Design and Application of Agronomic Traits of Regional Trial Data Entry System Based on Excel VBA

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Journal of Agriculture ›› 2016, Vol. 6 ›› Issue (8) : 54-58. DOI: 10.11923/j.issn.2095-4050.cjas16030020

Design and Application of Agronomic Traits of Regional Trial Data Entry System Based on Excel VBA

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In order to decrease the workload of regional trial data inputing, reduce the error rate and improve the work efficiency, we established the data entry system. (method) Firstly, we construct a fixed data inputing area in Excel that is divided into the original data inputing area and the derived data computing area, then complete the computerized original data calculation through Excel’s powerful function of formula, finally, accomplish the preservation and processing of result data quickly by Excel VBA program. Using the fixed data area as a template to process data can simplify a large number of repetitive operations. (result) An accurate and efficient agronomic traits data entry and sorting system was established based on Excel VBA, in addition, descripting the design and application of the system in this paper, taking soybean agronomic traits data for example. (conclusion)The system is simple, stable and efficient, which can greatly improve the work efficiency, reduce the labor intensity as well as error rate and has a certain value of popularization an application.

Key words

Regional Trial; Agronomic Character Data; Excel VBA; Data Entry System

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Design and Application of Agronomic Traits of Regional Trial Data Entry System Based on Excel VBA. Journal of Agriculture. 2016, 6(8): 54-58


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