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  • Xin Zhao, Hai Liang, Danna Chang, Jiudong Zhang, Xingguo Bao, Heng Cui, Weidong Cao
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.051
    Accepted: 2025-02-25

    Green manuring is essential for improving soil quality and nutrient uptake. With the gradual depletion of phosphorus (P) resources, more attention is being paid to the role of green manures in cultivation systems, such as maize-green manure intercropping, to find possible pathways for enhancing soil P utilization. A maize-green manure intercropping experiment was started in 2009 to investigate the effects and mechanisms for enhancing P uptake and yield in maize. Three species of green manures (HV: hairy vetch; NP: needle leaf pea; SP: sweet pea) and a sole maize treatment (CK) were used, resulting in four treatments (CK, HVT, NPT, and SPT) in the experiment. During 2020-2023, the intercropping treatments enhanced maize yields in 2020 and 2021, particularly in the HVT treatment with increases of 13.7% (1.96 t ha-1) and 13.0% (2.13 t ha-1) compared with CK, respectively. Grain P accumulation of maize was significantly higher in the intercropping treatments than CK in 2020, 2021, and 2023, and with an average increase of 10.6% over the four years (5.2% for NPT, 10.8% for SPT and 15.9% for HVT) compared with CK. Intercropping promoted maize growth with a greater root length density and a higher organic acid release rate. HVT changed the soil properties more dramatically than the other treatments, with increases in the acid phosphatase and alkaline phosphatase activities of 29.8 and 38.5%, respectively, in the topsoil (0-15 cm), while the soil pH was reduced by 0.37 units compared to CK (pH=8.44). Intercropping treatments facilitated the conversion of non-labile P to mod-labile P and stimulated the growth of soil bacteria in the topsoil. Compared with CK, the relative abundance of Gemmatimonadota, known for accumulating polyphosphate, and Actinobacteriota, a prominent source of bioactive compounds, increased significantly in the intercropping treatments, especially in HVT and SPT. A PLS-PM analysis showed that intercropping promoted soil P mobilization and the enrichment of beneficial bacteria by regulating maize root morphology and physiology. Our results highlight that maize-green manure intercropping optimizes root traits, soil properties and bacterial composition, which contribute to greater maize P uptake and yield, providing an effective strategy for sustainable crop production.  

  • Guohui Li, Yan Zhang, Jiwei Xu, Changjin Zhu, Qiuqian Hu, Ke Xu
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.050
    Accepted: 2025-02-25

    Improving rice yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) are crucial challenges for coordinating food production and environmental health. However, little is known about the physiological mechanisms underlying the synergistic effects of high yield and NUE in rice. Using two near-isogenic rice lines (named DEP1 and dep1), a two-year field experiment was conducted to assess agronomic characteristics and the physiological characteristics of carbon and nitrogen translocation under three nitrogen levels. Compared with DEP1, dep1 had higher grain yield, grain filling percentage, nitrogen (N) uptake, and NUE. More non-structural carbohydrates (NSCs) and N in the stems were translocated to grains during grain filling in dep1 than in DEP1. Furthermore, stem NSC translocation was significantly positively correlated with grain yield, while stem N translocation was significantly positively correlated with NUE. Key carbon metabolism enzyme activities (α-amylase, β-amylase and sucrose-phosphate synthase in stems, and sucrose synthase, ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase and starch synthase in grains) and stem sucrose transporter gene (OsSUT1 and OsSWEET13) expression were higher in dep1 than in DEP1. This contributed to high stem NSC translocation. Higher N translocation in the stems occurred due to the higher expression of OsNPF2.4. Moreover, the higher values of root morphological traits (root dry weight, root surface area, root length and root volume) and structural characteristics (stele diameter, cortical thickness and vessel section area) in dep1 explained its high nitrogen uptake. In addition, higher expression of OsNADH-GOGAT1 and OsGS1.3 promoted the assimilation of ammonium and contributed to higher nitrogen uptake in dep1. The application of N reduced carbon translocation but enhanced N translocation by regulating the corresponding metabolic enzyme activities and gene expression. Overall, these findings highlighted the roles of nitrogen uptake, and carbon and nitrogen translocation from stems as crucial characteristics for synergistically improving yield and NUE in the dep1 rice line.

  • Yujiao Wei, Yiyun Chen, Jiaxue Wang, Peiheng Yu, Lu Xu, Chi Zhang, Huanfeng Shen, Yaolin Liu, GanLin Zhang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.049
    Accepted: 2025-02-25

    Accurately mapping the spatial distribution of soil organic carbon (SOC) is crucial for guiding agricultural management and improving soil carbon sequestration, especially in fragmented agricultural landscapes. Although remote sensing provides spatially continuous environmental information about heterogeneous agricultural landscapes, its relationship with SOC remains unclear. In this study, we hypothesized that multi-category remote sensing-derived variables can enhance our understanding of SOC variation within complex landscape conditions. Taking the Qilu Lake watershed in Yunnan, China, as a case study area and based on 216 topsoil samples collected from irrigation areas, we applied the extreme gradient boosting (XGBoost) model to investigate the contributions of vegetation indices (VI), brightness indices (BI), moisture indices (MI), and spectral transformations (ST, principal component analysis and tasseled cap transformation) to SOC mapping. The results showed that ST contributed the most to SOC prediction accuracy, followed by MI, VI, and BI, with improvements in R2 of 29.27, 26.83, 19.51, and 14.43%, respectively. The dominance of ST can be attributed to the fact that it contains richer remote sensing spectral information. The optimal SOC prediction model integrated soil properties, topographic factors, location factors, and landscape metrics, as well as remote sensing-derived variables, and achieved RMSE and MAE of 15.05 and 11.42 g kg-1, and R2 and CCC of 0.57 and 0.72, respectively. The Shapley additive explanations deciphered the nonlinear and threshold effects that exist between soil moisture, vegetation status, soil brightness and SOC. Compared with traditional linear regression models, interpretable machine learning has advantages in prediction accuracy and revealing the influences of variables that reflect landscape characteristics on SOC. Overall, this study not only reveals how remote sensing-derived variables contribute to our understanding of SOC distribution in fragmented agricultural landscapes but also clarifies their efficacy. Through interpretable machine learning, we can further elucidate the causes of SOC variation, which is important for sustainable soil management and agricultural practices.

  • Yufei Ling, Qun Hu, Yuxin Xia, Kaiwei Zhang, Dihui Fu, Yuan Feng, Fangfu Xu, Guangyan Li, Zhipeng Xing, Hui Gao, Haiyan Wei, Hongcheng Zhang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.048
    Accepted: 2025-02-25

    In the face of agricultural labor shortages, reducing labor and costs in rice production while meeting demand or increasing yield is crucial for sustainable agricultural development.  Utilizing crop straw boards and high-density seedling raising can reduce labor demand and enhance rice yield.  This study aimed to investigate the effects of seeding density and transplanting age on tillering patterns, panicle formation rates, and yield to determine optimal cultivation practices for maximizing rice yield.  Two-year field experiments were conducted in Sihong County, China, using the japonica rice variety Nanjing 5718.  Five seeding densities (150–350 g/tray) and four transplanting ages (10–25 days) were evaluated to assess their impact on tillering patterns, panicle formation rates, and yield.  Innovative crop straw boards were employed to enhance planting efficiency and reduce dependence on seedling-raising soil.  This approach also lessened tillage layer destruction, promoting sustainable practices.  The results indicated that increasing seeding density significantly altered tillering and panicle formation patterns, reducing the occurrence and panicle formation rates of lower-position tillers.  Although the occurrence of middle and high-position tillers increased, the overall number of panicles per hill decreased, especially at higher densities, negatively affecting yield.  Reducing transplanting age promoted the emergence and panicle formation of lower-position tillers, mitigating these negative effects.  Specifically, compared to traditional methods (150 g/tray, 20-day seedlings), the higher seeding density (300 g/tray) and shorter transplanting age (15-day seedlings) increased total panicle number by 3.79–4.73% and yield by 3.38–5.05%.  Combining higher seeding densities with reduced transplanting ages offers significant advantages over conventional practices by enhancing resource utilization, improving tillering efficiency.  These findings provide actionable recommendations for optimizing rice cultivation practices and contribute to sustainable agricultural development.

