Tourist Satisfaction and Participant Behavior of Picking Style Leisure Agriculture in Yantai: An Example of Big Cherry Picking in Fushan District

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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (11) : 90-94. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas16080012

Tourist Satisfaction and Participant Behavior of Picking Style Leisure Agriculture in Yantai: An Example of Big Cherry Picking in Fushan District

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To promote the development of picking style leisure agriculture industry and fill the gaps of related researches, tourist satisfaction and participant behavior of picking style leisure agriculture in Yantai city is studied by means of questionnaire and scoring method. The results showed that the tourist satisfaction score of big cherry picking in Fushan reached a high level of 30.3 points. The tourist satisfaction scores of the big cherry picking in Fushan rose with the ages of the tourists, and its correlation reached a significant level. The tourist satisfaction scores of the big cherry picking in Fushan declined with the educational degrees, and its negative correlation reached a significant level. The tourists got the information of the big cherry picking in Fushan mainly from their friends and internet. Tourists traveled to Fushan for the big cherry picking mainly by self-travelling or through a travel agency. The purposes of the big cherry picking in Fushan were diversified. 68.2% of the tourists said that they would travel again. 79.8% of the tourists said that they would recommend it to others. The tourist satisfaction of the big cherry picking in Fushan reached a high level. The tourists showed high enthusiasm in taking part in the travel.

Key words

Yantai; Picking Style Leisure Agriculture; Satisfaction; Participant Behavior

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Tourist Satisfaction and Participant Behavior of Picking Style Leisure Agriculture in Yantai: An Example of Big Cherry Picking in Fushan District. Journal of Agriculture. 2016, 6(11): 90-94


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