Effects of Plant Immune Elicitor VDAL on Disease Resistance and Yield of Rice
MIUKang, SHUZhaolin, ZHANGFuqiang, ZHANGGuo, YUJulong, XIANGLirui, XUChao, ZHAOLaicheng
Effects of Plant Immune Elicitor VDAL on Disease Resistance and Yield of Rice
In order to further verify the efficacy of VDAL on rice yield and disease resistance, and provide scientific basis for its popularization and application in rice production, different application time (before sowing stage, rice seedling stage, rice burst stage, rice full heading stage) and different application methods (seed dressing, stem and leaf spray) were set. The results indicated that the disease index of rice sheath blight treated with different treatments were significantly lower than that of clean water control. The best control effect of rice blast was seed dressing + spraying at rice burst stage + spraying at full heading stage, and the control effect of diseased fingers reached 76.53%. At the same time, this treatment combination also showed the most significant improvement in rice yield, with an increase of 13.27%. The effects of different treatments on characters of rice plants were significantly different. Therefore, in rice production, it is recommended to use VDAL for seed dressing, and spray 150 g / hm2 of stems and leaves at rice burst stage and full heading stage.
rice / VDAL / disease resistance / yield / rice sheath blight disease {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 供试药剂试验设计 |
处理 | 药剂名称 | 处理时期 | 处理方式 | 使用剂量 |
1 | 清水 | - | - | |
2 | 维大力 | 播种前 | 拌种 | 1 g/4 kg种子 |
3 | 苗期 | 喷雾 | 150 g/hm2,兑水15 L | |
4 | 水稻破口期 | 喷雾 | ||
5 | 播种前,苗期 | 拌种+喷雾 | 1 g/4 kg种子,150 g/hm2,兑水15 L | |
6 | 播种前,水稻破口期 | 拌种+喷雾 | ||
7 | 苗期,水稻破口期 | 喷雾 | 150 g/hm2,兑水15 L | |
8 | 播种前,水稻齐穗期 | 拌种+喷雾 | 1 g/4 kg种子,150 g/hm2,兑水15 L | |
9 | 苗期,水稻齐穗期 | 喷雾 | 150 g/hm2,兑水15 L | |
10 | 水稻破口期,水稻齐穗期 | 喷雾 | ||
11 | 播种前,苗期,水稻齐穗期 | 拌种+喷雾 | 1 g/4 kg种子,150 g/hm2,兑水15 L L | |
12 | 播种前,水稻破口期,水稻齐穗期 | 拌种+喷雾 | ||
13 | 苗期,水稻破口期,水稻齐穗期 | 喷雾 | 150 g/hm2,兑水15 L |
表2 维大力处理后对水稻纹枯病防治效果 |
处理 | 病情指数 | 病指防效/% |
拌种 | 4.77 b | 34.57 a |
苗期喷雾 | 3.49 bc | 52.12 ab |
水稻破口期喷雾 | 3.65 b | 49.93 a |
拌种+苗期喷雾 | 4.41 b | 39.51 a |
拌种+水稻破口期喷雾 | 3.04 c | 58.30 b |
苗期喷雾+水稻破口期喷雾 | 4.08 b | 44.03 a |
清水(CK) | 7.29 a | - |
注:表内数据为3次重复平均数,不同的字母表示各试验处理之间在5%水平上具有显著性差异,下同。 |
表3 维大力对水稻稻瘟病防治效果 |
处理 | 病情指数 | 病指防效/% |
拌种 | 5.04 bc | 39.71 bc |
苗期喷雾 | 3.88 b | 53.31 b |
破口期喷雾 | 5.87 c | 29.36 c |
拌种+苗期喷雾 | 3.15 a | 62.09 a |
拌种+破口期喷雾 | 4.41 b | 46.93 b |
苗期喷雾+破口期喷雾 | 4.40 b | 47.05 b |
拌种+齐穗期喷雾 | 3.48 b | 58.12 b |
苗期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 3.96 b | 52.35 b |
破口期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 3.96 b | 52.35 b |
拌种+苗期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 2.29 a | 72.44 a |
拌种+破口期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 1.95 a | 76.53 a |
苗期喷雾+破口期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 3.22 ab | 61.25 ab |
