2024 Volume 36 Issue 6 Published: 05 June 2024

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  • Xiaolin ZHANG
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    [Purpose/Significance] AI technology has brought unprecedented challenges and opportunities to the knowledge service industry, requiring innovation and reform of knowledge services in various dimensions, including technology, organizational mechanisms, and service models, to adapt to the development of emerging knowledge productivity. AI technology has not only changed the way knowledge is produc ed and disseminated, it has also significantly influenced the processes by which users acquire knowledge and the systems through which they produce knowledge. Simply promoting the empowerment of knowledge services through AI from a technical point of view is not enough to achieve the transformation and upgrading of knowledge service institutions. [Method/Process] This article begins with the multi-level transformative impact of AI technology on emerging knowledge productivity, proposing that generative AI has rapidly become a powerful new force in knowledge production, and that AI agents are gradually becoming revolutionary tools for the flexible design and innovation of complex processes. We argue that the rapid development of AI has deepened the connotations and forms of AI empowerment. The article further explores the barriers in production relations in the development of new quality productive knowledge services and examines the challenges of aligning traditional knowledge services with user knowledge processes and user production systems in the AI environment. We propose to promote the development of the knowledge service industry through multi-level AI empowerment and innovation of the traditional organizational mechanisms of knowledge services. The article emphasizes placing the construction of new production relations at the key point of AI empowerment, developing new user-oriented, user-process-driven knowledge service organizational models, and developing new docking logic and service embedding architectures between knowledge services and user production systems, as well as building user-oriented, service-driven internal organizational models. Specifically, we present possible new directions for knowledge service production relations, such as the Library-Inside model, the Inside-Out+Outside-In model, new docking architectures between knowledge services and user production systems, and reforms in internal organizational models of institutions. [Results/Conclusions] By exploring the multi-level transformative effects of AI technology and analyzing the barriers in the production relations of new quality productive knowledge services, this article proposes to reform and innovate the production relations of knowledge services. In order to promote the development of new quality productive knowledge services, we summarize the construction ideas of new-type knowledge service production relations, aiming to sustainably promote the development of new quality producitve knowledge services in the process of improving users' knowledge productivity and promoting the high-quality development of users' production systems.

  • Jinghao CHEN, Feng JIA, Qianxi LIU
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    [Purpose/Significance] In the digital age, government digital avatars represent a significant innovative application of the integration of generative artificial intelligence and digital government. These digital avatars aim to enhance the efficiency, accessibility, and responsiveness of public services. This study aims to explore the factors and pathways that influence public acceptance of government digital avatars, providing a theoretical basis and practical insights for improving these services and enhancing the user experience. Unlike previous studies that have focused primarily on technological and functional aspects, this research emphasizes users' perceptions and expectations, filling the gap in existing research on user experience. This innovation of this paper lies in the integration of the Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) and the extension of other user perception factors to systematically analyze how these factors together influence public acceptance. [Method/Process] The study adopts a comprehensive approach, integrating the Expectation Confirmation Theory (ECT) and the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM), and extends the framework to include additional user perception factors such as perceived information quality, perceived intelligence, perceived convenience, perceived attractiveness, perceived usefulness, and AI trust. Structured questionnaires were used to collect data from a diverse sample, measuring constructs such as expectation confirmation, satisfaction, and various user perception factors. The data were analyzed using structural equation modeling (SEM), which provides robust statistical insights into the relationships between these constructs. In addition, mediation effect models were used to examine indirect effects, providing a comprehensive understanding of how these factors influence public acceptance. Data were collected from a diverse group of respondents to ensure the findings are broadly applicable and representative. [Results/Conclusions] The results suggest that expectation confirmation significantly increases public satisfaction with government digital avatars, which in turn positively affects their acceptance. Perceived information quality, perceived intelligence, perceived convenience, perceived attractiveness, perceived usefulness, and AI trust serve as critical mediators in this relationship. In particular, high levels of perceived quality and intelligence significantly increase satisfaction and acceptance, while convenience and attractiveness also play an important role. AI trust emerges as a critical factor, mediating the impact of user perceptions on acceptance. However, the study does have some limitations. First, the lack of understanding of the professional backgrounds of the research population may lead to differences in acceptance between different professional groups. Future research should look more closely at different occupational groups to gain a fuller understanding. Second, the sample consisted mainly of respondents from younger demographic groups, which may affect the generalizability of the conclusions. Future research should broaden the geographical and demographic coverage of the sample to increase diversity and representativeness. In addition, the lack of qualitative research limits the depth of understanding of users' deep-seated views and needs about government digital avatars. Future research should include qualitative components, such as in-depth interviews and focus group discussions, to explore the actual experiences and specific needs of users and to complement the quantitative findings. This study provides practical recommendations for improving user satisfaction and acceptance, and for supporting the development of effective digital governance solutions. By specifically optimizing government digital avatar services, public satisfaction and trust in digital government services can be increased, further promoting the application and development of digital avatar technology in digital government.

