Seeds Dormancy of Polygonatum sibiricum Red.: Research Progress

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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2018, Vol. 8 ›› Issue (3) : 0. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas17030028

Seeds Dormancy of Polygonatum sibiricum Red.: Research Progress

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Polygonatum sibiricum Red. has great medicinal value which receives increasing attention in recent years. Traditional rhizome reproduction is not only of high cost but also causes variety degeneration easily. Seeds of Polygonatum sibiricum Red. have dormancy characteristics and low germination rate. To break seed dormancy of Polygonatum sibiricum Red. and solve the problems in its artificial cultivation and breeding, this article summarizes the reasons of seed dormancy, including the relationship between seed structure, endogenous inhibitor, embryo development status, comprehensive factors and seed dormancy, and the methods of breaking seed dormancy, including mechanical, soaking, stratification, chemical, hormone, germination temperature,light condition and comprehensive treatment. It is considered that the seed dormancy of Polygonatum sibiricum Red. is caused by comprehensive factors, seed dormancy can be broken down by stratification and hormone treatment.

Key words

Polygonatum sibiricum Red.; the dormancy type; breaking dormancy; seed after-ripening

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Seeds Dormancy of Polygonatum sibiricum Red.: Research Progress. Journal of Agriculture. 2018, 8(3): 0


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