
The Application Situation and Development Trend of Organic Liquid Fertilizer in China
Li Si, Gong Yao, Zhan Baocheng, Li Youli, Wang Lichun, Guo Wenzhong
The Application Situation and Development Trend of Organic Liquid Fertilizer in China
Organic liquid fertilizer is an important source of organic fertilizer and it is widely used in agricultural production in China. It is rich in nutrients and beneficial microorganisms, which puts fertilizer effect and drug efficacy together, and plays a positive role in promoting crop growth and fruit quality formation. Due to the fluidity and bioactivity of organic liquid fertilizer, the transportation and storage of organic liquid fertilizer are limited. So its application is affected. This paper discussed the efficacy, kinds, producing, application methods and effects of organic liquid fertilizer in detail. The advantages and disadvantages of organic liquid fertilizer in agricultural production were analyzed. What’s more, development suggestions were put forward in view of the existing problems, to provide ideas for promoting the application of organic liquid fertilizer in modern agricultural production.
organic liquid fertilizer / nutrient substance / biocontrol function / fertigation equipment {{custom_keyword}} /
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