Research Articles
GONG Chengru,YUAN Yuhao,LIU Zhen,ZHENG Jizhou,TIAN Zhicheng,LIU Shengli,SHEN Qinghua,HUANG Zhenpu,DONG Chunhao,GAO Yan,LI Qiaoyun,TANG Jianwei,JIAO Zhuqing,YIN Guihong
This study aims to identify the pre-harvest sprouting resistance in wheat germplasm resources and molecular markers for marker-assisted selection, ultimately obtaining excellent white grain wheat germplasm resources applicable in wheat breeding. These spikes of 222 wheat germplasm resources were tested for pre-harvest sprouting resistance, and the functional markers of eight anti-pre-harvest sprouting genes, including myb10D, DFR-B, Vp1B3, PM19-A1, MFT-3A, MFT-A2, MKK3-A, QSD1, were used for genotyping. Phenotypic identification results showed that there were significant differences in the relative sprouting percentage of 222 wheat germplasm resources. The relative sprouting percentage ranged from 0 to 1.15, and the average relative sprouting percentage was 0.73. 38 wheat materials were identified to be resistant to pre-harvest sprouting, including 9 white wheat, 27 red wheat and 2 black wheat. Correlation analysis between allele types and relative sprouting percentage showed that the relative sprouting percentage was significantly correlated with functional markers myb10D, DFR-B, Vp1B3, MFT-3A and MFT-A2, but not with PM19-A1, MKK3-A and QSD1. These results indicated that molecular markers myb10D, DFR-B, Vp1B3, MFT-3A and MFT-A2 could be used for detection of pre-harvest sprouting resistance and marker-assisted breeding. Based on the phenotype and genotype results, nine white wheat germplasm resources with pre-harvest sprouting resistance were selected, including Yunong 914, Yunong 946, Fengdecunmai 30, Fangmai 5, Xumai 029, Lianmai 1901, Baofeng 1903, Zhengmai 829 and 13wang27-8, which could be used for genetic breeding and layout of wheat varieties with pre-harvest sprouting resistance.