  • Kaiping Zhang, Yufei Li, Li Zhang, Pingxing Wan, Ning Chai, Yuling Li, Wucheng Zhao, Matthew Tom Harrison, Yakov Kuzyakov, Fengmin Li, Feng Zhang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.047
    Accepted: 2025-02-25

    Plastic film mulching (PFM) increases crop yields in semi-arid regions by reducing water losses and increasing soil temperature, while crop production in these areas also serves as a significant source of ammonia (NH3) emissions.  The effects of PFM on NH3 emissions are nearly unknow because of interactions between larger N mineralization at higher temperature and film cover preventing NH3 diffusion.  Therefore, our objectives were to (1) evaluate the effects of PFM on NH3 emissions under field conditions, and (2) identify the maize yield and NH3 emissions under climate change and atmospheric N deposition using the DeNitrification-DeComposition (DNDC) model.  The experimental treatments included four treatments: (1) no plastic film mulching without N fertilization (control), (2) plastic film mulching without N fertilization (PFM), (3) N fertilization without plastic film mulching (N), and (4) plastic film mulching with N fertilization (PFM+N).  The PFM increased maize yields by 211% and yield stability across the years when combined with N fertilization.  PFM reduced NH3 emissions by 35% through three mechanisms: i) high water content under PFM saturates soil pores, hindering NH3 gas movement to atmosphere, ii) the hot and wet conditions under PFM accelerates nitrification rate, thus increasing pH buffering capacity during urea hydrolysis, and iii) the physical barrier created by PFM reduced NH3 exchange between soil and air.  Daily NH3 emissions increased with soil temperature, NH4+ content, and pH, but declined with soil moisture under N fertilization.  The NH3 emissions under PFM+N increased with NH4+ content.  The parameterised DNDC model simulated very well the yield and daily NH3 emissions. PFM+N increased yield and reduced NH3 emissions under the shared socioeconomic pathway (SSP) scenario and the N deposition.  Yield under PFM+N increased with increasing N deposition, while NH3 emissions under N deposition increased under the high radiative forcing scenario (SSP5-8.5).  Concluding, PFM increase yields and mitigate NH3 emissions, and it also has the potential to achieve similar benefits under future conditions.

  • Lulu Yang, Tianyu Huang, Jie Shen, Bing Wang, Guirong Wang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.046
    Accepted: 2025-02-25

    Transient receptor potential (TRP) channels are a class of ion channel proteins that are closely related to thermosensation in insects. They are involved in detecting the ambient temperature and play vital rolein insect survival and reproduction. In this study, we identified and cloned two variants of the TRPA subfamily gene in Myzus persicae, MperTRPA1(A) and MperTRPA1(B), and analyzed their tissue expression by real-time quantitative PCR. Subsequently, these two variants of MperTRPA1 were expressed in the Xenopus oocyte system, and their functions were investigated using the two-electrode voltage clamp technique. The role of the MperTRPA1 gene in temperature adaptation of M. persicae was further determined by RNA interference and behavioral choice assay to evaluate responses to temperature gradients. The results showed that the MperTRPA1 gene is widely expressed in tissues of M. persicae, with MperTRPA1(A) highly expressed in the mouthparts and MperTRPA1(B) mainly expressed in the antennae. The functional characterization results showed that both variants of MperTRPA1 could be activated and were not desensitizewhen the temperature increased from 20 to 45°C. The current value and thermal sensitivity (coefficient Q10 value) of MperTRPA1(B) were significantly higher than those of MperTRPA1(A). When the MperTRPA1 gene was knocked down, the behavioral preference of M. persicae for the optimal temperature was reduced and tended to be at a higher temperature, showing a shift in the temperature adaptation range compared to both the wild type and dsGFP-treated M. persicae. In summary, our results elucidated the molecular mechanism of adaptive temperature perception in M. persicae mediated by the thermal sensor MperTRPA1.

  • Jiahao Liu, Xiaolei Cao, Tingyong Mao, Qingling Wen, Dan Zhang, Linfeng Bao, Desheng Wang, Wei Sang, Sifeng Zhao, Yunlong Zhai
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.045
    Accepted: 2025-02-21
  • Lingfang Ran, Yaohua Li, Long Chen, Tong Mo, Nian Liu, Shijia Xu, Yucheng Su, Chuannan Wang, Aimin Liang, Jianyan Zeng, Wanting Yu, Jie Kong, Yuehua Xiao
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.044
    Accepted: 2025-02-21

    Naturally colored cotton (NCC) represents a kind of eco-friendly and sustainable textile material. Limited colors and inferior yield and quality are the major obstacles to the wide application of NCCs.  The present work aimed to generate new colored cotton by synthesizing and accumulating anthocyanins in fibers.  Two anthocyanin regulatory genes Lc and GhPAP1D were fused and specifically expressed in fibers of the secondary cell wall (SCW) stage.  The transgenic fibers exhibited pronounced purplish-red color at 20 to 30 DPA (days post anthesis), and reddish-brown color at maturation.  Meanwhile, expressing Lc and GhPAP1D led to reduced elongation rate and impaired SCW deposition in fibers, finally decreased fiber strength and length, and low lint percentage at maturation.  Metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses indicated that the whole flavonoid pathway was significantly up-regulated, and multiple flavonoids, including anthocyanins, proanthocyanidins and flavonols, were accumulated in developing and mature fibers.  It was also found that lignin biosynthesis and accumulation were significantly increased in fibers of the SCW synthesis stage.  Our results provided a feasible strategy to promote anthocyanin synthesis and accumulation in cotton fibers, and also its side effects on fiber coloration and development, which laid the foundation for future NCC color innovation.

  • Jieyu Dai, Ze Xu, Qianjin Zhan, Jingwen Zhu, Lijun Cao, Zhanling Lu, Yuting Xu, Tongyang Kang, Yanan Hu, Caiping Zhao
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.043
    Accepted: 2025-02-21

    Softening of fleshy fruits during ripening and post-harvest is a programmed event that greatly affects quality and storage span. However, the molecular mechanism underlying peach softening remain largely unknown. Lateral organ boundary (LOB) domain (LBD) proteins are pivotal regulators of plant growth and development. To date, certain LOB/LBD transcription factors are seemingly implicated in fruit softening. In this study, we identified 42 LOB/LBD genes in the peach genome. Expression analysis showed a significant upregulation of PpLOB1 transcripts toward peach fruit ripening. PpLOB1 was classified into Class II subgroup, and showed high sequence similarity to several softening-related LOB/LBD transcription factors. Transient transformation assays showed that PpLOB1 positively modulates peach softening. Further experiments demonstrated that PpLOB1 directly targeted and activated the promoters of pectate lyase 1 (PpPL1) and PpPL15, thereby contributing to the regulation of fruit softening. Additionally, PpNAP4 up-regulated PpLOB1 expression by binding to its promoter. Meanwhile, our findings revealed that PpNAP4 and PpNAP6 cooperatively modulate the expression of PpLOB1. Altogether, all results revealed a new regulatory module that involves PpNAP4 and PpLOB1, and contributes to peach fruit softening.

  • Xi Chen, Khalid Ayesha, Xue Wen, Yanan Zhang, Mengru Dou, Kexuan Jia, Yong Wang, Yuling Li, Feng Sun, Guotian Liu, Yan Xu
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.042
    Accepted: 2025-02-21

    The embryo rescue technique plays an essential part in developing new varieties of seedless grapes. To enhance the efficiency of seedless grape embryo rescue breeding, this study evaluated 22 hybrid combinations, It systematically probed into the impacts of diverse parental genotypes and plant hormones on both embryo development and germination. In addition, an in-depth exploration was carried out regarding the transformation of abnormal plantlets. Results indicate that ‘Ruby Seedless’, ‘Delight’, ‘Huozhouheiyu’, ‘Zitian Seedless’, and ‘Zhengyan Seedless’ are suitable as maternal parents, while ‘Zitian Seedless’, ‘Shennongxiangfeng’, ‘Hongqitezao’, and ‘Guibao’ are optimal as paternal parents. Among these combinations, ‘Ruby Seedless × Shennongxiangfeng’ and ‘Ruby Seedless × Zitian Seedless’ demonstrated the highest embryo rescue efficiency. Their embryo development rates were 55.05% and 59.76%, yielding 1,348 and 2,235 viable plantlets, respectively. When 1.0 mg L-1 ZT(Zeatin) was added to the MM3 + 0.2 mg L-1 IAA (Indole - 3 - Acetic Acid) embryo development medium, the development rate of the ‘Ruby Seedless × Zitian Seedless’ embryos went up by a huge 64.73%. In the germination medium WPM, the supplementation of 0.2 mg L-1 ZT + 0.2 mg L-1 IAA resulted in the highest germination rate of 85.71% for the hybrid combination ‘Huozhouheiyu × Shine Muscat’. Furthermore, we successfully recovered a total of 3,365 abnormal plantlets and regenerated 1,234 normal plantlets through direct transformation and cotyledon induction. After hybridization, we successfully transplanted 4,287 plants. This study offers theoretical insights that can enhance the efficiency of embryo rescue breeding for seedless grapes, offering valuable resources for future breeding programs.

