2025 Volume 15 Issue 2 Published: 20 February 2025

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  • YANGJincheng, HUXinzhou, TAOChunhong, LIYanlan, PUJiafu, ANJiannan, BOYuecai, MAODongmei, LIUJianjian, YANGHongyun, LIXiang, GUOShiming, ANZhengyun, SHILanfen
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    In order to comprehensively evaluate and recommend the optimal treatment combination of sowing date, planting density and fertilizer amount for mountain vegetable rapeseed in high altitude mountainous areas, stepwise regression and grey correlation analysis methods was used, the agronomic traits and yield benefits of mountain vegetable rapeseed with 9 cultivation factor combinations at the same altitude in Yuxi from 2019 to 2021 were compared and analyzed. The results showed that, (1) with the delay of sowing date, plant height, fresh forage weight per plant, fresh moss weight per plant and harvested fresh moss weight showed a downward trend, and prolonging growth period, increasing fresh biomass per plant and fresh moss yield per plant were beneficial to the increase of moss yield; (2) the biological yield of fresh forage was different in different years among 9 combined treatments; (3) the correlation degree between the yield of rapeseed and the main agronomic factors of different combined treatments was very different; (4) there were different degrees of differences in the yields of the 9 treatment combinations in different years, and the yields of the 3 levels of sowing date and density were extremely significant and significant differences, respectively, while there was no significant difference between the 3 levels of N application amount; (5) the output value of mountain vegetable rapeseed varied to different degrees due to different treatment combinations, and the output value showed a sharp decline trend with the delay of sowing date. It was recommended that the optimal combination of sowing date, planting density and N amount of mountain vegetable rapeseed in high altitude mountainous area was sowing date on October 20 + planting density of 7.5×104-10.5×104 plants/hm2 + 5 leaf stage N amount of 172.5-207.0 kg/hm2.

  • LIXinhua, ZHANGKe, OUXingqi, WANGZijuan, OUYangjuan, ZHANGShuailei
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    The aim was to understand the incidence and resistance performance of black point disease in major cultivated wheat varieties in the Huang-Huai wheat region. A total of 33 wheat varieties from the region were collected, and the rates of black point kernel in grains and diseased index were statistically analyzed for each variety. Disease index was also analyzed, and the resistance to black point disease was categorized. Significant differences in the rate of black point kernel were observed among the tested wheat varieties (lines), with the rate of black point kernel ranging from 6.17% to 63.17%. Varieties such as ‘Bainong 607’, ‘Bainong 207’, ‘Shannong 17’, ‘Shannong 116’, ‘Weilong 169’, and ‘Xinmai 45’ had low rates of black point kernel in grains and a light disease index, all were classified as having a low susceptibility to wheat black point disease; whereas ‘Zhoumai 36’, ‘Zhoumai 28’, ‘Gaomai 6’, ‘Tunmai 127’, ‘Anke 1602’, and ‘Aikang 58’ had high rates of black point kernel in grains and a heavy disease index, all were classified as having a high susceptibility to wheat black point disease. There were significant differences in the rate of black point kernel among different wheat varieties in the Huang-Huai wheat region. The research results provide important information for variety selection and disease management in the region, which will help guide agricultural production practices, reduce the occurrence of black point disease, and improve wheat yield and quality.

