Figure/Table detail
The effect of crop configuration between wheat and cotton on crop yield and cotton maturity under the machine-harvested cotton cropping mode
Wang Guoping, Liu Liantao, Lei Yaping, Feng Lu, Zhang Yongjiang, Wang Zhanbiao, Li Xiaofei, Li Yabing, Li Cundong
Cotton Science, 2022, 34(5): 430-442.   DOI: 10.11963/cs20220028

Cotton cultivar
Cropping mode
Biomass/ (kg·hm-2
Seed cotton yield/ (kg·hm-2)
Boll number/(104·hm-2
Boll weight/g
Lint percentage/
2018 ZM50 W2C1 10 150 bc 4 025 a 0.397 abc 92.5 a 4.41 b 36.8 a
W3C1 9 548 c 3 972 ab 0.416 ab 93.2 a 4.29 b 36.0 ab
W6C2 8 931 c 3 760 abc 0.421 a 75.1 a 4.39 b 37.4 a
ZM79 W2C1 10 281 bc 3 609 abc 0.351 bc 79.2 a 4.25 b 33.8 bc
W3C1 10 918 ab 3 145 c 0.288 d 76.7 a 4.11 b 31.2 c
W6C2 11 822 a 3 807 ab 0.322 cd 80.0 a 4.89 a 32.9 c
2019 ZM50 W2C1 10 532 a 4 118 a 0.391 ab 87.9 a 4.52 a 38.0 a
W3C1 10 014 a 3 610 abc 0.377 ab 88.6 a 4.33 ab 37.8 a
W6C2 9 606 a 3 862 ab 0.402 a 83.1 a 4.61 a 38.1 a
ZM79 W2C1 10 746 a 3 385 bc 0.315 cd 93.3 a 3.83 bc 35.1 b
W3C1 10 627 a 3 029 c 0.285 d 84.9 a 3.51 c 34.6 b
W6C2 11 040 a 3 543 abc 0.321 bcd 79.3 a 3.97 bc 35.2 b
变异来源Source of variation
Y ns ns ns ns ** **
M ns * ns ns ** ns
C ** ** ** ns ** **
Y×M ns ns ns ns ns ns
Y×C ns ns ns ns ** *
M×C * ns ns ns ns ns
Y×M×C ns ns ns ns ns ns
Table 3 The comparison of cotton biomass, yield and yield components among the three cropping modes
Other figure/table from this article