  • Zeshan Zhang, Pengzhong Zhang, Yongfan Chen, Xuejiao Wang, Mingfeng Yang, Shuai Sun, Yutong Zhang, Sen Wang, Fen Ji, Chunrong Ji, Dao Xiang, Parhat Mamat, Lizhen Zhang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.041
    Accepted: 2025-02-21

    Water-driven crop simulation models are commonly employed to evaluate crop yields and irrigation management strategies to improve agricultural water productivity.  Well-tested models can serve as powerful tools for guiding agricultural practices.  The objective of this study was to assess the capability of the AquaCrop model for simulation of cotton transpiration and water use under drip irrigation conditions comparing with field sap flow measurements.  A two-year field experiment (2020-2021) in cotton was conducted in Xinjiang China including two row spacing and two topping methods.  The model adequately estimated canopy cover with a normalized root mean square error (nRMSE) of less than 5% and a model efficiency (EF) close to 1.  The model estimation of transpiration obtained a good agreement with sap flow measurements (nRMSE=22.4%) across all years and treatments.  The model simulated water use efficiency (WUE, 4.42 g m-2 mm-1) of cotton were lower than those calculated from actual measurements with WUE of 4.79 g m-2 mm-1.  The estimated transpiration was slightly higher than that measured using sap flow meter due to an 11.5% of overestimation for crop coefficient in the model when cotton grew in short and dense canopy structure under drip irrigation and plastic film cover conditions.  Air temperature, vapor pressure difference and radiation had positive effects on cotton transpiration while humidity had negative effects.  The model could capture the trends of transpiration with climate factors, but the climatic effects were stronger than that of sap flow.  In conclusion, AquaCrop model is useful tool in optimizing cotton irrigation strategies.

  • Lu Liang, Zhuohan Gao, Zaisong Ding, Wenchao Zhen, Zheng Liu, Congfeng Li, Ming Zhao, Xinbing Wang, Baoyuan Zhou
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.040
    Accepted: 2025-02-21

    Soil compaction has become a seriously limitation for further increasing grain yield of maize (Zea mays L.) in the North China Plain (NCP).  However, considerable variability exists among maize hybrids in their grain yield response to soil compaction.  To understand the physiological processes relate to the variation of responses to various soil compactions among maize hybrids, a two-year field experiment was conducted with 17 maize hybrids and three soil compaction treatments (NC, no compaction, SBD, soil bulk density=1.0-1.3 g cm-3; MC, moderate compaction, SBD=1.4-1.5 g cm-3, and HC, heavy compaction, SBD>1.6 g cm-3) to examine the root and shoot morphological traits, dry matter accumulation, and grain yield.  Compared to NC, MC and HC significantly decreased maize yield by 0.9-26.7% and 5.9-41.1% across hybrids and years, respectively.  High compaction tolerance (H) had greater grain yield than hybrids of middle compaction tolerance (M) and low compaction tolerance (L), particularly under HC.  Yield benefits obtained from H hybrid were enhanced due to better root and shoot growth under HC condition.  Greater root length, root surface area, and root weight, as well as root activity, absorption capacity, and antioxidant capacity for H hybrid were found under HC condition, and then maintained increased leaf area index and dry matter accumulation.  Moreover, the increases of root growth indices for H hybrid were greater than that of shoot growth, particularly under HC condition, leading to an increased root/shoot ratio.  We conclude that soil compaction impacts maize root and shoot growth differently depending on genotype, and root growth advantages of H hybrid were more obviously than shoot growth, which enhanced the yield benefits from H hybrid under heavy compaction condition.

  • Qiang Yan, Guosheng Liu, Yingying He, Shuang Hou, Kangli Hao, Jiale Xing, Tingting Zhang, Shutang Zhou
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.039
    Accepted: 2025-02-21

    CRISPR/Cas9-based gene editing research has advanced greatly and showbroad potential for practical application in life sciences, but the Cas9 system is often constrained by the requirement of a protospacer adjacent motif (PAM) at the target site. While xCas9, a variant derived from Streptococcus pyogenes Cas9 (SpCas9), can recognize a broader range of PAMs, its application in non-model insects is lacking. In this study, we explored xCas9 activity in gene editing by selecting corazonin (Crzand the target sites with various PAMs in Locusta migratoria, a destructive insect pest worldwide. We found that xCas9 could cleave the target site with AG PAM while SpCas9 could not, although xCas9 appeared to have lower activity than SpCas9 at the canonical NGG PAMs. The heritable homozygous Crz-/- locust strain was generated by the application of xCas9. The Crz-/- strain showed an albino body color, with significantly downregulated expression of several body color-related genes including Pale, Vermilion, Cinnabar, White and β-carotene-binding protein. In addition, Crz-/- mutants exhibited significantly reduced expression of Chitin synthase 1, along with a markedly lower chitin content as well as compact and rigid cuticles. Furthermore, Crz-/- mutants displayed impaired performance under low-temperature stress, including prolonged lifespan, reduced body weight and smaller body size. Our results suggest that xCas9 is effective for insect genome editing, and Crz plays essential rolein insect body color, cuticle development and adaptation to low-temperature stress. The findings of this study extend the application of xCas9 in non-model insects and provide new insights into our understanding of the regulation of insect cuticle development and environmental adaptation.

  • Yingpeng Wang, Yifan Hua, Lanxin Mei, Yixuan Meng, Yongtao Guo, Jian Cai, Mei Huang, Yingxin Zhong, Xiao Wang, Dong Jiang, Qin Zhou
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.038
    Accepted: 2025-02-21

    The application of slow-controlled release fertilizer is a simplified and labor-saving cultivation technology and can improve yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) of wheat, whereas the research on the impact of a single application of different release periods controlled-release nitrogen (N) fertilizer on wheat grain quality is still limited.  In our study, urease inhibitor urea (AHA), sulfur-coated urea (SCU), combination of SCU and AHA fertilizer (BSAF) and blended slow-controlled release fertilizer (BRNF) were used to investigate the effect of slow-controlled release fertilizer on nutrient release, grain yield, nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) and protein content of soft wheat.  We aimed to determine the effect of one-time application of control release fertilizer on wheat grain yield and protein content and its underlying mechanisms.  The results showed that different slow-controlled release fertilizers treatments had significantly different N release rates.  AHA presented a fast release mode, SCU and BSAF presented a slow-release mode, and BRNF presented a controlled release mode.  Compared with CK, BRNF increased grain yield and decreased protein content of soft wheat, with an average increase of 7.47% in grain yield and decrease of 1.85% in protein content.  The higher N absorption of BRNF led to greater NUE, N agronomic efficiency (NAE) and N apparent recovery fraction (NRF).  However, AHA, SCU and BSAF all showed an opposite trend. Compared with CK, BRNF improved post-anthesis dry matter accumulation (PDMA) and contribution rate of dry matter accumulated post-anthesis to the grain (CDA), while decreasing post-anthesis N accumulation (PNA) and the contribution rate of post-anthesis N accumulation to grain (CNA).  The main reasons for the improve in yield and decrease in protein content were related to the increase in PDMA and CDA, and the decrease in PNA and CNA, respectively.  Therefore, BRNF was an effective agronomic strategy to promote the coordination of grain yield and quality of soft wheat

  • Qian Tang, Jianhong Ren, Xinru Zhang, Cai Wu, Yarong Zhang, Dahong Bian, Guangzhou Liu, Yanhong Cui, Xiong Du, Chuang Wang, Zhen Gao
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.037
    Accepted: 2025-02-21

    Improving nitrogen utilization efficiency is not only beneficial for increasing maize yield, but can also mitigate the environmental impact of excessive nitrogen fertilizer use. Numerous studies have evaluated the impact of plant growth retardants and plant density on plant lodging resistance and nitrogen uptake.  However, the influence of plant growth retardants on nitrogen utilization efficiency under varying plant densities has been rarely reported.  A field experiment was conducted in 2020-2021, which involved spraying EC (an ethephon and cycocel compound) at the 7th-leaf stage of maize with dosages of 0 (CK), 450, and 900 mL ha−1 at plant densities of 4.5, 6.0, 7.5, and 9.0 plants m−2. Compared to CK, application of EC (especially high dosage) significantly decreased plant height and dry matter, while increased stem diameter, plant horizontal-vertical ratio (PHVR, a new index, which we defined as the ratio of stem diameter of the basal first internode above ground to the plant height), and the number and area of vascular bundle. PHVR and vascular bundle morphology had significantly positive correlation with individual plant dry matter remobilization amount and its contribution to grain yield.  Therefore, despite reduced dry matter weight was observed in EC treatment, the increased dry matter remobilization enhanced harvest index (HI). However, nitrogen uptake efficiency was not improved with the enhancement of PHVR and vascular bundle morphology, due to a decrease in dry matter accumulation. Inversely, improved PHVR and vascular bundle were beneficial to accelerate nitrogen translocation, thus increasing nitrogen utilization efficiency (NUtE) significantly by 4.3–31.1% compared with CK across densities. Increasing density simultaneously improve nitrogen uptake and utilization efficiency. Consequently, high dosage of EC application under high density not only could significantly enhance lodging resistance, but also improving NUtE and HI significantly through promoting the transport of dry matter and nitrogen. 

