
Film of Different Thickness: Effect on Residual and Recovery of Waste Film and Selection
Yu Xianfeng, Zhao Jijun, Ma Mingsheng
Film of Different Thickness: Effect on Residual and Recovery of Waste Film and Selection
The research on the residual and recovery of mulch film with different thickness was summarized based on the existing research literatures, and the selection of mulch film was discussed to provide references for the coordinated development of agricultural production and environmental protection. The results showed that residual of different thickness films varied from crop to crop, the thicker the mulch film, the lower the residual amount. After reaching a certain thickness, the difference of residual amount was not significant, but after a certain thickness, the residual amount increased due to the increase residual quality per unit area. The use of thick mulch film could effectively improve the film recyclability, but the difference of recovery rate was not significant after the film reached a certain thickness. Mechanized recycling was the trend in the future, in addition to film strength, the influence of film thickness should draw more attention. In agricultural production, the selection of thin or thick film was both inappropriate, the thickness recommended by most scholars was between 0.008 and 0.012 mm, the specific effect between the film cover and the ecological benefit should be considered.
Plastic Film / Thickness / Residual / Recyclability / Coverage Benefit / Ecological Benefit / Selection {{custom_keyword}} /
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为阐明华北地区残膜污染现状及当年地膜残留系数,2008-2011年采用问卷调查及样方检测方法对华北地区主要作物的地膜残留状况进行系统调查,在此基础上2011-2014年通过定点试验监测方法研究典型覆膜作物(花生、棉花)的地膜残留系数。结果表明:华北地区土壤耕层地膜残留强度分布范围为0.2~82.2 kg/hm2,其平均值为26.8 kg/hm2。区域内不同作物和不同省份间地膜残留强度存在显著差异(P<0.05),花生和棉花地膜残留强度较高,分别为32.0和31.8 kg/hm2;华北地区所有省份中,河北省农田地膜残留强度最高,为36.8 kg/hm2。2011年,华北地区农田地膜残留总量为14.8万t,其中地膜残留总量居前3位的作物是蔬菜(5.5万t)、棉花(3.9万t)、花生(3.0万t),占残膜总量的83.8%。3 a的地膜残留系数定点监测试验结果表明,花生和棉花的地膜残留系数分别为9.7%和14.3%,如果一直沿用目前的地膜使用模式,预计到2021年,花生地和棉田的地膜残留强度将会达到69.1和70.4 kg/hm2,超过国家农田残膜限值标准,成为残膜污染区域。研究可为华北地区残膜防治提供参考。
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研究残膜、残茬与土壤分离装置,建立残膜分离筛运动数学模型,分析残膜等物料在筛面上的运动规律。利用Pro/Engineer软件建立了分离筛的三维模型,通过分析与仿真,优化分离筛机构的结构参数和运动参数,有效地提高残膜的分离率,减小分离筛因往复惯性力引起的振动。试验表明,分离筛的振动频率对残膜的分离率影响较大。当飞轮转速为175 r/min时,分离筛有较强的分离能力,且运转比较平稳。
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农田长期覆膜种植产生的大量地膜对农田土壤质量、作物生长及环境造成严重的影响,为解决这一问题,于 2014年3月至2014年10月在新疆库尔勒尉犁县达西村开展大田试验,对比不同厚度、不同时间及不同位置地膜拉伸性能的变化规律,并针对0.01 mm地膜进行缠绕式回收试验。结果表明:地膜铺放后的30~60 d期间,由于受到风和紫外线照射等因素,拉伸强度有明显的下降,下降幅度较大;当地膜回收的时候,0.01 mm地膜最大拉伸力在近株端和远株端分别为1.52 N和1.305 N,是0.008 mm地膜的1.4倍和1.22倍。显然0.01 mm地膜的拉伸性能较0.008 mm拉伸性能有了一定的提升,这对地膜回收有一定的积极作用,但是经过理论计算及田间试验0.01 mm地膜的拉伸性能还是不足以采用简单缠绕的方式进行回收。本研究揭示了地膜拉伸性能在不同时间、不同厚度及不同位置受到紫外线等影响的变化规律,为地膜回收机的研制提供了理论依据。
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针对生产中使用普通农用塑料地膜导致农田土壤污染的现状,进行了不同厚度可降解(光、生物降解)地膜、普通地膜和露地栽培玉米对比试验,探讨可降解地膜的降解性能及对土壤水分、温度和玉米生长的影响。结果表明,0.005?mm厚可降解地膜的降解速度及强度均优于0.008 mm厚膜,二者在覆膜后90 d分别达降解5级、4级水平,地膜质量损失率达55.48%、39.99%。两种可降解地膜对土壤水分、温度和玉米生长的影响与普通地膜相当,均使0~20、>20~40 cm土壤水分含量、地表及地下10 cm土壤温度明显高于露地对照,使玉米出苗率提高,生育进程加快,株高、叶面积和地上部干物质积累量增加;其中0.008 mm厚膜覆盖玉米效果优于0.005 mm厚膜。研究认为,以可降解地膜替代普通地膜应用于农业生产具有可行性。
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