Effects of Different Topdressing Stages on Production Characteristics and Yield of Rice
GAOGuoliang, GAOFarui, ZHANGQiaoling, WANGQiuyun, FENGWenjie, MAMengqing, HUANGXincheng
Effects of Different Topdressing Stages on Production Characteristics and Yield of Rice
Using the slow-release fertilizer as base fertilizer, the influence of different topdressing periods on rice growth characteristics and yield was studied to provide scientific fertilization measures and decision-making basis for rice production in Nansi Lake basin. The rice variety ‘Jirudao 1’ was used as the test material and five different topdressing periods were set up to carry out the tests. The amount of nitrogen fertilizer in the whole growth stage was 264 kg/hm2, the topdressing of nitrogen fertilizer was 69 kg/hm2, and the phosphate fertilizer and potassium fertilizer were applied at one time. The stem tiller dynamics, leaf SPAD value, leaf area and dry matter, yield and yield structure data were determined at different growth stages. The results showed that with the topdressing period, rice yield tended to increase first and then decrease and the yield order was T4>T5>T3>T1>T2. Before heading, especially during the booting stage, the tillers of T1, T2 and T3 were higher than that of T4 and T5. After heading tillers decreased rapidly in T1, T2 and T3, but kept steadily in T4 and T5. Finally T4 had the highest number of tillers, followed by T5. At heading stage, T1, T2, and T3 had higher leaf area index than that of T4 and T5, but at mature stage the order of leaf area index was T5>T4>T3>T2>T1. At the booting stage T1 and T3 were higher, followed by T2 and T5, and T4 was the lowest. At the mature period T4 and T5 were significantly higher than that of T1 and T2, and not much different from T3. Between treatments, the SPAD values varied less in the jointing and filling and more in maturity. At maturity stage, the value of SPAD in T4 and T5 decreased slowly. Under the premise of slow-release fertilizer as base fertilizer with side deep application, the effect of applying ear fertilizer was better than that of applying tiller fertilizer. The effect was better to pursue tiller fertilizer later, but better to pursue ear fertilizer earlier.
rice / topdressing / growth characteristic / yield / dry matter accumulation {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 试验处理设计 kg/hm2 |
处理 | 描述 | 基肥 | 促蘖肥 | 保蘖肥 | 叶龄余数4 | 叶龄余数2 | 总施氮量 |
T1 | 2次蘖肥 | 195 | 34.5 | 34.5 | 264 | ||
T2 | 促蘖肥(1次) | 195 | 69.0 | 264 | |||
T3 | 保蘖肥(1次) | 195 | 69.0 | 264 | |||
T4 | 穗肥 | 195 | 69 | 264 | |||
T5 | 穗肥 | 195 | 69 | 264 |
表2 氮肥运筹对水稻产量及构成的影响 |
处理 | 穗数/(万个/hm2) | 每穗粒数/粒 | 总颖花数/(万个/hm2) | 千粒重/g | 结实率/% | 实际产量/(kg/hm2) |
T1 | 322.25 | 85.37 b | 27 510.48 b | 28.00 | 95.60 | 7530.65bc |
T2 | 320.65 | 85.03 b | 27 264.87 b | 28.00 | 96.17 | 7175.59c |
T3 | 346.00 | 92.97 ab | 32 167.62 ab | 28.40 | 96.78 | 8605.18ab |
T4 | 365.10 | 98.88 ab | 36101.09 a | 28.20 | 97.08 | 9561.73a |
T5 | 341.25 | 98.78 a | 33 708.68 a | 28.12 | 97.07 | 9032.88a |
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【目的】研究不同缓控释肥及施肥方式对机插常规粳稻群体光合物质生产和产量的影响。【方法】 2013—2014年在江苏省丹阳市延陵镇南京农业大学水稻试验基地进行,以当地常规粳稻武运粳24号进行机插种植,试验设置3种缓控释肥(掺混肥、4个月树脂尿素、硫包衣尿素)以及一次性施肥和一基一蘖两种施肥方式,共7个处理,分别为掺混肥的一次性基肥施用(B-BSRB)、4个月树脂尿素的一次性基肥施用(B-PCU)、硫包衣尿素的一次性基肥施用(B-SCU)、掺混肥的一基一蘖施用(BT-BSRB)、4个月树脂尿素的一基一蘖施用(BT-PCU)、硫包衣尿素的一基一蘖施用(BT-SCU)和当地高产施肥方式(CK)为对照,各处理的施氮量一致,磷钾肥用量均相同。【结果】水稻产量表现为掺混肥>4个月树脂尿素>硫包衣尿素,2年结果一致;一基一蘖施肥方式>一次性施肥,掺混肥一基一蘖处理产量最高,2年产量分别为11.6 t·hm-2和10.1 t·hm-2,较常规高产施肥(CK)处理2年产量分别提高9.4%、12.2%。群体干物质重、叶面积指数、光合势均表现为掺混肥>硫包衣尿素>4个月树脂尿素;群体干物质重、叶面积指数和光合势均表现为一基一蘖施肥方式>一次性施肥,2年结果一致。干物质积累量、群体生长率在拔节期表现为掺混肥>硫包衣尿素>4个月树脂尿素,但是在成熟期表现为掺混肥>4个月树脂尿素>硫包衣尿素,一基一蘖施肥方式>一次性施肥。【结论】掺混肥在提高水稻群体干物质、叶面积指数、光合势及产量上优于4个月树脂包衣尿素和硫包衣尿素,一基一蘖施肥方式优于一次性施肥处理。与当地常规高产施肥相比,组配的掺混肥配合分蘖期速效氮肥的施用可以显著提高水稻群体的光合物质生产和产量。
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