  • Luchen Zhang, Longqin Wang, Yongchao Tian, Liang Tang, Bing Liu, Yan Zhu, Weixing Cao, Liujun Xiao, Leilei Liu
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.036
    Accepted: 2025-02-21

    Nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) are key elements for crop growth, yet exhaustive research on the impact of N–K interactions on plant N and K status and yield is lacking.  This study aimed to explore effective indicators for diagnosing N and K nutrition and predicting yield of wheat under N–K interactions based on the theoretical framework of a critical nutrient dilution curve.  A four-year N–K interaction experiment involving three wheat cultivars was employed for building and validating nutrient indices (NIs) based on the critical N dilution curve (CNDC) and the critical K dilution curve (CKDC).  In addition, literature data were collected for supplementary validation.  The results revealed that the changes of parameter A1 in critical K dilution curves (CKDCs) can reflect the impact of nitrogen application on K absorption and utilization.  However, the difference in KNI values calculated by CKDC under different N levels is not significant. Based on the aboveground biomass (AGB), a universal CKDC was established and defined as Kc=3.63AGB–0.37 under N–K interactions.  The results showed that the direct effects of N or K deficiency on crops could be quantified by the N–K interaction index (NKI) calculated by integrating CNDC and CKDC, and the changes in crop growth in response to proportional N and K concentrations could be determined by NKI as well.  In addition, topdressing N fertilizer at the jointing stage significantly improved the N–K interaction effect on N nutrition index (NNI) and NKI at the booting stage (P<0.05), but had no significant N–K interaction effect on K nutrition index (KNI).  All indicators at heading stage demonstrated the best predictive capability for relative yield (RY) than other stages.  Compared with NNI and KNI, the prediction accuracy of yield with NKI improved by 11.63 and 17.44%, respectively.  The NKI has better performance in diagnosing N and K nutrition and predicting yield under N–K interactions than NNI and KNI.  This result enhances the interpretation of the effects of NK interactions on wheat growth and has important applications in improving the accuracy of N and K nutrition diagnosis and yield prediction.

  • Xiaolin Liu, Jie Zhu, Ruixiang Li, Yang Feng, Qian Yao, Dong Duan
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.035
    Accepted: 2025-02-21

    Stilbenes, natural plant phytoalexin, are involved in the response of various biotic and abiotic stresses in plant environment. STILBENE SYNTHASE (STS) is the key enzyme regulating resveratrol synthesis in grapevine. However, the regulatory mechanism of STS genes expression remains unclear. In this study, we reported a NAC transcription factor, VqNAC17, in Vitis quinquangularis, which can improve plant resistance to salt stress, drought stress and Pseudomonas syringae pv. Tomato DC3000 (Pst DC3000) in transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana. Besides, the interaction between the transcription factor VqNAC17 and VqMYB15 was confirmed using yeast two-hybrid and BiFC. In transgenic A. thaliana, VqNAC17 participates in plant immunity through interaction with VqMYB15 to affect the stilbene synthesis. Furthermore, the experimental results of yeast one-hybrid assay and LUC transient expression assay found that VqNAC17 can also bind to the promoter of VqMYB15. These results indicate that VqNAC17 is a key regulator that can promote the expression of STS by interacting with VqMYB15.

  • Yuhui Wang, Jie Sun, Shen Gao, Bin He, Zhengyang Wu, Wenjun He, Weike Tao, Xin’ao Tang, Zhi Geng, Weiwei Li, Fei Yang, Zhengrong Jiang, Zhenghui Liu, Yanfeng Ding, Soulaiman Sakr, Ganghua Li
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.034
    Accepted: 2025-02-20

    Single-time fertilization (STF) of controlled release blended fertilizer (CRBF) improves grain yield and nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) in rice production.  However, the impact of soil nitrogen (N) distribution and root growth on rice yield and NUE under STF of CRBF remains unclear.  This two-year field experiment investigated the effects of fertilizer types (normal urea (U) and CRBF) and single-time fertilization methods (broadcast and side-deep fertilization) on the soil N distribution, plant N uptake, root characteristics, grain yield and NUE.  The results showed that CRBF under STF averaged increased plant dry matter accumulation, N uptake, grain yield, nitrogen recovery efficiency (NRE), and nitrogen agronomic efficiency (NAE) by 8.29, 21.85, 10.57, 79.28, and 74.8% compared to the other treatments, respectively.  Side-deep fertilization of CRBF further increased NUE by 12.78% compared to broadcast.  Moreover, CRBF under STF increased leaf SPAD value and glutamine synthetase (GS) /glutamine oxoglutarate aminotransferase (GOGAT) activity by 5.93 and 25.58%.  CRBF under STF increased the soil inorganic N concentration and showed a “rising early and stabilizing later” characteristic.  Additionally, CRBF under STF improved rice root growth and averaged increased root biomass, total root number, root average diameter, total root length, total root surface area, total root volume by 28.30, 28.56, 18.64, 13.38, 35.26, and 37.06% at tillering and heading stages, respectively.  Partial least squares path modeling indicated that CRBF under STF increased soil inorganic N concentration to improve root morphology, thereby increasing N uptake and improving and rice yield and NUE.  Taken together, our findings support that CRBF with single-time fertilization is the preferred N fertilizer strategy for achieving high yield and efficiency in rice and that side-deep fertilization is the optimal fertilization method.

  • Mengting He, Hanxiao Li, Zhuangzhuang Sun, Xiangnan Li, Qing Li, Jian Cai, Qin Zhou, Yingxin Zhong, Xiao Wang, Dong Jiang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.033
    Accepted: 2025-02-20

    Drought stress is a significant environmental stressor that can have detrimental effects on crop yields, especially during stem elongation.  Drought priming has emerged as a promising technique for enhancing plant drought tolerance.  However, the effects of drought priming on the differentiation process of spike and its physiological basis of wheat are not clear.  In this study, we investigated the effects of drought priming on the development of spike under drought stress by applying drought priming at the three-leaf stage and drought stress during stem elongation.  Our study demonstrated that drought priming significantly increased the photosynthetic rate of flag leaves by approximately 25.7% and improved leaf water potential by 17.4% during drought stress.  Moreover, it mitigated oxidative damage, reducing hydrogen peroxide and malondialdehyde levels by 30.6 and 11.1%, respectively, during stem elongation.  Drought priming also markedly enhanced the activity of key carbon metabolism enzymes, hexokinase and fructokinase, by 170.0 and 236.0%, respectively.  This improved carbon metabolism stabilized spike differentiation, leading to increased spikelet and floret primordia formation.  Ultimately, drought priming achieved a 13.8% increase in kernel number per spike, demonstrating its potential to improve grain yield under drought conditions.  This study innovatively reveals the "carbon homeostasis-spike development" coordination mechanism underlying drought priming-enhanced reproductive stress tolerance. The findings advance our understanding of stress memory spatiotemporal regulation in crops and offer transformative solutions for stabilizing wheat production under climate change scenarios.