  • Haiting MA, Chuansheng CHENG
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    [Purpose/Significance] In the era of digital intelligence, robots technology is playing an increasingly important role in the field of education. The applying of AI chatbots in library scenarios is an important lever for the future construction of learning ecosystems in universities. This study aims to explain the influencing factors of users' willingness to continue using library AI chatbots, and provide a new perspective beyond the IT perspective to understand the impact of the basic characteristics of AI chatbots on human behavioral intentions, in order to better understand the sustainability thinking of interpreters and provide some inspiration for the further development of library AI chatbots in the future learning ecosystem. [Method/Process] Based on U&G theory and the SOR framework, we developed a conceptual model of library AI chatbot users's willingness to continue using the chatbot. Data were collected using a questionnaire survey method, with teachers and students as the main respondents. The variables of the AI chatbot user's continuous usage intention model were set to 8, each consisting of 3-6 options, and then measured using a 7-point Likert scale. Finally, the variables and hypotheses in the model were validated using a mixed research method of PLS-SEM and fsQCA. [Results/ [Conclusions] The research results indicate that three types of satisfaction, hedonic (entertainment and avoidance), social (social presence), and utilitarian (convenience and information consultation), have a significant positive impact on emotional experience (awe experience and emotional participation), with avoidance having the greatest impact on awe experience and social presence having the greatest impact on emotional participation. Emotional experience has a significant positive impact on the intention to continue using, with awe experience having the greatest impact on the intention to continue using. Emotional experience, as a mechanism of action, affects user satisfaction and willingness to use. Based on the data analysis, four suggestions are proposed from the perspective of future learning ecology design and user psychology. When designing library AI chatbots, the usage scenarios should be enriched, and the healing function, immersive experiences and immersive experiences should be emphasized. The limitation of this study is that the use of first-hand cross-sectional data cannot prove whether the influencing mechanism changes over time. In the future, a combination of first-hand and second-hand data can be used to improve the explanatory power. In addition, although this study ensures the validity and reliability of cross-sectional data, there may be geographic and cultural differences in users' behavioral intentions. In the future, a comparative study of the intention to continue using library AI chatbots in different regions and levels can be considered.

  • Mo LI, Bin YANG
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    [Purpose/Significance] The development of artificial intelligence (AI) technology has brought huge changes and opportunities to library knowledge services. With the improvement of the multimodal capabilities of large language models, the ability of generative artificial intelligence to generate cultural images, cultural audio, and cultural video will also improve, which will effectively promote the intelligent transformation of library knowledge services and support the innovation of library knowledge services. General AI has stronger generalization ability, which can achieve functions such as complex task understanding, multimodal data learning, zero-sample reasoning, and continuous dialogue, completing the transformation from data-driven AI to natural mechanism-driven AI. By studying the theoretical foundation, system framework and application perspective of knowledge services based on artificial general intelligence, we can get new research ideas and practical references for knowledge services. [Method/Process] Based on the classification of the development history of AI, this article examines the state of research in AI for library knowledge services from the dynamic perspective of the evolution from generative AI to artificial general intelligence. This article analyzes the system framework of library knowledge services constructed with generative artificial intelligence and artificial general intelligence as technical bases, and explores the future development trend of library knowledge services based on artificial general intelligence from the aspects of space, content, mechanism and talent. [Results/Conclusions] With the continuous development and optimization of large language model technologies, the gradual implementation and widespread application of artificial general intelligence technology is an inevitable trend in the future. With the promotion of artificial general intelligence, library knowledge services will also undergo significant changes, and the traditional knowledge service model based on existing resources will gradually transform into a digital intelligence service model. Although artificial general intelligence has shown great potential in knowledge understanding and content generation, artificial general intelligence is still at an early stage of development, and its prospects for application in library knowledge services are not yet clear. In order to explore the impact of artificial general intelligence on the library knowledge service model, this article summarizes the different stages of AI technology integration in knowledge services, namely the evolution from automation to cognition and then to autonomy, and proposes an AI agent-driven library knowledge service framework. It is believed that artificial general intelligence technology will open up new development space for library knowledge services, promote academic research and practical applications in knowledge services and enter a new era of rapid development.

