Effects of Biochar Application to Three Types of Soils on the Uptake of Nitrogen and Potassium in Flue-cured Tobacco

LICaibin, ZHANGJiuquan, HEYi

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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2023, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (9) : 54-62. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas2022-0122

Effects of Biochar Application to Three Types of Soils on the Uptake of Nitrogen and Potassium in Flue-cured Tobacco

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A pot experiment was conducted at Hetian S&T Research Station of Bijie in Guizhou Province, to explore the effect of biochar application rate on nitrogen (N) and potassium (K) uptake in flue-cured tobacco. A factorial design with two factors (3 types of soils × 5 biochar rates) and a completely randomized layout were used in this experiment. Soil samples of yellow soil, yellow brown soil and calcareous soil were collected from tobacco planting field (0-20 cm). The biochar application rate was 0%, 0.1%, 1%, 2.5% and 5.0% (w/w, equivalent to 0, 1.25, 12.5, 31.3, 62.5 t/hm2 of field use). The results showed that: compared with the control (no biochar application), under the biochar application rate of 5.0%, the number of lateral roots per tobacco plant in yellow soil, calcareous soil and yellow brown soil increased by 17.0, 30.7 and 20.3, respectively, 150.0%, 137.4%, and 67.1% higher than that of the control, respectively. With the increase of biochar rate, the N uptake of tobacco roots, stems, leaves and whole plant increased, but the biochar rates for the highest N uptake by tobacco plants in different types of soils were different. With the biochar rate increase, the K content of roots and leaves of tobacco increased, with the maximum increase of 47.8% and 32.3%, respectively, and the K content of roots increased most obviously. The K uptake in roots, stems and leaves of tobacco increased continuously, with the maximum increase of 311.8%, 87.9% and 144.7%, respectively. In conclusion, the application of biochar can significantly increase the number of lateral roots of tobacco plants, and raise the uptake of N and K in tobacco.

Key words

biochar / flue-cured tobacco / nitrogen / potassium / soil type / interaction

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LI Caibin , ZHANG Jiuquan , HE Yi. Effects of Biochar Application to Three Types of Soils on the Uptake of Nitrogen and Potassium in Flue-cured Tobacco. Journal of Agriculture. 2023, 13(9): 54-62 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas2022-0122


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为明确生物质炭基有机肥对冀西北地区西葫芦生物性状、果实品质及土壤营养、微生物群落的影响,以西葫芦‘早青一代’为材料,进行3种不同施肥水平处理试验。与不施肥(对照)相比,生物质炭基有机肥能明显提高西葫芦植株株高、茎粗度,改善土壤营养和微生物菌落,增加土壤中磷、钾和有机质的含量。该地区最佳有机肥施用量为1500 kg/hm<sup>2</sup>,末瓜期该施肥水平下,株高、茎粗明显增加,分别比对照增加22.8%、16.7%。宏基因组测序结果表明,生物质炭基有机肥增加了子囊菌门真菌表达的相对丰度,减少了被孢霉门真菌表达的相对丰度,新增隐真菌门和未知新真菌种类。施肥1000 kg/hm<sup>2</sup>时根际土壤微生物OTU最多,达到811个。研究结果可为生物质炭基有机肥在冀西北地区西葫芦生产的应用提供理论依据。
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Any strategy towards widespread adoption of biochar as a soil amendment is constrained by the scarcity of field-scale data on crop response, soil quality and environmental footprint. Impacts of biochar as a soil amendment over a short period based on laboratory and greenhouse studies are often inconclusive and contradictory. Yet biochar is widely advocated as a promising tool to improve soil quality, enhance C sequestration, and increase agronomic yield. While substantial reviews exist on positive aspects of biochar research, almost no review to date has compiled negative aspects of it. Although biochar science is advancing, available data indicate several areas of uncertainty. This article reviews a range of negative impacts of biochar on soil quality, crop yield, and associated financial risk. This review is important because advances in biochar research demand identification of the risks (if any) of using biochar as a soil amendment before any large-scale field application is recommended. It is the first attempt to acknowledge such issues with biochar application in soil. Thus, the aims of this review are to assess the uncertainties of using biochar as a soil amendment, and to clarify ambiguity regarding interpretation of research results. Along with several unfavourable changes in soil chemical, physical and biological properties, reduction in crop yield has been reported. Relative to controls, the yield for biochar-amended soil (application rate 0.2–20% w/w) has been reduced by 27, 11, 36, 74, and 2% for rice (Oryza sativa L.) (control 3.0 Mg ha–1), wheat (Triticum spp. L.) (control 4.6 Mg ha–1), maize (Zea mays L.) (control 4.7 Mg ha–1), lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.) (control 5.4 Mg ha–1), and tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) (control 265 Mg ha–1), respectively. Additionally, compared with unamended soils, gaseous emissions from biochar-amended soils (application rate 0.005–10% w/w) have been enhanced up to 61, 152 and 14% for CO2 (control 9.7 Mg ha–1 year–1), CH4 (control 222 kg ha–1 year–1), and N2O (control 4.3 kg ha–1 year–1), respectively. Although biochar has the potential to mitigate several environmental problems, the data collated herein indicate that a systematic road-map for manufacturing classification of biochars, and cost–benefit analysis, must be developed before implementation of field-scale application.
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