Heavy metal pollution in soil
Heavy metals are particularly prominent among soil inorganic pollutants, mainly due to their inability to be decomposed by soil microorganisms and their tendency to accumulate and transform into more toxic methyl compounds. Some even accumulate in harmful concentrations through the food chain, seriously endangering human health. The main heavy metal pollutants in soil include mercury, cadmium, lead, copper, chromium, arsenic, nickel, iron, manganese, zinc, etc. Although arsenic is not a heavy metal, its behavior, source, and harm are similar to heavy metals, so it is usually included in the heavy metal category for discussion. In terms of the needs of plants, metal elements can be divided into two categories: ① elements that are not needed for plant growth and development, but are more harmful to human health, such as cadmium, mercury, lead, etc Elements required for normal plant growth and development, and having certain physiological functions on the human body, such as copper, zinc, etc., can cause pollution and hinder plant growth and development.
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  • ZHANGHui, YANHuiyuan, SHIYaying, ZHAONana
    Journal of Agriculture. 2025, 15(2): 22-26.

    In order to explore the pollution status and health risks of heavy metals in rice grains in a county of southern Henan, 68 rice grain samples were collected in the area in September 2021. The contents of chromium, arsenic, cadmium, lead, and mercury were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS-TQ) and direct mercury detection. The risk degree of heavy metals in rice was evaluated by single factor and Nemerowcomprehensive pollution index method, and the potential health risk of heavy metals from rice grains was evaluated by target hazard quotient (THQ) promoted by US EPA. The results showed that the average content of heavy metals in 68 rice grains did not exceed the Chinese Food Hygiene Standards, but the arsenic and cadmium contents in some samples exceeded the standards. The comprehensive pollution index (PN) of heavy metals in rice grain was 0.49, which was safe. ADD of adults and children was higher than RfD, and hazard quotients (HQ) of As were 3.11 and 4.80, which indicated that there was a certain risk of arsenic content in rice grains. The total hazard index (HI) of heavy metals to the exposed population was greater than 1, indicating that the long-term consumption of the rice by local residents may cause adverse health effects. In summary, the rice grain samples in the research area have been contaminated with arsenic, posing certain health risks. The local government needs to strengthen dynamic monitoring of the rice planting process, pay attention to the changes in the form and effective state of arsenic, ensuring food security.

  • HUANGMiao, YANGGuotao, DIAOYan, ZHANGLei, YANYu, LIYu, XUWei, YANGLiang
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(5): 103-109.

    To study the environmental pollution of paddy fields in a region of Sichuan, this paper focused on paddy soil and rice as the main research objects. A total of 216 soil and rice samples were collected from the area, and the heavy metal pollutants in soil and rice in the study area were evaluated by testing the content of eight heavy metal elements, namely arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, mercury, copper, zinc and nickel in soil, and the content of five heavy metals, namely arsenic, lead, cadmium, chromium, and mercury in rice, using the single-factor pollutant index method and the Nemero composite pollutant index method, as well as performing the quantitative analysis of the association between various heavy metal elements in soil and rice. The results showed that: (1) the average content of cadmium and mercury in the soil of this study area was 0.47 and 0.98 mg/kg, respectively, which exceeded the standard, and their exceedance rates were 27.78% and 34.26%, respectively. The combined pollution index of Nemero in this study area was 1.11 mg/kg and the pollution level was mild. (2) There were significant correlations between the eight elements in the soil and the pathways of heavy metal accumulation might be the same. The coefficient of variation of soil Hg was 163.20%, which was highly variable, indicating that local pollution sources had a strong influence on heavy metals in soil, and the exceeding of Hg content in soil was mainly anthropogenic. (3) Cadmium, chromium and lead in rice had exceeded the standards, with exceedance rates of 19.44%, 3.70% and 19.44%, respectively. The study shows that the degree of heavy metal enrichment in rice has some correlation with soil heavy metal content and is related to the chemical form of heavy metals. It has certain guiding significance for food safety and heavy metal pollution remediation and treatment.

  • ZHANGHan, WUYongfu, HAOLianglu, CAILiqun
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2025, 41(1): 96-104.

    To accurately assess the levels of heavy metal pollution, health risks and pollution sources in the surface soil of orchards in Qingyang City, the research team collected 16 surface soil samples at 0-40 cm soil layer from orchards in Qingyang City. The concentrations of chromium (Cr), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), arsenic (As) and mercury (Hg) were determined. Based on the single factor pollution index, the Nemerow comprehensive pollution index, geo-accumulation index, potential ecological risk index and health risk appraisal model were used to evaluate the degree of heavy metal pollution and health risks. In addition, principal component analysis was applied to analyze the sources of heavy metal pollution. The results indicated that the soil of orchards in Qingyang City was severely polluted by cadmium (Cd), reaching a moderate pollution level. The geo-accumulation index for mercury (Hg) was greater than 5, indicating extreme pollution, while the geo-accumulation indices for other heavy metals were all below 0, indicating no pollution. The potential ecological risk index (RI) for the seven elements ranged from 1694.28 to 5158.06, indicating extreme pollution. The total non-carcinogenic risks for young adults (aged from 18 to 40) and middle-aged adults (aged from 41 to 60) were 0.12 and 0.09, respectively, indicating no non-carcinogenic risk to local orchard farmers from soil heavy metals. However, the total carcinogenic risks for young adults and middle-aged adults were 9.21×10-5 and 7.45×10-4, respectively, exceeding the acceptable level (1×10-6), indicating a carcinogenic risk from soil heavy metals to local orchard farmers. Source analysis suggested that the main sources of soil heavy metal pollution may be a combination of traffic and plastic mulch, pesticides, fertilizers, and atmospheric deposition.

