

中国农业科学. 2011, 44(1): 84-92

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中国农业科学 ›› 2011, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (1) : 84-92. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.au-2009-05415


  • 戢林,张锡洲,李廷轩

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Establishing Fertilization Recommendation Index of Paddy Soil Based on the “3414” Field Experiments in the Middle of Sichuan Hilly Regions

  • JI Lin, ZHANG Xi-zhou, LI Ting-xuan
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【目的】旨在建立土壤养分分级指标和不同分级范围推荐施肥量,为川中丘陵区合理施用化肥、减少资源浪费和提高经济效益提供参考依据。【方法】采用养分丰缺指标法,对川中丘陵区2006年水稻“3414”试验数据进行整理与统计分析,以相对产量75%、80%、85%、90%和95%划分土壤养分分级指标,并分别以三元二次、一元二次和线性加平台模型对各试验点施肥量与产量关系进行模拟,选择最优模型计算最佳施肥量。【结果】确定了水稻测土配方施肥量:当川中丘陵区碱解氮(AN)、有效磷(AP)、速效钾(AK)含量处于低等级(AN<100 kg?hm-2、AP<5 mg?kg-1 、AK<30 mg?kg-1)时,氮(N)、磷(P2O5)、钾肥(K2O)施用量分别为170—220 kg?hm-2、100—120 kg?hm-2、140—170 kg?hm-2;较低等级(AN 100—140 mg?kg-1、AP 5—10 mg?kg-1、AK 30—50 mg?kg-1)时,氮、磷、钾肥用量分别为140—170 kg?hm-2、80—100 kg?hm-2、120—140 kg?hm-2;中等级(AN 140—180 mg?kg-1、AP 10—20 mg?kg-1、AK 50—70 mg?kg-1)时,氮、磷和钾肥用量分别为110—140 kg?hm-2、60—80 kg?hm-2、100—120 kg?hm-2;较高等级(AN 180—220 mg?kg-1、AP 20—30 mg?kg-1 、AK 70—90 mg?kg-1)时,氮、磷和钾肥用量分别为90—110 kg?hm-2、40—60 kg?hm-2、80—100 kg?hm-2;高等级(AN>220 mg?kg-1、AP>30 mg?kg-1、AK>90 mg?kg-1)时,氮、磷和钾肥用量分别为0—90 kg?hm-2、0—40 kg?hm-2、0—80 kg?hm-2。【结论】本研究建立的养分分级指标计算出的推荐施肥量相对于原有体系呈现出减施氮肥,增施磷、钾肥(特别是钾肥)的特点,客观地反映了当前土壤养分丰缺状况和区域内肥料投入特点。


【Objective】 In order to provide reference for rational application of fertilizer, decreasing resource waste and increasing economic benefit to paddy soil in the middle of Sichuan hilly regions, gradation index system of soil nutrition and fertilization recommendation index were established. 【Method】 Data analysis were based on the “3414” field experiments of paddy soil in 2006. Taking plentiful-lack of soil nutrition as an index, soil available nitrogen (AN), available phosphorus (AP) and available potassium (AK) were classified by relative yield of 75%, 80%, 85%, 90% and 95%. Fertilizer recommended rates were simulated by the models of three-factor, one-factor, liner and platform for each “3414” field experiment. 【Result】 Nitrogen fertilizer rates (N) are 170-220, 140-170, 110-140, 90-110, and 0-90 kg?hm-2 when soil fertilizer is classified by low, lower, medium, higher and the highest (AN<100, 100-140, 140-180, 180-220 and >220 mg?kg-1 ), respectively, phosphorus fertilizer rates (P2O5) are 100-120, 80-100, 60-80, 40-60, 0-40 kg?hm-2 (AP<5, 5-10, 10-20, 20-30 and >30 mg?kg-1), while potassium fertilizer rates (K2O) are 140-170, 120-140, 100-120, 80-100, 0-80 kg?hm-2 (AK<30, 30-50, 50-70, 70-90 and >90 mg?kg-1). 【Conclusion】Compared with the fertilization recommendation rate calculated by original system, the fertilization recommendation rate of this research suggested that nitrogen fertilizer rates must be decreased, but phosphorus and potassium fertilizer rates must be increased, especially of K2O. It objectively reflected the abundance or deficiency of nutrients and the characteristics of fertilizers input in this study area.


“3414”试验 / 养分分级指标 / 相对产量 / 推荐施肥

Key words

“3414” field experiments / nutrient classification index / relative yield / fertilization recommendation


戢林,张锡洲,李廷轩. 基于“3414”试验的川中丘陵区水稻测土配方施肥指标体系构建
. 中国农业科学. 2011, 44(1): 84-92 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.au-2009-05415
JI Lin,ZHANG Xi-zhou,LI Ting-xuan. Establishing Fertilization Recommendation Index of Paddy Soil Based on the “3414” Field Experiments in the Middle of Sichuan Hilly Regions
. Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2011, 44(1): 84-92 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.au-2009-05415
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"/> Establishing Fertilization Recommendation Index of Paddy Soil Based on the “3414” Field Experiments in the Middle of Sichuan Hilly Regions
"/> JI Lin,ZHANG Xi-zhou,LI Ting-xuan"/>