  • TIANJingmei, LIUJia, YANGXiaoyun, LIShaoxiang, ZHANGCuiping, ZHANGLin, LIUKun, ZHURunyun, DINGMingliang
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    The study aims to investigate the impact of planting density on the yield and quality of the newly approved high-quality weak gluten wheat variety 'Yunmai 114' in Yunnan, providing a theoretical basis for determining a reasonable planting density for the large-scale promotion of weak gluten wheat varieties in Yunnan. Using 'Yunmai 114' as the experimental material, seven treatments including 900000 plants/hm2 (A), 1.35 million plants/hm2 (B), 1.8 million plants/hm2 (C), 2.25 million plants/hm2 (D), 2.7 million plants/hm2 (E), 3.15 million plants/hm2 (F), and 3.6 million plants/hm2 (G) were set up for basic seedlings, with three replicates and incomplete random block arrangement. The yield and yield related traits, grain type traits, quality traits and stem tiller dynamics of the variety were investigated under different planting densities, and variance analysis and correlation analysis were conducted on these traits. The highest number of tillers, effective panicles, and the number of tillers in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh leaf stages of 'Yunmai 114' showed extremely distinct differences at 7 planting densities. There were also significant differences in spike rate, grain number, plant height, water absorption rate, protein content, stable time, formation time, and hardness value at each planting density. However, there were no significant differences in theoretical yield, actual yield, thousand grain weight, grain area, grain circumference, grain length to width ratio, and grain length and width among different planting densities. The changes in both theoretical and actual yields showed a trend of first increasing, then decreasing, then increasing, and finally decreasing with the increase of planting density. There was a highly significant positive correlation (r=0.778**, 0.908**, 0.767**, 0.924**, 0.850**, and 0.752**) between the effective panicle, the number of tillers in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh leaf stages of the variety and its basic seedlings. The plant height and theoretical yield were significantly positively correlated with their basic seedlings (r=0.536* and 0.520*). There was a significant negative correlation between the number of grains per panicle, protein content and stability time with their basic seedlings (r=-0.450*, -0.449*, and -0.467*), while there was a certain correlation but not significant between actual yield and 16 other traits with the basic seedlings. Planting density could significantly affect the number of tillers in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh leaf stages, highest tiller number, effective panicle, spike rate, grain number, plant height, water absorption rate, protein content, stability time, formation time, and hardness value of 'Yunmai 114', but it did not significantly affect the theoretical yield, actual yield, thousand grain weight, grain area, grain circumference, and grain length to width ratio, grain length and grain width. Moreover, a low planting density was not conducive to the performance of the yield and quality characteristics of the variety. When the basic seedlings were 1.35 million -3.6 million plants/hm2, the yield of the variety remained stable at 14389.50-16078.50 kg/hm2, maintaining good yield and stability, as well as maintaining the quality characteristics of weak gluten wheat. These planting densities are suitable for promotion in areas with better water and fertilizer conditions in Yunnan.

  • ZHANGHui, YANHuiyuan, SHIYaying, ZHAONana
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    In order to explore the pollution status and health risks of heavy metals in rice grains in a county of southern Henan, 68 rice grain samples were collected in the area in September 2021. The contents of chromium, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS-TQ) and direct mercury detection. The risk degree of heavy metals in rice was evaluated by single factor and Nemerowcomprehensive pollution index method, and the potential health risk of heavy metals from rice grains was evaluated by target hazard quotient (THQ) promoted by US EPA. The results showed that the average content of heavy metals in 68 rice grains did not exceed the Chinese Food Hygiene Standards, but the arsenic and cadmium contents in some samples exceeded the standards. The comprehensive pollution index (PN) of heavy metals in rice grain was 0.49, which was safe. ADD of adults and children was higher than RfD, and hazard quotients (HQ) of As were 3.11 and 4.80, which indicated that there was a certain risk of arsenic content in rice grains. The total hazard index (HI) of heavy metals to the exposed population was greater than 1, indicating that the long-term consumption of the rice by local residents may cause adverse health effects. In summary, the rice grain samples in the research area have been contaminated with arsenic, posing certain health risks. The local government needs to strengthen dynamic monitoring of the rice planting process, pay attention to the changes in the form and effective state of arsenic, ensuring food security.

  • RENQian, LIXinxin, LIUYaya, YUXiangke, HUANGZhongjie
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    Based on the analysis of cultivated land, grain production and grain demand in Sichuan Province from 2010 to 2021, the paper constructs the grain security model of Sichuan Province and analyses the degree of grain self-sufficiency in the whole province, and the current situation of food security level in Sichuan Province and its cities (prefectures) was obtained. At the same time, through the construction of cultivated land demand calculation model, taking each city (state) as the unit, based on the grain demand level and grain supply level forecast, under the condition of satisfying the basic self-sufficiency and the complete self-sufficiency, this paper quantitatively analyzes the demand of cultivated land for food security in Sichuan Province, seeks the optimal cultivated land protection area, and puts forward proposals on cultivated land protection and management.

