Screening and Evaluation of Green Control Bactericides for Tobacco Angular Leaf Spot Disease

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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2019, Vol. 9 ›› Issue (7) : 19-23. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas19040013

Screening and Evaluation of Green Control Bactericides for Tobacco Angular Leaf Spot Disease

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In view of the single green control bactericide for tobacco angular leaf spot disease, it is urgent to screen out high-efficiency and low-toxicity bactericides for tobacco green control practice. Twelve bactericides with different nature were tested by plate counting method. Six bactericideswith good laboratory bacteriostasis effect were selected for field control evaluation.The results showed that patented bactericide for Chinese Herbal Medicine, 12% zhongshengmycin WP and 2.1% eugenol?carvacrol AS had the best laboratory bacteriostasis effect,the bacteriostasis rate was 100%; Secondly,10 billion Bacillus subtilis WP were produced and 40% zinc thiazole SC, with bacteriostasis rates of 82.84% and 76.14%;The bacteriostasis rate of 6% kasugamycin WP was 63.47%, that of other bactericides was less than 50%, and that of 72% streptomycin sulfate SPX was only 44.1%. Field trials showed that the effects of 10 billion Bacillus subtilis WP, 40% zinc thiazole SC, Chinese herbal bactericide WF, 12% zhongshengmycin WP were from high to low, respectively. The field control effects of the four bactericides ranged from 60% to 65%. these four bactericides can be recommended for green control of Tobacco Angular Leaf Spot Disease.

Key words

tobacco angular leaf spot; bacteriostatic Screening in laboratory; field efficacy evaluation

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Screening and Evaluation of Green Control Bactericides for Tobacco Angular Leaf Spot Disease. Journal of Agriculture. 2019, 9(7): 19-23


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