
Application Status and Development Trend of Multi-source Remote Sensing Data in Forest Resource Monitoring
ZHANG Juan, LIAO Juyang, LIU Yan, WANG Ling, LI Qiaoyun, WU Linshi, HUANG Yaqi
Application Status and Development Trend of Multi-source Remote Sensing Data in Forest Resource Monitoring
In this paper, the application status and development trend of multi-source remote sensing in forest resource monitoring are described. Compared with traditional forest resource monitoring, which involves a large amount of manpower to carry out field investigation, satellite remote sensing and UAV remote sensing have obvious advantages in forest resource monitoring. In the forest resource monitoring research based on multi-source remote sensing data, this paper focuses on the comparison of the application of five kinds of multi-source remote sensing on forest resource monitoring, including: forest disease and insect monitoring, stand height measurement, forest canopy structure measurement, tree species composition and forest classification, and forest biomass measurement. Resource satellite, microwave remote sensing, imaging spectroscopy and new technologies and methods of forest resource monitoring in three-dimensional remote sensing, such as deep learning intelligent classification and multi-source remote sensing fusion technology, will become new means for multi-source remote sensing forest resource monitoring in the future. The application of differential GPS, three-dimensional remote sensing and hyperspectral images combined with mathematical computer technology can improve the accuracy of different levels of forest resource estimation. The automation and informatization of UAV remote sensing will be the development trend of UAV remote sensing application in forest resource monitoring. In addition, the long endurance capability and multiple types of sensors will further improve the accurate monitoring of forest resources by UAV remote sensing.
multi-source remote sensing / forest resource monitoring / satellite remote sensing / UAV remote sensing {{custom_keyword}} /
表1 卫星遥感应用于森林资源监测常见指标体系 |
一级 | 二级 | 三级 |
林地 | 有林地 | 针叶林地 |
阔叶林地 | ||
混交林地 | ||
疏林地 | — | |
未成林地 | — | |
灌木林地 | — | |
苗圃地 | — | |
无立木林地 | — | |
宜林地 | 宜林荒山荒地 | |
宜林沙荒地 | ||
辅助生产林地 | — | |
非林地 | 农地 | — |
水域 | — | |
未利用地 | — | |
其他土地 | — |
表3 常见无人机搭载传感器应用于森林资源监测 |
传感器 | 输出数据 | 应用 |
高光谱传感器 | 全波段光谱信息 | 森林病虫害监测[25-26],树种组成识别[27-28] |
可见光传感器 | 数字正射影像(DOM),数字表面模型(DSM) | 森林病虫害监测[29],林分树高测定[30-31],森林冠层结构与属性测定[32-33], 树种组成识别[3,34],森林生物量测定[22] |
多光谱传感器 | 多波段光谱信息 | 森林冠层结构与属性测定[35],森林病虫害监测[36] |
热红外相机 | 温度图谱 | 森林冠层结构与属性测定[37],森林病虫害监测[38] |
激光雷达 | 点云,数字地表模型(DSM),数字地面模型(DTM) | 森林冠层结构与属性测定[39-40],森林生物量测定[41] |
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森林生物量碳储量的空间分布及其变化信息, 对揭示地表空间变化规律及驱动因子、分析评价森林生产力及生态功能具有重要意义。该文以20世纪70年代、80年代、90年代和21世纪初4个时期的遥感数据和同期的森林资源清查样地数据为基础, 应用遥感信息模型, 估算了黑龙江长白山地区的森林生物量, 分析了该地区森林生物量的时空动态变化, 以及森林生物量随高程、坡度和坡向的变化规律。结果表明: 该地区4个时期的森林平均生物量分别为81.56、44.27、48.27和54.82 t·hm<sup>–2</sup>。4个时期总的森林生物量分别为5.37 × 10<sup>8</sup>、2.83 × 10<sup>8</sup>、3.06 × 10<sup>8</sup>和3.46 × 10<sup>8</sup> t。20世纪70年代到21世纪初森林平均生物量和总的森林生物量都呈现出先降低后增加的趋势, 呈先下降趋势的主要原因是20世纪70–80年代以森林采伐为主, 后增加趋势的主要原因是实施天然林保护工程起到了很大的作用。该地区4个时期森林生物量随高程、坡度和坡向都表现出一致性的变化规律, 森林生物量随高程和坡度变化都呈先增加后减少的趋势, 导致这一现象的主要原因是, 高程、坡度和坡向变化引起了局地气候条件的变化, 从而直接影响森林生长环境, 造成森林分布的变化。森林生物量在200–400 m高程所占的比例最大, 约为35%, 在坡度5°–15°所占的比例接近50%。森林生物量在南坡和西南坡所占的比例最小, 为7%; 平坡所占的比例最大, 为28%; 南坡次之, 为19%。
