The paper expounded the sugar"s production, consumption, import and its price formation mechanism, which pointed out that the sugar price of periodic fluctuation was influenced by many factors such as relation between supply and demand, energy price and policies in China. The production and consumption of sugar will increase slowly in the next ten years, and sugar consumption growth will be faster than sugar production growth in China. By analyzing the factors such as natural resources in the sugar beet main producing area, the comparative advantage of the sugar beet, and problems such as insufficient research input, low ability of research and development for the sugar beet industry, small scale of sugar beet planting areas and low level of agricultural mechanization, it is proposed that the state should support the sugar beet industry in policies, increased input of science research to improve the research level of sugar beet, to develop new products, to expand the industrial chain and to promote the competitiveness of enterprises. Development potential should be tapped to promote the sustainable development for sugar beet industry.
Sugar Beet Industry Development. Journal of Agriculture. 2019, 9(6): 82-86
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