
Effects of Long-term Intercropping and No-tillage on Soil Physical Properties and Crop Yield
LIUMin, ZHAOCai, FANHong, YINWen, FANZhilong, HUFalong, SUNYabin
Effects of Long-term Intercropping and No-tillage on Soil Physical Properties and Crop Yield
The long-term traditional film mulching farming system in the oasis irrigated area of northwest China has caused problems such as decreased stability of soil structure, excessive mulching film residue and deteriorated soil quality. This study explored the effect of no-tillage with film mulching of cereal-legume intercropping on soil physical properties and crop yield, aiming to provide theoretical support for mulching film residue reduction and soil quality improvement, as well as the optimization of tillage practices and crop planting modes. A field experiment was conducted in Hexi Oasis irrigated area from 2013 to 2020. The two factors, tillage practice and planting mode, were designed. The tillage practices included conventional tillage with film mulching (CT) and no-tillage with film mulching (NT); and the planting modes included monoculture of pea (P), monoculture of maize (M), and maize-pea intercropping (M//P). The related indicators concerning soil physical properties and crop yield were determined after maize harvest in 2019 and 2020. The results showed that: (1) there were significant differences in the content of ≥0.25 mm water-stable aggregates, mean weight diameter (MWD), soil bulk density and total soil porosity in 0-30 cm soil layer between NT and CT, compared with those of CT, the content of ≥0.25 mm water-stable aggregates, MWD and total soil porosity of NT increased by 2.02%-7.76%, 19.4%-26.0% and 1.97%-2.28%, respectively, and soil bulk density of NT decreased by 1.31%-1.57%; (2) compared with monoculture of pea and maize, maize-pea intercropping significantly increased the content of water-stable soil macro-aggregates by 12.60%-20.11% and 7.05%-11.55%, respectively, MWD increased by 9.61%-12.44% and 4.01%-8.01%, respectively, soil bulk density decreased by 2.97% and 1.98%, respectively, and soil porosity increased by 4.50% and 2.98%, respectively; (3) the tillage practice had no significant effect on crop yield, but planting mode had a significant effect on maize kernel yield, compared with monoculture of maize, maize-pea intercropping in unit area increased the yield of maize kernel by 29.41%-31.68% under NT, and by 31.92%-33.38% under CT. In summary, no-tillage with film mulching of cereal-legume intercropping was an effective agronomic measure to achieve the efficient utilization of resources, the reduction of mulching film residue pollution, the increase of crop yield and the improvement of the physical properties of farmland soil in oasis irrigated area.
intercropping / no-tillage with plastic film mulching / soil aggregate / soil bulk density / yield {{custom_keyword}} /
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不同土壤容重不同,其稳定性也不同。土壤容重的变化会引起土壤调节水、气、热能力的变化,提高土壤的自动调节能力可以使土壤肥力水平得以提高并满足植物对生长因子的持续需求。为研究土壤物理性质对玉米高产稳产的影响机理,以耕地棕壤为试验材料,采用盆栽方法,研究不同容重对玉米根系生长指标的影响,并进一步研究了施用不同有机肥量及模拟不同耕作深度对玉米根系生长的调控效果。结果表明:在设计容重范围内,容重增加,根系生长指标都表现为下降,容重大于1.2 g/m<sup>3</sup>时,不同处理根系生长指标差异显著;当容重大于1.3 g/cm<sup>3</sup>时,不同处理根系活力差异显著。施用有机肥对高容重土壤调控效果更好,有机质含量为4%与5%的处理差异减小,低容重土壤在所设计的有机质水平内调控效果也都较好。耕层厚度增加可以提高根系生长参数,但与对照相比,差异不显著。所以,对于紧实结构性较差的土壤,改善其调节能力应该通过增施有机肥的方法,紧实结构较好的土壤考虑使用耕翻的办法。
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