CBD and CBDA Contents in Fermented Cannabis sativa L.: Study of Dynamic Changes

GUAN Xin, QI Kexiang, LI Wanru, ZHANG He, JIANG Shuo, WU Tong, ZHENG Chunying

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (21) : 144-150. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0993

CBD and CBDA Contents in Fermented Cannabis sativa L.: Study of Dynamic Changes

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The aim is to study the dynamic changes of CBD and CBDA contents of Cannabis sativa L. after fermentation, clarify the correlation between CBD and CBDA, and provide reference for efficient production of CBD raw materials. With CBD and CBDA as indexes, Cannabis sativa L. were fermented by Saccharomyces cerevisiae, Lactobacillus plantarum, Escherichia coli and endophytic bacterium WF17, respectively. The dynamic changes of CBD and CBDA contents of Cannabis sativa L. before and after fermentation were analyzed by HPLC method. The CBD content reached the maximum value (3.1161 mg/g) on the first day after the fermentation of Cannabis sativa L. by Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The CBD content reached the maximum value (3.7786 mg/g) on the 9th day after Lactobacillus plantarum fermentation of Cannabis sativa L.. The content of CBD reached the maximum value (3.5502 mg/g) at 3 d after fermentation of Cannabis sativa L. by Escherichia coli. After the fermentation of Cannabis sativa L. by endophytic bacteria WF17, the CBD content reached the maximum value (3.9182 mg/g) at the fermentation time of 7 days. The content of CBDA decreased the most in the first day of fermentation. All the four fermentation strains could significantly increase the CBD content and decrease the CBDA content in the fermented Cannabis sativa L. to a certain extent, and there might be a process of CBDA to CBD in the fermentation process of Cannabis sativa L.. Therefore, fermentation technology can be used for efficient production of CBD in Cannabis sativa L..

Key words

Cannabis sativa L. / cannabidiol / cannabidiolic / fermentation / HPLC

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GUAN Xin , QI Kexiang , LI Wanru , ZHANG He , JIANG Shuo , WU Tong , ZHENG Chunying. CBD and CBDA Contents in Fermented Cannabis sativa L.: Study of Dynamic Changes. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 39(21): 144-150 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0993

0 引言

大麻(Cannabis satival L.)又称汉麻,属于大麻科(Cannabinaceae)大麻属(Cannabis)一年生草本植物[1],其植株含有精神活性成分Δ9-四氢大麻酚(Δ9-THC),是毒品原植物之一。为了便于管理,国际上将Δ9-THC含量低于0.3%的品种称为工业大麻[2]。大麻含有大麻酚类、黄酮类、生物碱等多种成分[3],作为大麻的专属性成分,大麻酚类化合物是目前的研究热点,其中,具有代表性的一种化合物为大麻二酚(CBD)[4]。该化合物是工业大麻中非成瘾性物质,具有抗炎[5]、抗菌[6]、抗惊厥[7]、抗氧化[8]、抗癌[9]等作用,并且对治疗神经系统疾病、心血管疾病等[10]具有显著疗效,可以有效地消除THC对人体产生的致幻作用,被称为“反毒品化合物”,是重要的食品、药品生产原料[11]

1 材料与方法

1.1 材料与试剂

工业大麻(Cannabis sativa L.):‘龙麻5号'(采集地点:黑龙江省农科院绥化分院科技创新农场)。
发酵菌株:酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)、植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)、大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)(购自黑龙江省科学院微生物研究所)以及五味子内生细菌WF17(Bacillus subtilis)(菌种保藏号:CCTCC No:M 2011079)。

