Regional Classification of Flue-cured Tobacco Quality Characteristics in Huili Tobacco Area

YUAN Wenbin, HUANG Hao, GUAN Luohao, LI Chao, WANG Wenhui, XIE Danfeng, YANG Tianxu, WANG Wei

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (22) : 96-103. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0668

Regional Classification of Flue-cured Tobacco Quality Characteristics in Huili Tobacco Area

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In order to distinguish the quality characteristics of flue-cured tobacco in different micro-ecological zones of Huili tobacco area, C3F grade tobacco leaves from 30 tobacco planting villages were selected. Membership function was used to standardize the raw data of 28 chemical components, coordination, sensory evaluation and appearance quality indicators of flue-cured tobacco, and principal component analysis and cluster analysis were used to establish a comprehensive quality evaluation model for flue-cured tobacco. Finally, the regional difference of flue-cured tobacco quality was visually represented by inverse distance weight (IDW). The results showed that the contribution rate of six principal components reached 82.259%, which could basically reflect all the information of the 28 chemical components. At the square Euclidean distance of 4.0, all samples could be divided into 4 categories, and the comprehensive evaluation score of the 4 categories of flue-cured tobacco was 2.070, 1.731, 1.459 and 0.950, respectively. The regional difference of flue-cured tobacco comprehensive quality index was obvious, and the overall spatial distribution showed a decreasing trend from northwest to southeast. The regional distribution characteristics of tobacco leaf quality in Huili were clarified. The study will provide reference for the production layout planning and the rational utilization of tobacco raw materials.

Key words

flue-cured tobacco / comprehensive quality evaluation / principal component analysis / cluster analysis / inverse distance weight (IDW) / Huili tobacco area

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YUAN Wenbin , HUANG Hao , GUAN Luohao , LI Chao , WANG Wenhui , XIE Danfeng , YANG Tianxu , WANG Wei. Regional Classification of Flue-cured Tobacco Quality Characteristics in Huili Tobacco Area. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 39(22): 96-103


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