Revitalization of Rural Industry

Huang Guoqin

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (2) : 149-154. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20190700455

Revitalization of Rural Industry

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At present, the whole country is making every effort to promote the implementation of Rural Revitalization Strategy, whose focus is industrial prosperity. How to realize the revitalization and prosperity of rural industry is an urgent and realistic issue which is worthy of study. Firstly, this paper analyzes the status and role of rural industry revitalization in Rural Revitalization Strategy, and briefly reviews the development process of rural industry in China since 1949, and divides the process into four development stages: The first stage (1949-1977): the slow development of traditional industries; the second stage(1978-2000): the emergence of township enterprises; the third stage(2001-2011): the emergence of new industries; the fourth stage(from 2012 to now):the green "transformation" of rural industry. Secondly, it points out the prominent problems existing in current rural industry in China, such as: fewer categories of industries, small production scale, shallow industrial level, short industrial chain, low production efficiency, weak characteristic industries, lack of brand industries, poor industrial environment, low product quality and lack of competitiveness. Finally, in view of the above problems, this paper puts forward six principles and 10 specific measures to implement the Rural Revitalization Strategy and realize the rural industry revitalization, aiming at making a contribution to the implementation of the Rural Revitalization Strategy.

Key words

rural revitalization / rural industry revitalization / green development / agriculture, rural areas and farmers / economic, social and ecological benefits

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Huang Guoqin. Revitalization of Rural Industry. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2020, 36(2): 149-154


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