  • LIANGJiayi, PENGYuling, CHENZhichun
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    In order to improve the overall utilization efficiency of agricultural land in Hubei Province, the suitability of agricultural land in Hubei Province was analyzed and evaluated. 16 evaluation factors in five aspects, including topography, soil, environment, climate and social economy, were selected to evaluate the suitability of three types of agricultural land (cultivated land, forest land and orchard land) in Hubei Province. The 1km raster data was used as the evaluation unit, and the index weights were determined by AHP analytic hierarchy process and Delphi method, and five suitability grades of agricultural land were divided: suitable, relatively suitable, generally suitable, less suitable and unsuitable. The results showed that the suitable areas of cultivated land, orchard land and forest land were 15.3%, 11.6% and 9.0%, respectively, and the more suitable areas and suitable areas of the three types of agricultural land were basically concentrated in the Jianghan Plain and the north of Hubei Province, the area had sufficient light and heat, suitable environmental and soil conditions, suitable areas were included in the more suitable areas, and the areas with higher suitability were mainly concentrated in the east and south of Hubei Province, followed by the north and the west of Hubei Province. The above results can provide a reference for land use planning and agricultural land development in Hubei Province.

  • ZHAOXia, ZHOUYuhui, LITing, LIJing, YANGNi, WUChunxian
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    To study the control effects of terpenol extracted from Melaleuca alternifolia against tomato early blight, strawberry powdery mildew, and grape powdery mildew, the toxicity of terpenol against three crop disease was determined by pot method and semi-field experiment, and a 2-year field trial was investigated in Sichuan. The results showed that terpenol had good inhibitory effects on Alternaria solani, Sphaerotheca aphanis, Uncinula necator, with inhibitory medium concentrations (EC50) being 17.1, 27.6 and 10.1 µg/mL respectively. The dosage of 9% terpenol EC was 45-135 g/hm2 to control tomato early blight and strawberry powdery mildew, and the dosage was 90-180 mg/kg to control grape powdery mildew, optimal efficacies were 86.0%, 79.9% and 84.9% respectively, and it was safe for crops. Compared with the control fungicide of 80% mancozeb WP and 50% kresoxim-methy WG, there was no significant difference of efficacy from 9% terpenol EC with the highest dosage, and the efficacy was much better than 4% pyrimidine nucleoside antibiotic AS’s. The botanical pesticides terpenol have good activity and field control effect against three crop diseases and can be widely applied.

  • DONGJie, HUOShunli, YEYuanrong, ZHAOShuangyin, CAIEngeli, YANXuexue
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    Six large and eleven small fruit tomato cultivars were used as the experimental lines. Seven main characteristics of the introduced tomato cultivars were comprehensively analyzed and evaluated using grey correlation analysis, to identify cultivars with better overall quality and provide reference for promoting high-quality development and popularization of the local tomato industry. Among the six large fruit tomato cultivars, ‘GH-148’ and ‘Taste 2010’ showed stronger resistance to low and high temperatures. Grey correlation analysis revealed that the six large fruit tomato cultivars ranked in order of decreasing correlation degree were ‘Taste 2012’, ‘Taste 2011’, ‘GH-148’, ‘Taste 2010’, ‘Ziyu Heijiangjun’ and ‘Taste 2013’. Among the eleven small fruit tomato cultivars, ‘Lizi Tomato’, ‘Heizhenzhu’, ‘DH21002’, ‘DH21003’, ‘Zijingzhu’, ‘Zishengnv’, ‘Ziyi Xiannv’, and ‘Ziyu Xiaoxing Tomato’ showed stronger resistance to low and high temperatures. Grey correlation analysis revealed that the eleven small fruit tomato cultivars ranked in order of decreasing correlation degree were ‘DH21003’, ‘Ziyu Xiaoxing Tomato’, ‘Ziyi Xiannv’, ‘DH21002’, ‘Heizhenzhu’, ‘Zijingzhu’, ‘Lizi Tomato’, ‘Ziqianxi No.6’, ‘Qianxi’, ‘Ziqianxi No.9’ and ‘Zishengnv’. This study has preliminarily selected ‘Taste 2012’ as a suitable tomato variety for cultivation in Bazhou, Xinjiang, and ‘DH21003’ as a suitable small tomato variety.

