Alternative Splicing Events in Pituitary and Hypothalamus of Zhuanghe Dagu Chickens with Different Egg Production Levels: Analysis Based on RNA-Seq Technology

MAZhiyong, LIMeicheng, MAWei, WANGChunqiang

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (32) : 150-157. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0884

Alternative Splicing Events in Pituitary and Hypothalamus of Zhuanghe Dagu Chickens with Different Egg Production Levels: Analysis Based on RNA-Seq Technology

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In recent years, there have been great differences in the number of eggs laid by individuals of Zhuanghe Dagu chickens. Alternative splicing (AS) is an important mechanism of post-transcriptional regulation of eukaryotic genes, but there is no research on the correlation between AS and egg production in avian pituitary and hypothalamus. Based on RNA-Seq technology, this experiment analyzed the AS events of Zhuanghe Dagu chickens. The results showed that 769 and 813 differential AS events were detected in the pituitary and hypothalamic libraries, respectively. Five types of AS events were identified in both libraries (pituitary, hypothalamus), with the highest proportion of exon skipping (SE) and the lowest proportion of alternative 5' splice site (A5SS); NRCAM, SLMAP and CIB1 gene had a higher frequency of AS; 644 and 680 differentially spliced genes (DSGs) were screened from the two tissue libraries, respectively, with the highest proportion of SE and the lowest proportion of A5SS. GO and KEGG enrichment analysis annotated 329 and 337 DSGs, respectively; RT-PCR detection found that ESR1 was present in different AS events; a total of 6758 new transcripts were obtained from 12 libraries, and 12486 gene were optimized. The findings not only expand the understanding of AS events in poultry pituitary and hypothalamic tissues, but also provide new ideas for improving chicken egg production in research and production.

Key words

chicken / alternative splicing / RNA-Seq / differentially spliced genes / egg production

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MA Zhiyong , LI Meicheng , MA Wei , WANG Chunqiang. Alternative Splicing Events in Pituitary and Hypothalamus of Zhuanghe Dagu Chickens with Different Egg Production Levels: Analysis Based on RNA-Seq Technology. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 39(32): 150-157

0 引言


1 材料与方法

1.1 试验动物及分组


1.2 RNA分离,文库构建及测序

利用Trizol试剂从垂体和下丘脑组织样品中提取总RNA。Nanodrop 2000分光光度计(北京科誉兴业科技发展有限公司)检测RNA纯度。通过Qubit 2.0精确定量RNA浓度,并通过Agilent2100生物分析仪(安捷伦科技中国有限公司生产2100生物分析仪)评估RNA完整性。样品经过测试后,利用NEBNext®UltraTMRNA文库制备试剂盒,试剂盒由安捷伦科技有限公司提供制备文库。于Agilent Bioanalyzer 2100系统上评估文库质量。文库制备物在Illumina HiSeq 2500平台上测序,使用PE 150配对末端测序策略。

1.3 数据分析


1.4 可变剪接事件分析

使用rMATS(软件比较结果中每个样本的AS事件进行分类、数量统计以及对差异可变剪接事件进行分析。根据P值和错误发生率(False discovery rate,FDR)鉴定差异AS事件。以FDR<0.05作为差异AS事件的筛选标准。

1.5 差异剪接基因(DSG)的功能富集分析


1.6 新转录本的预测和基因结构的优化


1.7 RT-PCR验证雌激素受体1(ESR1)的AS事件

使用逆转录酶HIScript III RT试剂盒(Vazyme Biotech Co.,Ltd)、oligo-dT引物对总RNA进行逆转录分析。使用DNAman根据不同转录物的保守区域在单个反应中扩增出4个剪接变体。用于RT-PCR的ESR1的引物序列如下:正向5'-TTGATGGTGCTTTGAG-3'和反向5'-GAATGCCAGGTTCTGT-3',由北京华大基因生物公司完成引物合成。