清水(CK) | 8.31 a | - |
表4 维大力不同处理对水稻品种实测产量结果 |
处理 | 1 m2小区产量/(kg/m2) | 实测产量/(kg/hm2) | 比对照增减/% |
拌种 | 1.04 ab | 10405.20 b | 6.12 b |
苗期喷雾 | 1.00 b | 10005.00 b | 2.04 b |
破口期喷雾 | 0.99 b | 9904.95 b | 1.02 b |
拌种+苗期喷雾 | 1.02 b | 10205.10 b | 4.08 b |
拌种+破口期喷雾 | 0.99 b | 9904.95 b | 1.02 b |
苗期喷雾+破口期喷雾 | 0.99 b | 9904.95 b | 1.02 b |
拌种+齐穗期喷雾 | 1.04 ab | 10405.20 b | 6.12 b |
苗期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 1.03 b | 10305.15 b | 5.10 b |
破口期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 1.05 ab | 10505.25 b | 7.14 b |
拌种+苗期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 1.07 a | 10705.35 a | 9.18 a |
拌种+破口期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 1.11 a | 11105.55 a | 13.27 a |
苗期喷雾+破口期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 1.09 a | 10905.45 a | 11.22 a |
清水(CK) | 0.98 b | 9804.90 b | - |
表5 维大力对不同处理对水稻植株性状的影响 |
处理 | 每公顷有效穗数/万穗 | 穗长/cm | 每穗实粒数/粒 | 千粒重/g | 理论产量/(kg/hm2) |
拌种 | 345.90 b | 16.38 b | 131.53 b | 23.53 a | 10702.50 b |
苗期喷雾 | 347.55 b | 16.16 b | 124.20 b | 23.43 a | 10111.50 c |
破口期喷雾 | 350.25 b | 16.38 b | 131.44 b | 23.88 a | 10992.60 b |
拌种+苗期喷雾 | 351.45 b | 15.20 b | 121.27 b | 23.77 a | 10132.20 c |
拌种+破口期喷雾 | 312.15 b | 16.40 b | 132.89 b | 24.96 a | 10355.25 bc |
苗期喷雾+破口期喷雾 | 336.15 b | 15.47 b | 126.84 b | 25.05 a | 10682.40 b |
拌种+齐穗期喷雾 | 338.10 b | 16.45 b | 130.54 b | 24.76 a | 10930.50 b |
苗期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 351.45 b | 16.42 b | 136.24 b | 24.24 a | 11610.30 a |
破口期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 322.20 b | 16.40 b | 136.87 b | 24.42 a | 10765.95 b |
拌种+苗期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 360.90 a | 19.76 a | 133.56 b | 23.00 a | 11085.45 b |
拌种+破口期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 370.50 a | 16.76 b | 130.56 b | 23.79 a | 11510.55 a |
苗期喷雾+破口期喷雾+齐穗期喷雾 | 328.20 b | 18.56 ab | 145.56 a | 23.99 a | 11460.45 a |
清水(CK) | 332.85 b | 15.82 b | 129.40 b | 23.43 a | 10091.55 c |
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【目的】揭示氨基寡糖素不同处理对绿豆生长的影响。【方法】采用三因素五水平正交试验设计,设浸种浓度(A)、喷施浓度(B)和喷施时期(C)3个因素,每个因素设5个水平,比较分析氨基寡糖素不同处理对绿豆叶片防御酶(SOD、POD、PPO)活性、SPAD值和产量的影响。【结果】浸种浓度(A)对绿豆叶片SOD活性、POD活性和SPAD值的影响高于其他2个因素处理,喷施浓度(B)对绿豆叶片PPO活性的影响略高于其他2个因素处理。每个因素的不同水平下,浸种浓度A3对应的绿豆产量最高,为2 050.83 kg/hm<sup>2</sup>;喷施浓度B4对应的绿豆产量最高,为1 989.17 kg/hm<sup>2</sup>;喷施时期C3对应的绿豆产量最高,为1 931.67 kg/hm<sup>2</sup>。【结论】氨基寡糖素不同处理对绿豆产量的影响顺序为浸种浓度>喷施浓度>喷施时期,产量最优处理组合为A3B4C3,即浸种浓度为0.4 g/100 mL、喷施浓度为1.8 g/L、喷施时期为盛花期喷施2次。
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免疫诱抗剂ZNC是一种宛氏拟青霉菌的乙醇提取物,具有促进植物生长、提高植物产量和抗逆性的能力。于水稻苗期和孕穗期喷施不同剂量的ZNC,试验了其对水稻增产抗逆的效果。结果表明, 喷施不同浓度ZNC均可以促进水稻生长,其中以浓度为10 ng/mL的处理效果最显著,芽长和根长较对照(不施ZNC)分别增加17.2%和33.7%;在200 ng/mL浓度处理下,成株期水稻根系干物质积累量最高,为3.14 g,较对照增加46.7%;浓度为200 ng/mL处理增产效果最好,实收产量达658.74 kg/667 m<sup>2</sup>,较对照增产8.45%。在10~200 ng/mL浓度范围内,喷施ZNC均可提高植株对水稻纹枯病的抗性,且以200 ng/mL浓度处理表现最佳。
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