
Characteristics and Remediation of Secondary Salinization in Facility Soil
CHEN Linan, LIU Xiuchun, ZHOU Yanqi, ZHU Hong
Characteristics and Remediation of Secondary Salinization in Facility Soil
Secondary salinization in facility soil has become one of the main obstacles to the healthy development of facility agriculture. This article reviewed soil physical and chemical characters and types of salt ions of secondary salinization, and the research progress of remediation by summarizing domestic and foreign literature. A new prospect for the green chemical remediation of the secondary salinization in facility soil was discussed by analyzing the characteristics and remediation effect of three green chemical soil remediation agents: chitosan, glycinebetaine and poly-γ-glutamic acid.
secondary salinization / green chemical remediation / chitosan / glycinebetaine / poly-γ-glutamic acid {{custom_keyword}} /
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All microorganisms possess a positive turgor, and maintenance of this outward-directed pressure is essential since it is generally considered as the driving force for cell expansion. Exposure of microorganisms to high-osmolality environments triggers rapid fluxes of cell water along the osmotic gradient out of the cell, thus causing a reduction in turgor and dehydration of the cytoplasm. To counteract the outflow of water, microorganisms increase their intracellular solute pool by amassing large amounts of organic osmolytes, the so-called compatible solutes. These osmoprotectants are highly congruous with the physiology of the cell and comprise a limited number of substances including the disaccharide trehalose, the amino acid proline, and the trimethylammonium compound glycine betaine. The intracellular amassing of compatible solutes as an adaptive strategy to high-osmolality environments is evolutionarily well-conserved in Bacteria, Archaea, and Eukarya. Furthermore, the nature of the osmolytes that are accumulated during water stress is maintained across the kingdoms, reflecting fundamental constraints on the kind of solutes that are compatible with macromolecular and cellular functions. Generally, compatible solutes can be amassed by microorganisms through uptake and synthesis. Here we summarise the molecular mechanisms of compatible solute accumulation in Escherichia coli and Bacillus subtilis, model organisms for the gram-negative and gram-positive branches of bacteria.
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Addition of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) to soil can enhance microbial tolerance to salinity, but it is not known if salinity changes the response of microbial activity and biomass to addition of C and N, or how nutrient addition affects microbial tolerance to salinity. We prepared salinity treatments of non-saline soil [electrical conductivity (EC1 : 5) 0.1 dS m–1] without salt addition or adjusted to four salinity levels (2.5, 5.0, 7.5, 10 dS m–1) using a combination of CaCl2 and NaCl. The soils were amended with 2.5 mg C g–1 as glucose or as mature wheat straw (C/N ratio 47 : 1), with NH4Cl added to glucose to achieve a C/N ratio similar to that of wheat straw, or with NH4Cl added to glucose or wheat straw to achieve a C/N ratio of 20. Soil respiration was measured over 30 days. Microbial biomass C and N (MBC, MBN), dissolved organic C (DOC), and total dissolved N (TDN) were measured on day 30. Cumulative respiration and MBC concentration decreased with increasing EC, less so with glucose than with wheat straw. The MBC concentration was more sensitive to EC than was cumulative respiration, irrespective of C source. Addition of N to glucose and wheat straw to bring the C/N ratio to 20 significantly decreased cumulative respiration and MBC concentration at a given EC. This study showed that in the short term, addition of a readily available and easily decomposable source of energy improves the ability of microbes to tolerate salinity. The results also suggest that in saline soils, irrespective of the C substrate, N addition has no impact, or a negative impact, on microbial activity and growth.
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为了探究植物在盐渍化胁迫下对原油污染的适应性及改良措施,本研究以油葵作为研究对象,进行了原油-氯化钠-脱硫石膏盆栽正交试验和煤渣-沸石-脱硫石膏-锯沫盆栽正交试验.结果表明: 在盐渍化条件下,随着原油浓度的增大,油葵幼苗株高相对生长率(RGR)、地上生物量RGR、根氮磷比均显著减小,超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)和过氧化氢酶(CAT)活性呈先增加后显著降低的趋势;随着锯沫体积分数的加大,油葵株高RGR和地上生物量RGR均显著增加,SOD活性逐渐降低,说明锯沫在改良盐渍化原油污染土壤方面比煤渣、沸石和脱硫石膏效果显著.在盐渍化条件下,原油污染能够降低油葵幼苗的生长率,锯沫对改良原油污染有较好的效果.
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Transgenic lines of indica rice were generated by Agrobacterium-mediated transformation with the choline oxidase ( codA) gene from Arthrobacter globiformis. Choline oxidase catalyses conversion of choline to glycine betaine. Glycine betaine is known to provide tolerance against a variety of stresses. Molecular analyses of seven independent transgenic lines as performed by Southern, Northern and Western hybridization revealed integration and expression of the transgene as well as inheritance in the progeny plants. A good correlation was observed between levels of mRNA and protein accumulation, and a significant amount of choline oxidase product, i.e. glycine betaine, accumulated in R0 as well as R1 plants. Mendelian as well as non-Mendelian segregation patterns were obtained in the progeny plants. Challenge studies performed with R1 plants by exposure to salt stress (0.15 M NaCl) for 1 week, followed by a recovery period, revealed that in some cases more than 50% of the transgenic plants could survive salt stress and set seed whereas wild-type plants failed to recover.
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