
Dynamic Response of the Soil Physical and Chemical Properties Under Simulated Snow Cover in the Sanjiang Plain
Chai Chunrong, Ni Hongwei, Liu Yingnan, Zhang Rongtao, Yang Jixian
Dynamic Response of the Soil Physical and Chemical Properties Under Simulated Snow Cover in the Sanjiang Plain
To study the dynamic response of soil physical and chemical properties to temperature changes under different snow treatments, soil samples from the Calamagrostis angustifolia wetland in the Sanjiang Plain were collected, and four snow treatments W0 (31.05%), W1200 (42.66%), W3000 (51.21%) and W6000 (76.66%) were simulated in the laboratory, and soil physical and chemical properties were tested. The results showed that the treatment of W6000 significantly increased soil pH; the three snow treatments significantly increased the content of soil soluble organic carbon; the treatment of W3000 and W6000 significantly increased the content of soil ammonium nitrogen; the treatment of W6000 significantly reduced the soil nitrate nitrogen content; different snow treatments had no significant effect on soil total phosphorus and available phosphorus; W1200 treatment significantly increased soil microbial biomass carbon, while W6000 treatment significantly reduced soil microbial biomass carbon; W1200 treatment significantly increased soil microbial biomass nitrogen, W3000 treatment significantly reduced soil microbial biomass nitrogen. Soil temperature under different snow treatments was the main influencing factor for the change of soil physical and chemical properties. Different snow treatments would change the physical and chemical properties of the soil during the freezing and thawing period, which had an important impact on the carbon and nitrogen cycle of the wetland ecosystem.
Sanjiang plain / Calamagrostis angustifolia wetland / snow cover / soil physical and chemical properties / soil temperature {{custom_keyword}} /
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Microorganisms have a variety of evolutionary adaptations and physiological acclimation mechanisms that allow them to survive and remain active in the face of environmental stress. Physiological responses to stress have costs at the organismal level that can result in altered ecosystem-level C, energy, and nutrient flows. These large-scale impacts result from direct effects on active microbes' physiology and by controlling the composition of the active microbial community. We first consider some general aspects of how microbes experience environmental stresses and how they respond to them. We then discuss the impacts of two important ecosystem-level stressors, drought and freezing, on microbial physiology and community composition. Even when microbial community response to stress is limited, the physiological costs imposed on soil microbes are large enough that they may cause large shifts in the allocation and fate of C and N. For example, for microbes to synthesize the osmolytes they need to survive a single drought episode they may consume up to 5% of total annual net primary production in grassland ecosystems, while acclimating to freezing conditions switches Arctic tundra soils from immobilizing N during the growing season to mineralizing it during the winter. We suggest that more effectively integrating microbial ecology into ecosystem ecology will require a more complete integration of microbial physiological ecology, population biology, and process ecology.
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