Evaluation of Visiting Behavior and Pollination Effect of Bombus terrestris and Apis mellifera ligustica on Licorice

SUJia, BAOFang, WANGGuiping, SONGZhongxing, TANGZhishu, WEIYujie, SONGYingying, YANGJiale, ZANGGuangpeng, TANYao, YUYi

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2024, Vol. 40 ›› Issue (25) : 118-126. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2023-0636

Evaluation of Visiting Behavior and Pollination Effect of Bombus terrestris and Apis mellifera ligustica on Licorice

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In order to screen suitable pollinators for Glycyrrhiza uralensis and improve the seed yield of G. uralensis, the flower-visiting behavior and pollination effects of Bombus terrestris and Apis mellifera ligustica were compared. In the licorice field, during the flowering period of licorice, the inflorescences that were about to bloom under different pollination treatments were tagged and then the mature seeds of different treatments were harvested, and the number of pods per mature inflorescence, the number of seeds per pod, and the weight of 1000 grains, and other licorice yield-related traits were counted by conventional seed examination after pollination. The results showed that there were significant differences between A. mellifera ligustica and B. terrestris in flower visits to licorice. B. terrestris opened the keel flap more easily, and the single visit time [(2.98±0.05) s] was faster than that of A. mellifera ligustica [(8.19±0.21) s], and the frequency of visits to flowers [(12.98±0.29) flowers/min] was significantly higher than that of A. mellifera ligustica [(9.21±0.15) flowers/min]. Its peak emerging period (10:00) and peak homing period (14:00) were the same as those of A. mellifera ligustica. The number of colonies of A. mellifera ligustica was significantly higher than that of B. terrestris, but the seed setting rate of B. terrestris (52.92%) was higher than that of A. mellifera ligustica (43.33%), both of which were significantly higher than that of self-pollination (13.75%) and wind-borne pollination (22.19%). The pod numbers of single inflorescence pollinated by B. terrestris and A. mellifera ligustica were 20.67 and 19.41, respectively, which were 34.6 and 32.5 times higher than self-pollination, and 25.2 and 22.6 times higher than wind-borne pollination, respectively. The seed number of single inflorescence pollinated by B. terrestris and A. mellifera ligustica were 91.46 and 74.75, respectively, which were 33.0 times and 26.8 times higher than self-pollination, 28.5 times and 23.1 times higher than wind-borne pollination. The effective release distance of B. terrestris was about 210 m, which was significantly greater than that of A. mellifera ligustica (90 m). In conclusion, B. terrestris and A. mellifera ligustica are excellent pollinators for licorice, and B. terrestris shows better pollination effect on licorice, which can effectively solve the problem for insufficient vector insects in large-scale licorice seed production.

Key words

Glycyrrhiza uralensis / Bombus terrestris / Apis mellifera ligustica / flower-visiting behavior / pollination effect

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SU Jia , BAO Fang , WANG Guiping , SONG Zhongxing , TANG Zhishu , WEI Yujie , SONG Yingying , YANG Jiale , ZANG Guangpeng , TAN Yao , YU Yi. Evaluation of Visiting Behavior and Pollination Effect of Bombus terrestris and Apis mellifera ligustica on Licorice. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2024, 40(25): 118-126 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2023-0636


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【目的】利用从欧州引种、在中国繁殖生产的熊蜂,为几个品种的油茶进行授粉试验,探索熊蜂为油茶授粉的可行性和效果。【方法】在油茶花期试验地释放熊蜂,并给不同品种的油茶授粉。【结果】①熊蜂为油茶授粉后,不同品种之间坐果率差异较大,其中‘湘林210号'和‘长林4号'的坐果率和产量显著高于对照,而其他品种差异不显著; ②熊蜂为油茶授粉的效果受蜂巢与树之间的方向影响较大,蜂巢东南方向的坐果率分别明显高于西北方向; 在设置的范围内不同距离上熊蜂为‘湘林210号'和‘长林4号'授粉后坐果率大多差异不显著,仅‘湘林210号'在5 m处的坐果率显著高于30 m处的坐果率。③熊蜂为‘长林系'(多种长林品种混合)、‘湘林210号'和‘长林4号'油茶林授粉后,果实产量分别比对照显著提高72.39%、61.20%和28.39%。【结论】熊蜂不仅可以为油茶授粉,而且大幅度地提高了一些品种的坐果率和果实产量。
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