2 结果

2.1 构建文库的测序

表1 测序分析
样品名称 原始读数 干净读数 总定位基因数目 外显子读数 映射正链读数 映射负链度数
LP_1 68317482 66328810 57680205(86.96%) 66.60% 27816090(41.94%) 27768078(41.86%)
LP_2 72359294 69806998 60386063(86.5%) 62.10% 29087549(41.67%) 29092824(41.68%)
LP_3 63889132 62116040 5366 920(86.4%) 64.40% 25918157(41.73%) 25814561(41.56%)
NP_1 64341034 61029484 52964336(86.78%) 64.10% 25448135(41.7%) 25489645(41.77%)
NP_2 69054884 67531462 59190144(87.65%) 65.20% 28511031(42.22%) 28463500(42.15%)
NP_3 62110264 60924682 52608969(86.35%) 64.60% 25342586(41.6%) 25363479(41.63%)
LH_1 79744218 77900 688 68487901(87.92%) 69.50% 32899952(42.23%) 32968715(42.32%)
LH_2 65534460 62447384 54556009(87.36%) 66.60% 26194279(41.95%) 26265470(42.06%)
LH_3 79835258 78021862 67701041(86.77%) 68.20% 32517332(41.68%) 32596024(41.78%)
NH_1 76681332 74134976 64570880(87.1%) 70.70% 30962806(41.77%) 31058491(41.89%)
NH_2 49332078 46982632 41205550(87.7%) 67.10% 19804054(42.15%) 19834071(42.22%)
NH_3 73617140 71760796 61408353(85.57%) 66.90% 29489160(41.09%) 29529056(41.15%)

2.2 AS及DSGs的检测

6个垂体组织文库中,从8720个基因中检测到16458 AS事件(平均每个基因可检测到1.89个AS事件),差异AS事件总数为769,其中,上调差异AS事件为384,下调差异AS事件为385,可识别5种不同类型的AS事件,按发生频率由高到低分别为:SE(83.87%)、MXE(8.90%)、RI(3.11%)、A3SS(2.41%)、A5SS(1.71%)。基因SLMAP(39AS事件)、CIB1(28AS事件)、NRCAM(24AS事件)产生AS事件频率较高,且主要为SE和MXE类型。
6个下丘脑组织文库中,从9448个基因中检测到19021 AS事件(平均每个基因可检测到2.01个AS事件),差异AS事件总数为813,其中,上调差异AS事件为418,下调差异AS事件为395,可识别5种不同类型的AS事件,按发生频率由高到低分别为:SE(83.77%)、MXE(10.06%)、RI(2.64%)、A3SS(2.07%)、A5SS(1.46%)。基因NRCAM(38AS事件)、SLMAP(33AS事件)、CIB1(28AS事件)产生AS事件频率较高,主要类型同垂体文库检测结果(表2)。综上,12个组织文库中,SE类型发生的比例均为最高,A5SS发生的比例均为最低;基因NRCAMSLMAPCIB1在两类组织文库中均发生较高频率的AS事件。
表2 AS分类、数量及DSGs
基因文库 基因 AS事件类型 AS事件总数 差异事件总数 差异剪接基因
垂体 8720 SE 13804 549(264:285) 548
MXE 1464 159(91:68) 159
RI 512 32(15:17) 32
A3SS 397 18(7:11) 18
A5SS 281 11(7:4) 11
下丘脑 9448 SE 15933 610(312:298) 613
MXE 1913 142(71:71) 142
RI 504 31(19:12) 31
A3SS 394 24(12:12) 24
A5SS 277 6(4:2) 6
表3 参与AS事件的基因(5例)
基因文库 基因 SE MXE RI A3SS A5SS
垂体 SLMAP 25 14 0 0 0
CIB1 19 9 0 0 0
NRCAM 20 4 0 0 0
CADM1 20 12 0 0 0
CARMIL3 18 3 1 0 0
下丘脑 SLMAP 23 10 0 0 0
CIB1 19 9 0 0 1
NRCAM 25 13 0 0 0
EPB4IL3 22 6 0 1 0
ABI3BP 19 4 0 0 0

2.3 基因的功能注释和富集分析

图1 GO分类

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表4 KEGG途径富集分析以注释DSGs
基因文库 途径 描述 P DSGs
垂体 gga04010 MAPK signaling pathway 0.029472063 12
gga04260 Cardiac muscle contraction 0.081935761 5
gga04261 Adrenergic signaling in cardiomyocytes 0.086900369 7
下丘脑 gga04520 Adherens junction 0.011715804 7
gga04530 Tight junction 0.062176625 6
gga04020 Calcium signaling pathway 0.083233215 9