  • Qiaofei CHEN, Haomin ZHOU, Xin XU
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    [Purpose/Significance] As the cultural treasure of the Chinese nation, cultural heritage plays an important role in highlighting China's cultural background and strengthening national identity. In the process of globalization and digitization, the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage is facing new opportunities and challenges. How to effectively promote the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage and enhance the international influence of Chinese culture is an issue to be considered in the process of building a cultural power. [Method/Process] This paper takes the Chinese tea culture videos on YouTube platform as the research object, constructs the theoretical framework of "Cognitive-Affective-Conative", analyzes users' cognition of Chinese tea culture through LDA topic clustering of video comments, and further explores users' emotional responses. Then, based on the "5W" model, an international communication power measurement model is constructed from three aspects: communication subject, communication audience, and communication content to verify the interaction mechanism among conation, affect and conation. The communication subject factors include influence and credibility. The communication audience factors combine user cognitive themes and user emotions to form user cognitive agreement. The communication content factors are analyzed in terms of video theme, duration, subtitles, and background music. [Results/Conclusions] The video theme of tea sets, the video duration of 4-20 minutes, and the credibility and influence of the communication subject significantly enhance the international communication effect of tea culture videos. While background music and users' cognitive agreement of the tea ceremony negatively affected the communication effect. From the current practice, it can be seen that the application of AI technology in the dissemination of tea culture cannot greatly improve the dissemination effect of videos, which may have much to do with the political nature of video accounts. Based on the above conclusions, this paper further puts forward relevant suggestions for digital intelligence technology to strengthen the protection and inheritance of cultural heritage. The empowerment of digital information technology in the process of cultural heritage protection and inheritance mainly plays a role in the digital storage, data management, digital presentation, and popular dissemination of cultural heritage resources. Looking to the future, with advances in science and technology, new technologies will not only help protect and inherit cultural heritage, but also promote the creative transformation and innovative development of cultural heritage, and maintain its vitality and value.

  • Ru WU, Ruhan ZHANG, Chenxing DAI, cheng LU
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    [Purpose/Significance] Universities are important bases for cultivating national innovative talent. In the context of China's implementation of the strategy of strengthening the country through talent and innovation, intellectual property literacy (IPL) has become an essential quality for college students to adapt to the society. In order to explore the ways and methods of IPL education in the training of innovative talent in university libraries, this paper aims to discuss the practical experience of IPL education based on innovative talent cultivation among college students. [Method/Process] Taking Yangzhou University Library as an example, we are undertaking the work of IPL education for undergraduates, graduates, and innovation and entrepreneurship students in non-law majors at universities. The IPL education in the cultivation of innovative talent of college students are divided into different stages, including innovation and entrepreneurship cognition stage to cultivate the intellectual property innovation awareness for innovative talent, comprehensive literacy education stage to inspire the intellectual property innovative ways of thinking for innovative talents, innovation ability training stage to improve the intellectual property practical skills for innovative talent, and professional knowledge development stage to improve the quality of intellectual property creation for innovative talented people. Under the guidance of the characteristics of demand for IPL in different educational stages, the content and the objectives of IPL education are formulated, the purpose is to comprehensively enhance students' awareness and ability of intellectual property innovation, which will lay a solid foundation for future technological innovation activities and intellectual property protection. [Results/Conclusions] The IPL of innovative talent plays a crucial role in the country's innovation-driven development. IPL education in the training of innovative talent in universities is a systematic project that requires constant practice and reform in university libraries, only then can we build an IPL education system that is compatible with the concepts of cultivating innovative talent and innovation and entrepreneurship education. We also made some suggestions on IPL education in the cultivation of innovative talent,including strengthening the construction of talent team in IPL education, emphasizing the demand of personalized talent on IPL education, focusing on the practical education of IPL for innovative talents and strengthening the cooperation between university libraries and innovation and entrepreneurship departments. In addition, we should inject more effective vitality into the training of innovative talent in colleges and universities.

  • Chunyan LIU, Tong ZHOU
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    [Purpose/Significance] This study aims to analyze the mechanism of collaborative knowledge management capability on the innovation of new think tank smart services, clarify the internal driving force and main methods of providing innovative new think tank smart services, and uncover the internal role "black box" of innovation in new think tank smart services from the perspective of collaborative knowledge management, in order to enhance the innovative new think tank smart services. The contribution of the article lies in the construction of a model for understanding the role of collaborative knowledge management capability in providing the innovative new think tank smart services. The impact of collaborative knowledge management capability on the innovation of new think tank smart services is a complex dynamic process that requires continuous investment of multiple forces and energy. Through system dynamics simulation, it is possible to observe which key factors should be emphasized in long-term development, providing reference basis for organizational development. [Method/Process] This article takes knowledge ecology as the theoretical support, analyzes the composition of collaborative knowledge management capability and its mechanism of action on innovative smart services in new think tanks, and uses system dynamics methods to construct a model of the effect of collaborative knowledge management capability on innovative smart services in new think tanks. It simulates and analyzes the dynamic changes in the impact of each capability on innovative smart services, providing reference for the development of innovative smart services in new think tanks, simultaneously expanding the research perspective of new think tank smart services. [Results/Conclusions] The results show that collaborative knowledge ability, collaborative supporting ability and collaborative management ability have different effects on the smart service innovation of new think tanks, and collaborative knowledge ability is the key factor affecting the smart service innovation level of new think tanks. This article cannot cover all collaborative knowledge management capabilities in the classification of collaborative knowledge management capabilities. In the future research, it is necessary to explore their impact on the innovation of new think tank smart services from a more comprehensive and representative perspective.