Preharvest Sprouting Resistance Test and Functional Markers Assisted Genotyping in Wheat Germplasm Resources

GONG Chengru,YUAN Yuhao,LIU Zhen,ZHENG Jizhou,TIAN Zhicheng,LIU Shengli,SHEN Qinghua,HUANG Zhenpu,DONG Chunhao,GAO Yan,LI Qiaoyun,TANG Jianwei,JIAO Zhuqing,YIN Guihong

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Journal of Plant Genetic Resources ›› 2024, Vol. 25 ›› Issue (9) : 1493-1503. DOI: 10.13430/j.cnki.jpgr.20231113002
Research Articles

Preharvest Sprouting Resistance Test and Functional Markers Assisted Genotyping in Wheat Germplasm Resources

  • GONG Chengru1, YUAN Yuhao1, LIU Zhen1, ZHENG Jizhou2, TIAN Zhicheng1, LIU Shengli1, SHEN Qinghua1, HUANG Zhenpu1, DONG Chunhao1, GAO Yan1, LI Qiaoyun1, TANG Jianwei1, JIAO Zhuqing3, YIN Guihong1
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This study aims to identify the pre-harvest sprouting resistance in wheat germplasm resources and molecular markers for marker-assisted selection, ultimately obtaining excellent white grain wheat germplasm resources applicable in wheat breeding. These spikes of 222 wheat germplasm resources were tested for pre-harvest sprouting resistance, and the functional markers of eight anti-pre-harvest sprouting genes, including myb10DDFR-BVp1B3PM19-A1MFT-3AMFT-A2MKK3-AQSD1, were used for genotyping. Phenotypic identification results showed that there were significant differences in the relative sprouting percentage of 222 wheat germplasm resources. The relative sprouting percentage ranged from 0 to 1.15, and the average relative sprouting percentage was 0.73. 38 wheat materials were identified to be resistant to pre-harvest sprouting, including 9 white wheat, 27 red wheat and 2 black wheat. Correlation analysis between allele types and relative sprouting percentage showed that the relative sprouting percentage was significantly correlated with functional markers myb10DDFR-BVp1B3MFT-3A and MFT-A2, but not with PM19-A1MKK3-A and QSD1. These results indicated that molecular markers myb10DDFR-BVp1B3MFT-3A and MFT-A2 could be used for detection of pre-harvest sprouting resistance and marker-assisted breeding. Based on the phenotype and genotype results, nine white wheat germplasm resources with pre-harvest sprouting resistance were selected, including Yunong 914, Yunong 946, Fengdecunmai 30, Fangmai 5, Xumai 029, Lianmai 1901, Baofeng 1903, Zhengmai 829 and 13wang27-8, which could be used for genetic breeding and layout of wheat varieties with pre-harvest sprouting resistance.

Key words

wheat / germplasm resources / pre-harvest sprouting / molecular marker

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GONG Chengru,YUAN Yuhao,LIU Zhen,ZHENG Jizhou,TIAN Zhicheng,LIU Shengli,SHEN Qinghua,HUANG Zhenpu,DONG Chunhao,GAO Yan,LI Qiaoyun,TANG Jianwei,JIAO Zhuqing,YIN Guihong. Preharvest Sprouting Resistance Test and Functional Markers Assisted Genotyping in Wheat Germplasm Resources. Journal of Plant Genetic Resources. 2024, 25(9): 1493-1503


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Foundation projects: Major Science and Technology Project of Henan Province in 2022(221100110700); Henan Province Agricultural Improved Breeds Joint Research Project (2022010102); Modern Agricultural Industry Technology System Construction Project of Henan Province (HARS-22-01-G2); Henan Provincial Science and Technology R&D Plan Joint Fund (222103810002); Major Project of Henan Province Industrial Research and Development Joint Fund in 2022 (225101610048); Top Talent Project of Henan Agricultural University (30500678)
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