2.4 新转录本预测和基因结构优化

构建的12个文库中共获得6758个新转录本,长度分布于170~35112 bp之间。根据外显子的预测结果,新转录本包含1~68个外显子。部分新转录本的结构和功能预测见表5。构建的文库中共12486个基因结构得到优化,6230个基因的5’端发生延伸,6256个基因的3’端发生延伸,部分已注释基因的优化结果见表6
表5 新转录本结构注释结果(7例)
染色体编号 来源 长度 正负链 外显子数 功能预测
4 Novel Gene 21214 + 1 nucleic acid binding
22 Novel Gene 11154 - 4 histone acetyltransferase KAT2B isoform X2
2 Novel Gene 8241 + 6 heat shock transcription factor, X-linked-like
12 Novel Gene 1896 - 15 hypothetical protein ENH_00063870
6 Novel Gene 34081 + 28 purine ribonucleoside binding
15 Novel Gene 7214 - 41 nucleoside binding
17 Novel Gene 5900 + 68 extracellular matrix structural constituent
表6 已知基因结构优化(10例)
基因ID 染色体编号 正负链 原始跨度 延伸跨度
ENSGALG00000000003 1 + 20174067-20177667 20157937-20179163
ENSGALG00000000081 16 - 205312-210738 204525-211382
ENSGALG00000000129 11 + 19064511-19086448 19064481-19107184
ENSGALG00000000233 27 - 4203293-4208774 4201773-4212041
ENSGALG00000000309 26 + 789839-794797 787968-795597
ENSGALG00000000296 5 - 27201732-27283175 27195404-27283845
ENSGALG00000000853 17 + 10878731-10887869 10872754-10887869
ENSGALG00000000862 23 - 1766445-1795825 1765749-1795881
ENSGALG00000000978 21 + 905170-916809 898302-932294
ENSGALG00000001042 19 - 615601-657520 613509-657908

2.5 ESR1基因的RT-PCR检测

分析中发现雌激素受体基因ESR1具有较多的AS事件,产生4种类型AS(图2)。RT-PCR结果发现存在3个不同长度的片段(分别为845、624、509 bp)(图3),表明垂体中的ESR1确实存在于不同的AS事件中。
图2 4种AS类型

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图3 ESR1基因的RT-PCR检测
注:M:DL2000 DNA Marker;1:垂体;2:对照

