Effects of Irrigation on Plant Characters and Yield of Wheat After Low-temperature Treatment

Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin ›› 2017, Vol. 33 ›› Issue (25) : 1-7. DOI: 10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17010035

Effects of Irrigation on Plant Characters and Yield of Wheat After Low-temperature Treatment

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To study the impact of irrigation on wheat plant characters and yield change after low-temperature freezing,‘Zhoumai 22’was chosen as experimental subject, wheat plant characters and yield in late stage were analyzed when irrigation was done on the 1st, 4th, 7th day after keeping wheat plants under -6℃ for 4 hours in jointing stage and the soil moisture was 26%, 18% and 10%. The results showed that, with the irrigation time delay and irrigation water reduction, wheat tillering stem survival rate decreased gradually after freezing injury, the impact on characters of plant, ear, yield and the recovery of production decreased gradually. The highest tillering survival rate was obtained when irrigation after low-temperature freezing was conducted within 4 days and the soil moisture was 26%, the latent tillers regeneration rate significantly increased when irrigation after low- temperature freezing was conducted on the 1st day and the soil moisture was 18% . The plant characters significantly increased when irrigation after low-temperature freezing was conducted within 4 days and soil moisture was 18% , the ear yield character significantly increased when irrigation after low-temperature freezing was conducted on the 1st day and the soil moisture was 18%. The big ear production significantly increased when irrigation after low-temperature freezing was conducted within 4 days and the soil moisture was 18%, the latent tillers live rate significantly increased when irrigation after low-temperature freezing was conducted on the 1st day and the soil moisture was 26%. This study showed that the irrigation had more influence on wheat forming ear while less influence on kernels per spike and grain weight.

Key words

wheat; low-temperature freezing; irrigation; plant character; yield

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Effects of Irrigation on Plant Characters and Yield of Wheat After Low-temperature Treatment. Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin. 2017, 33(25): 1-7 https://doi.org/10.11924/j.issn.1000-6850.casb17010035


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