Polysaccharide Extraction in Lactuca Satya L. and Its Antihyperlipidemic Activity

Yang Fengrong, Gao Jianping, Li Chunyan

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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2021, Vol. 11 ›› Issue (11) : 81-87. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas20191000234

Polysaccharide Extraction in Lactuca Satya L. and Its Antihyperlipidemic Activity

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The aim is to establish and optimize the extraction process of polysaccharides from Lactuca Satya L. and to explore the in vitro hypolipidemic activity of the polysaccharides. Lactuca Satya L. was used as material, polysaccharides was extracted by water/ethanol method. The polysaccharide extraction process of Lactuca Satya L. was established by back propagation (BP) neural network and orthogonal design. The in vitro hypolipidemie of polysaccharide in Lactuca Satya L. was studied by in vitro binding of cholates. The optimal condition for Lactuca Satya L. polysaccharide extraction was at 89℃ with solvent amount of 44 times in 1.6 h and 4 extracting times. The polysaccharides in Lactuca Satya L. and their alcohol-precipitated fractions had better cholate binding capacity with sodium taurocholate (STC), glychocholic acid sodium salts (SGC), sodium cholate (SC). BP neural network combined with orthogonal test could reduce experiment times effectively, analyze the change rules of Lactuca Satya L. polysaccharide extraction factors, and obtain the optimal extraction parameters. The hypolipidemic mechanism of Lactuca Satya L. polysaccharide might be the combination of cholic acids in intestine, which affected the lipids absorption.

Key words

Lactuca Satya L. / Polysaccharide / extraction process / Orthogonal Design / BP Neural Network / Hypolipidemic

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Yang Fengrong , Gao Jianping , Li Chunyan. Polysaccharide Extraction in Lactuca Satya L. and Its Antihyperlipidemic Activity. Journal of Agriculture. 2021, 11(11): 81-87 https://doi.org/10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas20191000234


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