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3 讨论


4 结论



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Our previous work demonstrated that the type I GnRH receptor (GnRHR) resides exclusively and constitutively within membrane rafts in αT3-1 gonadotropes and that this association was necessary for the ability of the receptor to couple to the ERK signaling pathway. Gαq, c-raf, and calmodulin have also been shown to reside in this compartment, implicating a raft-associated multiprotein signaling complex as a functional link between the GnRHR and ERK signaling. In the studies reported here, we used subcellular fractionation and coimmunoprecipitation to analyze the behavior of ERKs with respect to this putative signaling platform. ERK 2 associated partially and constitutively with low-density membranes both in αT3-1 cells and in whole mouse pituitary. Cholesterol depletion of αT3-1 cells reversibly blocked the association of both the GnRHR and ERKs with low-density membranes and uncoupled the ability of GnRH to activate ERK. Analysis of the kinetics of recovery of ERK inducibility after cholesterol normalization supported the conclusion that reestablishment of the association of the GnRHR and ERKs with the membrane raft compartment was not sufficient for reconstitution of signaling activity. In αT3-1 cells, the GnRHR and ERK2 coimmunoprecipitated from low-density membrane fractions prepared either in the presence or absence of detergent. The GnRHR also partitioned into low-density, detergent-resistant membrane fractions in mouse pituitary and coimmunoprecipitated with ERK2 from these fractions. Collectively, these data support a model in which coupling of the GnRHR to the ERK pathway in gonadotropes involves the assembly of a multiprotein signaling complex in association with specialized microdomains of the plasma membrane.
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In vertebrates, GnRH binds to its receptor and stimulates predominantly G(q/11)-mediated signal transduction in gonadotropes. However, little is known about the GnRH receptor and its signaling pathway in tunicates, a group that arose before the vertebrates. Although tunicates have had duplications of a few genes in the last 600 million years, the early vertebrates had duplications of the full genome. Also unknown is the nature of GnRH signaling in the tunicate, which lacks both a pituitary gland and sex steroids. However, we know that tunicates have GnRH peptides because we previously reported six GnRH peptides encoded within the tunicate genome of Ciona intestinalis. Here we clone and sequence cDNAs for four putative GnRH receptors from C. intestinalis. These are the only invertebrate GnRH receptors found to date. Each Ciona GnRH receptor was expressed in COS-7 cells, incubated with each of the six C. intestinalis GnRHs and assayed for a signaling response. GnRH receptors 1, 2, and 3 responded to Ciona GnRH peptides to stimulate intracellular cAMP accumulation. In contrast, only GnRH receptor 1 activated inositol phosphate turnover in response to one of the Ciona GnRHs. The green monkey type II GnRH receptor cDNA was tested as a comparison and a positive control. In conclusion, the four GnRH receptors encoded within the C. intestinalis genome were all transcribed into messenger RNA, but only three of the Ciona GnRH receptors were biologically active in our assays. The Ciona GnRH receptors almost exclusively activated the cAMP pathway.
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The lamprey, which are divided into three families, including the Petromyzonidae, Geotriidae, and Mordaciidae, have been shown to regulate the reproductive axis through a functional hypothalamic-pituitary-gonadal axis. To date, two forms of gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) have been identified in the sea lamprey (Petromyzon marinus), lamprey GnRH-I (decapeptide and cDNA) and lamprey GnRH-III (decapeptide), both of which have been shown to be expressed in the preoptic-anterior hypothalamic region and both forms have been demonstrated to regulate reproductive function (i.e. steroidogenesis and gametogenesis). The objective of this study was to isolate the cDNA encoding the prepro-lamprey GnRH-III from eight species of lamprey using a PCR based subcloning procedure. A degenerate primer designed to the lamprey GnRH-III decapeptide was used to amplify the 3' end of each transcript, while gene specific primers were used to amplify the 5' ends. Phylogenetic analysis using the prepro-lamprey GnRH-III amino acid sequences was performed, in which the lamprey GnRH-III sequences divided into three groups, supporting the current view of the lamprey lineage at the family level. Finally, a phylogenetic analysis of these newly identified deduced amino acid sequences together with 64 previously described GnRH sequences suggests that the lamprey GnRHs are unique, as they group together separately from the three previously described paralogous lineages of the GnRH family.
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GnRH and its analogs are used extensively for the treatment of hormone-dependent diseases and assisted reproductive techniques. They also have potential as novel contraceptives in men and women. A thorough delineation of the molecular mechanisms involved in ligand binding, receptor activation, and intracellular signal transduction is kernel to understanding disease processes and the development of specific interventions. Twenty-three structural variants of GnRH have been identified in protochordates and vertebrates. In many vertebrates, three GnRHs and three cognate receptors have been identified with distinct distributions and functions. In man, the hypothalamic GnRH regulates gonadotropin secretion through the pituitary GnRH type I receptor via activation of G(q). In-depth studies have identified amino acid residues in both the ligand and receptor involved in binding, receptor activation, and translation into intracellular signal transduction. Although the predominant coupling of the type I GnRH receptor in the gonadotrope is through productive G(q) stimulation, signal transduction can occur via other G proteins and potentially by G protein-independent means. The eventual selection of intracellular signaling may be specifically directed by variations in ligand structure. A second form of GnRH, GnRH II, conserved in all higher vertebrates, including man, is present in extrahypothalamic brain and many reproductive tissues. Its cognate receptor has been cloned from various vertebrate species, including New and Old World primates. The human gene homolog of this receptor, however, has a frame-shift and stop codon, and it appears that GnRH II signaling occurs through the type I GnRH receptor. There has been considerable plasticity in the use of different GnRHs, receptors, and signaling pathways for diverse functions. Delineation of the structural elements in GnRH and the receptor, which facilitate differential signaling, will contribute to the development of novel interventive GnRH analogs.
