【目的】探讨化肥在豫西地区不同地形农田的增产效益与增产潜力,为引导和实现化肥的优化配置和合理施用、提高豫西地区粮食产量提供参考依据。【方法】采用田间试验,研究了豫西地区平川地、坡平地、坡地等3种典型地形农田化肥施用量对作物产量的影响;并对3种典型农田化肥消费量与粮食产量的多年统计资料进行了分析,提出了二者之间的关系,并由此对豫西地区粮食增产潜力进行了预测。【结果】作物单产以平川地最高,坡平地次之,坡地最低。尽管在3种类型农田上使用化肥均可大幅度增加作物产量,但化肥增产效益以坡地最高,坡平地次之,平川地最低;对3种典型地形农田化肥消费量与粮食产量多年统计资料的分析也获得相同结论。根据田间试验结果对未来豫西地区粮食产量及增产潜力进行的预测表明,当采用本研究中最大施肥量时,豫西地区粮食总产量可达到4.24×109 kg,是2003年该地区粮食产量的2.1倍;并预测在增加粮食产量中,坡地贡献率占50.1%、坡平地占33.7%、平川地占16.2%,坡地和坡平地粮食生产对该地区粮食总产量具有决定作用。【结论】豫西地区3种典型地形农田中化肥增产效益存在差异,以坡地化肥增产效益最大。因此,加强坡地化肥投入,可有效地提高本区粮食总产量,对今后本区粮食的增产具有重要意义。
【Objective】The objective of this paper was to elucidate the relation of soil fertility and yield increasing benefits and potentiality, in order to rational allocation of fertilizer, and enhance crop yields in Yuxi area of Henan province. 【Method】 Based on field experiments and typical countries’ material, the relation of fertility application amount to crop yields in three type fields in Yuxi area of Henan was studied. 【Result】The results show that it achieved highest yields in flat land, and the yield of slopping land was lowest. Fertilizer could increase effectively yields. But the yield increasing benefits were depressed while land fertility increasing. The some results were got in typical county studied. According to field experiments results, the model of fertilizer application amounts and crop yields was build. And the yields increasing potentiality of Yuxi area had been discussed. If fertilizer of white was 200 kg•hm-2 and corn’s was 150 kg•hm-2,the fertilizer consumption of Yuxi area could been decreasing 31.7%, and the crop yields could been increasing 85.1%.【Conclusion】Land fertility hold remarkable impacts on fertilizer yield increasing benefits, and the yield increasing benefits was decreasing with the increasing of soil fertility. In county area crop yield could be enhanced with fertilizer rational allocation.
豫西地区 /
不同地形农田 /
化肥 /
增产效益 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Fertilizer utilization efficiency /
Agricultural resources allocation
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豫西地区不同类型农田化肥增产效益及增产潜力研究. 中国农业科学. 2007, 40(7): 1439-1446 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.au-2007-00213
Impacts of Soil Fertility to Fertilize’s Yields Increasing Benefits and Potentiality in Yuxi area of Henan Province. Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2007, 40(7): 1439-1446 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.au-2007-00213