Analysis of Evolution of Formula Feed Standards in China by Text Mining Method

TIANYisu, SUNXiaosha, SUNRujiang, JIANGBaicui

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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2024, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (10) : 68-78. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjascjas2023-0219

Analysis of Evolution of Formula Feed Standards in China by Text Mining Method

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On the basis of quantitative analysis of China's formula feed standards, this article summarizes the evolution of China's formula feed standards in order to provide feasible suggestions for the development of the feed industry. This article applies quantitative analysis methods and selects national and non-national standard systems for formula feed of 39 years in China from 1984 to 2023 as research samples. ROST CM6 software is used to quantitatively analyze the evolution characteristics of formula feed standards in China. Research has found that China's feed standards have gone through four peak periods of standard formulation and publication, with a focus on feed standard testing, experimental animal formula feed, formula feed nutrition standards, and formula feed hygiene standards. Non national standards have a certain degree of advancement or lag compared to national standards. At different stages, China's formulated feed standards have been continuously revised and improved from promulgation to development into the current feed standard system with Chinese characteristics.

Key words

formula feed / standard system / standard evolution / text analysis / quantitative analysis / ROST CM6 / feed industry

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TIAN Yisu , SUN Xiaosha , SUN Rujiang , JIANG Baicui. Analysis of Evolution of Formula Feed Standards in China by Text Mining Method. Journal of Agriculture. 2024, 14(10): 68-78


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