To improve the grain and oil yield per unit land area, suitable soybean varieties under the potato, corn and soybean compound planting model in shallow mountain and hilly areas were screened. 2 belt types (1.67 and 2.00 m) of potato, corn, and soybean compound planting models were set up, and comprehensive analysis and evaluation were conducted on the growth period, biological traits, agronomic traits, and yield traits of 9 soybean varieties (Qindou 2018, Qihuang 34, Shankendou 4, Zhonghuang 13, Shandou 125, Yandou 15, Yandou 11, Baodou 12, and Baodou 312). The results showed that there was no significant difference in the maturity and growth stages of various soybean varieties under different belt type compound planting models. Belt types had a certain impact on the growth habits and lodging resistance of soybean plants. As the width of the band increased, the lodging levels of Qihuang 34, Zhonghuang 13 (CK), Yandou 15, and Baodou 312 decreased. The main agronomic traits such as plant height and pod height of various soybean varieties did not show significant changes under different intercropping patterns. Each variety was affected by different degrees of diseases and pests, and attention should be paid to preventing and controlling diseases and pests in production. The yield of Qihuang 34 was higher under the 1.67 and 2.00 m belt type compound planting models, with 886.67 and 1 150.57 kg/hm2, respectively. Overall, Qihuang 34 has lodging resistance and performs well in comprehensive agronomic traits, promoting planting the potato, corn and soybean compound planting model in the shallow mountain and hilly areas.
To investigate the optimal row to plant ratio under the strip compound model of sorghum and soybean in Yibin City, Sichuan Province, sorghum variety Yinuohong 4 and soybean variety Gongqiudou 5 were used as materials, 6 plant row specifications for the strip compound model were set of sorghum and soybean, and the effects of each treatment on the growth period, main agronomic traits, yield and yield composition factors, and economic output value of sorghum and soybean were studied. The results showed that different treatments had a great influence on the growth period, main agronomic traits, yield, and yield components of the two crops. In terms of growth period, the smaller the inter row spacing between sorghum and soybean plants, and the higher the planting density, the earlier the heading and flowering period of sorghum, and the shorter the growth period; the growth period of soybean intercropping was shortened. In terms of main agronomic traits, the smaller the inter row spacing between sorghum and soybean plants, the higher the plant height and stem length under the ear of sorghum, while the stem thickness and ear length decrease; the plant height and pod height of soybeans had increased. In terms of yield and economic benefits, the A3 treatment (sorghum soybean width of 1.5 m, planting density of 90 000 plants/hm2 for sorghum and soybean, sorghum row spacing of 50 cm and nest spacing of 30 cm, soybean row spacing of 40 cm and nest spacing of 30 cm, and row spacing of 30 cm between the two crops) had higher yield and economic output value, with sorghum yield of 4 413 kg/hm2, intercropping soybean yield of 1 831.5 kg/hm2, and economic output value of 52 900 yuan/hm2. The research results provide references for the promotion and application of strip compound model of sorghum and soybean in related regions.
Promoting the strip intercropping model of soybean and corn is one of the effective ways to improve soybean production capacity. The practice of strip intercropping of soybean and corn was based on in the Huaibei, Anhui Province, and its efficient cultivation techniques were summarized from the aspects of variety selection, planting model selection, seed treatment, and etc. In terms of variety selection, selecting soybean varieties with limited podding habits, shade tolerance, dense planting tolerance, high temperature tolerance, lodging resistance, disease resistance, and drought resistance; corn varieties with compact plant type, moderate height, high temperature tolerance, dense planting tolerance, ear rot tolerance, disease resistance, and suitable for machine harvesting. Selecting the planting model of 4 rows of corn and 6 rows of soybeans. Seed treatment including seed selection, sun drying, pesticide mixing or coating. Selecting 4 rows of corn seeders and 6 rows of soybean seeders for simultaneous fertilization and sowing. After sowing and before sprouting, timely sealing and weeding should be carried out. For plots with poor sealing and weeding effects, corn and soybean specific herbicides should be used for targeted isolation and weeding during the 1-2 compound leaf stage of soybeans and 4-5 leaf stage of corn. To meet the water and fertilizer supply needs during the corn bell mouth stage, soybean flowering and pod setting stage, and grain filling stage, the integrated technology of micro spray irrigation and fertilization is adopted for irrigation, topdressing, and foliar fertilization. Spraying control agents on 6-9 leaves of corn and early flowering stage of soybeans to control plant growth. Adhering to the principle of prevention first and combining prevention and control, and timely apply appropriate drugs to prevent and control diseases and pests such as soybean virus disease, aphid, corn stem rot disease, and Spodoptera frugiperda, etc. Choosing soybean varieties that are resistant to high temperature and heat damage, apply fertilizers reasonably, and water them in a timely manner to prevent soybean ‘disease greening’. Selecting varieties of corn that are resistant to high temperature and heat damage, water them in a timely manner, and use artificial pollination to prevent and control the impact of high temperature and heat damage on the tasseling and silk emergence stages of corn. Based on the maturity of soybeans and corn in the field, choose the method of harvesting first after maturity or harvesting with different machines simultaneously. This article provides references for further promotion and application of the soybean corn strip intercropping model in relevant regions.