  • FENGShuaishuai, QIAOFeng, JIAMing, WEIJuan, JIANGTingting, HUANGAiling, JINZhibo, YANGZong, LIAihua, HANWei, LIQuanxi
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    In order to increase the reproduction coefficient of fig (Ficus carica) plants, meet the demand for promoting excellent varieties of figs, and effectively establish an in vitro rapid propagation system for fig plants, this review focused on the progress in research on the fast breeding technology of fig plants. It summarized the construction process of in vitro rapid propagation system, including the establishment of explant cultures, the induction and differentiation of callus tissue and adventitious buds, proliferation culture, and rooting culture. The issues of contamination, browning, and vitrification encountered during the in vitro rapid propagation of fig plants were analyzed, along with targeted measures to address these problems. Additionally, prospects for its rapid propagation and application had been provided, to provide a reference for the establishment of a tissue culture system for fig plants and its further utilization.

  • PEIJiabo, LIUHui, ZHONGLinbing, LUOHuifeng, LIUYushan, RUANRuoxin, ZHANGChen, CHENLi, XIDujun
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    Using blueberry ‘Eureka’ as experimental material, the effects of five light quality treatment combinations on blueberry fruit quality were studied to provide theoretical basis for scientific production. The results showed that, compared with the control, the single fruit weight, vertical and horizontal diameter, total anthocyanin and total flavonol content of treatment T2 (the light intensity is 28 μmol/(m2·s), and the spectrum is red: blue light=5:1, single power 27 W, length 1220 mm lamp is placed side by side at 30 cm at the top of blueberry plant) were the highest, which were higher than those of the control (no lamp tube), but the difference was not significant. The solid-acid ratio and sugar-acid ratio of treatment T4 (the light intensity is 21 μmol/(m2·s) and the spectrum is red: blue light=1.4:1, single power 16 W, length 1080 mm lamp is placed side by side at the top 30 cm of blueberry plant) were significantly higher than those of the control, the content of total acid (citric acid, malic acid, shikimic acid) was significantly lower than that of the control, and the hardness and soluble solids content of treatment T4 were the highest, higher than that of the control, but the difference was not significant. The total sugar content (glucose, fructose, sucrose) of treatment T5 (The light intensity is 21 μmol/(m2·s), and the spectrum is red: blue light=1.4:1, single power 16 W, length 1080 mm, two rows side by side at the top 30 cm of the blueberry plant, and one row of lights at the bottom (along the blueberry basin). was the highest, which was significantly higher than that of the control. The comprehensive score of treatment T4 was the highest. Treatment T4 had the best effect on improving the fruit quality of blueberry, that is side by side at the distance from the 30 cm at the top of the blueberry plant, two rows of lamps with a light intensity of 21 μmol/(m2·s), and a spectrum of red light: blue light=1.4:1, single power 16 W, length 1080 mm.

  • JIANGTingting, QIAOFeng, XIONGGang, ANMengmeng, LIUHongguang, FENGShuaishuai, HUANGAiling, YANGZong, LIAihua, LIQuanxi, HANWei, TANDeyun
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    Kadsura coccinea has various values such as medicinal, edible, and ornamental uses, and is commonly cultivated in southern regions, but there has no reports on the introduction of K. coccinea in northern regions. To promote the introduction and cultivation of K. coccinea in central Shandong region, this article summarized the current status of domestic wild K. coccinea resource domestication, the breeding of superior varieties, and research on cultivation techniques. Through analysis of soil, moisture, light, temperature, and climatic adaptability, the feasibility of cultivating K. coccinea in central Shandong region was theoretically possible. It was proposed that the application of ecological cultivation model could theoretically achieve the introduction and cultivation of K. coccinea in the central Shandong region. To address the issue of sustainable industrial development after the introduction of K. coccinea, it is necessary to select varieties suitable for cultivation in the central Shandong region and promote cultivation techniques; to explore sales channels for K. coccinea to expand its medicinal, edible, and ornamental markets; and to strengthen the development and utilization of K. coccinea derivatives to enhance the added value of raw materials and industrial benefits.

