Novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae Culture: Effects on Performance, Muscle Quality and Intestinal Microorganisms of Fattening Pig

Zheng Wenyong, Yang Tao, Li Shuangquan, Lv Changxu, Shi Min, Ma Libao, Yan Xianghua

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Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2020, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (21) : 145-154. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb20190600268

Novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae Culture: Effects on Performance, Muscle Quality and Intestinal Microorganisms of Fattening Pig

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The purpose is to investigate the effects of the addition of new S. cerevisiae culture (YCB) in the diet on the performance, muscle quality and intestinal microbes of fattening pigs. 440 healthy three-way hybrid (Duroc × Landrace × Yorkshine) fattening pigs with an initial body weight of (61.49±0.36 kg) were randomly divided into 4 groups. The basal diet with no S. cerevisiae culture was test group I, adding 2.5% traditional yeast culture (YCA) was test group II, adding 2.5% new yeast culture (YCB) was test group III, and adding 5% YCB was test group IV. The test period was 60 days. The results showed that: (1) the addition of YCA and YCB in the basic diet improved the average daily gain and feed utilization rate of the fattening pigs, and the feed-weight ratio of the test IV group was the lowest, but no significant difference was shown (P >0.05); (2) compared with the test group I, the muscle drip loss rate and shear force in the test group II, III and IV were significantly reduced (P<0.05), and they were the lowest in the test group IV; compared with the test group I, the intramuscular fat in the test group II, III and IV increased by 2.8%, 6.7%, and 6.9%, respectively, but the differences were not significant; transmission electron microscopy revealed that the fibrillin protein in the test group II and IV was slightly degraded, and the myofibrillar proteins in the test group I and III were significantly degraded; (3) the abundance of genus Fibrinolytics such as Ruminococcus, Treponema, and Staphylococcus was increased in the feces of group III and IV, and lipid metabolism, carbohydrate metabolism, starch and sucrose metabolism were significantly enhanced (P<0.05), to improve bile acid metabolism and lipid metabolism. In summary, the addition of YCB to the fattening pig production can improve the performance and muscle quality of the fattening pigs. By regulating the intestinal microbes and then affecting the body metabolism, the suitable addition amount in the production is 5%.

Key words

novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae culture / fattening pig / production performance / muscle quality / intestinal microbes

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Zheng Wenyong , Yang Tao , Li Shuangquan , Lv Changxu , Shi Min , Ma Libao , Yan Xianghua. Novel Saccharomyces cerevisiae Culture: Effects on Performance, Muscle Quality and Intestinal Microorganisms of Fattening Pig. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2020, 36(21): 145-154

0 引言


1 冻融作用对土壤氮矿化的影响


1.1 冻融频数对土壤氮矿化的影响


1.2 冻融强度对土壤氮矿化的影响


2 冻融作用对硝化作用与无机氮流失的影响


2.1 冻融频数对硝化作用与无机氮流失的影响


2.2 冻融持续时间对硝化作用与无机氮流失的影响

徐俊俊等[40]研究发现随着冻融时间的增加,可溶性有机氮、NH4+-N 和NO3--N含量呈先增加后下降的趋势。李源等[23]研究发现4天的短期冻融循环使硝化速率和矿化速率降低,氨化速率提高,NH4+-N含量有所提高。而138天的长期自然冻融提高了矿化速率和氨化速率,在土壤水含量较高时,长时间的反硝化和淋溶作用抑制了硝化作用发生,使NO3--N含量显著降低,NH4+-N含量明显提高。土壤处于长期冻结情况下,土壤中存留的NH4+-N、NO3--N含量均会升高,而剧烈的冻融条件会使这部分氮素的流失加剧[41]