Grain soybean rotation has advantages such as improving soil fertility, preventing and controlling diseases and pests, and enhancing planting efficiency. Based on the practice of grain soybean rotation production in the Huang Huai Hai region, the technical path for increasing soybean yield was summarized and analyzed. Including deep-plowing and deep-loosening to eliminate soil compaction and increase soil permeability. Select soybean varieties with high-yield, excellent-quality, strong lodging resistance, and suitable for mechanized harvesting. Use pesticides such as azoxystrobin for seed mixing to promote soybean seedling strength and reduce the probability of disease and pest occurrence during the seedling stage. Determine planting density based on soybean variety characteristics, soil fertility, and climatic conditions, and ensure even seed distribution during sowing. Timely water the “3 types of water” (sowing water, flowering and pod setting water, and grain filling water) to regulate the microclimate in the field and improve ventilation and transparency; reasonably apply base fertilizer, seed fertilizer, and topdressing based on the principles of controlling nitrogen, stabilizing phosphorus, and increasing potassium; based on the characteristics of pest infestations in the field, comprehensive prevention and control measures such as agricultural control, physical control, and chemical control should be taken to prevent and control pests such as bee edge bugs, aphids, and whiteflies. Consider terrain, soil conditions, etc., choose harvesters with good threshing, separation, and cleaning performance for timely harvesting. This article provides references for expanding soybean planting area and increasing soybean yield.
To screen rice varieties suitable for the “rice-ratooning rice-rapeseed” planting model, 13 rice varieties including Renyou 6, Zhenzaoyou 939, and Jiyou 1127, etc. were used as materials (with Lingliangyou 268 as the control), and a selection experiment of regenerated rice varieties under the “rice-ratooning rice-rapeseed” model was conducted in Changsha (research area A) and Yiyang (research area B), Hunan Province, determine indicators such as reproductive period, yield, and yield composition. The results showed that, except for Shengliangyou 358, all other varieties had suitable growth periods for planting in the study area and could safely achieve full panicle. In research area A, the annual yields of Renyou 6 and Quanzaoyou 1606 were 14.00 and 14.27 t/hm2, respectively, which increased by 5.34% and 7.37% compared to the control. In research area B, the annual yields of Renyou 6, Lingliangyou 741, and Quanzaoyou 1606 were 10.58, 10.56, and 10.76 t/hm2, respectively, an increase of 7.65% to 9.68% compared to the control. The above varieties all mature before mid October and can safely transition the rapeseed crop. Overall, Renyou 6 and Quanzaoyou 1606 performed well in Changsha, Hunan Province, while Renyou 6, Lingliangyou 741, and Quanzaoyou 1606 performed well in Yiyang, Hunan Province. They are suitable for planting regenerated rice varieties in the cooperative “rice-ratooning rice-rapeseed” planting model, and can be selected according to local planting conditions in each region.
The large-scale planting performance of drought resistant rice variety Hanyou 73 was combined in Donghu Production Base, Dongqiao Town, Huian County, Xiamen, Fujian Province, its “rice+vegetable” water-dry rotation cultivation techniques and its advantages in arid land were summarized and analyzed. This variety was planted in a “rice+vegetable” rotation in the research area, with a total growth period of about 128 days and resistant to bacterial leaf blight and rice blast disease, with good drought resistance; the dry grain yield of rice was 7 542.75 kg/hm2. Dryland cultivation techniques include land preparation, application of base fertilizer, and rotary tillage; after seed mixing or seedling cultivation, live broadcasting or waterless machine transplanting is carried out; arrange micro sprinkler irrigation pipe belts in the field according to the walking route of the rice transplanter wheels; after emergence, water the seedlings with water for greening, tillering, and heading filling to improve seedling quality and rice seed setting rate; according to the seedling situation in the field, apply tillering fertilizer, jointing fertilizer, and heading fertilizer to cultivate strong seedlings; dryland has more grass damage than paddy fields, and generally adopts measures such as closed weeding as the main method, chemical pesticides as auxiliary, and manual removal and remediation for prevention and control; according to local pest and disease monitoring information, timely prevention and control of diseases and pests such as sheath blight and rice planthopper. The application of the “rice+vegetable” water-dry rotation model and dryland waterless machine transplanting technology has technical management advantages such as saving labor and reducing consumption, facilitating water control, and improving fertilizer utilization efficiency; and social benefits such as improving farmland utilization efficiency, conserving water resources, and improving soil environment. This article provides a reference for the promotion and application of the “rice+vegetable” water-dry rotation model in relevant region’ dry land.