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通过微型无人机平台搭载微单相机监测亚热带地区森林生态系统冠层,发现在低空飞行时(飞行高度100m),仅能识别马尾松、湿地松和大叶相思3 个冠层树种;但在超低空飞行时(高度50 m)的影像分辨率较高,通过提取冠层的轮廓、纹理、结构、颜色等信息,能成功分辨出近20 种冠层物种,甚至可以识别出部分林隙中的林下物种。根据微型无人机遥感,可提取多种亚热带林冠信息,为森林保护或生态系统管理提供有效帮助。
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. Climate change has a major influence on forest health and growth, by indirectly affecting the distribution and abundance of forest pathogens, as well as the severity of tree diseases. Temperature rise and changes in precipitation may also allow the ranges of some species to expand, resulting in the introduction of non-native invasive species, which pose a significant risk to forests worldwide. The detection and robust monitoring of affected forest stands is therefore crucial for allowing management interventions to reduce the spread of infections. This paper investigates the use of a low-cost fixed-wing UAV-borne thermal system for monitoring disease-induced canopy temperature rise. Initially, camera calibration was performed revealing a significant overestimation (by over 1 K) of the temperature readings and a non-uniformity (exceeding 1 K) across the imagery. These effects have been minimised with a two-point calibration technique ensuring the offsets of mean image temperature readings from blackbody temperature did not exceed ± 0.23 K, whilst 95.4% of all the image pixels fell within ± 0.14 K (average) of mean temperature reading. The derived calibration parameters were applied to a test data set of UAV-borne imagery acquired over a Scots pine stand, representing a range of Red Band Needle Blight infection levels. At canopy level, the comparison of tree crown temperature recorded by a UAV-borne infrared camera suggests a small temperature increase related to disease progression (R = 0.527, p = 0.001); indicating that UAV-borne cameras might be able to detect sub-degree temperature differences induced by disease onset.\n
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该研究集成高分辨率无人机(UAV)影像和激光雷达(LiDAR)点云数据估算亚热带天然次生林林分基本特征变量。首先, 基于LiDAR点云和反距离加权插值法构建林下高精度数字高程模型(DEM); 然后利用UAV影像对序列构建植被冠层上层三维点云, 并借助DEM进行高度信息归一化, 提取高度和冠层点云密度相关的特征变量; 最后, 构建预测模型并估算Lorey’s高、林分密度、胸高断面积、蓄积量。结果表明: 联合提取的特征变量与Lorey’s高的敏感性最高, 蓄积量次之, 林分密度和胸高断面积最低; 利用UAV灵活快速的手段获取森林冠层信息, 辅以高精度LiDAR数据获取的地形信息, 两者互补实现一种可重复的快速、廉价和灵活的林分特征的反演方式。
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以雪峰山武冈林场为研究对象,利用遥感数据和地面实测样地数据,研究机载激光雷达(LiDAR)估测中亚热带森林乔木层单木地上生物量的能力.利用条件随机场和最优化方法实现LiDAR点云的单木分割,以单木尺度为对象提取的植被点云空间结构、回波特征以及地形特征等作为遥感变量,采用回归模型估测乔木层地上生物量.结果表明: 针叶林、阔叶林和针阔混交林的单木识别率分别为93%、86%和60%;多元逐步回归模型的调整决定系数分别为0.83、0.81和0.74,均方根误差分别为28.22、29.79和32.31 t·hm<sup>-2</sup>;以冠层体积、树高百分位值、坡度和回波强度值构成的模型精度明显高于以树高为因子的传统回归模型精度.以单木为对象从LiDAR点云中提取的遥感变量有助于提高森林生物量估测精度.
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油松是黄土高原地区重要的造林树种.快速准确地估测其地上生物量,对开展该地区森林资源动态监测等具有重要作用.本研究选取陕西省黄龙山林区石堡林场的油松人工林为对象,结合国产卫星高分二号(GF-2)的多光谱遥感影像与野外同时段实测样地数据,对其地上生物量进行了估算.提取了5种植被指数和8种纹理信息,基于普通回归、逐步回归、岭回归、拉索回归与主成分回归5种方法在4种纹理窗口(3×3、5×5、7×7和9×9)下建模,使用留一法交叉验证测试了每个模型的估算精度.结果表明: 提取的遥感因子之间存在着较为严重的多重共线性关系,大部分遥感因子与油松人工林地上生物量有较为显著的相关性;GF-2数据在石堡林场油松人工林地上生物量的反演中可以实现较高精度,其中估算效果最好的是使用了9×9纹理窗口的主成分回归模型,估算效果最差的是使用了3×3纹理窗口的普通回归模型.利用国产高分辨率卫星影像对油松人工林地上生物量进行反演研究,可以为西北地区林业部门进行森林生物量监测、资源管理与可持续经营提供科学依据.
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