Effects of Different Crop Rotation Patterns and Nitrogen Application Levels on Yield and Quality of Spring Wheat

GE Lili, ZHAO Cai, CHENG Baoyu, YIN Minxing

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (20) : 6-13. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2023-0120

Effects of Different Crop Rotation Patterns and Nitrogen Application Levels on Yield and Quality of Spring Wheat

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By optimising crop rotation patterns and nitrogen application regimes, changes in spring wheat yield and quality were explored to provide a scientific basis for establishing high-yielding, high-quality production practices on farmland. This study was conducted in the west oasis irrigation area of Gansu Province, and the trial was designed in a completely randomized group design. Four cropping patterns were established: wheat continuous crop (W), spring wheat-vicia sativa-spring wheat-vicia sativa (WV), spring wheat-winter wheat-vicia sativa (WWV) and spring wheat-winter rape-vicia sativa (WRV); three N levels were applied in the two-year crop rotation: without N (N0), 25% reduction of 270 kg/hm2 (N1), and conventional application of 360 kg/hm2 (N2). The determination of dry matter accumulation, yield and quality of wheat was carried out to establish a reasonable cropping pattern and nitrogen application system for the region, and thus increase wheat productivity. The results showed that dry matter accumulation increased rapidly from nodulation to filling stage at different levels of N application, N2 treatment had the highest dry matter accumulation at flowering stage, N1 reduced by 10.1% and 10.6% compared to N2 treatment; the three crop rotation patterns WRV, WWV and WV increased wheat dry matter accumulation by an average of 14.9%, 15.7% and 10.9%, and 11.8%, 8.6% and 8.1% in 2020 and 2022 compared to the continuous crop pattern. Under the reduced N treatment, wheat thousand grain weight, number of spikes per unit area and number of grains per spike were reduced, but the crop rotation pattern increased thousand grain weight, number of spikes per unit area, number of grains per spike, and yield. Yields were reduced by 11.5% and 12.5% in the N1 treatment compared to the N2, and increased by 18.5% and 23.8%, 10.3% and 16.1%, 6.0% and 11.5% in the WRV, WWV and WV rotations, respectively, compared to the continuous crop pattern. The crop rotation pattern combined with N fertilizer could effectively improve the quality of the seeds, where the seed protein content, sedimentation value and wet gluten content were enhanced. Correlation analysis showed that the crop rotation pattern combined with nitrogen fertilization had an enhancing effect on crop yield, which was mainly due to the synergistic increase in yield components. At the different nitrogen application level, the spring wheat-winter rape-vicia sativa rotation pattern had a significant effect on the yield and quality of farmland spring wheat. Therefore, it could be used as a new cropping pattern to improve the yield and quality of farmland wheat in the northwest oasis irrigation area.

Key words

spring wheat / nitrogen application level / cropping pattern / dry matter / seed quality

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GE Lili , ZHAO Cai , CHENG Baoyu , YIN Minxing. Effects of Different Crop Rotation Patterns and Nitrogen Application Levels on Yield and Quality of Spring Wheat. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 39(20): 6-13 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2023-0120


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【目的】作物的光合生理特性是影响产量的重要因素,冠层温度反映作物冠层的能量平衡状况,与作物光合生理特性及产量形成密切相关。研究不同覆盖方式下作物冠层温度与光合生理特性及产量形成,旨在优化耕作制度,提高干旱内陆灌区作物生产潜力。【方法】2014—2016年,在西北干旱灌区,通过田间试验,研究不同小麦秸秆还田及地膜覆盖利用方式下,小麦间作玉米模式中玉米灌浆期的冠层温度及光合生理特性。【结果】间作较单作可降低玉米灌浆期的冠层温度,以免耕小麦带25—30 cm高茬收割覆盖还田与玉米带地膜2年覆盖(NTSI2),免耕小麦带25—30 cm高茬收割立茬还田与玉米带地膜2年覆盖(NTSSI2)处理降低效果更为显著,较传统耕作每年覆新膜单作(CTM)处理分别降低10.3%与7.5%,比传统翻耕小麦带无秸秆还田与玉米带每年覆新膜(CTI)处理分别降低7.6%与4.7%。从冠气温差可知,NTSI2处理随气温变化玉米灌浆期冠层温度变化较小,可减小气温变化对玉米生长发育造成的不利影响。间作较单作可增大玉米灌浆期的光合速率(P<sub>n</sub>)、蒸腾速率(T<sub>r</sub>)及叶片水分利用效率(WUE<sub>L</sub>),以NTSI2、NTSSI2处理提高幅度较大,较CTM处理玉米P<sub>n</sub>提高比例分别为23.0%与18.1%,较CTI处理提高比例分别为13.4%与8.9%;同理,与CTM处理相比,T<sub>r</sub>分别提高7.9%与5.8%,与CTI处理相比,T<sub>r</sub>分别提高6.1%与4.1%;NTSI2、NTSSI2处理WUE<sub>L</sub>较CTM处理提高14.4%与12.0%,较CTI提高7.2%与4.9%,呈现水分高效利用的潜势。相同的净占地面积下,间作较单作玉米具有增产效应,增产幅度达到52.2%,其中NTSI2、NTSSI2处理较CTM处理分别增产57.2%与53.4%,较CTI处理分别增产17.6%与14.7%,说明免耕地膜2年覆盖与秸秆还田同步应用于间作模式可进一步加强玉米增产效应。【结论】在河西绿洲灌区,集成应用免耕秸秆还田与地膜2年覆盖技术是实现高产高效间作模式的理想耕作措施。
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