
Literature Review of Improving Rural Human Settlements in China Based on CiteSpace
ZHENG Shanfeng, WANG Yanwei
Literature Review of Improving Rural Human Settlements in China Based on CiteSpace
In order to find out the status and future development trend of research on improving the rural human settlement environment in China, 1617 Chinese sample literature concentrated on ‘improving the rural human settlement environment’ from 2010 to 2021 were collected from the research platform of CNKI. With the help of Citespace, we used the theory of scientific knowledge graph and scientometrics to conduct the cluster analysis, keyword emergence analysis and research hotspot trend analysis. The results show that: (1) in the process of improving rural human settlement environment, domestic scholars generally focus on five aspects, including rural elderly care, rural roads, toilet renovation, rural garbage disposal and rural sewage treatment, and have made certain research progress in all the 5 aspects; by using keyword emergence analysis and research hotspot trend analysis, the above five aspects will still be the hot topics of research in the future; (2) the existing research on improving the rural human settlement environment are mainly qualitative, with relatively superficial analysis and inadequate quantitative analysis. It is advisable to combine the qualitative and quantitative analysis in future research.
rural areas / human settlement environment / knowledge graph / CiteSpace / review {{custom_keyword}} /
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