Relationships Between Population Densities of Meloidogyne graminicola and Yield Loss of Upland Rice

XIAOQingyan, ZHANGLu, YANGZhuhong, PENGDeliang, YEShan, DINGZhong

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (27) : 108-114. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2023-0909

Relationships Between Population Densities of Meloidogyne graminicola and Yield Loss of Upland Rice

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To determine the relationship between population density of Meloidogyne graminicola and yield loss in upland rice, the effects of Meloidogyne graminicola initial population density (Pi) on the yield of upland rice and reproduction of nematodes were evaluated in pot experiments under the screen house condition with dry planting and management. The results revealed a linear regression relationship where rice parameters such as root length, root weight, plant height, tiller number, panicle length, 1000-seed weight and single basin grain weight decreased as Pi increased. The yield loss ranged from 28.4% at a Pi of 2 eggs and J2/100 cm3 soil to 67.8% at a Pi of 200 eggs and J2/100 cm3 soil. The reproduction factor of nematodes followed a declining trend with Pi. The relationship between population density and relative yield followed the Seinhorst model, Y=0.24+0.76(0.3252)(Pi). A significant positive correlation was noted between upland rice yield loss and Pi of 2 to 200 eggs and J2/100 cm3 soil under dry planting and management, indicating a high risk of harm to upland rice caused by M. graminicola.

Key words

Meloidogyne graminicola / initial population density / upland rice / yield loss / reproduction factor / pot experiment / seinhorst model / resistance assessment / planting method / population number determination / disease occurrence / damage assessment / inoculum collection method / plant growth dynamics

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XIAO Qingyan , ZHANG Lu , YANG Zhuhong , PENG Deliang , YE Shan , DING Zhong. Relationships Between Population Densities of Meloidogyne graminicola and Yield Loss of Upland Rice. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(27): 108-114


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Superkingdom Eukaryota; Kingdom Metazoa; Phylum Nematoda; Class Chromadorea; Order Tylenchida; Suborder Tylenchina; Infraorder Tylenchomorpha; Superfamily Tylenchoidea; Family Meloidogynidae; Subfamily Meloidogyninae; Genus Meloidogyne.Microscopic non-segmented roundworm. Plant pathogen; obligate sedentary endoparasitic root-knot nematode. Reproduction: facultative meiotic parthenogenetic species in which amphimixis can occur at a low frequency (c. 0.5%); relatively fast life cycle completed in 19-27 days on rice depending on the temperature range.Reported to infect over 100 plant species, including cereals and grass plants, as well as dicotyledonous plants. Main host: rice (Oryza sativa).Characteristic hook-shaped galls (root swellings), mainly formed at the root tips of infected plants. Alteration of the root vascular system causes disruption of water and nutrient transport, stunting, chlorosis and loss of vigour, resulting in poor growth and reproduction of the plants with substantial yield losses in crops.Nematicides, chemical priming, constant immersion of rice in irrigated fields, crop rotation with resistant or non-host plants, use of nematode-free planting material. Some sources of resistance to Meloidogyne graminicola have been identified in African rice species (O. glaberrima and O. longistaminata), as well as in a few Asian rice cultivars.Major threat to rice agriculture, particularly in Asia. Adapted to flooded conditions, Meloidogyne graminicola causes problems in all types of rice agrosystems.© 2016 BSPP and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.
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