Aesthetic Analysis of HorticulturalSIndustry in theSConstructionSof NewSCountryside in China

吴文江,李永洲,吴国良,尚军华,周富强 and 魏新娜

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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2017, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4) : 90-94. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas16100020

Aesthetic Analysis of HorticulturalSIndustry in theSConstructionSof NewSCountryside in China

  • 吴文江,李永洲,吴国良,尚军华,周富强 and 魏新娜
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Horticultural as an important branch of agriculture, has occupied more and moreimportant position in people"s life. Modern horticultural has changed from a solution of people"s food problem singly to some comprehensive emerging industries which provide people with health and organic food, and to meet people"s aesthetic and entertainment needs. Horticultural industry development can drive and promote the construction of new countryside. Combined with the new rural construction and horticulture industry can promote economic and social development of our country, from a certain extent, it also solve the problems of urban and rural development and SruralSareasSandSfarmers" effectively. Through analysising the development trend of horticulture industry, then leads to the necessity and importance to the development of horticulture industry under the guidance of aesthetic concept. From the value of ornamental, economic and ecological of the aesthetic value of horticultural industry, and put forward the role of horticulture industry in the construction of new countryside. In the end, this paper takes the case of Heyin pomegranate industry base(which in Xingyang, Henan Province)to do further analysis. And also, it looks into the future development of horticultural industry and the problem of SruralSareasSandSfarmers".

Key words

horticulturalSindustry; aestheticSconcept;research; theSconstructionSofSnewScountryside

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吴文江,李永洲,吴国良,尚军华,周富强 and 魏新娜. Aesthetic Analysis of HorticulturalSIndustry in theSConstructionSof NewSCountryside in China. Journal of Agriculture. 2017, 7(4): 90-94


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