Interannual Variations of Carbon Absorption and Emission of Farmland Ecosystem in Tianjin

LIMengqi, ZHANGHui, ZHAOJie, WANGLiyan, DONGYuchen, XIAOHui

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2023, Vol. 39 ›› Issue (14) : 159-164. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2022-0424

Interannual Variations of Carbon Absorption and Emission of Farmland Ecosystem in Tianjin

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Based on the statistics of main crop yield, commonly cultivated area, effective irrigation area, and the application amount of fertilizers, pesticides, agricultural film and diesel oil in Tianjin farmland ecosystem from 2010 to 2020, we estimated the carbon absorption and emission, in order to provide reference data for carbon sequestration and emission reduction in Tianjin farmland. The results indicated that the total carbon absorption of Tianjin farmland ecosystem was relatively stable from 2010 to 2020, with an annual average of 4.34 million tons. Among food crops, maize and wheat accounted for the highest proportion of carbon absorption, and showed a gradual increasing tendency. The total carbon emissions from farmland decreased year by year, from 328800 tons in 2010 to 142500 tons in 2020, with a total decrease of about 57%. Among the carbon emission sources, fertilizers accounted for the highest proportion of carbon emission, and basically decreased year by year. Diesel and agricultural film were the second largest emission source after fertilizers, and their carbon emissions decreased year by year. The carbon absorption of Tianjin farmland ecosystem was significantly higher than the carbon emission, indicating that the ecosystem had a strong carbon sink function. The annual change of the net carbon sink was not significant, with an annual average of 4.08 million tons.

Key words

farmland ecosystem / carbon absorption / carbon emission / carbon sink / Tianjin

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LI Mengqi , ZHANG Hui , ZHAO Jie , WANG Liyan , DONG Yuchen , XIAO Hui. Interannual Variations of Carbon Absorption and Emission of Farmland Ecosystem in Tianjin. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2023, 39(14): 159-164


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量化分析了甘肃省兰州、天水、庆阳、定西、金昌和嘉峪关及甘南藏族自治州7个地区的农田生态系统主要作物碳吸收、排放的动态变化。结果显示:研究区2007—2014年的农田生态系统碳吸收总量为1.67~61.18万t,年均增加率3.31%~18.10%。农田生态系统的碳吸收强度最大的是嘉峪关,其次是兰州;碳吸收强度最小的是定西,为0.62 t&#183;hm<sup>-2</sup>&#183;a<sup>-1</sup>。2007—2014年,兰州、天水、庆阳、定西、金昌、嘉峪关、甘南的农田生态系统的年均净碳源强度分别为-0.254、-0.241、-0.196、-0.221、-0.005、0.163、-0.042 t&#183;hm<sup>-2</sup>。
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