About journal

Journal of Integrative Agriculture (JIA), formerly Agricultural Sciences in China (ASC), founded in 2002, is sponsored by the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS) and the Chinese Association of Agricultural Science Societies (CAASS), and superintended by Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Agriculture and Rural Affairs of China. JIA is an open access,  peer-reviewed and multi-disciplinary international journal and published monthly in English. JIA Editorial Board consists of 275 well-respected scholars of agricultural scientific fields. Prof. WU Kong-ming is the Chairman of the Board, and Prof. WANG Han-zhong is the Editor-in-Chief. JIA has been published by Elsevier B.V. since 2006 and won the title of Outstanding Science & Technology Journal of China in 2008. From 2009, JIA has been indexed by SCIE. Currently, JIA is one of the leading academic journals in agricultural sciences in China. As released by JCR, the latest IF of the journal is 4.8.  Published articles of JIA are available both in print and electronic copies.

The electronic full texts are available on ScienceDirect:                         

JIA promotes research and exchange of novel scientific discoveries and ideas for the advancement of agricultural sciences. The journal emphasizes interdisciplinary and systematic approaches addressing agricultural life science, agricultural sustainability, food science, agricultural environment, ecology and energy, rural development and urbanization, therefore to concern for human health and development around the globe.
Aims & Scope
JIA seeks to publish those papers that are influential and will significantly advance scientific understanding in agriculture fields worldwide. JIA publishes manuscripts in the five categories focusing on the five core subjects listed below.

Commentary section is a platform to exchange viewpoints, praise and criticism each other in the agricultural science community. Authors may submit comments in regard to the contents published previously in JIA or bring up other issues that may be of interest and relevant to JIA. Commentary will appear at the beginning of the issue with no abstract or keywords.

Review describes new development and highlight future directions of a specialized or interdisciplinary significance in agriculture sciences. They should be focused on providing insights and summary/context on the published findings and introducing some new concepts or viewpoints for solving the important unresolved questions by presenting the research background, approach, and outlook of the field. Most Reviews are solicited by the editors, but unsolicited submissions may also be considered.
Research Article presents important new research results through reproducible experimental design, using genetic, biochemical, cell and molecular biological methods, statistical analyses, and other scientific methods.
Short Communication is for a concise, but independent report representing a significant contribution to agriculture sciences. It is intended to publish these results that are exceptional interest and particularly topical and relevant, but the preliminary results. It should be limited to 2500 words, and could include no more than two figures or tables.
Letter discusses materials published in JIA previously or issues of general interest. It should be no more than 400 words.  

Core Subjects
Crop Science· Horticulture · Plant Protection · Animal Science · Veterinary Medicine · Agro-Ecosystem & Environment · Food Science · Agricultural Economics and Management
Crop Science
--Crop genetics, breeding, germplasm resources
--Crop cultivation, tillage, physiology
 Plant Protection
--Plant pathology
--Agricultural insect
--Pesticide and weed science
--Horticultural crop (major vegetable and fruit crops) genetics, breeding, germplasm resources
--Horticultural crop (major vegetable and fruit crops) cultivation, physiology, biochemistry
 Animal Science & Veterinary Medicine
--Animal genetics and breeding, nutrition and metabolism, reproduction,forage science
--Basic veterinary, preventive veterinary, clinical veterinary
 Agro-Ecosystem & Environment
--Plant nutrition 
--Soil & fertilization
--Soil microorganism
--Agricultural remote sensing
 Food Science (focusing on grain, oilseeds, fruits and vegetables, livestock and poultry)
--Raw material quality evaluation
--Postharvest physiology of fruits and vegetables
--By-products deep processing and comprehensive utilization
--Functional factors and nutritional health
--Quality safety and inspection
Agricultural Economics and Management
-- Agricultural economics
-- Food economics
-- Environmental economics

Pubdate: 2023-01-03    Viewed: 2163