采用目标性状基因库育种法培育出甜秆多穗型超早熟谷子(Setaria italica Beauv)新种质超早熟1号,该品种具有以下突出特点:(1)超早熟,生育期间仅需有效积温1 550℃左右,在海拔1 600 m以上的河北省坝头地带正常成熟,突破谷子"育成种"栽培的禁区,将我国谷子种植界限大大北移;(2)多穗,该品种不但具有分蘖成穗特性,而且中下部节间可产生多个分枝穗,是少有的谷子多穗型新种质;(3)秸秆甜、含糖量高,其秸秆全糖、可溶性糖、还原糖含量分别高出同产地普通品种74.8%、200.5%、237.2%;(4)粗蛋白含量高,高于普通品种3.9%~30.4%;(5)粒色可变,在石家庄种植为红谷,在河北省坝上种植为黄谷;该品种还具有优质高产综合性状优良的特点。
A new millet (Setaria italica Beauv) varity, super-early maturity No.1, with sweet-stalk and multi-spike was developed through several years of study by using target character gene bank in breeding. This variety has five outstanding characters. Firstly, super-early-maturity, the variety only need 1550℃ effective accumulated temperature and can normally mature in the Bashang Region in Hebei Province, thus could break through the forbidden zone of millet cultivation and move the margin of millet growth northward greatly. Secondly, this variety is a rare idioplasm of multi-spike, its branch can grow into spike and the burl in its middle and lower part can outgrow several spikes. Thirdly, its straw is sweet and has a high content of sugar. The whole-sugar, dissolvable sugar and deoxidized sugar in its straw are 74.8%, 200.5% and 237.2% higher than the common varieties, respectively, in the same region. Fourthly, high-content crude protein, which is higher than the common varieties by 3.9% to 30.4%. Fifthly, the color of grain is changeable. The grain of super-early-maturity No.1 is red in Shijiazhuang, but yellow in Bashang region. Also, this variety possesses the character of high quality and yield. In this article, the innovation way is introduced.
谷子(Setaria italica Beauv) /
多穗 /
甜秆 /
超早熟 /
种质创新 /
{{custom_keyword}} /
Key words
Millet (Setaria italica Beauv) /
Multi-spike /
Sweet straw /
Super-prematurity /
Idioplasm innovation /
Breeding way of aimed character gene bank
{{custom_keyword}} /
甜秆多穗型超早熟谷子新种质的创新. 中国农业科学. 2005, 38(01): 17-21 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.at-2004-2022
Innovation of Super-Prematurity New Millet Idioplasm with Sweet Straw and Multi-Spike. Scientia Agricultura Sinica. 2005, 38(01): 17-21 https://doi.org/10.3864/j.issn.0578-1752.at-2004-2022