  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(24): 109-116.
    中国土壤类型丰富多样,不同区域土壤重金属赋存形态各异,难以实现对不同区域不同类型土壤重金属有效性的比较与评价。为筛选建立适宜区域农田土壤重金属的有效性评价的方法,该研究选择滇东地区5种性质差异较大的典型农地土壤(黄棕壤、黄壤、红壤、石灰土和紫色土)运用正交试验法将AB-DTPA法的提取条件(固液比、提取剂pH值和振荡时间)进行正交组合,建立土壤-作物Pb迁移模型与总量法、CaCl_2-DTPA法和AB-DTPA法进行拟合优度对比,并以白菜和菠菜为指示作物开展盆栽试验,探讨不同分析方法与作物Pb累积能力的相关性,进而综合评价不同方法的适宜性。结果表明,1)固液比(g/mL)1:3、提取剂pH值7.6以及振荡时间120 min对Pb有效态的提取量有较大的影响;2)与其他方法相比,优化AB-DTPA法(固液比1:3、pH值7.6和振荡时间120 min)能更好地预测作物对Pb的吸收能力;3)盆栽试验表明,优化AB-DTPA法提取的土壤Pb有效态含量与白菜和菠菜吸收Pb含量具有更好的相关性(R~2=0.898, R~2=0.752),Pb的加标回收率范围为99.5%~113.0%,准确度高。4)将土壤pH值加入预测模型表明,土壤pH值对土壤Pb与在作物可食部分中相关性影响很小,表明优化AB-DTPA法很稳定。因此,优化AB-DTPA法适用于滇东地区农田土壤Pb有效态的提取,该法具有可行性、广普性和准确性。研究结果为区域农田土壤修复技术效果及污染风险评价提供基础依据。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(24): 235-244.
    为探究有机废液在镉污染土壤施用对作物生长和环境健康风险的影响,该研究针对豌豆发酵液、玉米浆浓缩液、鸡粪浓缩沼液、糖蜜液和氨基酸母液5种价格低廉且在农业中应用广泛的有机废液,通过盆栽试验分析了施用2 mL/kg的5种有机废液对白菜生长与镉吸收的影响,并从白菜光合作用及抗氧化酶活性等角度进行了效果对比研究。结果表明,除氨基酸母液处理外,豌豆发酵液、玉米浆浓缩液、鸡粪浓缩沼液、糖蜜液处理较对照均可显著增加镉胁迫下白菜叶片净光合速率(P<0.05),促进白菜生长,其中施用玉米浆浓缩液分别使白菜地上部和地下部干质量提高了21.66%和68.75%。与对照相比,施用玉米浆浓缩液使白菜地上部的镉浓度降低了22.06%,并显著提高了白菜超氧化物歧化酶和过氧化氢酶活性(P<0.05),糖蜜液和氨基酸母液处理没有降低白菜镉浓度。施用玉米浆浓缩液、鸡粪浓缩沼液、糖蜜液和氨基酸母液均可显著降低白菜丙二醛含量(P<0.05),提高土壤有效态镉含量。综上,5种有机废液对镉污染条件下白菜生长和镉吸收转运的影响不同,玉米浆浓缩液促进白菜生长并减少镉积累效果最好,氨基酸母液效果最差。
  • WEIXiangning, LIUGenhong, XIAOMing
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(34): 77-82.

    This study briefly describes the impact of pollution by five heavy metal elements, namely cadmium, chromium, arsenic, vanadium, and copper, on the growth and quality of Lycium barbarum and other crops. It summarizes the mechanisms of L. barbarum to cope with the stress of cadmium, chromium, arsenic, and other five heavy metals, as well as the research progress on detoxification of heavy metal stress at the subcellular level in L. barbarum. The study points out the existing problems in current research on L. barbarum response to heavy metal stress and future research directions, such as the migration and transformation of heavy metal content between soil and various parts of the L. barbarum, including roots, stems, branches, leaves, and fruits, the response mechanisms of L. barbarum to heavy metal stress, and molecular mechanisms, in order to provide references for the application and improvement of clean cultivation of L. barbarum.

  • WANGDan, DUYanhong, LIUChuanping, WANGXiangqin
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(33): 118-122.

    To investigate the efficiency of Sedum alfredii in extracting heavy metals from farmland under intercropping systems, this study employed the technique of intercropping the Cd-hyperaccumulator Sedum alfredii with sweet corn to conduct experiments in moderately cadmium-contaminated farmland in South China. The results indicated that under the intercropping system, the yield of sweet corn increased, and the Cd content in the kernels significantly decreased by 8.3% compared to monoculture. Additionally, under the intercropping system, the biomass of Sedum alfredii increased by 16.5%, with Cd accumulation in the roots and shoots increasing by 8.8% and 3.6%, respectively. The enrichment coefficients improved by 15.7 and 6.6 units, respectively. After intercropping sweet corn with Sedum alfredii, the Cd content in the top soil significantly decreased. The experiment demonstrated that the phytoremediation model of intercropping Sedum alfredii with sweet corn not only allowed for the simultaneous remediation and production of polluted farmland but also enhanced the extraction efficiency of the hyperaccumulator plant. This approach presented a practical and green remediation technology for moderately heavy metal-contaminated farmland.

  • SUNWenjuan, ZHOULianyu
    Anhui Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 30(21): 71-76.

    The entry of heavy metals into soil may cause degradation of soil quality and lead to changes in the ecological characteristics of soil microorganisms. The impacts of heavy metal types and concentrations on microbial respiratory rate, biomass, biomass carbon, diversity, community structure, and functional genes in soil were summarized. Additionally, research in the field of microbial molecular ecology of heavy metal-contaminated soil was prospected, aiming to provide a reference for studying the effect of heavy metal pollution on soil microbial characteristics.

  • XUEZhiwei, GAOFeng, HUANGQingqing, YANGChunling
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(30): 48-54.

