To understand the level of regional ecological civilization and its evolutionary characteristics and influencing factors, we constructed an evaluation system of ecological civilization from four aspects of ecological status, ecological protection, ecological economy and ecological culture. Then, we evaluated the ecological civilization level of Henan Province from 2005 to 2015 by grey correlation model. The results showed that: (1) the average value of ecological civilization index was 0.460, and the average annual growth rate was 1.92% ; the overall level was gradually improved, but the regional growth was not balanced; the number of cities with high-level ecological civilization increased from 2005 to 2015, and the higher the level, the faster the growth rate; (2) there were significant regional differences of ecological civilization in Henan, the spatial characteristics were of higher levels in southwestern Henan and of lower levels in northern Henan; (3) the ecological civilization index of each subsystem was following the order of ecological status> ecological culture> ecological protection> ecological economy; the correlation between ecological civilization index (C1),
ecological status (C2) and ecological culture (C5) were the highest, and the correlation coefficient was 0.9454 and 0.9210, respectively, with significant correlation (P<0.05); (4) the factors affecting the level of ecological civilization in Henan were per capita regional production (X25), per capita arable land (X6), per capita park green area (X8), the share of environmental pollution treatment in GDP (X17), and the share of the tertiary industry in GDP (X 18).
Key words
ecological civilization; evaluation index system; spatial and temporal evaluation; correlation analysis; Henan Province
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