
Experimental Study on the Struvite Crystallization on Composting of Banana Stalk
TENGQing, LINXuanjie, LIUWei
Experimental Study on the Struvite Crystallization on Composting of Banana Stalk
Banana stalk is an agricultural waste, which is often discarded directly by farmers and further cause environmental pollution. To promote the recycling of banana stalk, magnesium chloride and potassium dihydrogen phosphate were added during the composting process of banana stalk to produce high-quality fertilizer which containing ammonium magnesium phosphate to achieve its resource utilization. The experiment was designed as two treatments, blank treatment (banana straw + EM composting bacteria), experimental treatment (banana straw + EM composting bacteria + magnesium chloride + potassium dihydrogen phosphate), and each treatment was three parallels. The results showed that the nutrient content of the experimental group was significantly higher than that of the blank group at the end of compost. The alkaline nutrient content of the blank treatment and the experimental treatment were 996.8 and 1974.0 mg/kg, respectively. The alkaline nitrogen content of the experimental treatment was about twice that of the blank treatment. The effective phosphorus content of the blank treatment and experimental treatment were 0.53 and 12.03 g/kg, accounting for 7.91% and 38.35% of the total phosphorus content, respectively. Adding magnesium chloride and potassium dihydrogen phosphate to banana stalk compost can effectively reduce the loss of nitrogen and phosphorus, increases the content of nitrogen and phosphorus in compost products, and effectively realizes the resource utilization of banana stalk.
banana stalk / struvite / compost / nutrient / organic fertilizer {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 预处理后香蕉秸秆的理化性质 |
试验原料 | 含水率/% | pH | 总碳含量/% | 总氮含量/% | 有机质含量/% | C/N |
香蕉秸秆 | 69.13 | 9.10 | 40.20 | 0.77 | 87.31 | 52.20 |
表2 堆肥过程中有效磷占全磷含量的百分比 % |
样品 | 1 d | 10 d | 17 d | 24 d | 35 d | 48 d | 63 d | 76 d |
空白组 | 15.28 | 39.50 | 24.46 | 16.91 | 13.05 | 2.84 | 0.61 | 7.91 |
试验组 | 26.34 | 38.94 | 25.49 | 45.32 | 45.03 | 42.00 | 60.96 | 38.35 |
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