    Winter wheat is one of the main food crops in China. The enrichment characteristics and potential risks of heavy metals were discussed to provide reference for rational planting of wheat and grain safety and quality. The contents of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni in soil and wheat grain samples collected from typical farmland in northern Henan were determined, and the pollution and ecological risk of heavy metals were evaluated. The results showed that the average contents of Fe, Mn, Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni in soil were 11397.33, 287.83, 23.33, 7.41, 31.41 and 8.56 mg/kg, respectively. Most of the elements showed a significant positive correlation; the single pollution evaluation and comprehensive pollution evaluation of Cu, Zn, Cr, Ni were clean. The average contents of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Cr, Ni in wheat grains were 30.42, 61.75, 23.17, 1.52, 0.28 and 0.16 mg/kg, respectively. There was a significant positive correlation between individual elements. The contents of Fe, Zn, Cu were lower than the maximum tolerable content of wheat, and the content of Mn was higher than the maximum tolerable content of wheat. The comprehensive pollution evaluation of Cr was mild pollution, and the pollution evaluation of Ni was clean. There was a synergistic or antagonistic effect between heavy metals in the soil-wheat system. The enrichment coefficient of wheat grain to soil heavy metals was Zn > Mn > Cu > Ni > Cr > Fe. The risk of heavy metal pollution in farmland soil in northern Henan is low.

  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(22): 144-156.
    为更好地研究利用光谱反映的土壤重金属信息,实现具有多重金属复合污染问题的铅锌矿区土壤重金属含量高光谱快速估测,该研究以河北省某铅锌矿区为例,首先对研究区土壤的Cu、Cr、Ni、Zn、Cd、Pb污染状况进行了评价分析,其次基于实验室高光谱数据,组合变换光谱、特征变量和反演算法形成不同反演策略,通过各反演策略下的重金属反演精度比较,定量分析不同光谱预处理、特征选择和建模算法的优劣与适应性,构建最优反演模型。研究结果表明:1)研究区土壤Cr、Ni清洁程度较好,其余Cu、Zn、Cd、Pb均有不同程度污染;参比当地土壤背景值,区域内梅罗综合污染指数均值29.71,为重度污染,潜在生态风险因子均值1 330.32,处于高生态风险状态;2)光谱预处理可以增强土壤重金属信息表达。其中,光谱微分效果较好,但易受噪声影响,而多元散射校正、标准正态变量、倒数对数变换可以进行光谱去噪,提升处理效果;3)特征选择方法中,相关系数法选择特征波段数目多,不同重金属反演R~2差异较大;Boruta法选择特征波段数目少,不同重金属反演R~2差异较小;4)BPNN、XGBoost可以较好描述重金属含量与光谱的非线性关系,相较于其他算法具有更好表现,分别实现了Cr、Ni、Zn和Pb、Cd的最优反演,SVMR实现了Cu的最优反演。研究表明,不同的光谱预处理、特征选择与建模算法对于土壤重金属含量的反演均具有较大影响,选择合适的处理、建模算法可以有效提升反演精度。该研究为进一步实现高效、准确、大范围遥感监测铅锌矿区土壤重金属污染状况提供参考依据。
  • CHENWei, YUQian, YEZhengqian, SHIYanping
    Journal of Agriculture. 2024, 14(9): 17-23.

    Cadmium (Cd) pollution in farmland soil seriously affects the quality of cultivated land and food security. To provide new materials for the remediation of Cd pollution in farmland soil, the effects of co-pyrolysis biochar on Cd absorption and accumulation in rice and soil improvement were investigated by preparation and application of co-pyrolysis biochar. Field experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of three different amounts of peanut shell-corn straw co-pyrolysis biochar on Cd transport and migration characteristics and bioavailability in various organs of rice. The results showed that the application of co-pyrolysis biochar could reduce the accumulation of Cd in rice grains, reduce the toxicity to rice plants, increase soil fertility and promote the growth of rice. Compared with no co-pyrolysis biochar addition, the soil pH of biochar treatment increased by 0.06-0.12 units, and the contents of alkali-hydrolyzable nitrogen, available phosphorus and available potassium increased by 37.20%-78.27%, 49.62%-134.10% and 20.79%-35.26%, respectively. After adding co-pyrolysis biochar, the available Cd content in soil decreased significantly by 11.11%-26.98% (P<0.05), and the Cd content in rice grain decreased significantly by 23.46%-47.49% (P<0.05). The application of peanut shell-corn straw co-pyrolysis biochar in the field can improve soil fertility, soil environmental quality, and reduce Cd content in rice grains. The effect was most significantly when the amount of peanut shell-corn straw co-pyrolysis biochar was 15 t/hm2.

  • HUXinsa
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(21): 139-145.

    Mining, chemical industry, metallurgy, agricultural cultivation discharge heavy metal pollutants into rivers, lakes and seas, resulting in heavy metal residue pollution of fish. Heavy metal residues in fish have the characteristics of enrichment, biological toxicity, and persistence, and are difficult to degrade through their own actions. It not only threatens the development of fisheries and the health of aquatic ecology, but also the safety of human diet. The article categorizes the accumulation characteristics and summarizes the accumulation patterns of metal residues in fish. Furthermore, the sources, occurrence, and migration and transformation patterns of metal residues in fish are analyzed. Finally, developmental and constructive suggestions for the current monitoring work are put forward, in order to provide reference for further research on heavy metal residues in fish.

  • ZHANGXinhui, ZHOUQingyun, XUChao, WUMeiyan, SHUAIHong, ZHANGQuan, ZHUQihong, ZHUHanhua, HUANGDaoyou
    Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(21): 99-105.