  • YINTongtong, LIQuanjie, ZHUHaojun, ZHENGYao
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    The team adopted the model of two dams and three zones to carry out ecological transformation of ponds in the Yangtze River Delta. In order to explore whether the transformation can improve the immune ability of fish, this study compared the changes of several immune factors in the serum of genetic improvement of farmed tilapia (GIFT) in the untreated and treated groups of waste water, and solved the key industrial problem of cost accounting in the application of the two dam and three zone model. Results showed that the treated aquaculture waste water would not affect the SGR and HSI of the tilapia, and had no significant effect on the growth index of the fish (P>0.05). The levels of immune factors α1-AT and LYS in GIFT were significantly increased, and the contents of pro-inflammatory factors (IFN-γ) and anti-inflammatory factors (IL-10 and TGF-β) were significantly increased (P<0.05). Significant changes in the levels of several immune factors have been observed in tilapia serum after treatment of aquaculture wastewater.

  • TIANRuifeng, ZHANGCheng, YANGXiao
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    As universal power machinery in the field of green agriculture, the power transmission configuration of new energy & intelligent tractors (NI Tractors) simplifies the mechanical system. It makes easier for the machine to achieve digital control and possessing new characteristics of agricultural modernization. New energy intelligent tractors are more likely to promote the integration of facilities, agronomy, and agricultural machinery into a digital intelligent model, thereby creating comprehensive benefits for facility agriculture in desert and gobi. The new energy intelligent tractor industry can also drive the emerging industry chain of agricultural machinery chip manufacturing, permanent magnet synchronous motors, power batteries, and other fields, thus possessing the characteristics of modern and new quality productivity in agriculture. The process of independent development of new energy tractor technology in China is carried out at the same time as that of foreign countries, and some technologies have reached the level of parallel and leading. It is necessary to timely summarize the development characteristics of new energy intelligent tractor technology to help China agriculture achieve stable and far-reaching development. The study first introduces the definition, characteristics, and scenarios of new energy tractors, and discusses their significance for Chinese style development in areas such as dual carbon goals, green agriculture, overtaking on curves, industrial economy, and cultural heritage; secondly, it introduces the current situation of new energy tractor products at home and abroad, and explains the development trend of key technologies such as power management, drive systems, one source for multi use, and smart source electric connection; finally, the development vision and docking suggestions for new energy tractors are proposed. This article summarizes the future development trends of tractor energy greening, autonomous operation intelligence, and integration of facility farmland agricultural machinery, helping to construct a zero carbon agricultural machinery theoretical system and implement zero carbon agricultural machinery product technology, providing reference for the modernization of China's agricultural machinery development.

  • LI Changyu, ZHANG Lingzhen, ZHANG Tinghua, PENGMAO Qingcuo, LI Jun, CHEN Dongwei, LI Shubin
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    In order to satisfy the refined service requirements of modern agriculture, this study established a snow disaster warning system of solar greenhouses, which could guide farmers to take effective measures to reduce or avoid economic losses that caused by snow disasters. The extreme probability distribution model was used to analyze the maximum snow depth data of 13 counties in Hehuang Valley of Qinghai Province from 1978 to 2021, and calculated the maximum snow pressure of the solar greenhouse with 30°, 35°and 40° slope angles during the 30-year return period, and then the snow disaster critical index of the solar greenhouse was obtained. It was selected the actual snow disaster data, the snow depth data of solar greenhouse, and the loss rate caused by the snow disaster year as a factor in Hehuang Valley from 1985 to 2021 based on the previous foundation. According to the method of calculating the standardized precipitation index to the proportion of different levels disasters in the total disaster, the threshold values of different levels of snow disasters of solar greenhouse were determined, and then the snow disaster warning indicator system was established based on the solar greenhouse loss rate according to the relationship between snow depth and greenhouse loss rate. It was classified the warning levels of solar greenhouse snow disasters into three levels: mild, moderate, and severe. This new method puts forward new ideas for the division of snow disaster indicators in solar greenhouses. It is not only simple, but also has regional universality and is convenient for meteorological service business applications.