  • Ying Liu, Jiangyao Fu, Haotian Chen, Yajun Zhang, Siyu Li, Kuanyu Zhu, Yunji Xu, Weilu Wang, Junfei Gu, Hao Zhang, Zhiqin Wang, Lijun Liu, Jianhua Zhang, Weiyang Zhang, Jianchang Yang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.032
    Accepted: 2025-02-20

    This study examined the involvement of cytokinins in the process by which moderate water limitation (MWL) mediates nitrogen (N) remobilization from source to sink during the grain-filling phase in wheat.  Field experiments were performed using N application rates of low (LN), medium (MN), and high (HN).  Two soil moisture regimes were implemented for each N rate: conventional well-watered (CWW) and MWL post anthesis. The MWL application optimized N, total free amino acids (FAA), trans-zeatin (Z)+trans-zeatin riboside (ZR) reallocation from the source organs (stems and leaves) to the sink organ (spikes) in wheat.  Compared to those in the CWW regime, the activities of proteolytic enzymes, including endopeptidase, carboxypeptidase and aminopeptidase within stems and leaves, and the expression levels of total FAA transporter genes in spikes were significantly elevated in the MWL regime, showing a close correlation with the Z+ZR levels in the spikes.  Application of kinetin to stems and leaves significantly inhibited proteolytic enzyme activity, promoting N retention in stems and leaves, decreasing N accumulation in the sink organ, and reducing the N harvest index.  In contrast, the applying kinetin to spikes significantly upregulated expression levels of FAA transporter genes, reducing N retention in stems and leaves, increasing N accumulation in the sink organ, and raising the N harvest index.  Such facilitation induced by the MWL in remobilization of N from source to sink was greater at HN than at LN or MN.  Results demonstrate that post-anthesis MWL can significantly intensify the remobilization of N from source to sink, while also synergistically enhancing grain yield and N use efficiency through strategically redistributing cytokinins (Z+ZR) between source and sink in wheat.

  • Hongxing Li, Fei Gao, Lei Wang, Alam Sher, Baizhao Ren, Bin Zhao, Peng Liu, Jiwang Zhang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.031
    Accepted: 2025-02-20

    Effects of maize straw return and N fertilizer application on soil quality and crop yield have been extensively researched.  However, the effects of different amounts of maize straw returned to the field with different nitrogen application rates on the soil-crop system quality, abundance of functional N cycle microorganisms, N2O emissions and crop N nutrition status of crops remain incompletely explored.  Objective of this study was to assess the effects of different summer maize straw return rates and N application rates on: i) soil quality and crop productivity; ii) the community of N cycle-functional microorganisms and N2O emission, and iii) crop N status.  Results indicated that crop yields increased by 7.62 to 12.69% at 210 kg ha-1 of N application for full straw return (SN) and half return (1/2SN) compared to the no-return treatment (CK).  No significant difference was recorded in yield between the full straw return reduced by 15% (178.5 kg N ha-1) of N fertilizer (S-15%N) and SN.  Surface soil layer (0-20 cm) showed significantly higher levels of soil organic matter (SOM), the community of N-cycling functional microorganisms, crop N nutrition status and N uptake efficiency in SN, 1/2SN, and S-15%N as compared to other treatments.  S-15%N and 1/2SN reduced cumulative N2O emission fluxes by 19.11 and 5.51%, respectively, compared to SN.  Furthermore, the nitrogen nutrient index (NNI) of 1/2SN, S-15%N was closer to the critical N requirement than SN.  In summary, the decision schemes for optimal straw return and N application (1/2SN and S-15%N) based on SOM, NNI, cumulative N2O emission fluxes and yield can be applied to the annual production of winter wheat and summer maize in China as compared to SN.

  • Qian Yang, Jing Wang, Jixiang Sun, Sijing Gao, Hang Zheng, Yuemin Pan
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.030
    Accepted: 2025-02-19

    As a main causal agent of wheat crown rot, Fusarium pseudograminearum secrets numerous proteins to host during the infection process to regulate host immune responses or contribute to virulence of F. pseudograminearum. In this study, a secreted protein Fp00392 from F. pseudograminearum was found to trigger cell death in Nicotiana benthamiana. Purified Fp00392 protein can activate ROS burst, callose deposition, and upregulation of defense-related genes in N. benthamiana. Moreover, VIGS assay in N. benthamiana shows that Fp00392-triggered cell death is independent on BAK1 and SOBIR1. Furthermore, the transcript level of Fp00392 was significantly induced during F. pseudograminearum infection. Knockout of Fp00392 significantly attenuates pathogenicity of F. pseudograminearum on wheat coleoptile. Deletion of Fp00392 affected the sensitivity of F. pseudograminearum to H2O2 and Congo Red. Overall, these results indicate that Fp00392 can not only induce plant immune response as PAMP, but promote F. pseudograminearum infection as a virulence factor. 

  • Shan Geng, Zhimeng Zhang, Yuwei Zhao, Ruixue Zhao, Jiaqi Li, Yingchao Liu, Zhiyan Cao, Bin Zhao, Jingao Dong
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.029
    Accepted: 2025-02-19

    Fungal diseases affecting maize not only reduced maize yields but also generate fungal toxins that pose risks to both human and animal health, particularly when the straw is returned to the field. Microbial in-situ control is considered an environmentally friendly method that effectively addresses the limitations of unstable effects. In this study, we isolated Bacillus velezensis zm026 from rhizosphere soil for in-situ restoration, based on the soil community structure, which exhibits high antagonistic activity against Fusarium verticillioides and Exserohilum turcicum. Zm026 effectively colonized the surface of maize roots within five days and activated the plant immune system, significantly increasing the expression of defense genes such as ZmGST, ZmZHD, ZmPR-1, ZmPR-2, and ZmPR-3. The efficient anti-fungal substance of zm026 was identified by HPLC-MS and determined to be bacillomycin D. Further observations using trypan blue staining, along with DAPI (4',6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) and PI (Propidium iodide) fluorescent staining, revealed that bacillomycin D could inhibit fungal spore germination, disrupt the integrity of fungal cell membranes, induce apoptosis, and cause spore tips to protrude, swell, or rupture. Ultimately, indoor pot experiments demonstrated that the application of zm026 fermentation broth significantly promoted growth, inhibited the onset of fungal diseases in corn, and effectively reduced the abundance of Fusarium spp. in corn grains. This research provides a beneficial in-situ restoration strain for the high-quality development of corn.

  • Shujuan Liu, Li Zhao, Chenyang Hao, Yuxue Pan, Mengjiao Guo, Yilin Huang, Haixia Liu, Jian Hou, Zaifeng Li, Tian Li, Xinhong Chen, Xueyong Zhang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.028
    Accepted: 2025-02-19

    Leaf rust is a highly destructive foliar disease in wheat, causing major constraints in wheat production worldwide.  In this study, we conducted a comprehensive assessment of adult plant resistance to leaf rust in 590 accessions from the advanced backcross-nested association mapping plus inter-crossed (AB-NAMIC) population. We used 660K genotype data to perform a genome-wide association study (GWAS), identifying significant quantitative trait loci (QTLs) on chromosomes 1B, 2A, 2B, and 7D, with particular emphasis on the candidate gene TaRLK-1B on chromosome 1B.  A cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) marker was developed based on TaRLK-1B haplotypes and effectively differentiated between resistant and susceptible varieties.  This gene encodes a membrane-localized leucine-rich repeat receptor-like kinase (LRR-RLK) that is upregulated in response to the fungal infection that causes leaf rust.  Targeted knockout of TaRLK-1B in wheat led to reduced resistance to leaf rust, underscoring its essential role as a positive regulator in defense against this disease.  Additionally, we propose that TaRLK-1B interacts with the receptor-like cytoplasmic kinase TaRLCK1B, potentially facilitating immune signal transduction.  Our findings also demonstrate that pyramiding minor effect QTLs significantly increases resistance to leaf rust.  This study provides novel insights into resistance genes and valuable QTL information, which could improve marker-assisted wheat breeding efforts.

  • Siriyaporn Chanapanchai, Wahdan Fitriya, Ida Bagus Made Artadana, Kanyaratt Supaibulwatana
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.027
    Accepted: 2025-02-19

    Global warming and climate change have made conventional agriculture inefficient in food production.  The affected livestock and crop cultivation are leading to disruptions in food supply.  The troubles are severe in regions suffering with improper land management and unsustainable practices.  The Bio-Circular-Green (BCG) economic model, designed to reduce and recycle resources and environmentally friendly procedures, has been introduced.  Azolla plant represents an interesting model for BCG and enhancing community networks in Southeast Asia (SEA) because it is multipurpose materials.  Azolla can use for various applications in agriculture such as biofertilizer and animal feeds.  However, understanding and utilization of Azolla are limited.  Moreover, collaboration among farmers is insufficient to maximize benefits of Azolla. In this study, we provide a comprehensive review of the role of Azolla in agriculture.  We review main property of Azolla as biofertilizers especially, for rice production and the interaction with cyanobacteria.  For livestock, we discuss procedures to combine Azolla in animal feed and evaluate the ingredients of the meal.  Besides that, we also discuss product qualities from livestock treated with Azolla diet.  This review also describes Azolla-based farming, which is designed for efficient land use and promotes nutrient cycling.  Hence, we illustrate that Azolla plant is one of the key important factors for farm-based agroecosystem services which driven sustainable bioresources management in SEA.  Moreover, we also propose potential development of Azolla to improve its properties as biofertilizer, functional feed for animal and human, and bio-oil production.