    A soil incubation experiment was conducted to study the effects of cement, Mn-P modified biochar and Mn-P modified rice husk ash on soil pH and the available concentration of Cd, Pb and trace elements (Zn, Fe and Mn) in lead smelting site soils under four application rates of 0%, 1%, 2% and 4%. The results showed that with the increase of cement application rate, the pH of the lead smelting site soils significantly increased, and the availability of Cd and Pb decreased gradually. The soil pH of a smelting site in Jiyuan and a smelting site in Zhuzhou treated with cement increased by 0.89-1.84 and 0.89-1.76 units, respectively. The DTPA-Cd concentration treated with cement decreased by 34.3%-53.1% (P<0.05) and 59.6%-73.2% (P<0.05), and DTPA-Pb concentration decreased by 21.6%-44.7% (P<0.05) and 38.4%-44.3% (P<0.05), respectively. With the increase of application rates of Mn-P modified biochar and Mn-P modified rice husk ash, the soil pH, and Cd and Pb availability in lead smelting sites gradually decreased. The treatment of 4%Mn-P modified biochar reduced the soil pH of two lead smelting sites by 0.51 (Jiyuan) and 0.40 (Zhuzhou) units, respectively. The DTPA-Cd concentration significantly decreased by 18.0% (Jiyuan) and 39.8% (Zhuzhou), and DTPA-Pb concentration significantly decreased by 37.8% (Jiyuan) and 63.1% (Zhuzhou). The soil pH value of the two lead smelting sites treated with 4% Mn-P modified rice husk ash decreased by 0.70 (Jiyuan) and 0.23 (Zhuzhou) units, respectively. The DTPA-Cd concentration significantly decreased by 14.9% (Jiyuan) and 30.2% (Zhuzhou), and the DTPA-Pb concentration significantly decreased by 37.3% (Jiyuan) and 54.1% (Zhuzhou). The DTPA-Zn concentration in the soil of two lead smelting sites treated with 4% cement significantly decreased by 36.5% (Jiyuan) and 59.4% (Zhuzhou), respectively, and the DTPA-Fe concentration significantly increased by 122.7% (Jiyuan) and 142.9% (Zhuzhou), and the DTPA-Mn concentration significantly decreased by 13.8% (Jiyuan) and 69.1% (Zhuzhou), respectively. The treatment of 4% Mn-P modified biochar significantly increased the soil DTPA-Zn concentration by 48.7% (Jiyuan), and the DTPA-Mn concentration significantly increased by 409.7% (Jiyuan) and 538.6% (Zhuzhou), and the DTPA-Fe concentration significantly decreased by 33.4% (Jiyuan) and 30.7% (Zhuzhou), respectively. The treatment of 4% Mn-P modified rice husk ash significantly increased the soil DTPA-Zn concentration by 63.0% (Jiyuan), and the DTPA-Mn concentration significantly increased by 290.3% (Jiyuan) and 73.5% (Zhuzhou), and the DTPA-Fe concentration significantly decreased by 9.5% (Jiyuan) and 12.0% (Zhuzhou), respectively. The order of reducing Cd availability of three passivation materials in two lead smelting sites was cement>Mn-P modified biochar>Mn-P modified rice husk ash, and the order of reducing Pb availability was cement>Mn-P modified biochar>Mn-P modified rice husk ash (Jiyuan) and Mn-P modified biochar>Mn-P modified rice husk ash>cement (Zhuzhou). It was necessary to select suitable passivation materials based on the Cd and Pb pollution characteristics of lead smelting sites to achieve synchronous immobilization of soil Cd and Pb.