Yangmai 24 as the test material, the incidence of wheat head blight in the field in 2020, 2021 and 2024 was investigated, and the influence of climate factors on it was analyzed. To explore the effects of growth stage node (early flowering and flowering stage), 200 g/L fluzoyl hydroxylamine SC and other agents, and application frequency (1 and 2 times) on the disease spike rate, disease index, disease prevention efficiency and disease finger control efficiency of wheat head blight, and observe the safety of different agents on wheat. The results showed that continuous rainy weather with average daily temperature higher than 15 ℃ was conducive to the occurrence of wheat head blight. In 2020, it was mild; in 2021, it was severe; and in 2024, it was pandemic. The applied agents had good safety for wheat growth,the application of 200 g/L fluzoyl hydroxylamine SC had a certain effect on the sensory properties of wheat. The comprehensive field control effect showed that 200 g/L fluzoyl hydroxylamine SC had a relatively prominent control effect on wheat head blight, in 2020, the disease spike rate, disease index, disease prevention effect, and disease finger control effects of the late application at the early flowering stage were 1.33%, 86.05%, 0.33 and 86.05%, respectively. When applied once at the early flowering stage, the disease spike rate, disease index, disease prevention effect, and disease finger control effects were 6.41%, 85.33%, 1.68 and 90.45% in 2021, and 11.04%, 85.20%, 3.22 and 89.93% in 2024, respectively. In conclusion, the overall window period of wheat head blight control in light years was longer, and the early flowering stage was the key period forwheat head blight control. Better control effect could be achieved by applying appropriate agents once during this period. In actual production, at the early flowering stage, it is recommended to apply 200 g/L fluzoyl hydroxylamine SC 900 mL/hm2 to control wheat head blight
Using the annual creeping stem seedlings of ‘Tianxianzui’ strawberry as test materials, pot cultivation was conducted with different saline-alkali concentrations (0, 25, 50, 75, and 100 mmol/L). The plant height, root length, leaf area, chlorophyll, malondialdehyde, proline, and other contents, superoxide dismutase (SOD) and peroxidase (POD) activity were measured under saline-alkali stress to explore the response ability of this variety of strawberry to saline-alkali stress. The results showed that with the increase of saline-alkali concentration, the plant height, root length, leaf area, dry and fresh weight, and chlorophyll content of strawberries showed a decreasing trend. At the same time, the content of soluble protein, malondialdehyde, and proline gradually increased. The content of soluble sugar and the activities of SOD and POD showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, all of them reached their maximum value at a saline-alkali concentration of 75 mmol/L. In conclusion, saline-alkali stress can inhibit the growth and development of ‘Tianxianzui’ strawberry. This article provides a reference for the evaluation of saline-alkali tolerance of this variety of strawberry.
5 planting densities of 180 000 holes/hm2 (D18.0), 225 000 holes/hm2 (D22.5), 270 000 holes/hm2 (D27.0), 315,000 holes/hm2 (D31.5),and 360 000 holes/hm2 (D36.0) were set for the mat grass variety Bancao 3. The optimum planting density of mat grass was selected by studying its effect on the yield of mat grass, the diameter of fresh grass, and the rate of withered shoot.The results showed that the planting density of Bancao 3 was 270 000 -315 000 holes/hm2, and the yield was high.The diameter of fresh grass and the tensile strength of stems of mat grass showed a gradually decreasing trend with the increase of planting density,while the rate of withered shoots of mat grass stems showed a gradually increasing trend with the increase of planting density, and the proportion of long grass stems showed a trend of first increasing and then decreasing with the increase of planting density. However the fresh grass diameter, withered shoot rate, proportion of long grass stems, and tensile strength of mat grass of D27.0 and D31.5 treatment were no significant difference from the corresponding optimal treatment. Therefore, considering the effects of comprehensive planting density on yield, fresh grass diameter, withered shoot rate, proportion of long grass stems, and tensile strength of mat grass, the suitable planting density of mat grass is 270 000- 315 000 holes/hm2.