1.2 仪器与设备

表1 实验主要仪器
仪器 型号规格 生产厂家
电子精密天平 PL303 梅特勒-托利多仪器有限公司
超净工作台 SZX 南通科学仪器有限公司
空气浴振荡器 HZQ-C 哈尔滨市东联电子技术开发有限公司
旋转蒸发仪 R-201 上海申胜生物技术有限公司
超声波清洗器 KQ-100DE 昆山市超声仪器有限公司
紫外可见波长检测器 FL2000 浙江温岭福立分析仪器有限公司
高效液相色谱仪 FL2000 浙江温岭福立分析仪器有限公司
400MH固体超导核磁共振波谱仪 AVANCE Ⅲ 美国Thermo Fisher公司
酵母蛋白胨葡萄糖培养基(YEPD):参阅文献[20]。配制方法如下:精密称取酵母膏10 g,蛋白胨20 g,葡萄糖20 g,琼脂粉20 g。分别将上述培养基中各组分放置于沸水中,待其完全溶解后,以蒸馏水将培养基总体积补至1 L,酸碱值调节至pH 7.1左右,分装,进行高压灭菌处理(121℃,30 min),取出,冷却,备用。
水杨素培养基(MRS):参阅文献[21]。配制方法如下:精密称取蛋白胨10 g,葡萄糖20 g,牛肉膏10 g,酵母膏5 g,磷酸氢二钾2 g,柠檬酸氢二铵2 g,乙酸钠5 g,MgSO4·7H2O 2 g,MnSO4·4H2O 0.05 g,琼脂粉20 g。分别将上述培养基中各组分放置于沸水中,待其完全溶解后,加入吐温-80 1 mL,以蒸馏水将培养基总体积补至1 L,调节pH 6.2~6.4,分装,进行高压灭菌处理(121℃,30 min),取出,冷却,备用。
牛肉膏蛋白胨固体培养基(NA):参阅文献[22]。配制方法如下:精密称取牛肉膏3 g,蛋白胨10 g,NaCl 5 g,琼脂粉20 g。分别将上述各培养基组分放置于沸水中,待其完全溶解后,以蒸馏水将培养基总体积补至1 L,将酸碱值调节至pH 7.1左右,分装,进行高压灭菌处理(121℃,30 min),取出,冷却,备用。

1.3 方法

1.3.1 菌悬液的制备

分别取上述的发酵菌株进行活化。无菌条件下,将酿酒酵母接种于YEPD斜面培养基,恒温培养(28℃,1 d);将植物乳杆菌接种于MRS斜面培养基,恒温培养(37℃,1 d);分别将大肠杆菌、五味子内生细菌WF17接种于NA斜面培养基,恒温培养(37℃,2 d)。
取上述活化后的各菌株(无菌条件下),分别加入5 mL无菌水,充分振荡摇匀后,于显微镜下观察计数(血球计数板计数法),将菌体浓度按比例稀释为1×107 CFU/mL,作为菌悬液,备用。

1.3.2 发酵样品的制备

取干燥的工业大麻叶,粉碎,过40目筛。精确称取10 g,置于100 mL的三角瓶内,加水(料液比为1:10),密封后,进行高压灭菌处理(121℃,30 min),取出,作为底物。
分别取“1.3.1”项下的各菌悬液5 mL,加入到工业大麻底物中(平行样品3份),置于空气浴摇床中培养(真菌:28℃,130 r/min;细菌:37℃,125 r/min),取出,冻干,作为工业大麻发酵样品,备用。

1.3.3 工业大麻发酵后CBD及CBDA含量的动态变化

表2 色谱条件
参数 设置条件
色谱柱 Venusil XBP-C18柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5 μm,USA)
流动相及波长 ①号流动相:乙腈-0.1%甲酸水溶液(75:25),220 nm;
②号流动相:甲醇-乙腈-0.1%磷酸水溶液(40:30:30),254 nm
流速 1 mL/min
柱温 25℃
进样量 10 μL
分别精密称取CBD、CBDA对照品,采用色谱甲醇配成每1 mL含0.1 mg的对照品溶液,备用。
精密称取“1.3.2”项下的发酵样品1.0 g,加入95%乙醇(料液比1:50),以50℃超声提取40 min,过滤,减压浓缩至近干(50℃),适量蒸馏水溶解,以乙酸乙酯进行萃取(3×100 mL),合并萃取液,减压回收(50℃),残渣以1 mL色谱甲醇溶解,作为供试品溶液,备用。
分别精确吸取“1.3.3(2)”项中所述的CBD、CBDA对照品溶液,按一定梯度比例,制备得到系列浓度的各对照品溶液。在“1.3.3(1)”项的色谱条件下,各吸取10 μL进样检测。以各对照品溶液的系列质量浓度(mg/mL)为横坐标(X),峰面积为纵坐标(Y),绘制标准曲线。

1.3.4 样品测定

分别对“1.3.2”项中不同发酵菌株制备的发酵样品,在“1.3.3(1)”项的色谱条件下,分别精密吸取(2)项下对照品溶液和(3)项下供试品溶液各10 μL,进行HPLC分析(n=3)。