  • WANG Hai, CHENG Yun, YU Gao
    Anhui Agric Sci Bull. 2024, 30(12): 58-62.
    In order to explore the quality, heavy metal content, and risk of Gastrodia elata, 21 Gastrodia elata tubers from different planting bases were used as materials to determine the water content, extract, total content of Gastrodia elata extract and p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, residual sulfur dioxide, total ash content, and heavy metal content such as lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and copper. The single factor pollution index method and Nemerow index method were used to comprehensively evaluate the heavy metal pollution in 21 Gastrodia elata samples. The results showed that the moisture content, extract content, total amount of gastrodin and p-hydroxybenzyl alcohol, sulfur dioxide residue, and total ash content of most Gastrodia elata samples all met the limit values specified in the 2020 edition of the Chinese Pharmacopoeia; the heavy metal content of lead, cadmium, arsenic, mercury, and copper in Gastrodia elata samples from various bases was lower than the limit values specified in various planting bases of Gastrodia elata, the single factor pollution index of 5 heavy metals was all below 0.7, with a comprehensive index range of 0.08-0.52. The heavy metal pollution status was all at a safe level.
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(18): 226-233.
    为揭示小流域尺度土壤铅(Pb)含量的空间分异规律及影响机制,提高土壤污染修复与管控效率。该研究以蟒河小流域为研究区,采集121份土壤表层(0~20 cm)样品和15份环境辅助样品,利用经典统计学、地统计学和地理探测器等模型方法对土壤Pb空间分异特征及其影响因素展开研究。结果表明:1)蟒河小流域土壤Pb含量的平均值为110.40 mg/kg,高于区域背景值,部分点位超过农用地土壤污染风险筛选值,存在污染风险;2)土壤Pb含量变异程度为强变异,且不同方向均存在较强的变异程度,南-北(0°)和东北-西南(45°)变异在空间变异中占主导作用,变异程度受成土母质、地形等结构性因素影响大。3)经验贝叶斯克里金空间插值显示土壤Pb含量整体由西南向东北带状逐步增加,局部特征明显,东北部山前平原和中部平原区域是土壤Pb污染风险监测的重点区;4)地质类型和土地利用对土壤Pb含量空间分布差异具有最强解释力,叠加距矿山距离和工业距离等因素后,其交叉作用影响程度显著增加,地质地形、大气等自然因素叠加工矿企业及农业生产等复杂环境下区域重金属污染综合研究是未来面临并需要研究的重要内容。该研究可为南太行典型区复杂环境下土壤重金属污染防治与修复治理提供精准支撑。
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(05): 47-48.
  • Agric Eng Technol. 2024, 44(07): 37-39.
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(04): 200-207.
    施硅(Si)可以有效减少水稻镉(Cd)积累,但稻壳灰(rice hull ash,RHA)作为一种广泛易得的富Si材料能否减控水稻Cd积累尚未清楚。为探究RHA对水稻Cd积累的影响,寻找一种可应用到田间的低成本富Si控Cd材料,该试验按土壤质量比分别添加0.2%、1.0%、4.0%的RHA,种植湘晚籼(低Cd积累品种)和玉针香(高Cd积累品种)两种水稻,探究RHA对两个水稻品种Cd积累的影响。结果显示,施加RHA提高了土壤Cd活性,促使铁锰氧化物结合态Cd向可交换态Cd和碳酸盐结合态Cd转换。RHA对水稻Cd积累的影响因水稻品种而异,施加RHA可抑制湘晚籼体内Cd转运,使秸秆Cd含量降低25%~44%,由白根至秸秆、节点I至节间I、节点I至旗叶的转移系数分别降低42%~48%、2%~55%、30%~70%;RHA对玉针香吸收与转运Cd则无抑制作用。该研究结果揭示了RHA对水稻Cd积累的差异影响,为减控水稻Cd吸收提供了一种低成本的富Si材料。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(05): 265-270.
    为了探讨基于小麦叶片高光谱间接估测土壤重金属含量的潜力,该研究以江苏省宜兴市徐舍镇为研究区域,于2019-2020年采集农田土壤样品和小麦叶片光谱,经7种不同的光谱变换预处理后,以遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)优化的偏最小二乘回归算法(partial least squares regression,PLSR)对预处理后的光谱建立土壤重金属镉(Cd)和砷(As)含量的估测模型,并对模型结果进行精度评价。研究结果表明:1)光谱预处理技术能够突出光谱中的一些隐藏信息,对小麦叶片光谱进行微分变换、多元散射校正、标准正态变换等数学变换后更加有利于提取光谱敏感信息。2)GA-PLSR相较于一般的PLSR方法提高了模型精度,将GA用于光谱波段选择可以优化模型精度和提高稳定性。3)土壤Cd含量的最佳估测模型为标准正态变换预处理光谱与GA-PLSR结合,其外部验证的决定系数为0.87、均方根误差为0.04 mg/kg、相对分析误差为2.72;土壤As含量的最佳估测模型为多元散射校正预处理光谱与GA-PLSR结合,其外部验证的决定系数为0.91、均方根误差为0.32 mg/kg,相对分析误差为3.25。因此,能够利用小麦叶片高光谱间接估测土壤重金属Cd和As含量,该研究为将来实现定量、动态、无损遥感监测大面积农田土壤重金属污染状况提供参考依据。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(09): 217-224.