To select the rose varieties with better ornamental effect in summer and autumn, the analytic hierarchy process was used in this study. From the aspects of ornamental traits (C1), plant traits (C2), and resistance traits (C3), 15 indexes such as flower color, flower diameter, and fragrance of 32 rose varieties (including 19 Shrub Roses such as ‘Elizabeth Stuart’, 8 Floribunda Roses such as ‘Pink Iceberg’, and 5 Hybrid Tea Roses such as ‘Dolce Vita’) were comprehensively evaluated. The results showed that C1 had the highest weight (0.527 8). The analysis of total hierarchical ranking showed that the disease resistance and pest control ability, flower quantity per plant, and flower color were the 3 key factors affecting the ornamental effect of roses in summer and autumn. 32 rose varieties were divided into 4 grades by comprehensive evaluation:grade I included 9 varieties such as ‘Ivor’s Rose ’, which showed strong growth adaptability and high ornamental value, and was suitable for popularization and application in gardens; grade II included 12 varieties such as ‘Flower Girl’, which had excellent adaptability and appreciation, and had certain promotion and application potential; grade III included 9 varieties, such as ‘Iceberg’, which were not good in appreciation, but were adaptable; grade Ⅳ included 2 varieties, such as ‘Kaorikazari’, whose ornamental value and adaptability were relatively low. The results of this study provides references for the selection and garden application of rose varieties in Shanghai and related areas, helping to improve the quality of urban greening and residents viewing experience.
Bibliometrics software VOSviewer and CiteSpace were used to calculate the number of published documents on migratory birds in the CNKI database from January 2006 to December 2024, and co-occurrence analysis, cluster analysis, and time zone co-occurrence analysis were conducted for its keywords, to understand the research situation and hot spots of migratory birds. The results showed that since 2015, research on migratory birds had received attention, and the number of literatures studied has steadily increased. The co-occurrence analysis of key words showed that the relevant research mainly focuses on migratory birds and waterbirds, and extends to multiple directions, including ecology, environment and disease. Keyword cluster analysis found that related research not only involved biology, but also gradually extended to ecology and environmental protection. Keyword time zone analysis showed that the research direction showed a systematic trend and a dense system network had been formed. In short, in recent years, the research direction of migratory birds tends to be diversified, the research field tends to be extensive and the research work presents the characteristics of in-depth refinement, and the research prospect is broad.
To understand the impact of environmental variables on the distribution of red-crowned cranes in Songnen Plain, 168 red-crowned cranes’ occurrence point distribution data and 12 environmental variables such as annual average temperature were selected, and BIOMOD2 software package was used to build a combined model to explore the main environmental variables affecting the distribution of this animal. ArcGIS 10.8 software was used to predict the spatial distribution pattern of the potential distribution area of red-crowned cranes in Songnen Plain under current and future climate scenarios. The results showed that the combined model constructed by 6 optimal single models (FDA, GBM, GLM, MARS, MAXENT and RF) had higher prediction accuracy and better effect than the single model. The main environmental variables affecting the distribution of red-crowned cranes were precipitation in the wettest month, distance from lakes and ponds, distance from cultivated land, habitat type, distance from roads, temperature seasonal variation coefficient, distance from residential land, and distance from rivers. Red-crowned cranes were mainly distributed in the west of Songnen Plain, and the most suitable areas were Zhalong Wetland Reserve, Xianghai Nature Reserve and Momoge Nature Reserve. Under future climate change, the overall distribution pattern of the habitat area of red-crowned cranes will remain unchanged, but the area of the habitat area will be reduced. The study provides references for ecological protection of red-crowned cranes in Songnen Plain and related areas.
To analyze the effectiveness of the technical model for the transformation of Eucalyptus grandis × urophylla forest stands, Eucalyptus grandis × urophylla short rotation timber forests were transformed using techniques such as cutting pile to suppress eruption and afforestation in 2017-2019. The regeneration rate of felling piles, and the survival rate, preservation rate and height of afforestation trees were measured. The results showed that using the method of film covering the felling piles and spraying glyphosate, the regeneration rate was less than 10% after 60 days of cutting pile, less than 30% for the sprouts of the felling stakes in the current year and less than 10% in the second year; using maple, osmanthus, and juniper for afforestation, the 3-year preservation rate can reach 95%, and the transformation effect was significant. Based on the implementation of technical models, it was proposed to pay attention to environmental protection during the transformation of eucalyptus forests and prioritize the use of precious local broad-leaved tree species. Overall, the technological model for the transformation of Eucalyptus grandis × urophylla had shown significant improvement and can be further promoted in the related area.
