effects on Colletotrichum gloeosporioides, followed by Fusarium oxysporum and Fusarium solani. GC-MS analysis revealed that A. tatarinowii EO contained 34 compounds, with β-asarone and α-asarone identified as the primary constituents. In contrast, A. argyi EO comprised 98 compounds, among which caryophyllene, β-caryophyllene, eucalyptol, and myrtenal constituted a substantial proportion. Furthermore, the MIC of β-asarone and α-asarone were found to be comparable to that of hymexazol. When utilized in combination with hymexazol, the two EOs demonstrated an additive impact on Fusarium oxysporum in the pairwise combination experiment. Overall, the EOs and their main components from A. tatarinowii and A. argyi exhibited robust antifungal activity against four fungal pathogens, indicating potential for further research.

  • MATiantian, WANGNing, YUEMingzhu, TANGYuhao, CHENShufan, PANYilou, PANDeng
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 132-140. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0438

    In order to further understand the herbicide resistance of barnyard grass [Echinochloa crus-galli (L.) P. Beauv.] in Jiangsu rice field, the seeds of barnyard grass populations were collected from rice fields in Jiangsu Province from 2019 to 2022, and the resistance of barnyard grass species to metamifop, cyhalofop-butyl, penoxsulam and quinclorac was determined by stem and leaf spray method. The suspected resistant populations of 100 collected barnyard grass populations were screened by differential dose method, and then the resistance index of these suspected resistant populations to the corresponding herbicides was determined by the series concentration of different herbicides. The results showed that there were 10 populations with low resistance, 8 populations with medium resistance and 1 population with high resistance to metamifop; there were 5 populations with low and medium resistance to cyhalofop-butyl; there were 3, 9 and 1 with low, medium and high resistance to penoxsulam, respectively; there were 1, 7 and 1 with low, medium and high resistance to quinclorac, respectively. The tested barnyard grass populations in 13 prefectural level cities in Jiangsu Province, except Changzhou, all have resistant population distribution, and some populations show multiple resistances.

  • FUMei, LIGuihua, LUOWenlong, LUOShanwei, GUOJuxian
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 118-125. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0327

    Taro is a dual-purpose crop for food and vegetables. This study aims to explore the active substances in taro affecting its edible value, in order to provide a reference for improving the quality of taro. Red bud taro and fragrant taro were used as test materials in this study. The metabolite components were determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Combined with the changes in agronomic traits, the key metabolic pathways affecting their active substances were elucidated. Compared with fragrant taro, the Vc contents of red bud taro were increased by 13%, while activities of SOD and CAT were increased by 63.8% and 43.2%, respectively. 244 differential metabolites were identified by metabolomics analysis, including 192 up-regulated and 52 down-regulated metabolites. KEGG analysis showed that the biosynthesis of secondary metabolites, ABC transporters, and amino acid biosynthesis pathways were significantly enriched. Among them, the metabolites with the largest up-regulated abundance included 9 flavonoids such as isorhamnetin-3-O-neohesperidin. This study emphasizes that these 9 flavonoids play an important role in improving the quality of red bud taro, and also provides a theoretical basis for the further development of taro products.

  • FENGZhizhen, YANHong, CHENNi, SHENDonghu, SUHaiyan, ZHANGYingjun
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 109-117. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0483

    To investigate the soil nutrient and fertility status of pomegranate orchards with different ages in Lintong District, a total of 28 soil samples were collected from 6 pomegranate orchards in Lintong District in two soil layers of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm, the contents of soil macroelement, medium and microelement were determined, and the soil fertility status of pomegranate orchards were evaluated. The results showed that with the increase of planting years, the pH and nutrient indexes of 0-20 cm and 20-40 cm soil layers in pomegranate orchard did not show obvious change patterns; the soil in pomegranate orchard had mean pH>7.5, which was alkaline; most of the nutrient indexes in the lower soil layer of 20-40 cm were lower than those in the surface soil layer of 0-20 cm; the soil organic matter, soil nitrogen and soil alkaline nitrogen were mostly at medium level. Soil effective phosphorus, soil quick-acting potassium, soil effective calcium and soil effective zinc were at high level, and soil effective magnesium, soil effective iron, soil effective manganese and soil effective boron were at medium-low level. It was suggested that pomegranate orchards should increase the application of organic fertilizers, appropriately increase the application of nitrogen fertilizers, and appropriately supplement the trace elements.

  • XUZhihao, JIAKai, XIERongrong, ZHUChenyu, WANGYuemin, ZENGWenlong, LINjianqi, XUChensheng, TANGLina, ZHENGChaoyuan, LIWenqing
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(6): 100-108. https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2024-0562

    Soil serves as the primary repository of trace elements required for tobacco growth, making it crucial to investigate the plentiful-lack index and the factors influencing the abundance of these trace-elements in soil used for tobacco cultivation. Therefore, this study utilized the findings from two soil surveys conducted in 2005 and 2018 within Fujian Province’s tobacco-planting soil, employing geostatistical analysis methods to examine the spatial and temporal variability characteristics and the driving factors affecting the trace elements (Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn). The study revealed that over the 14 years period from 2005 to 2018, there was a noticeable fluctuation in the trace element content of soil, yet all remained at either high or extremely high levels. Upon further analysis, it was found that the available iron content in Fujian Province’s tobacco-planting soil in 2018 predominantly ranged from 200-350 mg/kg (83.90%), with distribution mainly influenced by non-structural factors; the available manganese content predominantly fell within the range of 10-25 mg/kg (90.14%), primarily influenced by structural factors; the available copper content was primarily concentrated in the range of 1.5-3 mg/kg (80.44%), influenced by a combination of structural and non-structural factors; the available zinc content predominantly ranged from 1.5-4 mg/kg (91.88%), exhibiting a spatial auto-correlation pattern similar to that of the soil available copper; correlation and stepwise regression analyses revealed that soil pH and organic matter directly influenced the content of soil trace elements, whereas soil exchangeable magnesium had an indirect effect on these elements through its impact on pH. In the tobacco-planting regions of Fujian Province, trace-element deficiency such as Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn was essentially non-existent, with overall contents being high. Amidst the acidic soil conditions prevalent in Fujian Province, fertilizers such as magnesium hydroxide, magnesium oxide, and calcium magnesium phosphate could be utilized as alternatives to magnesium sulfate for managing soil trace elements.