    昆虫生物转化有机废弃物是缓解饲料蛋白源短缺和生态环境压力的有效手段。受限于养殖工艺复杂,获取的昆虫蛋白和虫粪常存在物料特性均一性低、稳定性差等问题,加之对产物特性影响作用不明,导致市场接受度低而限制其产业化应用。该研究以获取优质蛋白原料和肥料为目的,以预处理餐厨残渣-腐生链生物转化中的过程产物为研究对象,分析蝇蛆生物转化餐厨残渣对蛆虫、虫粪理化特性的影响,并探究重金属、霉菌等有害物质消减规律。研究结果表明:蛆虫幼虫饲喂4 d收获最佳,此时蛆虫蛋白质质量分数超过14.79%,粗脂肪质量分数超过6.80%,蛆虫干粉氨基酸组成基本符合FAO/WHO推荐值,有害微生物和霉菌含量低于微生物饲料添加剂规定的最高允许量,可替代中国饲料原料三级红鱼粉使用。蛆虫对砷、铅、汞、镉、铬等重金属元素的生物富集系数分别为0.08、<0.01、0.17、3.71、0.04,对镉元素的富集能力最强,对铅元素的富集能力最小。经蛆虫生物转化处理后,虫粪中重金属元素质量分数明显降低,分别为0.25、1.50、0.03、<0.01、10.90 mg/kg,在与其他样品有机质含量差异不大的情况下,可作为优质肥料使用。该研究可为蝇蛆生物转化餐厨残渣提供重要的基础数据,为后续蛆虫品质评价、资源筛选及饲料化应用提供理论依据。
  • Trans CSAE. 2023, 39(11): 238-244.
  • ZHOU Beibei and LI Wenqian and GUO Jiang and CHEN Xiaopeng and GAN Bin and YANG Yujiao and YANG Qiang and FAN Dongliang and YANG Xie and YANG Zehao and An Fengqiu
    Trans CSAE. 2024, 40(03): 321-327.
    矿区资源开采导致土壤污染日益严重,直接影响周边土壤、水体环境的稳定性,精准预测重金属污染源解析对矿山修复、治理具有重要指导作用。在前期研究基础上,为提升土壤介质模型的解释度,进一步选取了土壤重金属源解析评价中成熟度高且精准性好的正定矩阵因子分析法(positive matrix factorization, PMF)及绝对因子分析-多元线性回归(absolute factor analysis-multiple linear regression, APCS-MLR)模型,以充实前期UNMIX多元受体模型分析矾矿土壤重金属污染来源及源贡献率的结果,结合生态风险评价方法,对比定量条件下最适宜解析研究区域源的模型。结果表明:1)生态高风险区域主要集中在研究区南部和东部,Cd是矿山主要风险元素,地累积指数(index of geoaccumulation)均值3.75与潜在生态风险指数(potential ecological risk index)均值731.22解析结果高度一致,但潜在生态危害指数的结果综合性更好。2)对比3种模型的污染源解析结果,PMF模型解析出4个污染源:分别为燃煤源、自然-交通综合源、自然源和大气沉降源,源贡献率分别为38.15%、20.62%、24.28%、16.95%。3)PMF模型的总体变量拟合优度R2达到了0.96,拟合效果最好。PMF模型模拟数据会集中采样点误差,确定最适污染源数目及相应污染物贡献率,使得源解析结果更精准,更适用于复杂的矿山污染土壤情况,符合实际研究情况。该研究结果可为后续矿区开采后污染土壤的修复治理工作提供溯源依据参考。
  • LI Xuqing and GU Huitao and DING Xueyao and ZHANG Wenlong and LI Lingfei and TANG Ruiyin and CHEN Xuying and WU Yanping
    Trans CSAE. 2024, 40(04): 121-128.
    分析并监测雄安新区农田土壤污染状况,对于保障粮食安全、建设绿色雄安具有重要意义。该研究以雄安新区为研究区,基于多源遥感数据珠海一号(Zhuhai-1)OHS数据、哨兵二号(Sentinel-2)L2A级数据的波谱响应特征及实地测得的农田土壤重金属含量数据,在对土壤重金属含量单因子与多因子污染评价的基础上,筛选出3种超标的农田重金属元素铅(Pb)、铜(Cu)、锌(Zn),采用偏最小二乘回归方法(partial least squares regression,PLSR)建立农田土壤重金属含量反演模型。利用Zhuhai-1提取土壤样本点的原始光谱反射率以及4种变换后的光谱反射率,Sentinel-2提取7种对重金属胁迫敏感的植被指数,将其与3种土壤重金属含量作相关性分析,筛选出敏感波段与植被指数,即波谱响应特征,构建土壤重金属含量反演模型。结果表明,3种模型整体反演精度较为优良,Pb含量反演模型决定系数(determination coefficient,R~2)为0.490,均方根误差(root mean squared error,RMSE)为4.66 mg/kg,平均绝对值误差(mean absolute error,MAE)为1.92 mg/kg;Cu含量反演模型R~2为0.491,RMSE为16.85 mg/kg,MAE为3.69 mg/kg;Zn含量反演模型R~2为0.664,RMSE为20.63 mg/kg,MAE为9.36 mg/kg。将该模型应用于雄安新区农田区域,得到大部分农田土壤中Pb含量均未超过风险筛选标准,在研究区西南部、西部部分区域Cu含量超过土壤污染风险筛选值,同时在研究区西部、西南部Zn污染较严重,雄安新区东南部部分农田有Zn零星分布,其他区域Cu和Zn含量未超过国家土壤污染风险管控值。因此,利用多源遥感数据波谱响应特征反演土壤重金属Pb、Cu和Zn含量,能够快速准确地实现对雄安新区土壤重金属污染情况的调查,同时为大面积土壤重金属含量监测提供解决方案。
  • LIU Chang and WANG Yuan and YUAN Xiuhua and LIU Dong and CHEN Zuo and YOU Tianyan
    Trans CSAE. 2024, 40(04): 215-223.
  • YANG Qingke and WANG Lei and LI Pingxing and LYU Ligang and FAN Yeting and ZHU Gaoli and WANG Yazhu
    Trans CSAE. 2024, 40(04): 224-234.
    为摸清江苏省太仓市土壤重金属来源和污染情况,开展土壤表层样品采集和重金属含量分析,选取新型受体(UNMIX)模型解析重金属的来源和贡献,并采用地累积指数和多元地统计技术,实现重金属污染的定量评价和空间预测。结果表明:1) As、Cd、Cr、Cu、Hg、Ni和Zn的含量较高,超过全国和江苏省土壤重金属背景值;Cd、Cu、Hg、Pb和Zn的富集程度较高,而As、Cr和Ni的富集系数正常,与自然基础水平相近。2) 8种重金属元素呈现岛状的空间分布特征,并在部分区域存在高值区,表明人类活动对土壤环境具有负面效应。3)土壤重金属受到交通-工业源、自然-农业源、工业-自然源和农业-工业源的综合影响,贡献率分别为35.18%、27.32%、20.26%和17.24%。其中Hg、Pb、Ni、Cu和Zn主要来源于交通-工业源,Cr、Zn和Cu主要源自自然-农业源,As和Ni主要为工业-自然源,Cd主要为农业-工业源。4) Cd、Hg和Ni,污染程度最高,60.38%以上的点位达到轻度污染及以上等级;As、Cu和Zn,污染居中;Cr和Pb的影响较低。5) Ni、Cd和Hg的污染面积最大,分别达到107.42、75.56和55.02 km~2,且潜在污染空间成片分布。该研究作为土壤基础调查的核心,可为土壤环境管理和重金属污染修复提供科学依据。