To strengthen the protection of wild Cycas revoluta resources, enrich the population of Cycas szechuanensis in Shaxian District of Fujian Province, and improve the living environment of local wild Cycasszechuanensis communities. Based on the protection practice of Cycas szechuanensis, its rescue and breeding techniques have been summarized, mainly including 2 measures: in situ protection and transplantation breeding. In situ protection includes selecting mother trees that grow strong and have lush leaf crowns, applying compound fertilizer or decomposed cake fertilizer in trenches and holes, taking appropriate prevention and control measures for the types of pests and diseases that occur locally, conducting growth surveys, and establishing technical archives; transplantation breeding includes selecting transplant sites that are basically consistent with the original growth environment, installing irrigation systems, selecting healthy transplant mother plants, digging out soil, watering roots thoroughly after planting, and timely carrying out pest and disease control measures. Through these measures, the living environment of wild Cycas szechuanensis populations can be improved, the population of Cycas szechuanensis can be increased, and the goal of rescuing Cycas szechuanensis can be achieved. This article provides references for the construction of an intensive and industrialized Cycas szechuanensis resource protection base that integrates rescue, scientific research, and promotion demonstration.
To understand the distribution of plant resources in Guangzhou Yuexiu Park, the plant background resources(species composition, life forms, and dominant families and genera), geographical distribution of genera of seed plants, and plant application in Guangzhou Yuexiu Park were analyzed by means of literature review and field investigation. The results showed that, (1) there were 122 families, 367 genera and 502 species of vascular plants in the park (excluding subspecies), including 44 species of pteridophytes, 25 genera and 16 families, 10 species of gymnosperms, 8 genera and 6 families, and 448 species of angiosperms, 334 genera and 100 families. (2) The life types of vascular plants were mainly herbs, accounting for 43.82% of the total, trees accounted for 28.69%, shrubs accounted for 23.71%, vines accounted for 3.78%. (3) The number of dominant families accounted for 12.30% of the total number of families, and the number of species accounted for 47.61% of the total number of species. The characteristics of dominant families were obvious, and the composition of genera was relatively complex and diverse. (4) There were 7 variations in 10 distribution types of wild seed plants in 106 families, and 10 variations in 12 types of 342 genera, mainly tropical and subtropical distribution types. (5) Garden ornamental plants in the park could be divided into forest plants, landscape trees, and garden shade trees. Based on the survey results of plant resources, some suggestions were put forward, such as increasing the application of deciduous plants, introducing new garden plants and increasing native plants, to provide references for plant selection and application in urban parks.
To understand the vegetation distribution of Baishan Lake wetland in Xinjiang, the vegetation types, main vegetation type characteristics, flora composition, and plant distribution types of the wetland were investigated by using the typical quadrat survey method. The results showed that, according to the classification system and principles of Flora of China and Flora of Xinjiang, the vegetation in the study area was divided into 5 vegetation type groups, 5 vegetation types, and 13 groups based on the species dominance, among which swamp and aquatic groups could best represent the characteristics of wetland aquatic plants in this area. A total of 111 plant species were recorded in this survey, belonging to 35 families and 81 genera. According to the morphological and structural characteristics, pteridophytes accounted for 1.8% of the species; angiosperms accounted for 98.2% (dicotyledonous plants accounted for 67.9%, monocotyledonous plants accounted for 32.1%). According to the adaptability of plants to water: aquatic plants accounted for 25.2% of the species (of which hydrophytic plants accounted for 35.7%; emergent plants accounted for 35.7%; submerged plants accounted for 25.0%; floating plants accounted for 3.6%). The analysis of species distribution showed that monospecific and oligospecific species were dominant, and the geographical components of families and genera were mainly world wide. This paper provides a reference for the formulation and improvement of the protection and management planning of wetland conservation in this area.