  • Qin Dai, Hong Chen, Ziqiang Chen, Chang Liu, Gaoliang Li, Yakun Wang, Xiaotao Hu
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.026
    Accepted: 2025-02-19

    Timely and accurate forecasting of crop yields is critical for food management and trade. However, limited research has explored the impact of integrating crop phenotypic parameters (CPPs) with unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) data across different phenological stages on maize yield prediction.  Extent to which multi-temporal data, as opposed to mono-temporal data, enhances the accuracy and reliability of yield projections has yet to be systematically investigated.  To attain the balance between accuracy and cost in crop yield estimation, this study proposed a structured framework to identify the optimal phenological periods for summer maize yield prediction using UAV-based multispectral data.  Three classical methods including the custom mean decrease accuracy (C-MDA), optimal parameters-based geographical detector (OPGD), and grey relational analysis (GRA), were firstly used to sort and screen both CPPs and vegetation indices (VIs) derived from UAV-based information over six growth stages.  Ridge regression models based on multi-temporal data combinations and mono-temporal data were established, respectively, whose performance in yield prediction were compared to identify the optimal phenological stages and the corresponding key factors.  Our results showed that the C-MDA exhibited a pronounced superiority in factor screening ranking compared to OPGD and GRA.  Green normalized difference vegetation index (GNDVI), normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI), and normalized difference red edge index (NDRE) emerged as the top-performing VIs, while the leaf area index (LAI) and above ground biomass (AGB) proved to be the most effective CPPs.  When predicting yield using only mono-temporal data, the dough stage delivered the highest predictive accuracy (R2=0.871, RMSE=0.407 t ha-1), while the tasseling stage achieved yield estimates with acceptable precision (R2=0.810, RMSE=0.493 t ha-1) the earliest. In contrast, the integration of UAV data from different crop growth stages markedly enhanced the accuracy of yield estimation.  Combinations of data from the tasseling, silking, and dough stages was recommended (R2=0.942, RMSE=0.291 t ha-1).  These findings indicate that precise estimation of maize yields in smallholder fields may be attainable, presenting both substantial theoretical insights and practical benefits for the advancement of precision agriculture.

  • Yeon Ju An, Min Young Kim, Sungup Kim, Jeongeun Lee, Sang Woo Kim, Jung In Kim, Eunyoung Oh, Heungsu Lee, Kwang-Soo Cho, Seung-Hyun Kim, Myoung Hee Lee, Eunsoo Lee
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.025
    Accepted: 2025-02-19

    Lignans are important bioactive compounds in sesame (Sesamum indicum L.), valued for their health benefits and industrial potential.  However, the genetic mechanisms underlying the lignan biosynthesis pathway remain poorly understood.  This study aimed to identify key quantitative trait loci (QTLs) associated with lignan content using 140 F9 recombinant inbred lines (RILs) derived from a cross between sesame cultivars Areum and Gomazou and to develop molecular markers for use in breeding programs to enhance lignan content.  Genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS) technology was employed, combining single (ApeKI) and double-enzyme (PstI/MspI) digestions.  This approach provided comprehensive genome coverage and substantially improved the quality of the linkage map.  A total of 19 QTLs associated with lignan components, including oil-soluble lignans and water-soluble lignans, were identified.  Among these, loci on chromosomes 6 and 11 exhibited high LOD scores of 17.8 (PVE 13.9%) and 51.5 (PVE 68.7%), respectively, for total lignan contents in seeds.  Two major QTLs, qLIGNAN6 and qLIGNAN11, were identified as key contributors to lignan content.  Significant single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) linked to these QTLs were used to develop CAPS markers for potential application in marker-assisted selection (MAS).  These markers were validated in RILs and germplasm to evaluate beneficial allele stacking and gene pyramiding.  This study provides valuable genetic resources and molecular markers that will facilitate the effective implementation of sesame breeding strategies aimed at improving nutritional value.  The findings contribute to the development of sesame varieties with higher lignan content, supporting both health and industrial applications. 

  • Jingui Wei, Qiang Chai, Wen Yin, Yao Guo, Zhilong Fan, Falong Hu, Qiming Wang, Shoufa Mao
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.024
    Accepted: 2025-02-19

    Ensuring the provision of adequate and nutritious food for humans through sustainable agricultural development poses a major challenge.  Optimized nitrogen supply is one of the key factors to improve crop grain yield and quality.  Green manure is often used to optimize nitrogen supply in crop production, but it is unclear whether green manure maintains grain yield and quality of spring wheat while reducing chemical nitrogen input.  A split-plot field experiment of various varieties of green manure and mixed cropping green manure was established in an arid area since 2018.  This study aimed to explore the feasibility of mixed common vetch and hairy vetch, which could simultaneously maintain high nutrition production and grain quality of spring wheat to reduce chemical nitrogen input and reveal the mechanism of nitrogen metabolism.  We discussed the effects of green manure and reduced chemical nitrogen on nutrition yields, amino acid contents, vitamin B contents, mineral contents, and processing quality of spring wheat grain, as well as nitrogen accumulation, remobilization, and assimilation from 2020 to 2022.  Our results showed that reduced chemical nitrogen input decreased nutrition production, but green manure could increase protein and starch yields of wheat grain.  HCVN2 (mixed hairy vetch and common vetch under 20% nitrogen reduction) displayed higher protein and starch yields, which increased by 35.9 and 16.2% compared to fallow after wheat harvest and conventional nitrogen application (FN3).  Meanwhile, reduced chemical nitrogen decreased wheat grain quality, but green manure improved wheat grain quality. HCVN2 had higher wheat grain quality, which improved by 13.2 and 10.0% in essential amino acid and non-essential amino acid contents, enhanced by 20.0 and 22.2% in vitamin B and zinc contents, and increased by 14.0 and 8.6% in falling number and wet gluten compared to FN3, respectively.  HCVN2 could simultaneously improve the nutritional production and quality of wheat grain.  This was attributed to significantly increasing nitrogen accumulation and distribution in grain, enhancing the contribution rate of leaf, stem-sheath, and cob-glume nitrogen to grain nitrogen, and promoting the activities of nitrate reductase and glutamine synthetase, respectively.  Therefore, mixed sown green manure under reduced chemical nitrogen by 20% was promising for improving nutrition production and quality of spring wheat grain by promoting nitrogen accumulation, remobilization, and assimilation.

  • Saisai Xia, He Liu, Ying Liu, Guangheng Zhang, Deyong Ren, Qian Qian
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.022
    Accepted: 2025-02-18

    种子的落粒性和品质是维持稳定产量及确保优良食用品质的关键因素。本研究成功鉴定了一个AP2/ERF转录因子SHAT2,该基因正向调控种子落粒性和品质。shat2突变体由于离层发育异常,导致成熟期种子难落粒。同时,与野生型相比,shat2突变体的淀粉颗粒排列松散淀粉以及直链淀粉含量蛋白质含量显著降低,可溶性糖含量显著增加。qRT-PCR 的检测结果显示大部分与种子落粒性以及品质相关基因在shat2突变体中表达显著下调表明了SHAT2在水稻种子落粒性和品质中起重要作用。此外,EMSA结果显示SHAT2可以结合GCC-box,暗示SHAT2可能通过调控下游基因表达来影响种子发育。本研究不仅丰富了遗传资源,还突显了

  • Xinjie Zhang, Jinbin Wu, Xiao Wang, Fan Zhang, Lina Yang, Luyao Wang, Yaoyao Wu, Zhenzhen Wang, Weilin Chen, Guoyu Yin, Shengping Song, Mingqing Dang, Juan Zeng, Han Chen, Suomeng Dong
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.021
    Accepted: 2025-02-18

    The oomycete pathogen Phytophthora infestans causes late blight disease that severely reduces potato production worldwide. Monitoring the genotypic and virulence dynamics of P. infestans populations is vital for management of late blight. P. infestans populations in southwestern China diversify in genotypes and virulence, but the most recent status of these populations remains elusive. In this study, 218 isolates collected from six locations in southwestern China from 2019 to 2022 were analyzed for genotypic and virulence dynamics as well as effective management strategies. Phylogenetic analysis of simple sequence repeats-classified multi-locus genotypes (MLGs) revealed that these populations comprise three lineages, of which the EU lineage is dominant. These populations had overcome the resistance mediated by R3a, R3b and Rpi-blb3 and had an increased trend in overcoming the resistance mediated by Rpi-blb2R8, Rpi-blb1 and Rpi-vnt1.1. The EU lineage consisted of 19 MLGs and the predominant genotype MLG24 significantly contributed to the pathotypic diversity of the EU lineage. In addition, two independent MLG24 isolates, CQ-22-16-1 and CQ-22-20-1, overcame the resistance mediated by all seven resistance genes and were virulent on 30 potato cultivars. Notably, two Solanum candolleanum relatives were highly resistant to these two highly virulent isolates. Furthermore, these two isolates could be controlled by three fungicides. In summary, this study elucidates the genotypic and virulence dynamics of P. infestans populations in southwestern China and provides valuable insights into effective control measures.