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Nerve growth factor (NGF) epitomizes a family of proteins known as the neurotrophins (NTs), which are required for the survival and differentiation of neurons within both the central and peripheral nervous system. Synthesis of NGF in tissues innervated by the peripheral nervous system is consistent with its function as a target-derived trophic factor. However, the presence of low- and high-affinity NGF receptors in the gonads suggests another function for the NTs within the reproductive endocrine system. We now report that NGF is required for the growth of primordial ovarian follicles, a process known to occur independently of pituitary gonadotropins. Both the NT receptor p75(NTR) and the NGF tyrosine kinase receptor trkA were found to be expressed in the ovaries of infantile normal mice and mice carrying a null mutation of the NGF gene. The ovaries from homozygote NGF-null (-/-) mutant animals, analyzed after completion of ovarian histogenesis, exhibited a markedly reduced population of primary and secondary follicles in the presence of normal serum gonadotropin levels, and an increased number of oocytes that failed to be incorporated into a follicular structure. Assessment of mitogenic activity using two complementary proliferation markers revealed a conspicuous reduction in somatic cell proliferation in the ovaries of NGF-deficient mice. These results suggest that the delay in follicular growth observed in NGF(-/-) mice may be related to the loss of a proliferative signal provided by NGF to the nonneural endocrine component of the ovary.
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ROMERO C, PAREDES A, DISSEN G A, et al. Nerve growth factor induces the expression of functional FSH receptors in newly formed follicles of the rat ovary[J]. Endocrinology, 2002, 143:1485-1494.
The neurotrophin nerve growth factor (NGF) and its two membrane-anchored receptors are expressed in the developing ovary before the organization of the first primordial follicles. In the absence of NGF, the growth of primordial follicles is retarded, indicating that NGF contributes to facilitating early follicular development. The present experiments were undertaken to determine whether NGF can also be involved in the differentiation process by which ovarian follicles become responsive to gonadotropins. Treatment of 2-d-old rat ovaries in organ culture with NGF increased FSH receptor (FSHR) mRNA within 8 h of exposure. This effect was cAMP-independent but additive to the cAMP-mediated increase in FSHR gene expression induced by either forskolin or vasoactive intestinal peptide, a neurotransmitter previously shown to induce FSHR formation in neonatal rat ovaries. After NGF treatment, the ovary acquired the capacity of responding to FSH with cAMP formation and preantral follicular growth, indicating that exposure to the neurotrophin resulted in the formation of biologically active FSHRs. Quantitative measurement of FSHR mRNA demonstrated that the content of FSHR mRNA is reduced in the ovaries of mice carrying a null mutation of the NGF gene. These results indicate that one of the functions of NGF in the developing ovary is to facilitate the differentiation process by which early growing follicles become gonadotropin-dependent during postnatal life, and that it does so by increasing the synthesis of FSHRs.
GREORIY A, DOKSHIN A, REW E, et al. Oocyte differentiation is genetically dissociable from meiosis in mice[J]. Nature genetics, 2013, 45:877-883.
Oogenesis is the process by which ovarian germ cells undertake meiosis and differentiate to become eggs. In mice, Stra8 is required for the chromosomal events of meiosis to occur, but its role in differentiation remains unknown. Here we report Stra8-deficient ovarian germ cells that grow and differentiate into oocyte-like cells that synthesize zonae pellucidae, organize surrounding somatic cells into follicles, are ovulated in response to hormonal stimulation, undergo asymmetric cell division to produce a polar body and cleave to form two-cell embryos upon fertilization. These events occur without premeiotic chromosomal replication, sister chromatid cohesion, synapsis or recombination. Thus, oocyte growth and differentiation are genetically dissociable from the chromosomal events of meiosis. These findings open to study the independent contributions of meiosis and oocyte differentiation to the making of a functional egg.
WANG Y J, TENG Z, LI G, et al. Cyclic AMP in oocytes controls meiotic prophase I and primordial folliculogenesis in the perinatal mouse ovary[J]. Development, 2015, 42:343-351.
DRUMMOND A E, FULLER P J. Ovarian actions of estrogen receptor-β[J]. Seminars in reproductive medicine, 2012, 30:32-38.
MORIARTY K, KIM K H, BENDER J R. Minireview: Estrogen receptor-mediated rapid signaling[J]. Endocrinology, 2006, 147:5557-5563.
In addition to nuclear-initiated (genomic) responses, estrogen receptors (ERs) have the ability to facilitate rapid, membrane-initiated, estrogen-triggered signaling cascades via a plasma membrane-associated form of the receptor. These rapid responses are dependent on assembly of membrane ER-centered multimolecular complexes, which can transduce ligand-activated signals to affect a variety of enzymatic pathways, often occurring in a cell-type-specific fashion with tissue-specific physiological outcomes. In some instances, cross-talk occurs between these membrane-initiated and nuclear responses, ultimately regulating transcriptional activation. The role of splice variants in membrane-initiated estrogen responses has been described, notably those within the vascular endothelium. In this review, we describe the evidence for membrane ERs, the molecular components of the aforementioned signaling complexes and pathways, the relevance of ER splice variants, and ER-mediated responses in specific tissues. Our growing understanding of ER-mediated actions at a molecular level will provide insight into the controversies surrounding hormone replacement therapy in postmenopausal women.
COUSE J F, KORACH K S. Reproductive phenotypes in the estrogen receptor-α knockout mouse[J]. Annales D endocrinologie(Paris), 1999, 60:143-148.
SHAW N D, HISTED S N, SROUJI S S, et al. Estrogen negative feedback on gonadotropin secretion: Evidence for a direct pituitary effect in women[J]. Obstetrical & gynecological survey, 2010, 65(10):625-626.
NIU X, TYASI T L, QIN N, et al. Sequence variations in estrogen receptor 1 and 2 genes and their association with egg production traits in Chinese Dagu chickens[J]. Veterinary medicine and science, 2017, 79:927-934.
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