To investigate the water quality of the reservoir and pond wetlands in the X region, the physicochemical characteristics of water samples from small reservoirs and ponds, such as oxidation-reduction potential (ORP), chemical oxygen demand (COD), and total phosphorus (TP) were analyzed, along with their correlations, and the water quality was evaluated. The analysis of physicochemical characteristics showed that the permanganate index (CODMn) values were generally high; some samples had high COD values, indicating eutrophication; the total nitrogen (TN) concentration in most samples exceeded the national Class V water standard; there were almost no issues with ammonia nitrogen and phosphorus pollution. The correlation analysis indicated that the ORP of the reservoir and pond water was significantly negatively correlated with TP and CODMn (P<0.05); turbidity was highly significantly negatively correlated with pH (P<0.01) and highly significantly positively correlated with COD and ammonia nitrogen (
The causes of rural small and micro black-odorous water bodies, as well as common treatment technologies were analyzed. Through the practice of its restoration demonstration project, the ecological restoration technology system and its implementation effects on small and micro black-odorous water bodies were explored. It was identified that the main causes of black-odorous conditions in rural small and micro black-odorous water bodies include the entry of external pollutants, the release of internal sediment pollutants, and poor water flow. External pollution sources primarily consist of rural domestic wastewater, livestock and poultry farming wastewater, aquaculture wastewater, industrial wastewater, and non-point source pollution of planting industry. Various water purification technologies for black-odorous water bodies were discussed, which could be categorized into three types based on their treatment principles: physical restoration techniques, chemical restoration techniques, and bio-ecological restoration techniques, among which bio-ecological remediation technology was widely used in practice because of its environmental friendliness and other advantages. In the rural small and micro black-odorous water bodies ecological restoration demonstration project in F City, a bio-ecological remediation technology system termed “pollution interception and source control + submerged, floating, and emergent plant ecosystem + biological filter wall” had been developed. This restoration technology system had been found to be effective in the ecological restoration of rural wastewater, leading to a significant improvement in water quality and the quality of the ecological environment. This study provides a reference for the treatment of small and micro black-odorous water bodies in relevant rural areas.
The types of rice pests and diseases, as well as their occurrence rules in Huazhou City, Guangdong Province, were investigated in this study, to provide a basis for prediction, forecasting, and green control measures. Based on multi-year survey data and historical records, the species of rice pests and diseases in Huazhou from 1980 to 2023 were investigated, and the occurrence and epidemic patterns of major pests and diseases, and their causes were analyzed. It was revealed that a total of 55 types of rice pests and diseases were present in the region, comprising 21 diseases and 34 pests. Among the diseases, fungal diseases were found to be the most prevalent, with 12 types accounting for 57.1% of the total. Leaf-eating and sap-sucking pests were identified as the most common among the pests, with 12 types each, both accounting for 35.3% of the total. A preliminary exploration was conducted into the regularty of epidemic of major rice pests and diseases in the region over the years, revealing differences in the severity of pests and diseases damage across different decades. In the 1980s, severe damage was caused by pests such as Tryporyza incertulas, Nilaparvata lugens, Thrips oryzae, Orseoia oryzae and diseases such as rice blast, bacterial leaf blight, sheath blight, false smut, and rice gall dwarf disease, while other pests and diseases were relatively mild. From the 1990s onwards, an increase in severity was observed for Nilaparvata lugens, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis, sheath blight, bacterial leaf streak, and rice orange leaf disease. In the 2020s, Sesamia inferens, Chilo suppressalis, bacterial leaf streak, sheath blight, bacterial leaf blight, and southern rice black-streaked dwarf virus were found to have become more prevalent. It was concluded through a comprehensive analysis that the occurrence and evolution of these rice pests and diseases were mainly driven by a combination of three factors: the host plant (crop resistance), pathogenic organisms (or initial pest sources), and environmental conditions (including meteorological conditions, cultivation practices, and farming systems). It was also noted that different pests and diseases had their own specific factors contributing to their evolution. A reference was provided by this study for improving the management of rice pests and diseases in the region and for promoting the sustainable development of agriculture.
To investigate the quality and microbial community structure of different parts of Yunnan produced cigar tobacco leaves, the sensory quality of different parts (upper secondary leaf C1, middle secondary leaf C2, and lower secondary leaf C3) of cigar variety Yunxue 39 was examined. The content of neutral aroma components was determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), and the changes in microbial community structure were analyzed by alpha diversity, beta diversity, etc. The results showed that in terms of sensory quality, the sensory quality scores of different parts of Yunxue 39 were ranked from high to low as followed: C2 for the middle tobacco leaves>C1 for the upper tobacco leaves>C3 for the lower tobacco leaves. The middle tobacco leaves had sufficient aroma, rich fragrance, less impurities, weak stimulation, good aftertaste and comfort; in terms of neutral aroma components, 29 main neutral aroma components were detected in cigar leaves from 3 different parts. The total content of neutral aroma components and the content of various aroma types were the highest in the C2 tobacco leaves from the central part; in terms of microbial community structure, there were differences in the composition and relative abundance of surface microbial communities in different parts of cigar tobacco leaves. The C3 sample of lower tobacco leaves had the highest total number of OTUs and unique OTUs, and the bacterial community diversity was relatively rich. Pseudomonas, Pantoea, and unnamed genera were the key bacterial genera that cause differences in the microbial community structure of tobacco leaves. The metabolic pathways of cigar tobacco leaves in different parts were concentrated in signal transduction and cellular processes, amino acid metabolism, fatty acid metabolism, and genetic information processing, and there were differences in the same metabolic pathways in cigar tobacco leaves in different parts. This article provides references for further development of cigar tobacco product formula and screening of fermentation functional microorganisms.
