Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Bougainvillea Overwintering

Ma Xiaohua, Hu Qingdi, Zheng Jian, Zhang Xule, Liu Hongjian, Qian Renjuan

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2021, Vol. 37 ›› Issue (8) : 48-53. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb2020-0640

Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Bougainvillea Overwintering

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To study the adaptability of different Bougainvillea varieties under low temperature, 7 kinds of healthy and mature Bougainvillea plants ‘Brazil Purple’, ‘Mosaic Red’, ‘Green Cherry’, ‘Yunnan Purple’, ‘Pearl White’, ‘Lemon Yellow’ and ‘Chinese Red’ of two-year-old were used as the experimental materials to determine the content of malondialdehyde (MDA), proline, soluble protein and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) and the generation rate of superoxide radicals (O2 ·-) and the activities of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD) during the natural overwintering process. The results showed that the content of MDA, proline, soluble protein and H2O2 of different Bougainvillea varieties had significantly different variation trends during the natural overwintering period. The proline content of ‘Lemon Yellow’ showed a gradual decrease with the decrease of temperature; that of ‘Green Cherry’ and ‘Brazil Purple’ decreased first and then increased with the decline of natural temperature. The H2O2 content of ‘Brazil Purple’, ‘Mosaic Red’, ‘Green Cherry’ and ‘Yunnan Purple’ all had an increase-decrease-increase-decrease trend as the temperature decreased during the winter. The POD activity of ‘Yunnan Purple’ first increased and then decreased; while the POD activity of ‘Chinese Red’ showed a gradual decrease as the temperature decreased. Therefore, the low temperature adaptability of different Bougainvillea varieties is indeed very different, ‘Chinese Red’, ‘Brazil Purple’ and ‘Lemon Yellow’ show a strong low temperature adaptability; ‘Green Cherry’ and ‘Yunnan Purple’ have a weak low-temperature resistance, but they could survive safely overwintering, while ‘Mosaic Red’ and ‘Pearl White’ need to have leaf fall to adapt to the low temperature environment during the winter.

Key words

Bougainvillea / overwintering / low temperature / soluble protein / antioxidant enzymes

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Ma Xiaohua , Hu Qingdi , Zheng Jian , Zhang Xule , Liu Hongjian , Qian Renjuan. Physiological and Biochemical Responses of Bougainvillea Overwintering. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2021, 37(8): 48-53

0 引言

油甘(Phyllanthus emblica)又称余甘子,是大戟科叶下珠属一类小乔木,主要种植在马来西亚、泰国和印度等热带与亚热带国家,中国云南、广东和福建等南方地区也有广泛分布。油甘是药食兼用水果[1-4],风味独特,营养丰富,尤其维生素C含量远高于其他水果,且含有大量蛋白质和微量元素等,具有消炎、抗氧化、抗癌和抗衰等功效[5-9],受到人们广泛关注。油甘果实可通过腌制、提取、榨汁、发酵等不同方式加工成各种产品[10-11]。随着鲜食果茶的盛行,油甘需求量显著增加,栽培面积也逐年攀升,已成为乡村振兴的重要树种。

1 材料与方法

1.1 试验材料


1.2 试验方法


1.3 数据处理与分析

采用Microsoft Excel 2016软件对数据进行处理。采用SPSS 17.0软件进行单因素方差和皮尔森相关性分析。

2 结果与分析

2.1 留树保鲜对油甘氨基酸含量的影响

表1显示,留树保鲜的油甘果实中氨基酸含量与正季采收(11月上旬)相比呈上升趋势,且留树保鲜时间越长氨基酸含量越高。所测氨基酸结果中,除赖氨酸含量在次年1月采收与11月正季采收相比差异不显著外(P>0.05),半胱氨酸、谷氨酸、脯氨酸和羟脯氨酸的含量在留树保鲜3个月和6个月后均显著(P<0.05)上升趋势。其中,半胱氨酸、脯氨酸的含量在11月采收时分别为12.54、0.21 mg/g,留树保鲜至次年1月其含量为17.32、0.37 mg/g,4月采收的含量达到24.14、0.51 mg/g,约为正季采收果实的2倍;谷氨酸、赖氨酸和羟脯氨酸的含量在留树保鲜6个月后的含量分别是正季果的1.23、1.58和1.56倍。可见,‘上湖仙’油甘的氨基酸含量随留树保鲜时间的延长而增加。
表1 留树保鲜对油甘氨基酸的影响 mg/g
氨基酸 11月 1月 4月
半胱氨酸/(mg/g) 12.54±2.93a 17.32±1.88b 24.14±1.04c
谷氨酸/(mg/g) 1.66±0.01a 1.91±0.23b 2.05±0.28c
赖氨酸/(mg/g) 7.87±0.08a 8.14±0.16a 12.40±0.95b
脯氨酸/(mg/g) 0.21±0.01a 0.37±0.02b 0.51±0.01c
羟脯氨酸/(μg/g) 66.64±6.90a 89.31±4.87b 104.05±18.24c