  • CHEN Rong and WANG Biao and HAO Dongxue and GAO Jinning and WANG Weizhuo and GAO Yucong
    Trans CSAE. 2024, 40(04): 245-253.
    重金属污染水的防范和治理一直是国际上的难点和热点研究课题。吸附法具有经济可行和环境友好等优点,被认为是去除水中重金属离子的最佳技术。球黏土具有潜在的高吸附性能,为进一步探索利用球黏土治理重金属污染水的可行性,该研究通过单组分与多组分重金属离子的批式吸附试验,重点考察球黏土对Pb~(2+)、Cu~(2+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)、Cr~(6+)的吸附效果和竞争吸附关系。单组分离子吸附试验表明,球黏土对重金属离子的吸附量遵循先快速增加后缓慢增长,随pH值的增大而增大,随初始浓度增加而增加,直至吸附饱和的规律。最佳吸附平衡时间为90 min;最佳溶液pH值为5。pH值对球黏土吸附5种重金属离子的影响程度由大到小依次为Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)、Cr~(6+)、Cu~(2+)、Pb~(2+),当pH值从2增到5时,Zn~(2+)吸附量提高了184%。球黏土对5种离子Pb~(2+)、Cr~(6+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)、Cu~(2+)的饱和吸附量分别为311.847、301.437、263.213、195.435和179.635 mg/g。通过动力学模型和等温线模型拟合,吸附数据更加符合准二阶动力学模型和Langmuir等温吸附模型,说明吸附过程为单层吸附,吸附方式为化学吸附,最大吸附量依次为Pb~(2+)(497.593 mg/g)>Cr~(6+)(442.868 mg/g)>Zn~(2+)(339.376 mg/g)>Cd~(2+)(290.039 mg/g)>Cu~(2+)(194.941 mg/g)。多组分离子吸附试验表明,球黏土对4种离子的吸附量同样呈先快速后缓慢增长,直至平稳的趋势。各离子在球黏土的活性位点上表现出的竞争能力由强到弱依次为Cr~(6+)、Zn~(2+)、Cd~(2+)、Cu~(2+)。通过等温线模型拟合,发现多组分重金属离子吸附数据更加符合Langmuir等温吸附模型,吸附方式和吸附过程与单组分一致,各组分的最大吸附量与单组分相比有所下降,但吸附总量却大大增加,说明球黏土对多组分重金属离子具有良好的吸附能力。与其他原生矿物材料相比,球黏土对重金属离子具有更大的吸附量,该研究成果可为球黏土作为吸附剂的利用和推广提供理论依据和数据支持,具有较大的现实意义。
  • REN Zhengran and WANG Jiawei and GAO Jinhua and WEN Yang and HAN Jun and LI Xiangkun and MA Peiyuan and ZHANG Han
    Trans CSAE. 2024, 40(04): 254-261.
    为探究热水解预处理对鸡粪和牛粪在厌氧消化过程中产气效率的提升作用以及对消化残渣中重金属形态变化及潜在生态风险的影响。该研究以鸡粪和牛粪为处理对象,采用热水解处理技术,开展了连续中温厌氧消化试验。考察了热水解对畜禽粪污可生化性和重金属迁移风险。该研究还评估了连续施用厌氧消化鸡粪和牛粪15 a后土壤中重金属的积累量和Hakanson潜在生态风险指数。试验发现,鸡粪中木质纤维素含量占干固体总量的25%,牛粪为57.7%。热水解处理能够增强牛粪中木质纤维素的水解,热水解后木质纤维素的降解率为19.2%;但热水解对鸡粪的木质纤维素水解影响不明显,降解率仅为5.3%。鸡粪挥发性固体(volatile solid,VS)产气率为482 L/kg,热水解后产气率提升了12.4%;牛粪产气率为321 L/kg,热水解后产气率提升了31.2%。仅通过热水解不能降低鸡粪中重金属的迁移风险;而经过厌氧消化后,除Hg和Ni外,其他重金属迁移风险均降低到了低风险水平。牛粪经过热水解和厌氧消化处理后重金属向残渣态转换,但迁移风险没有明显改善。连续施用鸡粪和牛粪15 a后,土壤未出现的重金属积累,且15 a内总潜在生态风险等级处于低风险。该研究结果可为鸡粪和牛粪的能源化、无害化处理以及土地利用应用提供了理论依据和数据指导。
  • WANG Zihao and LIANG Hongyi and ZHANG Donghan and LI Longcheng and WEI Lulu and WAN Yanan and CHEN Qing
  • YANG Qingke and WANG Lei and LI Pingxing and SHAO Zinan and ZHU Gaoli and WANG Yazhu
    Trans CSAE. 2024, 40(9): 190-198.
    为掌握长江干流沿江地区土壤重金属状况,开展土壤表层样品采集和重金属空间分布研究,使用PMF(positive matrix factorization)模型解析土壤重金属来源,并选取地累积和潜在生态风险等方法,评估重金属的污染状况和生态风险。结果表明:1)土壤重金属的积累程度不同,As、Cd和Cu的超标率高,污染明显。Cd和Cu的变异系数高于1.0,分布不匀,受某些污染源的影响显著。2)各重金属含量呈现条带状的空间格局,在多个地区出现高值,土壤环境质量受到人类活动的负面影响。3)土壤重金属积累主要来源于自然、工业排放、交通运输和农业生产,贡献率分别为36.65%、28.48%、20.07%和14.80%。其中Cd与工业活动有关,Pb和Zn来自交通排放,Cr和Ni与自然源密切相关,As和Cu来源于农业生产。4)Cd的污染程度最高,81.88%的点位达到轻度污染。40%以上的点位受到As、Cu、Ni和Pb污染。75%以上点位的Cr和Zn含量较低,污染程度不高。单项生态风险指数的均值从大到小依次为:Cd、As、Ni、Cu、Pb、Zn、Cr。综合生态风险指数均值为63.17,处于轻微风险水平。该研究作为土壤生态调查的核心,可为土壤环境管理和重金属污染修复提供科学依据。
  • Chin J Agrometeorol. 2021, 42(04): 272-286.