2 结果与分析

2.1 工业大麻发酵后CBD及CBDA含量的动态变化结果

2.1.1 色谱条件下CBD和CBDA的分离结果

图1 色谱条件下CBD的分离

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图2 色谱条件下CBDA的分离

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2.1.2 线性关系考察结果

表3 线性关系考察结果
组分 回归方程 相关系数r 线性范围/(mg/mL)
CBD Y=6×106X+264479 0.9998 0.0625~1.00
CBDA Y=8.5198×105X+47651 0.9998 0.0625~1.00
实验结果表明,在0.0625~1.00 mg/mL的浓度范围内,CBD和CBDA这2种对照品的质量浓度与峰面积均呈现良好的线性关系。

2.1.3 方法学考察结果

表4 方法学考察结果
日内稳定性 日间稳定性 精密度 重现性 平均加样回收率(101.28%)
CBD 1.47% 1.40% 1.25% 2.08% 1.79%(n=6)
CBDA 1.45% 1.41% 1.24% 2.09% 1.77%(n=6)

2.1.4 样品测定结果

图3 工业大麻发酵前后CBD的变化

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图4 工业大麻发酵前后CBDA的变化

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2.1.5 发酵菌株对工业大麻中CBD及CBDA的影响结果

工业大麻经酿酒酵母(Saccharomyces cerevisiae)发酵后,分别于不同发酵时间内取样测定其CBD及CBDA的动态变化,结果见图5
图5 Saccharomyces cerevisiae发酵工业大麻后CBD及CBDA动态变化

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酿酒酵母发酵工业大麻后CBD含量在1 d时达到最大值(3.1161 mg/g),此后,随着发酵时间的增加,其CBD含量不再增加,并出现降低趋势,这可能是CBD成分不稳定造成的。而酿酒酵母发酵工业大麻后CBDA含量急剧下降,尤其在发酵第1 d内降低幅度最大,这可能是发酵菌株将其降解所造成的。
工业大麻经植物乳杆菌(Lactobacillus plantarum)发酵后,分别于不同发酵时间内取样测定其CBD及CBDA含量的动态变化,结果见图6
图6 Lactobacillus plantarum发酵工业大麻后CBD及CBDA动态变化

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植物乳杆菌发酵工业大麻后,CBD含量出现先增高后降低的趋势,在第9天时达到最大值(3.7786 mg/g);而CBDA含量随着发酵时间的增加出现逐渐降低的趋势,尤其是在第1天内降低幅度最大。
工业大麻经大肠杆菌(Escherichia coli)发酵后,分别于不同发酵时间内取样测定其CBD及CBDA含量的动态变化,结果见图7
图7 Escherichia coli发酵工业大麻后CBD及CBDA动态变化

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大肠杆菌发酵工业大麻后,其CBD含量随着发酵时间的增加出现先增高后降低的趋势,当发酵3 d时,其CBD含量达到最大值(3.5502 mg/g);而CBDA含量随着发酵时间的增加出现逐渐下降的趋势,尤其在发酵第1天时降低幅度最大。
工业大麻经五味子内生细菌WF17(Bacillus subtilis)发酵后,分别于不同发酵时间内取样测定其CBD及CBDA的含量动态变化,结果见图8
图8 Bacillus subtilis (WF17)发酵工业大麻后CBD及CBDA动态变化

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内生细菌WF17发酵工业大麻后,其CBD含量随着发酵时间的增加出现先增加后降低的趋势,当发酵时间为7 d时,其含量达到最大值(3.9182 mg/g);而CBDA含量则表现下降,尤其在发酵第1天时降低幅度最大。

2.1.6 4种不同菌株发酵工业大麻后CBD的含量结果

1:Saccharomyces cerevisiae,2:Lactobacillus plantarum,3:Escherichia coli,4:Bacillus subtilis