2.2 留树保鲜对油甘糖含量的影响

与正季采收相比,‘上湖仙’油甘经留树保鲜后果实中总糖、蔗糖和还原糖的含量均显著(P<0.05)下降趋势,留树保鲜时间越长,下降越显著(表2)。总糖含量从119.16 mg/g(11月采收)下降至98.35 mg/g(1月采收)和78.34 mg/g(4月采收);还原糖含量下降最显著,次年4月采收与11月相比下降了46.9%。可见,留树保鲜不利于总糖、蔗糖和还原糖的积累。
表2 留树保鲜对油甘糖类的影响 mg/g
糖类 11月 1月 4月
总糖 119.16±4.40a 98.35±6.47b 78.34±3.97c
蔗糖 42.34±1.83a 37.61±2.94b 33.59±4.52c
还原糖 58.67±4.81a 44.85±3.76b 31.12±0.88c

2.3 留树保鲜对油甘营养成分的影响

正季油甘果实的水溶性果胶含量为1.87 mg/g,次年1、4月采收的含量分别为1.86、1.81 mg/g,留树保鲜后的含量与正季果相比差异不显著(P>0.05)(表3)。
表3 留树保鲜对油甘营养成分的影响
营养成分 11月 1月 4月
水溶性果胶 1.87±0.18a 1.86±0.18a 1.81±0.05a
还原型抗坏血酸 6.05±0.18a 7.80±0.11b 7.43±0.23b
单宁 5.08±0.07a 3.92±0.26b 3.33±0.48b
纤维素 95.28±8.45a 80.41±2.99b 78.02±3.38b

2.4 留树保鲜对油甘功能性成分的影响

表4数据显示,留树保鲜后油甘的总抗氧化能力、原花青素、类黄酮和总酚含量均呈显著下降趋势(P< 0.05)。油甘果实的总抗氧化能力经留树保鲜3个月和6个月后,分别降低了53.54%和68.75%;原花青素含量降低了46.03%和49.87%;类黄酮含量下降了48.96%和72.73%;总酚含量下降了55.93%和77.75%。尽管‘上湖仙’油甘的留树保鲜不利于原花青素、类黄酮和总酚积累,但这些酚类物质含量的降低有助于减轻果实涩味、提升口感。
表4 留树保鲜对油甘功能性成分的影响
功能性成分 11月 1月 4月
总抗氧化能力/(μmol/mg) 5.92±0.37a 2.75±0.22b 1.85±0.05c
原花青素/(mg/g) 7.80±0.11a 4.21±0.09b 3.91±0.15b
类黄酮/(mg/g) 34.21±1.84a 17.46±0.97b 9.33±0.48c
总酚/(mg/g) 58.02±3.38a 25.57±0.75b 12.91±0.07c

2.5 留树保鲜对油甘酶活性的影响

表5 留树保鲜对油甘酶活性的影响
酶活性 11月 1月 4月
碱性磷酸酶/[μmol/(min·g)] 50.64±1.58a 61.51±1.09b 72.73±3.06c
羧酸酯酶/(U/g) 77.62±6.39a 89.43±4.21b 91.06±9.38b
超氧化物歧化酶/(U/g) 166.40±21.27a 180.56±11.09b 186.72±9.23c
过氧化物酶/(U/g) 1020.44±91.48a 1333.57±72.64b 1539.67±86.22c
多酚氧化酶/(U/g) 27.68±4.12a 20.79±3.01b 19.08±2.63b
酸性磷酸酶/[μmol/(min·g)] 4.72±0.01a 1.78±0.03b 1.16±0.04b
过氧化氢酶/[nmol/(min·g)] 291.15±26.22a 202.28±18.49b 162.35±18.23c
乙酰胆碱酯/[nmol/(min·g)] 20.58±4.36a 11.37±3.27b 7.35±2.14c

3 结论


4 讨论



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