    采用室内模拟实验,以南方砷镉铅复合污染的酸性红壤为对象,利用化学钝化原理,探讨钝化材料对重金属稳定化的技术效果及应用配方,以期为砷镉铅复合污染红壤修复与安全利用提供依据。具体做法为:选择生物炭(BC)和石灰(SH)为钝化材料,以土壤重量的1%、4%为材料添加量,单一或混合施用于砷镉铅复合污染土壤,并于恒温(25℃)条件下培养60d,在实验进行至第1天、第30天、第60天时取样,测定红壤酸碱度(p H)和水溶态(Water soluble)有效砷(As)、镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)即WSAs、WSCd、WSPb含量,以及土壤重金属As、Cd、Pb结合态含量与占比的变化,明确生物炭石灰单/混施对重金属的稳定化效应。结果表明:生物炭/石灰无论单施或混施均能不同程度地降低土壤中水溶态WSCd和WSPb含量,钝化效率分别为33.51%~78.89%和9.05%~96.24%。而材料单施(1BC、4SH)和两者混施高用量(4BC4SH)处理,均能大幅降低土壤中有效As含量,钝化效率为10.25%~55.27%,其中以两者混施高用量(4BC4SH)处理对土壤重金属As、Cd、Pb协同钝化的效果最佳,当培养实验进行至第60天时,钝化效率依次达55.27%、76.39%和96.24%。培养后土壤中As形态由易被植物吸收的非专性吸附态、专性吸附态转化为稳定的残渣态,土壤中Cd和Pb则由活性最强的酸可提取态转化为残渣态,土壤中As、Cd、Pb的稳定化效应明显,迁移系数下降;此外,生物炭/石灰的单施及混合施用,均可导致土壤酸碱度(p H)显著提升(P<0.05),有利于南方酸化土壤的改良。总体而言,本研究中生物炭/石灰两者混施高用量水平下(4BC4SH)土壤重金属的钝化效果最优,可实现对As、Cd和Pb复合污染红壤的稳定化修复。
  • J Econ Anim CJCR_IF. 2020, 24(03): 167-173.
  • J Econ Anim CJCR_IF. 2021, 25(04): 269-275+280.
  • Chin Anim Husb Vet Med. 2024, 51(05): 1880-1892.
    【目的】分析新疆6个棉花主产区棉秸秆的农药残留、重金属污染物和黄曲霉毒素B_1(aflatoxin B_1,AFB_1)等指标的含量,以期填补棉秸秆饲料化利用药物残留等基础数据缺失的问题。【方法】在新疆6个棉花种植区中各随机选一块棉田,设置前、中、后3个区域,每个区域设置5个1 m~2的样方,留茬15 cm,采集样方内所有棉秸秆,用剪枝钳剪碎混匀后按四分法采集1 kg样品,用于检测58种农药残留、AFB_1、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇、氟和5种重金属污染物含量。【结果】新疆6个棉花主产区样品中检出的农药残留分别仅为3、5、3、3、2和1种,大部分登记喷施的农药在棉秸秆样品中并未检出残留。检出的棉秸秆样品中氰戊菊酯、三唑磷、虫螨腈、毒死蜱、甲氰菊酯、吡唑醚菌酯、氯氰菊酯、马拉硫磷和啶虫脒的最大残留量为0.150、0.190、0.087、0.210、0.043、0.058、0.024、0.014和0.015 mg/kg,均低于食品安全标准GB 2763―2021中大米的限定值。棉秸秆样品中均检出了砷、铅、镉和铬这4种重金属污染物,最高含量分别为0.428、2.400、0.180和1.090 mg/kg,均低于饲料卫生标准GB 13078―2017中的限定值,符合饲料标准。棉秸秆样品中均未检出AFB_1和脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇,检出氟的最高含量为20.67 mg/kg,低于饲料标准中的限定值。【结论】棉秸秆符合饲料卫生标准GB 13078―2017中农药残留、AFB_1、脱氧雪腐镰刀菌烯醇、氟和重金属污染物的限量标准,可以安全用作草食家畜的粗饲料。
  • Acta Agric Zhejiangensis. 2021, 33(10): 1904-1912.
  • Acta Agric Zhejiangensis. 2023, 35(11): 2664-2672.
    为了弄清豆瓣菜在镉铅复合污染条件下对镉、铅的吸收积累特性,以前期试验筛选得到的镉高积累、低积累基因型为材料,采用镉铅复合污染土壤处理进行盆栽试验,研究镉铅复合污染对豆瓣菜地上部生物量,镉、铅含量与富集系数的影响。结果表明,在中度镉污染条件下(土壤全镉含量0.56~0.58 mg·kg~(-1)),中、高浓度铅处理下供试各基因型豆瓣菜地上部生物量(鲜重)的平均值均较低浓度铅处理显著(P<0.05)增加,增幅均为10.2%,说明土壤中一定浓度的铅促进了豆瓣菜的生长。供试的8个镉低积累基因型豆瓣菜的地上部镉含量和镉富集系数均显著低于镉高积累基因型。随着处理铅浓度的升高,各基因型豆瓣菜的地上部镉含量显著升高,说明土壤中的铅促进了豆瓣菜对镉的吸收和积累。豆瓣菜对铅的吸收和积累能力较弱,不论是镉高积累基因型还是低积累基因型,其地上部的铅富集系数均很小,最大值仅为0.075,在试验条件下的地上部铅含量均不超过国际食品法典委员会标准的限量值(0.3,可认为豆瓣菜受铅污染的风险较弱。
  • Acta Agric Zhejiangensis. 2022, 34(09): 1985-1994.
    在国家大力推进畜禽养殖废弃物资源化利用的背景下,为探究长三角地区“猪-稻”种养结合模式猪粪全量还田潜在的农田土壤重金属累积风险问题,对6类特征重金属在“饲料-粪污-土壤”系统中的迁移规律进行了为期5年的连续跟踪监测。结果显示,As、Cr、Pb、Cu、Zn和Cd等重金属在饲料中均有检出,Cu和Zn含量远高于NY/T 65—2004《猪饲养标准》中的推荐添加量。粪便中各类重金属含量总体呈现“秋冬高、春夏低”的特点,其中,冬季粪便中Cr、Cu、Zn和As的质量浓度最高,分别为115.9、1 150.1、1 630.0、2.62 mg·kg~(-1)。配套农田耕作层(0~20 cm)土壤中As、Cr、Cd、Cu和Zn的含量表现出明显的累积趋势,其中Cu、Zn的累积效应较明显,平均年累积率分别高达5.13、2.29 mg·kg~(-1)。各重金属均向深层土壤发生了迁移,Pb、Cu、Zn、Cd总体上呈现出一定的纵向递减的变化规律,但深层土壤中As、Cr的含量有所增加,表现出较为明显的淋溶下移性特点。归趋分析结果显示,稻米中的Cd含量占输入总量的9.11%,远高于其他类型重金属。因此,需要在实际生产中严格控制含Cu、Zn、Cd的饲料添加剂用量,并规范猪粪处理和还田利用方式,降低土壤重金属污染风险。
  • Acta Agric Zhejiangensis. 2023, 35(02): 417-424.
  • Acta Agric Zhejiangensis. 2024, 36(03): 613-621.
  • Acta Agric Zhejiangensis. 2024, 36(01): 1-8.
    采用田间试验,持续2年(2021—2022年)研究了市售6种钝化剂不同施用量(0、2 250、4 500、6 750 kg·hm~(-2))对土壤中镉(Cd)、铅(Pb)、砷(As)有效态含量,土壤pH值,及稻米Cd、Pb、As含量的影响。结果表明,选择适宜用量的钝化剂可显著(P<0.05)提高土壤pH值,降低土壤有效态Cd、Pb、As含量。其中,施用6 750 kg·hm~(-2)长效型钝化剂的效果在2021年最优,土壤pH值由5.00提高至6.98,土壤有效态Cd、Pb含量分别显著降低82.2%和98.6%。此外,长效型钝化剂在4 500 kg·hm~(-2)用量下,第二年的稻米镉含量仍可显著降低90.8%。综上,在对比的6种钝化剂中,长效型钝化剂阻控水稻籽粒Cd富集的效果和持效性最优,推测与其碳酸钙含量较高有关。
  • Acta Agric Zhejiangensis. 2021, 33(09): 1770-1778.
