Effect of Crop Planting Patterns on Soil Microorganisms and Crop Pests in Farmland

Li Linrong, Feng Jianlu, Liu Miaomiao, Mei Hao, Kang Zhenye, Cai Qingnian

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (29) : 99-106. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2020-0789

Effect of Crop Planting Patterns on Soil Microorganisms and Crop Pests in Farmland

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Soil connects the above-ground and underground ecosystems. Soil microorganisms play a key role in soil nutrient cycling and crop nutrient absorption from soil, which are considered as indicators of soil quality. Soil microorganisms can promote nutrient recycling and regulate plant growth and development by decomposing soil organic matter. With the variation of cropping structure in modern agriculture, especially in application of some planting patterns, adversity crop species on the above ground often affect the structure and diversity of soil microorganisms’ community, which further promote/retard crop growth and development, and have an impact on the occurrence of crop pests and crop production. In this paper, we reviewed the relationship among main planting patterns of crops in modern agriculture, soil environment and pest occurrence in farmland, highlighted the importance of scientific and reasonable selection of planting patterns, and discussed some key problems for further study of these planting patterns in agriculture practice.

Key words

crop / planting patterns / soil microorganisms / continuous cropping mode / crop rotation mode / mulching mode / pest

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Li Linrong , Feng Jianlu , Liu Miaomiao , Mei Hao , Kang Zhenye , Cai Qingnian. Effect of Crop Planting Patterns on Soil Microorganisms and Crop Pests in Farmland. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2021, 37(29): 99-106 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2020-0789


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Continuous cropping of soybean often causes significant declines in yields of soybean because of the outbreaks of soil-borne fungal diseases. It has been reported that wild crops often harbour a unique microbiome to benefit the host plants. Thus, it is necessary to find the different community structures of the rhizomicrobiomes associated with cultivated and wild soybeans in their continuous cropping. In this study, we simulated monocropping of cultivated and wild soybeans under greenhouse conditions to investigate the rhizomicrobiomes of both soybeans. Results indicated that the bacterial community structure still maintained a changing trend after four continuous planting seasons, while fungal community structure showed a stable trend as indicated by the high similarity in the fungal community structure between the third and fourth planting rotations in both soybeans. In addition, by comparing the continuous cropping of the two soybeans, we found different fungal groups in their rhizospheres between the wild and cultivated soybeans following each passage. Spizellomycetaceae was more highly enriched in the rhizosphere following cultivation of the cultivated soybean, while Chaetomiaceae and Orbiliaceae were more highly enriched in the rhizosphere of wild soybean. Taken together, results of this study suggested that although there was the same trend of stabilized fungal development in the rhizospheres of both soybeans, wild soybean rhizosphere had different fungal groups compared with that of cultivated soybean following their continuous cropping. The findings of this study may provide useful information for the farmers with regard to planting soybean, especially when they consider growing soybean in monoculture.Copyright © 2019 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.
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Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, a notorious soil-borne pathogen of various important crops, produces numerous sclerotia to oversummer in the soil. Considering that sclerotia may also be attacked by other microbes in the soil, we hypothesized that sclerotia in soil may affect the community of soil microbes directly and/or indirectly. In this study, we inoculated sclerotia of S. sclerotiorum in soil collected from the field to observe changes in microbial diversity over three months using 16S rRNA and ITS2 sequencing techniques. Alpha diversity indices exhibited a decline in the diversity of microbial communities, while permanova results confirmed a significant difference in the microbial communities of sclerotia-amended and non-amended soil samples. In sclerotia-amended soil, fungal diversity showed enrichment of antagonists such as Clonostachys, Trichoderma, and Talaromyces and a drastic reduction in the plant pathogenic microbes compared to the non-amended soil. Sclerotia not only activated the antagonists but also enhanced the abundance of plant growth-promoting bacteria, such as Chitinophaga, Burkholderia, and Dyella. Moreover, the presence of sclerotia curtailed the growth of several notorious plant pathogenic fungi belonging to various genera such as Fusarium, Colletotrichum, Cladosporium, Athelia, Alternaria, and Macrophomina. Thus, we conclude that S. sclerotiorum when dormant in soil can reduce the diversity of soil microbes, including suppressing plant pathogens and enriching beneficial microbes. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time a plant pathogen has been found in soil that can significantly suppress other pathogens. Our findings may provide novel cues to understand the ecology of crop pathogens in soil and maintaining soil conditions that could be beneficial for constructing a healthy soil microorganism community required for mitigating soil-borne diseases.Copyright © 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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