  • Jinpeng Li, Siqi Wang, Zhongwei Li, Kaiyi Xing, Xuefeng Tao, Zhimin Wang, Yinghua Zhang, Chunsheng Yao, Jincai Li
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.020
    Accepted: 2025-02-18

    Increasing grain yield (GY) and water use efficiency (WUE) of winter wheat in the Huaibei Plain (HP) is essential.  However, the effects of micro-sprinkler irrigation and topsoil compaction after wheat seeds sowing on the GY and WUE are unclear.  Therefore, a two-year field experiment was conducted during the 2021–2023 winter wheat growing seasons with a total six treatments: rain-fed (RF), conventional irrigation (CI) and micro-sprinkler irrigation (MI), as well as topsoil compaction after seeds sowing under three irrigation methods (RFC, CIC, and MIC).  The two years’ results indicated that MI significantly increased GY compared to CI and RF, which averagely increased by 17.9 and 42.1%, respectively.  The increase in GY of MI was due to its significant increase in the number of spikes, kernels per spike, and grain weight.  Chlorophyll concentration in flag leaves of MI after anthesis stage was maintained higher levels than CI and RF, RF was the lowest.  This was due to the dramatically enhanced catalase and peroxidase activity and lower malondialdehyde content under MI.  Compared with RF and CI, MI significantly promoted dry matter remobilization and production after anthesis as well as its contribution to GY.  In addition, MI significantly boosted root growth, and root activity during grain filling stage was remarkably enhanced than CI and RF.  In 2021–2022, there was no significant difference in WUE between MI and RF, but the WUE of RF was significantly lower than MI in 2022–2023.  However, WUE in MI was significantly improved compared to CI, that averagely increased by 15.1 and 17.6% for the two years.  Topsoil compaction significantly increased GY and WUE under rain-fed conditions due to improved spike numbers and dry matter production.  Overall, topsoil compaction is advisable for enhancing GY and WUE in rain-fed conditions, whereas micro-sprinkler irrigation can be adopted to achieve high GY and WUE simultaneously in the HP.

  • Yi-Ting Wang , Shicheng Li, Yufei Kan, Yanli Zhu, Kaiqi Li, Hao-Yu Liu, Tadelle Dessie Alemayehu, In Ho Kim, Mohammad D. Obeidat, Rui Zhang, Zhaojian Li, Demin Cai
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.019
    Accepted: 2025-02-18

    Sulforaphane (SFN), a naturally occurring isothiocyanate found in cruciferous vegetables, is known for its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects in the body. However, whether its dietary addition impact porcine liver health, and if so, by which mechanims remains unclear. In this study, the diet of growing pigs was supplemented with 1 g kg-1 SFN and was found to improve growth performance and hepatocellular proliferation. Further analyses revealed that SFN decreased hepatic and serum malondialdehyde levels, while increasing glutathione peroxidase (GSH-PX) activity in the liver. Transcriptomic and proteomic studies demonstrated that SFN down-regulated multiple pathways, including oxidative phosphorylation, inflammatory responses, IL-6-JAK-STAT3 signaling, and TNFα signaling via NFκB. Meanwhile, it upregulated NRF2/GPX4/HO-1 expression and reduced IL-6 and TNFα expression. Mechanistic studies identified potential NR1D1 and NRF2 binding elements in the promoters of the GPX4 and HO-1 genes in the liver. Furthermore, Metabolomic profiling revealed a decline in serum β-hydroxybutyrate levels after the administration of SFN, while further analysis confirmed that SFN enhanced a type of epigenetic modification in the liver, lysine β-hydroxybutyrylation (Kbhb).  These results highlight SFN protective roles against liver inflammation and oxidative damage and propose a novel mechanism involving NRF2 and NR1D1 synergy, with SFN’s promotion of hepatic Kbhb necessitating further exploration.

  • Guilong Lu, Chang Zhang, Qibin Wu, Tingting Sun, Shaolin Yang, Erya Wei, Junhui Li, Youxiong Que
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.018
    Accepted: 2025-02-18

    Mitochondria influence plant growth, fertility, and adaptation. Sugarcane (Saccharum hybrids) is the most important sugar and energy crop worldwide, and S. spontaneum and S. arundinaceum are excellent parental germplasm. However, few studies have been conducted on the mitochondrial genomes of sugarcane and related species. In this study, the mitogenomes of one S. arundinaceum, one S. spontaneum, and five sugarcane cultivars were assembled. The results showed that the sizes of these mitogenomes, encoding 33 protein-coding genes (PCGs), were between 445,578 and 533,662 bp, with a GC content of 43.43%-43.82%. The major structures of S. arundinaceum comprised three small rings, S. spontaneum had one ring and one linear structure, and sugarcane had two rings; there were multiple potential conformations due to repeat-mediated recombination. Furthermore, we developed an intron marker SAnad4i3 that can distinguish these species. Between 540 and 581 and from C to U RNA editing sites were identified in the PCGs, with six RNA editing sites were associated with the creation of start or stop codons in S. arundinaceum, and five sites each in S. spontaneum and the sugarcane hybrids were observed. Notably, 30-37 fragments homologous to chloroplast DNA were identified, with the highest number found in S. spontaneum. During evolution, these mitogenomes may have undergone multiple genomic reorganization and gene transfer events and lost eight PCGs. Collectively, this study reveals the genetic diversity and complexity of the Saccharum complex by providing a scientific basis for further germplasm identification and evolutionary research.

  • Meiyu Li, Liyun Mao, Shuang Song, Decang Kong, Ming Cao, Lijun Jiao, Wenhao Bo, Xiaoming Pang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.017
    Accepted: 2025-02-18

    The FW2.2-like (FWL) gene family has been extensively investigated across various species, revealing conserved functions among certain members in organ development, especially in regulating fruit size. Therefore, for species with limited research foundations, such as Chinese jujube, analyzing this gene family serves as an effective strategy for identifying candidate genes for fruit size. In this study, twenty ZjFWL genes were identified. Their chromosomal distribution, phylogenetic relationships, gene structure, evolutionary dynamics, expression patterns, and cis-acting elements in their promoters were comprehensively analyzed. Natural variation analysis of the ZjFWL10 sequence revealed a significant correlation between a seven-base pair deletion in the conserved domain and the size of jujube fruits. To validate the functional implications of the seven-base pair deletion genotype, we conducted heterologous overexpression experiments in tomatoes, generating three overexpression lines. Comparative analysis with the wild-type revealed a significant reduction in fruit size, coupled with a notable increase in plant height, in the overexpressed lines. It is speculated that this gene may play a crucial role in the nutritional allocation of jujube, ultimately influencing fruit size. These findings provide crucial insights into the mechanisms governing fruit size regulation and serve as valuable references for genetic improvement efforts targeting jujube fruit size.

