
额尔敦木图,陈耀星,王子旭,李俊英,曹静,贾六军 ,巢国正

中国农业科学. 2007, 40(9): 2079-2083

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中国农业科学 ›› 2007, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (9) : 2079-2083. DOI: 10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.at-2006-7615


  • 额尔敦木图,陈耀星,王子旭,李俊英,曹静,贾六军 ,巢国正
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Effect of Monochromatic Light on the concentration of LH and FSH in the serum of Laying Hens

  • 额尔敦木图 Erdemtu
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【目的】研究单色光对外周血LH和FSH含量的影响,为阐明单色光对蛋鸡产蛋性能的作用机理提供科学依据。【方法】采用红、绿、蓝三种发光二级管和白炽灯,对蛋鸡进行光照,试验期19~53周龄,光强度15 lx,光照时间16h。【结果】25~34周龄段,蓝光组血清LH 和FSH值上升维持时间最长,峰值出现最晚。37~49周龄段,白光组LH值一直高于其它组,而40~49周龄,红光组LH和FSH值持续上升。在24h昼夜LH 和FSH分泌的变化中,白、蓝和红光组LH 和FSH值只有一个峰值, LH峰值分别出现在10、07和10h,而FSH 峰值出现在13、07和10h。绿光组LH 和FSH有3个峰值,均出现在07、16和01h。【结论】19~36周龄,蓝光促进LH和FSH的分泌, 37~53周龄,白光和红光促进LH和FSH的分泌,24h昼夜间各光组LH和FSH峰值(除白光组FSH外)均出现在上午。


【Objective】The concentration of LH and FSH in peripheral blood was studied by monochromatic light and to provide a scientific data about the mechanism action of monochromatic light effect on productive performance in laying hens. 【Method】Nineteen to 53 weeks old Laying hens were exposed to red, green and blue light from light emitting diode (LED) lamps and incandescent light in this study.All light sources were equalized under 15 lx light intensity for 16 h daily.【Results】The results show: 1) The rise length of LH and FSH in blue light was longest and the peak value of LH and FSH in blue light was appeared at the last time from 25-34 wk.The LH in white light was highest and significantly higher than those in other light groups from 37-49 wk and the rise of LH in red light was persistent from 40-49 wk.2) Within 24h, there is only one peak of LH and FSH concentration in W, B and R light treatments respectively, the peak value of LH concentration in W, B and R light treatments were reached at 10h, 07h and 10h.The peak values of FSH concentration in W, B and R light treatments were reached at 13h, 07h and 10h respectively.3) There are three peak value of LH and FSH concentration in G light treatment, both peak values of which were simultaneously reached at 07h, 16h, and 01h respectively.【Conclusion】The secreting of LH and FSH was enhanced by blue light from 19-36 wk and the secreting of LH and FSH was enhanced by white and red lights from 37-53 wk.The peak values of LH and FSH in All lights were appeared at morning within 24h (except FSH in white light).


单色光 / LH / FSH / 蛋鸡

Key words

Monochromatic Light / LH / FSH / laying hens


额尔敦木图,陈耀星,王子旭,李俊英,曹静,贾六军 ,巢国正. 单色光对产蛋鸡血清中LH和FSH含量的影响. 中国农业科学. 2007, 40(9): 2079-2083 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.at-2006-7615
额尔敦木图 Erdemtu. Effect of Monochromatic Light on the concentration of LH and FSH in the serum of Laying Hens. Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2007, 40(9): 2079-2083 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.at-2006-7615
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