The study aims to seek the principal components variation trends of the tested varieties in maize regional trials of Shaanxi Province in 2010—2014, and provide a theoretical basis for the reform of maize validation system, maize regional trial and variety certification. The authors selected top three varieties according to yield to participate in the maize regional trials of Shaanxi Province from 2010 to 2014, calculated the average value and selected the principal components according to the year as the unit, and compared the changing trend of principal components of maize varieties during the 5 years. ① Growth period of the tested varieties showed a decreasing trend, reduced by 6.17 days in all, with an average of 1.23 days every year. ② Plant height and ear height showed a decreasing trend, the plant height was decreased by 0.42 m in all, with an average of 0.106 m every year; the ear height was decreased by 0.3 m in all, with an average of 0.0758 m every year. ③ Ear length reduced in twists and turns, it had a trend of about 18 cm; hundred grain weight showed a decreasing trend , decreased by 3.23 g in all, with an average of 0.81 g every year; rows per ear was about 16, kernels per row was about 37. ④ Plant type was mainly compact type, grain type was dent and grain color was all yellow. Therefore, the principal components analysis showed that the tested spring maize regional trial varieties of Shaanxi Province were gradually developed to high yield, lodging resistance, high density and mechanization suitability.
Key words
Shaanxi Province; Maize; Regional Trial; Principal Components
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