  • Ge Yang, Yujiang Sun, Zhaofei Wang, Cong Li, Xiangqin Zhai, Jiaqiang Zhang, Halima Jafari, Gang Ren, Chuzhao Lei, Ruihua Dang, Shuqin Liu
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.016
    Accepted: 2025-02-18

    Understanding the genetic changes behind the phenotypic variation of Chinese donkeys is helpful to the genetic improvement and breeding of donkeys. However, the population structure and novel genes associated with morphological (coat color and body size) and adaptive (high-altitude adaptation) traits of Chinese donkeys remain largely unknown. Here, we analyzed 391 whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data of Chinese donkeys. Population genomic analyses showed that Chinese native donkey breeds mainly consist of three distinct populations (Southwest plateau, North plain, and Guanzhong plain), and a newly discovered population (Guanzhong plain) was identified. Moreover, we characterized a high-confidence list of 127, 117, and 169 selective signal genes for coat color, body size, and high-altitude adaptation, respectively. We discovered ARID3B gene with strong signals of selection, which may account for coat color in Chinese donkeys. Our study identified EPAS1 as a high-altitude adaptive gene. However, the FAM184B gene shows a stronger signal in response to high-altitude environments in Chinese donkeys. The selective sweep and GWAS analysis showed that LCORL and TMEM154 genes are potentially associated with body size in Chinese donkeys. Utilizing PacBio HiFi sequencing data, this study presents 15,954 highly reliable structural variations (SVs) between large-sized and small-sized donkeys. Utilizing SV data and a graph-based method, we identified an 880-bp deletion in the TMEM154 gene in Sichuan donkeys (small-sized) compared to Guanzhong donkeys (large-sized), which was verified by PCR and is a candidate SV related to body size. Transcriptome sequencing data showed that the TMEM154 gene is highly expressed in the muscle of Guanzhong donkeys (large-sized) compared to Sichuan donkeys (small-sized). Multi-species alignment analysis revealed that the region surrounding the 880-bp deletion in the TMEM154 gene region is conserved in horse, zebra, kiang, as well as two large-sized donkey breeds (Dezhou and Guanzhong), except in in the small-sized Sichuan donkey. Furthermore, after the 880 bp deletion was transfected into 3T3-L1 and HEK293T cells, it was demonstrated that the relative luciferase activity of the mutation was markedly decreased in comparison with that of the wild type. These results suggest that this 880-bp deletion in the TMEM154 gene may play an important role in body size trait of donkey. This study provides valuable genome resources for donkey breeding and sheds light on the domestication history of Chinese donkeys.

  • Chenyu Zhang, Hongli Li, Piao Mei, Yuanyuan Ye, Dingding Liu, Yang Gong, Haoran Liu, Mingzhe Yao, Chunlei Ma
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.015
    Accepted: 2025-02-18

    Anthracnose is a devastating disease caused by Colletotrichum that significantly affects the yield and economic value of the tea plant (Camellia sinensis). However, a few studies have addressed the genetic mechanism of anthracnose resistance (AR). This study investigated the quantitative trait locus (QTL) associated with AR in an LJ43×BJG population. The field surveys conducted in this study led to identifying several QTLs for AR on the linkage map. A major QTL (qAR-12.4) accounted for 12% of the phenotypic variance explained over two years. The BSA-seq results also revealed two genomic regions, qARChr1 on chromosome 1 and qARChr13 on chromosome 13, which indicates a strong correlation with AR. Time-course RNA-seq was performed on LJ43, and BJG inoculated with anthracnose at 0, 24, and 48 hours to screen candidate genes. The results showed the gradual post-inoculation expression of a nuclear-localized ERF transcription factor (CsERF105) within the qARChr1 locus in BJG but not LJ43. The AR of BJG significantly reduced after feeding with CsERF105-specific antisense oligonucleotides, suggesting that CsERF105 may be a positive regulator. The study findings generally add to the knowledge of genetic factors involved in the tea plant's AR and potential breeding targets.

  • Yijuan Ding, Yaru Chai, Sen Li, Zhaohui Wu, Minghong Zou, Ling Zhang, Rana Kusum, Wei Qian
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.014
    Accepted: 2025-02-18

    The plant pathogenic fungus Sclerotinia sclerotiorum is the causative agent of Sclerotinia stem rot (SSR) disease in most dicotyledons. Among the various proteins involved in drug efflux or substance transport, ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters constitute a superfamily of membrane-bound proteins that may play a crucial role in the survival of S. sclerotiorum. However, the expression patterns and functions of ABC transporter genes in S. sclerotiorum remain largely uncharacterized. This study characterized a highly expressed S. sclerotiorum ABC transporter gene during inoculation on host plants, SsBMR1. Silencing SsBMR1 resulted in a significant reduction in hyphal growth, infection cushion development, sclerotia formation, and virulence. Moreover, host-induced gene silencing (HIGS) of SsBMR1 significantly enhanced plant resistance. Transcriptome and metabolomics analyses suggested that SsBMR1 is involved in antioxidant and toxin transport, thereby influencing fungal defense and cell rescue mechanisms. In comparison to the wild-type strain, SsBMR1 gene-silenced transformants exhibited a diminished response to extracellar oxidative stress and a decreased exporting of antioxidant glutathione. Tolerance assays further demonstrated the crucial role of SsBMR1 in conferring resistance to the plant antifungal substances, camalexin and brassinin, as well as certain fungicides. Furthermore, SsBMR1 gene-silenced transformants showed enhanced repression on virulence when sprayed with camalexin and brassinin on the leaves. Thus, SsBMR1 likely contributes to virulence by facilitating the export of antioxidant and providing resistance against antifungal agents. The findings of this study provide valuable insights that could contribute to the development of novel management techniques for SSR.

  • Zhe Wang, Haili Wang, Xinghui Yan, Jin Li, Yu Wang, Guosong Qin, Wenbo Sun, Yanfang Wang, Gaiping Zhang, Jianguo Zhao
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.013
    Accepted: 2025-02-13


  • Shuangyang Li, Jiangang Hu, Chang Liu, Zizhu Lin, Haoheng Peng, Beibei Zhang, Xinyu Wang, Weiqi Guo, Jingjing Qi, Mingxing Tian, Yanqing Bao, Guangdong Zhang, Yuxiang Shi, Shaohui Wang
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.012
    Accepted: 2025-02-13

    Avian pathogenic Escherichia coli (APEC) could cause colibacillosis, which is economically devastating to poultry industries worldwide. The bacterial membrane is critical to its environment adaptability and virulence. The inner membrane protein TolA maintains membrane integrity, but the roles of which in fitness and pathogenesis of APEC are not completely understood. Thus, the tolA gene mutant and complemented strains of APEC were constructed and characterized. We found that mutant strain ΔtolA was damaged in inner and outer membranes, and showed altered morphology, impaired flagella production, reduced motility, increased outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) production, decreased resistance to antibiotics and environmental stress. Deletion of tolA gene resulted in a significant decrease in biofilm formation and interbacterial competition, due to the downregulated expression of biofilm-associated genes and type VI secretion system (T6SS) genes, respectively. In addition, the mutant strain exhibited diminished serum bactericidal resistance, reduced cell infection capacity, decreased intracellular survival, consequently, leading to attenuated bacterial survival and virulence in mice. Compared with the wild-type and complemented strains, mutant strain induced less expression of inflammatory cytokine interleukin 1 beta (IL-1β) in HD-11 macrophages, consistent with the pathological damage in mice. In conclusion, inner membrane protein TolA contributed to the antibiotic resistance, environment adaptability, biofilm formation and virulence of APEC.

  • Ruitong Shen, Yuqi Wang, Qiao Dong, Jinying Zhu, Yukai Xing, Ang Li, Gen Lu, Sijiao Wu, Ze Yu, Fangyuan Du, Jingbo Gao, Qingqing Wei, Xiaoyue Chen, Jinling Liu, Huan Zhang, Zeliang Chen
    Journal of Integrative Agriculture. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jia.2025.02.011
    Accepted: 2025-02-13

    Brucella spp., an intracellular bacterium, uses its type IV secretion system (T4SS) to regulate host signaling pathways and promote intracellular survival, but the molecular mechanism of this process remains largely unknown. Here we found that increasing the abundance of acetylated protein in host cells promotes the intracellular survival of Brucella. Moreover, our results demonstrated that the Brucella effector protein BspF can impact protein acetylation modification in host cells by interacting with other intracellular proteases. We conducted LC-MS/MS to characterize the protein acetylation mediated by BspF. We identified that SNAP29 K103 was acetylated, and that acetylated SNAP29 inhibited its interaction with STX17, thereby regulating the autophagy and providing an environment for the intracellular survival of Brucella. Furthermore, our results provide the first report of a bacterial effector using acetylation to affect the SNAP29-STX17-VAMP8 complex, and inhibit the host's defense system. Our results suggest a vital role of SNAP29 acetylation in autophagy of host cells under intracellular infection, by specifically regulating the assemble of SNARE.