To investigate the application status of high-voltage electrostatic field (HVEF) technology in plant growth and food processing, the application progress of this technology from the perspectives was reviewed. The technology has the characteristics of green, energy saving and sterilization. In terms of plant growth, HVEF has a positive effect on seed germination, plant growth, development and storage. In terms of food processing, HVEF has great application potential for food sterilization, drying, freezing and thawing, which can reduce the proliferation of bacteria in food, improve the efficiency of food drying, and improve the freezing and freezing rate of food. Based on the current development trend of HVEF, the research progress and development value of this technology in many aspects have been summarized, providing a reference theoretical basis for the application of high-voltage electrostatic field technology.
The observation data of daily minimum grass surface temperature, daily minimum temperature, daily minimum 0 cm ground temperature, daily average relative humidity, daily minimum relative humidity, and daily average dew point temperature and spring frost data in Dangshan National Basic Meteorological Observation Station from March to May 2011 to 2018 used to establish a spring frost prediction model by Logistic regression analysis. The model was calculated and tested, and the MICAPS software was used to apply the model. The results showed that the factors influencing the occurrence of spring frost in Dangshan were the daily minimum temperature, the daily minimum 0 cm ground temperature, and the daily average dew point temperature, which were obtained by Logistic regression method. The 3 factors were used as variables to establish the prediction model. The test accuracy and application accuracy of the model were both above 90%. In conclusion, the spring frost prediction model established in this study is convenient, fast, and has high prediction accuracy, which can be applied to actual production.
Yuexi County of Anhui Province was selected as the research area, and multi-temporal Landsat 8/9 OLI images (October, December and May) were used as the data source to prove the feasibility of the random forest algorithm by accuracy evaluation. ENVI 5.3 and ArcGIS 10.8 software were used to analyze the temporal spectral features and NDVI changes of 7 typical land features (cultivated land, water body, buildings, shrub, road, forest land, and tea garden), and then random forest algorithm was used to extract tea garden information in research area to analyze the spatio-temporal characteristics changes of tea gardens. The results showed that the random forest algorithm had good effect and high precision in extracting tea garden information in research area. The overall accuracy of tea garden information extraction by random forest method in October 2022, December 2022, and May 2023 were 99.3%, 98.2%, and 99.5%, respectively, and the Kappa coefficients were 0.972, 0.934, and 0.981, respectively. NIR, SWIR1 and SWIR2 were the characteristic bands of tea gardens, and the NDVI value of tea gardens was higher than that of other vegetation, which can be used as an important node to distinguish tea gardens from other vegetation. Random forest method calculation showed that the planting area of tea gardens in research area in October 2022, December 2022, and May 2023 was 130.59, 126.79, and 137.47 km2, respectively, and their spatio-temporal characteristics changed significantly. In summary, random forest algorithm has a good effect on extracting tea garden information, and this study provides a reference for the application of random forest algorithm in tea garden information extraction.
To meet the needs of modern agricultural development, the teaching characteristics and cultivation abilities of Animal Production internship were explored, and its teaching reform measures were practiced. The internship teaching of Animal Production had the characteristics of strong practicality, diversity, comprehensiveness, and seasonality; emphasis was placed on cultivating students’ abilities in teamwork, technical application, problem-solving, and professional ethics. Teaching reform practice included strengthening practical teaching content, optimizing internship base construction, reforming internship teaching methods, enhancing teacher team construction, reforming student evaluation system, emphasizing the combination of scientific research and teaching, and strengthening school-enterprise cooperation. The practical results showed that this teaching reform had significantly improved students’ practical ability and comprehensive quality, which help to promote the cultivation of high-quality agricultural technical talents and provided strong support for the sustainable development of the animal production industry.
