In this study, saline land in Yuli Country in the Takelamagan Desert in Xinjiang were selected as the research object to analyze the variation of the soil physical and chemical properties and soil enzymatic activity and the inter-relationship among them on the growth and development process of Glycyrrhiza inflata, to inverstigate the effect of planting Locorice on salinizated soil properties and provide scientific basis for govermance and the use of saline desert in arid area . The results indicated that saline soil can be effectively improved by cultivation Glycyrrhiza inflata.The content of total nitrogen, alkalystic nitrogen and organic matter in soil were significantly increased. The nutrient content of land growing 3-year age licorice was the highest. In comparison with the bare land(CK), the content of total nitrogen, alkalystic nitrogen and organic matter are increased by 42%, 62% and 40% respectively.The content of available phosphorus and available potassium in soil were significantly decreased as the increasing of planting years. In comparison with the bare land(CK), the content of available phosphorus was decreased by 37%, 46% and 72%, the content of available potassium was decreased by 3.5%, 27% and 45%, respectively. Compared with bare land(CK), soil water content of land growing 3-year age licorice increased 271%. Soil pH and electrical conductivity decreased significantly after planting licorice. The soil pH of land growing 3-year age licorice showed signficantly different from bare land(CK), land growing 1-year age licorice and land growing 2-year age licorice. In comparison with the bare land(CK), electrical conductivity in soil was decreased by 42%, 72% and 80% respectively. The activities of soil urease、phosphatase and invertertase show an increasing tendency with the increasing of planting years. Compared with bare land(CK), soil enzyme activities were increased by 47%, 301% and 130%. Utilizing Pearson coefficant correlation, it analyzes the correlation between soil enzyme activities and soil physical and chemical properties in the different planting years licorice plot. The results of simple correlation analysis indicated that there are significant correlations between soil edaphic physicochemical factors and activities of soil urease, phosphatase and invertertase. The regression formula indicated that the activity of urease increased with soil water content, organic matter content but decreased with soil total nitrogen content, the activity of phosphatase increased with soil water content but decreased with soil total nitrogen content and organic matter content, the activity of invertertase increased with soil water content but decreased with soil available potassium content. Therefore, soil water content plays a dominant role in soil urease, phosphatase and invertertase. In a word, planting licorice in the salinization desert of Xinjiang could improve the soil physical and chemical properties, significantly increase the activities of soil urease, phosphatase and invertertase, ant it can improve the saline-alkali soil.
Key words
Glycyrrhiza Inflata; Soil Physical and Chemical Properties; Enzymatic Activity
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