图9 4种不同菌株发酵工业大麻后CBD的含量结果

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3 讨论与结论

本研究采用4种目的菌株分别发酵工业大麻后,研究发现4种目的菌株均能在一定程度上使工业大麻中CBD的含量显著提高,而CBDA含量显著下降。工业大麻经酿酒酵母发酵后,其CBD含量在1 d时达到最大值(3.1161mg/g);工业大麻经植物乳杆菌发酵后,其CBD含量在第9天时达到最大值(3.7786 mg/g);工业大麻经大肠杆菌发酵后,其CBD含量在发酵3 d时达到最大值(3.5502 mg/g);工业大麻经内生细菌WF17发酵后,其CBD含量在发酵时间为7 d时达到最大值(3.9182 mg/g),而CBDA含量均在发酵第一天内大幅度降低。
上述说明,工业大麻在发酵过程中存在着次生代谢产物的增减变化,工业大麻在发酵过程中可能通过微生物转化的方式将CBDA及其他次生代谢产物转化为CBD,从而使发酵工业大麻中CBD含量显著增高。此外,通过发酵菌株的筛选,说明不同的发酵菌株,其转化底物的能力不同,在上述4种发酵菌株中,以内生细菌WF17的作用最为显著,在发酵7 d时其CBD含量可达到3.9182 mg/g。因此内生细菌WF17为CBD的最佳转化菌,后续可选取内生细菌WF17作为目的菌株,以该菌株发酵工业大麻,可高效生产CBD原料,最大限度利用工业大麻资源。此外,将工业大麻发酵药渣回收后可以进行微生物菌肥的制作[27],不仅有利于改善环境污染,还可以达到完善循环产业链的目的,从而降低工艺成本。


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Currently, there is a great interest in the potential medical use of cannabidiol (CBD), a non-intoxicating cannabinoid. Productive pharmacological research on CBD occurred in the 1970s and intensified recently with many discoveries about the endocannabinoid system. Multiple preclinical and clinical studies led to FDA-approval of Epidiolex®, a purified CBD medicine formulated for oral administration for the treatment of infantile refractory epileptic syndromes, by the US Food and Drug Administration in 2018. The World Health Organization considers rescheduling cannabis and cannabinoids. CBD use around the world is expanding for diseases that lack scientific evidence of the drug's efficacy. Preclinical and clinical studies also report adverse effects (AEs) and toxicity following CBD intake.Relevant studies reporting CBD's AEs or toxicity were identified from PubMed, Cochrane Central, and EMBASE through January 2019. Studies defining CBD's beneficial effects were included to provide balance in estimating risk/benefit.CBD is not risk-free. In animals, CBD AEs included developmental toxicity, embryo-fetal mortality, central nervous system inhibition and neurotoxicity, hepatocellular injuries, spermatogenesis reduction, organ weight alterations, male reproductive system alterations, and hypotension, although at doses higher than recommended for human pharmacotherapies. Human CBD studies for epilepsy and psychiatric disorders reported CBD-induced drug-drug interactions, hepatic abnormalities, diarrhea, fatigue, vomiting, and somnolence.CBD has proven therapeutic efficacy for serious conditions such as Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes and is likely to be recommended off label by physicians for other conditions. However, AEs and potential drug-drug interactions must be taken into consideration by clinicians prior to recommending off-label CBD.Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at epub@benthamscience.net.
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Mycocins have demonstrated inhibition of fungi, bacteria, parasites and viruses, in addition to being studied as epidemiological markers and in the development of vaccines. They are defined as extracellular proteins or glycoproteins with different activities, the main mechanism of action being the inhibition of β-glucan synthesis in the cell wall of sensitive strains. Given the resistance problems created by several microorganisms to agents commonly used in clinical practice, the discovery of new substances with this purpose becomes essential. Mycocins have potential as anti-microbials because they show minimal toxicity and do not present resistance.
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Analysis of cannabis has gained new importance worldwide, mainly for quality control within the legalized recreational and medical cannabis industry, but also for forensic differentiation between drug-type cannabis and legal products such as fiber hemp and CBD-rich/THC-poor cannabis. We herein present an HPLC-DAD method for quantitative analysis of major neutral and acidic cannabinoids in herbal cannabis and hashish: Δ-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Δ-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid A (THCA), cannabidiol (CBD), cannabidiolic acid (CBDA), and cannabinol (CBN). Plant material was dried, homogenized and extracted with a mixture of methanol/hexane. Chromatographic separation of the analytes was achieved on a core-shell C8 column using gradient elution with water/acetonitrile containing 0.1% formic acid. The analytical run time was 13 min and analytes were detected at 210 nm. The method is selective, sensitive, accurate, and precise, as confirmed through validation according to ICH and AOAC guidelines. Linearity in herbal cannabis ranged from 0.04 to 4.00% for the neutral cannabinoids, and from 0.40 to 20% for the acids. Linear ranges in hashish samples were 0.13-13.33% and 1.33-66.66%, respectively. The presented method was successfully applied to characterize 110 cannabis samples seized by the Swiss police, demonstrating its applicability for routine cannabis potency testing in the forensic setting.Copyright © 2019. Published by Elsevier B.V.
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