To enhance students’ interest and subjective initiative in learning, based on the Chaoxing Learning platform, a blended teaching approach for Ecology course was designed and implemented from 7 aspects: clarifying teaching objectives, forming teaching teams, exploring online resources, innovating teaching methods, optimizing teaching processes, integrating ideological and political elements, and strengthening process evaluation. Specifically, the clear teaching objectives of the course were to enable students to master the basic concepts of species diversity, propose corresponding protection measures and contingency plans for different protected species, etc. Established a team of teachers from different disciplinary backgrounds, such as Ecology, Environmental Science, Botany, etc., to support curriculum teaching. Explored excellent documentary and MOOC resources, and promoted cutting-edge plant science and agricultural science micro platforms to students. Innovatived teaching methods such as questioning, inspiration, and discussion could deepen students’ understanding of species diversity theory. Optimized the teaching process and carried out a blended learning practice of “pre-class guidance, in-class assistance, and post-class learning promotion”. Organized students to visit botanical gardens, wildlife parks, and other places, incorporating ideological and political education elements such as eutrophication of water bodies. Strengthened process evaluation and refine the assessment process into 5 parts: classroom performance (20%), online quizzes (10%), book reports (10%), science popularization video production (10%), and final exams (50%). The practical results showed that this teaching model could enhance students’ learning enthusiasm, and students had achieved certain results in participating in scientific research, as well as in subject competitions and project applications. It can provide references for improving the quality of Ecology teaching.
To meet the demand for applied talents in local economic development and in combination with the training objectives of Animal Medicine majors, the current situation of the teaching content, teaching methods, and assessment evaluation of Veterinary Clinical Diagnosis courses was analyzed, and the curriculum teaching reform practices applicable to the training of applied talents was carried out. Specifically, designed teaching content that highlights practical applications, integrated practical cases and image materials into theoretical teaching, and closely integrated scientific research with teaching,and paied attention to absorbing new achievements, knowledge, and technologies at the forefront of disciplinary development; optimized theoretical and practical teaching methods, in terms of theoretical teaching, a “three-stage progressive” blended online and offline teaching model was adopted, and in terms of practice, a “five-stage progressive” teaching system was adopted, introduced teaching methods of growth application technology, and carried out practical training that highlights practical abilities; adopted a diversified evaluation system, increased the proportion of process assessment, and formed an evaluation system that highlights application capabilities. The practical results showed that this teaching reform significantly improved students’ learning interest, self-learning ability, self-learning time, learning interactivity, and academic performance, which can provide references for cultivating high-quality applied veterinary clinical technical talents.
To meet the demand for educational informatization in applied undergraduate universities, the current situation of the core course of Horticulture, Vegetable Cultivation was analyzed in terms of teaching model, teaching content, and assessment evaluation. It designed a blended online and offline teaching approach and put it into practice. In terms of design, an information-based online teaching platform was utilized, adopting a student-centered optimization teaching model, problem oriented reconstruction of content system, process based optimization of assessment and evaluation system, and other measures, a blended online and offline teaching model of “MOOC+Rain Classroom+Chaoxing Learning Platform+WeChat Public Platform” suitable for Horticulture majors would be constructed. In terms of reform practice, research on learning situations was conducted and set online and offline learning tasks; paied attention to resources, integrating learning resources into core knowledge point interpretation modules and cultivation technology foundations, and applied them before, during, and after class; refactored content and optimized online and offline teaching design; optimized assessment and adopted diversified and full process assessment methods. Practice showed that the reformed teaching had optimized teaching resources, improved student participation and professional skills, enhanced learning quality and efficiency, thereby achieving the goal of high-quality cultivation of Horticultural talents in agricultural universities, and providing references for the deep integration of educational informationization and teaching in agricultural related courses
College students returning to the countryside for innovation and entrepreneurship is one of an important ways to optimize the structure of rural human capital and promote rural revitalization. Based on the theory of planned behavior, the influencing factors of innovation and entrepreneurship willingness among college students who return to their hometowns were examined by using survey data of 523 rural college students at W college. The results show that the influence of behavioral attitudes on college students’ willingness to return to their hometowns for innovation and entrepreneurship is not significant, but the subjective norms and the control of perceptual behaviors significantly increase college students’ return to their hometowns for innovation, and the total contribution rate of the two to the change of college students’ willingness to return to their hometowns for innovation and entrepreneurship reaches 56.96%. Analysis of heterogeneity reveals that behavioral attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control have a differentiated impact on different groups of college students. Among them, behavioral attitudes significantly increase the willingness to return to their hometowns for innovation and entrepreneurship of college students who are not in science and technology majors, and subjective norms significantly increase the willingness to return to their hometowns for innovation and entrepreneurship of female college students, only child subjective norms significantly increase the willingness of female college students, college students with only child, and college students whose parents work in cities and towns to return to their hometowns for innovation and entrepreneurship, while perceived behavioral control significantly increases the willingness of male college students, college students without only child, and college students majoring in non-science and engineering to return to their hometowns for innovation and entrepreneurship. This paper provides the basis and references for improving the policy of local application-oriented and efficient college students returning to their hometown for innovation and entrepreneurship, and speeding up the revitalization of rural talents.