
The Influence of Circulating Water Treatment System on Large-scale Aquaculture: An Evaluation
Dong Xingguo, Jing Hongjun, Li Lingguo, Shen Hairong
The Influence of Circulating Water Treatment System on Large-scale Aquaculture: An Evaluation
To verify the practical culturing effect of a previously designed circulating water treatment system based on heterotopic pond restoration technology, a large-scale multi-species saturating culture experiment was carried out for 3 years. The effects of the system on water quality control was evaluated by measuring the total nitrogen (TN), total phosphorus (TP), chemical oxygen consumption (CODMn) and chlorophyll (Chla) in a common freshwater fish culturing pond. The results showed that in the early stage of the experiment, the total nitrogen level (TP) of the circulating water of the pond reached Class III of the Environmental Quality Standards for Surface Water (GB 3838—2002), and the total phosphorus level (TN) reached Class III to V. The average removal rate of TP, TN, CODMn and Chla was 40.13%, 45.02%, 43.37% and 86.6%, respectively. The removal efficiency of the system was significant. In the late stage of the experiment, with the continuous increase of the feed input, although the efficiency of the circulating system was greatly improved, the data of each index were still higher than expected. This experiment provides a new idea for the treatment of large-scale aquaculture water by circulating water in freshwater ponds.
circulating water treatment system / freshwater pond / total nitrogen / total phosphorus / chemical oxygen demand / chlorophyll a / evaluation {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 生态塘水生态循环系统实施过程(2017年) |
施工名称 | 施工时间 | 施工细节 | |
一、系统基础建设 | 1、修建人工湿地挡墙2个 | 5月20日—6月2日 | |
2、修建种植池3个 | 5月20日—6月2日 | 四级滤料铺设基质 | |
二、放水 | 6月2日 | 水位高于沉水植物土层30cm | |
三、植物带配置 | 1、种植沉水植物 | 6月8日 | 粉绿狐尾藻3000株、苦草3000株、金鱼藻3000株、轮叶黑藻3000株 |
2、种植浮叶植物 | 6月11日 | 荇菜90株、睡莲100 盆、 铜钱草80株 | |
3、种植挺水植物 | 6月11日 | 梭鱼草60株、荷花120株、再力花和水葱40株、香蒲300株、茭白100株、芦苇100株、黑三棱100株、黄菖蒲20株 | |
4、5种植物带配置 | 技术核心,不同植物,观赏性差异 | ||
5、投放花白鲢等 | 7月7日 | 花白鲢92尾、青虾河蚌若干 |
注:2018年5月,对苦草、篦齿眼子菜、聚草和轮叶黑藻进行了部分补种。 |
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