2.3 冻融强度对硝化作用与无机氮流失的影响


3 冻融作用对反硝化作用与N2O排放的影响


3.1 冻融频数对反硝化作用与N2O排放的影响


3.2 冻融持续时间对反硝化作用与N2O排放的影响


3.3 冻融强度对反硝化作用与N2O排放的影响


4 结语与展望



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The importance of the gut microbiota of animals is widely acknowledged because of its pivotal roles in the health and well being of animals. The genetic diversity of the gut microbiota contributes to the overall development and metabolic needs of the animal, and provides the host with many beneficial functions including production of volatile fatty acids, re-cycling of bile salts, production of vitamin K, cellulose digestion, and development of immune system. Thus the intestinal microbiota of animals has been the subject of study for many decades. Although most of the older studies have used culture dependent methods, the recent advent of high throughput sequencing of 16S rRNA genes has facilitated in depth studies exploring microbial populations and their dynamics in the animal gut. These culture independent DNA based studies generate large amounts of data and as a result contribute to a more detailed understanding of the microbiota dynamics in the gut and the ecology of the microbial populations. Of equal importance, is being able to identify and quantify microbes that are difficult to grow or that have not been grown in the laboratory. Interpreting the data obtained from this type of study requires using basic principles of microbial diversity to understand importance of the composition of microbial populations. In this review, we summarize the literature on culture independent studies of the pig gut microbiota with an emphasis on its succession and alterations caused by diverse factors.
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Obesity has recently been linked to the composition of human microbiota and the production of short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). However, these findings rely on experimental studies carried out using rather small and defined groups of volunteers or model animals. Our aim was to evaluate differences within the human intestinal microbiota and fecal SCFA concentration of lean and obese subjects. A total of 98 subjects volunteered to take part in this study. The BMI in kg/m(2) of 30 volunteers was within the lean range, 35 were overweight and 33 were obese. The fecal microbiota was characterized by real-time PCR analyses. With the primers used herein we were able to cover 82.3% (interquartile range of 68.3-91.4%) of the total microbiota detectable with a universal primer. In addition, the concentration of SCFA was evaluated. The total amount of SCFA was higher in the obese subject group (P = 0.024) than in the lean subject group. The proportion of individual SCFA changed in favor of propionate in overweight (P = 0.019) and obese subjects (P = 0.028). The most abundant bacterial groups in faeces of lean and obese subjects belonged to the phyla Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes. The ratio of Firmicutes to Bacteroidetes changed in favor of the Bacteroidetes in overweight (P = 0.001) and obese subjects (P = 0.005). Our results are in line with previous reports suggesting that SCFA metabolism might play a considerable role in obesity. However, our results contradict previous reports with regard to the contribution of various bacterial groups to the development of obesity and this issue remains controversial.
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HIV-1 poorly infects monocyte-derived dendritic cells (MDDCs). This is in large part due to SAMHD1, which restricts viral reverse transcription. Pseudotyping HIV-1 with vesicular stomatitis virus G protein (VSV-G) strongly enhances infection, suggesting that earlier steps of viral replication, including fusion, are also inefficient in MDDCs. The site of HIV-1 fusion remains controversial and may depend on the cell type, with reports indicating that it occurs at the plasma membrane or, conversely, in an endocytic compartment. Here, we examined the pathways of HIV-1 entry in MDDCs. Using a combination of temperature shift and fusion inhibitors, we show that HIV-1 fusion mainly occurs at the cell surface. We then asked whether surface levels or intracellular localization of CD4 modulates HIV-1 entry. Increasing CD4 levels strongly enhanced fusion and infection with various HIV-1 isolates, including reference and transmitted/founder strains, but not with BaL, which uses low CD4 levels for entry. Overexpressing coreceptors did not facilitate viral infection. To further study the localization of fusion events, we generated CD4 mutants carrying heterologous cytoplasmic tails (LAMP1 or Toll-like receptor 7 [TLR7]) to redirect the molecule to intracellular compartments. The intracellular CD4 mutants did not facilitate HIV-1 fusion and replication in MDDCs. Fusion of an HIV-2 isolate with MDDCs was also enhanced by increasing surface CD4 levels. Our results demonstrate that MDDCs are inefficiently infected by various HIV-1 and HIV-2 strains, in part because of low CD4 levels. In these cells, viral fusion occurs mainly at the surface, and probably not after internalization.IMPORTANCE Dendritic cells (DCs) are professional antigen-presenting cells inducing innate and adaptive immune responses. DCs express the HIV receptor CD4 and are potential target cells for HIV. There is debate about the sensitivity of DCs to productive HIV-1 and HIV-2 infection. The fusion step of the viral replication cycle is inefficient in DCs, and the underlying mechanisms are poorly characterized. We show that increasing the levels of CD4 at the plasma membrane allows more HIV fusion and productive infection in DCs. We further demonstrate that HIV fusion occurs mainly at the cell surface and not in an intracellular compartment. Our results help us understand why DCs are poorly sensitive to HIV infection.
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